2019英语译林版必修5作业:Unit 1 课时跟踪练(一)含解析

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1、课时跟踪练(一) Welcome to the unit & Reading Pre reading.阅读理解AFarmer John and farmer Bob were neighbors.For more than 30 years, they had been getting along very well.Then their good relationship broke.It began with a small thing, then bitter words, and then weeks of silence.One morning farmer John woke up

2、 to find a stream between the two farms.“It must be Bob, ” John thought.Then one day there was a knock on Johns door.He opened it to find a carpenter standing at the doorway.“Im looking for a few days work, ” the carpenter said.“I do have a job for you, ” John said.“Look across the stream at that fa

3、rm.Thats my neighbor Bob.He dug a stream between the two farms.I want you to build a fence an 8foot fence.I dont want to see his place or his face any more.I dont have such a neighbor!”The carpenter said, “I think I know what to do, sir, and that Ill be able to do a job that pleases you.”Farmer John

4、 helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day.About sunset when the farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job.The farmers eyes opened wide.There was no fence at all!It was a bridge! And the neighbor, Bob, was coming across, with his hand outstretched(伸出

5、) “Hi, John! Youre_quite_a_fellow_to_build_this_bridge!”Then they met in the middle, taking each others hands.“Im terribly sorry for what I have said and done.We should be good to each other, ” said farmer Bob.Then they turned to see the carpenter, who was ready to go.“No, wait! Stay a few days.I ha

6、ve a lot of other jobs for you, ” said farmer John.“Id love to stay, ” the carpenter said, “but I have more bridges to build.”语篇解读:本文讲述的是两个准备老死不相往来的老邻居因为一个木匠的巧妙“调解”而重归于好的故事。1What does the sentence “Youre quite a fellow to build this bridge!” mean?AJohn was great to build this bridge.BJohn was not go

7、od at building bridges.CJohn was foolish to build such a bridge.DJohn should build the bridge earlier.解析:选 A 句意理解题。根据前几段的描述特别是倒数第二段中 “Im terribly sorry for what I have said and done.We should be good to each other.”可知,鲍勃对约翰修这座桥是表示赞扬和感激的。只有 A 符合题意。2What do you think of the carpenter?AShy. BWise.CProu

8、d. DCareless.解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据文章的描述特别是最后三段可知,木匠和他所修的桥在约翰和鲍勃关系修复中起到了重要的作用,说明木匠是个有大智慧的人,故选 B。3What is the best title for the passage?AWhat a Big Fence! BA Strong BridgeCThree Kind Men DA Fence or a Bridge?解析:选 D 标题归纳题。文中提到木匠在两个邻居的农场中间没有修篱笆而是修了一座桥。用“篱笆还是桥”作标题且用提问的方式,可以吸引读者的注意,其次留给读者思考的空间。故选 D。BEveryone n

9、eeds friends.As the old saying goes, “No man is an island.” In other words, no one can survive without the help and friendship of others.One can hardly live without a friend.Society is made up of people, and making friends is a very important part in our life.Friends can give you a lot.Firstly, if y

10、ou have trouble with some problems, you can talk to your good friends and exchange opinions.Thus you will feel comfortable and encouraged.Secondly, if you wish to do some physical exercises,such as playing table tennis, you can play with friends and have a good time.In short, we need friends.But wha

11、t is true friendship? Some people think friends are people whom they can play with, and others believe true friendship lies in similar interests.However, in my opinion, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”True friendship can encourage you when you are in difficulties.True friends can give you warni

12、ngs against danger.True friends not only share with you your joy and happiness but also your trouble and anxiety.When you need him he will give you a hand and spare_no_effort.Of course, these principles are the same to you when you treat your friends.语篇解读:本文是议论文。文章讨论了交朋友的重要性、什么样的朋友和友谊才是真正的朋友和友谊。4Wha

13、t does the author want to tell us by saying, “No man is an island”?ATo form an island, we need more than one man.BWithout friendship, people cannot live on an island.CFriends can make you feel comfortable and encouraged.DEveryone needs friends help and friendship.解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第一段第二、三两句可知,一个没有他人的帮助

14、和友谊的人是难以在社会上生存的。作者把这种人比喻成孤岛,形象、贴切。这也说明,人人都需要朋友的帮助和友谊。5What kind of friends are true friends?APeople whom you can play with.BA friend in need.CFriends with similar interests.DFriends who treat you the same as you treat them.解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友。6What does the underlined phrase “spare

15、 no effort” mean?Atry ones best Bmake no effortCask for payback Dgo away解析:选 A 词义猜测题。根据第二段的介绍可知,真正的朋友是在你有困难时帮助你的人,是既能与你有福同享,也能与你有难同当的人,因此说,真正的朋友会在你有困难时对你鼎力相助。故选 A。7What is the purpose of the author to write this passage?ATo explain why it is important to make friends.BTo explain how to tell who are

16、true friends.C To explain how to keep friendship.DBoth A and B.解析:选 D 写作意图题。文中两段分别介绍了交友的重要性、什么样的人是真正的朋友。作者写此文的目的就是告诉读者这两点。CItll soon be the birthday of one of my closest friends, Susie.I still cannot decide what to give her.Shes a precious friend because she has been there for me all the time whenev

