2019-2020学年外研版英语选修6课后作业含答案:Module 2 Section 2

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1、Section Grammar一、用所给动词的正确形式填空1.She rang him up, (hope) to get his support. 答案:hoping2.The cup dropped to the ground, (break)into pieces. 答案:breaking3. (be) ill,he can t take part in the sports meeting. 答案:Being4. (not know) how to solve the problem,he turned to his teacher. 答案:Not knowing5. (wait) f

2、or a while,you can get the result. 答案:Waiting二、根据汉语提示完成句子1. (听到坏消息),Mary felt very sad. 答案:Hearing the bad news2. (没有公共汽车),we had to go to work on foot. 答案:There being no bus3.The fire lasted nearly five days, (没有剩下什么值钱的东西). 答案:leaving nothing valuable4. (出国之前),he studied in Peking University. 答案:Be

3、fore going abroad5. (虽然从早到晚地拼命干活),his father didnt get enough food. 答案:Although working hard from morning till night三、完形填空导学号 36224009Almost four months ago,I lost my sister to breast cancer(乳腺癌).It was a very 1 loss.So when my mother called to tell me that she had been diagnosed with lung cancer ju

4、st weeks later,my 5-year-old daughter,Daelynn,and I were 2 .We made a special 3 to Wisconsin a week ago to 4 with my mother for some time.When we said goodbye,we hoped it wouldnt be for the last time. A few days ago,Daelynn saw a(n) 5 on television about donating(捐赠) hair to those who have 6 .First,

5、she asked 7 she could give hers to Grandma.I told her that Grandma probably would like to see her 8 it to another little girl who might 9 it more.She asked if I thought her hair was long enough to 10 with someone who needs it,to which I said yes.I told her it would mean that she would have 11 hair,a

6、nd she told me in a very 12 voice,“Yes,its only hair;itll grow back!” Today she 13 it was time to get it cut and was very 14 about sharing her hair.We measured and 15 9 inches,which she placed in a bag. She then made a speech so sweet that I was 16 to tears. “Dear hair,weve been together for a long

7、time,but I know you will make any little girl who cant have her own hair very 17 .” She loved her short hair and said that now two people were glad.I told her that more than just two people were glad and that I was so 18 of her for choosing to do such a 19 thing for someone else.She wanted me to not

8、e that she was sending her hair 20 her Aunt Kelsie and her Grandmother Kay Lee. 1.A.major B.simple C.hard D.slight答案:C解析:“我”的姐姐四个月前因乳腺癌去世,由此可知,失去姐姐让“我”很“难过(hard)”。2.A.disappointed B.heartbrokenC.discouraged D.terrified答案:B解析:得知母亲被诊断出患有肺癌 ,“我”和五岁的女儿非常“悲痛(heartbroken)” 。3.A.trip B.effort C.wish D.call

9、答案:A解析:由下文中的 to Wisconsin 可知,我们“专程(made a special trip)”去了威斯康星州去看望母亲。4.A.work B.stay C.wait D.discuss答案:B解析:由下文中的 with my mother for some time 可知,我们去看望母亲 ,陪她“ 待(stay)” 一些日子。5.A.play B.argumentC.movie D.advertisement答案:D解析:由下文的描述可知,女儿 Daelynn 想把头发捐给外婆,由此可知,她是看到了电视上的“广告(advertisement)”而受到启发。6.A.cancer

10、 B.power C.trouble D.luck答案:A解析:根据常识可知,患有“ 癌症(cancer)” 的病人因化疗会失去头发。7.A.why B.how C.where D.if答案:D解析:由下文中的“I told her that Grandma probably would like to see her.”可知,Daelynn 问她“能否(if)” 把头发捐给外婆。8.A.show B.pass C.donate D.lend答案:C9.A.lack B.need C.like D.miss答案:B解析:由上文中的 donating hair to 以及 give hers t

