2019-2020学年人教版英语选修六课件:Unit 4 Period Five

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1、,PART 1,技法点拨,PART 2,写作训练,Period Five WritingPersuasive writing:poster,PART1,技法点拨,文体分析 把握写作动脉,本单元要求写一则海报。海报属于应用文,它是向大众发布某种消息的布告,内容多是大众喜闻乐见的消息,如影讯、展览、演出信息、友谊赛等。 一、基本结构 海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。 1.标题 海报的标题写法较多,可单独在第一行中间写上“海报”字样;可直接用活动的内容做题目,如“舞讯”“影讯”“球讯”等;也可用一些描述性的文字,如“再显风采”。,写作指导,2.正文 海报的正文部分要用简洁的文字写清楚活动的目的

2、和意义,活动的主要项目、时间、地点、参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项等。 3.落款 海报要求署上主办单位的名称及海报的发文日期。 二、注意事项 1.正确使用人称、时态和语态。人称应该用第三人称(邀请性的语句用第二人称);时态多为一般现在时。,2.海报一定要真实具体地写明活动的时间、地点及主要内容。 3.注意海报的语言特征。海报文字要求简洁明了;篇幅要短小精悍。文中可以用些鼓动性的词语,但不可夸大事实。,1.Green food is safe and healthy for you and all the family. 对于你和你的家人来说,绿色食品是安全和健康的。 2.Eating gr

3、een food is an important step on the road to staying fit and healthy. 吃绿色食品是保持健康的重要一步。 3.In order to answer the call of “Protecting the Environment”,we decide to organize an activity in our school. 为了响应“保护环境”的号召,我们决定在我们学校组织一次活动。 4.We will take action to make our school more beautiful. 我们将采取行动把我们的学校变

4、得更加美丽。,常用表达,5.We will clean our school and pick up all the rubbish. 我们将打扫校园,捡拾垃圾。 6.We shall have a speech competition on environmental protection. 我们将举行环保演讲比赛。 7.Our activity will begin at 8 on the morning of November 10 in our school. 我们的活动将于11月10日上午八点在学校举行。 8.Every student is welcomed to join us!

5、 欢迎大家积极参与!,PART2,写作训练,弄清文络 写作妙笔生花,假如你是你们学校的学生会主席。请根据以下信息,为你校将要举办的一场篮球友谊赛写一则100词左右的英语海报。 参赛球队:来自美国的约克篮球队和本校校队; 比赛时间:11月24日下午; 比赛地点:学校体育馆; 赛后幸运的学生可以得到本场比赛用的篮球作为纪念。 参考词汇:作为纪念as a souvenir,审题 1.确定体裁:本文为海报; 2.确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第三人称; 3.确定时态:本文主要时态应用一般将来时。,审题谋篇,谋篇 第一部分:海报的主要内容及活动的时间和地点。 第二部分:活动的特点。 第三部分:发出邀请。,

6、必备词汇 1.将要有 _ 2.一场篮球友谊赛 _ 3.举行 _ 4.据说 _ 5.令人紧张的 _,查看答案,遣词造句,There is going to be .,a friendly basketball match,hold,be said to.,tense,关键句式 1.来自美国的约克篮球队和我们校校队之间将要有一场篮球友谊赛。 There is going to be a friendly basketball match between American York Basketball Team and our school team. 2.这场篮球赛将于11月24日下午在学校体育

7、馆举行。 This basketball match will be held in our school gym on the afternoon of November 24. 3.据说两队之间的比赛将会十分紧张,令人兴奋。 It is said that the competition between the two teams will be tense and exciting.,4.最幸运的学生比赛后可以得到本场比赛用的篮球作为纪念。 The luckiest student can keep the basketball which is used in this match a

8、s a souvenir after the match. 5.欢迎所有的人去观看比赛。 All of you are welcome to the match.,句式升级 1.用非限制性定语从句连接句1和句2。 _ 2.用be said to的形式改写句3。 _ 3.用非谓语作后置定语改写句4。 _,The competition between the two teams is said to be tense and exciting.,There is going to be a friendly basketball match between American York Baske

9、tball Team and our school team,which will be held in our school gym on the afternoon of November 24.,查看答案,The luckiest student can keep the basketball used in this match as a souvenir after the match.,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇100词左右的英语短文。,A Friendly Basketball Match There is going to be a frien

10、dly basketball match between American York Basketball Team and our school team,which will be held in our school gym on the afternoon of November 24.,查看答案,组句成篇,参考范文,The competition between the two teams is said to be tense and exciting.Besides,the luckiest student can keep the basketball used in this match as a souvenir after the match. All of you are welcome to the match. The Students Union,查看答案,


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