17、er I need a friend to talk to.I can always depend on her to be the first to arrive to give me advice when I have problems.I guess I am so lucky to have her as a friend.Its more than seven years since I first met Susie in our school.I joined the theater group and she was a director then.At first I th

18、ought she was intimidating but in the end I realized that she needed to keep a strict image in order that her actors and actresses could take her seriously.And then during practice I got a chance to know her better.In fact, she was a friendly and warmhearted person.Soon we became good friends.I dont

19、 know exactly what to give my friend on her birthday as I believe she has everything.So its really hard to buy her a gift she will appreciate.This year I want to buy something different and special but I dont know what to give.One day I searched the Internet without any purpose and to my surprise th

20、ere was a really lovely site where you could buy all kinds of gifts.I scanned some of the items and I found cool and beautiful gifts.I chose a special bracelet (手镯)Im sure that this will look perfect on her.I put our names as part of the design of the bracelet so that itll remind us that well foreve

21、r be friends.I cant wait to give her my gift but I wont tell her yet.I dont want to destroy the surprise.语篇解读:在本文中,作者回忆了如何与 Susie 成为亲密的朋友的,并描述了自己为Susie 的生日选择礼物所花费的心思。8Why does the author consider Susie as a precious friend?ASusie is good at solving problems.BSusie is a friendly and warmhearted perso

22、n.CShe can always offer help when the author is in need.DThe author and Susie have lots of things to talk about.解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “Shes a precious friend because she has been there for me all the time whenever I need a friend to talk to.I can always depend on her to be the first to arrive to give

23、 me advice when I have problems.”可知,作者把 Susie 看作一位珍贵的朋友是因为每当作者需要朋友谈心的时候,Susie 总是在身边;遇到困难时,作者总是可以依靠 Susie 第一个给出建议。由此可知, C 项是最佳选项。9The underlined word “intimidating” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “_”Awarmhearted BfrighteningCcharming Dnervous解析:选 B 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的 “At first I thought she was intimi

24、dating but in the end I realized that she needed to keep a strict image in order that her actors and actresses could take her seriously.”可知,作者起初见到 Susie 的时候,认为她是“intimidating”,但后来,作者明白了,她需要保持严肃的形象以让她的演员们认真对待她。由此推知,该词的意义是“吓人的,令人胆怯的” ,故 B 项是最佳答案。10The author wanted to put her and her friends names in

25、the bracelet in order to _.Amake her friend remember their friendship foreverBremind her friend of their love between themCgive her friend a big surpriseDmake the present more special解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 “I put our names as part of the design of the bracelet so that itll remind us that well forever

26、be friends.”可知,作者把她与 Susie 的名字也作为手镯的设计图案中的一部分是为了让她们记住她们永远是朋友。.阅读七选五Signs of Healthy FriendshipsOnce in a while its helpful to see if your friendship is as healthy as it can be.You might get used to a friendship over time to the point where you dont see the room for improvement.And since great friend

27、ships are priceless, you should always surround yourself with the kind of people who will lift your spirits, make you laugh, and remind (提醒 ) you that you are loved._1_ Here are characteristics (特征) that strong friendships share._2_Friends make you feel comfortable with yourself, so you dont need to

28、 act like someone youre not.Your friends know your shortcomings and love you anyway.You are perhaps the “best version” of yourself when youre with your friends.A healthy friendship includes plenty of gentle honesty.True friends wont pretend just to avoid an argument (争论)_3_ As a result, youll know w

29、here you stand with your friends and wont be afraid to share your true opinions.They argue in a healthy way.One of the biggest misunderstandings about good friends is that they never fight.But lets face it: everyone fights._4_ In fact, voicing your opinions freely will cause you to disagree from tim

30、e to time and thats okay.Healthy friendships mean you can be friends with someone else, too._5_ Thats why great friends will improve your relationship yet still encourage you to meet people and try new things without them.A healthy friendship means that sometimes the two of you spend time apart, and

31、 thats okay.AArguing isnt unhealthy.BIs your friendship as healthy as it can be?CGood friends dine out together from time to time.DGood friends are real and honest with each other.EWith an unhealthy friendship, you know clearly that something is “off”FEven if you have the best friend, it doesnt hurt

32、 to expand your social circle.GIn a positive friendship, your friends wont lie to you, and they wont try and hurt your feelings either.语篇 解 读 :本 文 是 说 明 文 ,介 绍 了 健 康 友 谊 的 一 些 特 征 。1选 B 由上文中的“Once in a while its helpful to see if your friendship is as healthy as it can be.”以及下文中的“Here are characteri

33、stics (特征) that strong friendships share.”可知,B项符合语境,起承上启下的作用,且 B 项中的“as healthy as it can be”与上文中的“as healthy as it can be”相照应。2选 D 分析文章结构可知,空处是下面两段的小标题。由下文中的“you dont need to act like someone youre not”及“A healthy friendship includes plenty of gentle honesty.”可知,空处应是说好朋友之间应真诚相待,故选 D 项。3选 G 由空前内容可知,此处指朋友不会对你撒谎,也不会伤害你的感情,故 G项符合语境。4选 A 由本段小标题“They argue in a healthy way.”及空处所在段内容可知,A 项符合语境且与本段小标题相照应,故选 A 项。5选 F 由“Healthy friendships mean you can be friends with someone else, too”及空处所在段中“to meet people and try new things without them”可知,空处应指你最好的朋友不会影响你的社交圈的扩大,故选 F 项。


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