11、o Grandma 可知,“我”告诉她,外婆宁愿她把头发“捐给(donate)”其他更“ 需要(need)”的小女孩。10.A.connect B.liveC.share D.communicate答案:C解析:由下文中的 sharing her hair 可知,她问“我”是否认为她的头发足够长,可以与需要的人“分享(share)”。11.A.white B.thick C.untidy D.short答案:D解析:由下文中的 itll grow back 可知,“我” 告诉她,捐献头发意味着她的头发会变“短(short)”。12.A.positive B.flat C.sharp D.low

12、答案:A解析:由 Daelynn 的回答可知,她很“ 肯定(positive)” 。13.A.checked B.predictedC.decided D.reminded答案:C解析:Daelynn“ 决定(decided)”今天去剪头发。14.A.curious B.excited C.worried D.nervous答案:B解析:由上下文的描述可知,Daelynn 非常渴望能捐献头发,所以她对能分享自己的头发感到非常“兴奋(excited)”。15.A.picked out B.threw awayC.took away D.cut off答案:D解析:由上文中的 it was tim

13、e to get it cut 和下文中的 9 inches 可知,我们量了她的头发,“剪下来(cut off)”9 英寸。16.A.moved B.pleasedC.surprised D.encouraged答案:A解析:由下文 Daelynn 说的话可推知,女儿的演讲如此深情动人,发自肺腑,“我”“ 感动(moved)”得落泪了。17.A.relaxed B.calmC.happy D.comfortable答案:C解析:由下文中的 says that now two people are glad 可知,Daelynn 希望她的头发能让没有头发的小女孩“开心(happy)”。18.A.

14、fond B.proud C.afraid D.tired答案:B解析:由文中的描述可知,“ 我”为女儿的选择感到“骄傲(proud)”。19.A.beautiful B.silly C.crazy D.boring答案:A解析:五岁的女儿决定把头发捐给患有癌症的其他小女孩 ,这是她选择的为别人做的一件“美好的(beautiful)”事情。20.A.in fear of B.in case ofC.in terms of D.in honor of答案:D解析:Daelynn 捐献头发是为了“ 纪念(in honor of)”姨妈和外婆。四、短文改错Today we visit a farm.

15、Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went to there together.The farm worker gave us a warmly welcome.Then the head of the farm showed them around.What glad we were to see the crops or vegetables growing well.At noon we had picnic lunch in the sunshine.After a short rest,we had great fu

16、n singing,dancing,and told jokes or stories.Two of us even played a game of chess.Time passed quickly.Until we knew it,we had to say goodbye to the workers.答案:第一句:visitvisited第二句:去掉 to第三句:workerworkers;warmlywarm第四句:themus第五句:WhatHow;orand第六句:在 picnic 前加 a第七句:toldtelling第十句:UntilBefore五、语篇填空Odysseus

17、 is a literary figure in the Odyssey written by Homer.He rejected the comfortable life of a Greek king and made a promise to help another Greek leader,Menelaus,get his wife back.But the war 1. (drag) on and on and he was away from his family for ten years.During this time the fortunes of the war wer

18、e so 2. (change) that no one could predict 3. would win.Odysseus became tired of the war and the delay in Troy.He 4. (urgent) wanted to return home,so 5. the Greek kings had their regular weekly meeting he suggested that they take an opportunity to trick the Trojans.The Greeks built a giant wooden h

19、orse 6. that men could hide inside it.The Greeks then pretended 7. (leave) abroad their ships as if they 8. (discourage) by the length of the war.The Trojans blessed their God 9. their good fortune and prepared to celebrate.That night the men climbed out of the horse and opened the city gates to the Greek army.The Trojans awoke to the boom of the warning bell 10. (announce) a Greek victory.So the war ended but the punishment of the Trojan people was only just beginning. 答案:1.dragged 2.changeable 3.who 4.urgently5.when 6.so 7.to leave 8.were discouraged 9.for10.announcing


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