2020年新课标通用高考英语一轮训练:专题四 完形填空考点二十六 说明文

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1、考点二十六 说明文Cloze 1限时 12 分钟New Years Eve is a time to celebrate and enter the new year with a smile on your face When I was a kid, the thing I enjoyed most about New Years Eve was trying to stay awake until midnight My parents didnt _1_ me to go to bed early, but my heavy eyelids usually _2_ me well be

2、fore the new year arrived When I woke up the next morning, my mum would ask me if I wanted to make a New Years _3_ I had no _4_ what it was After she _5_ it to me, I said I would try to _6_ less with my older brother This got me a(n) _7_ and a pat on the head from my mum _8_, the resolution lasted o

3、nly until dinnertime, when my brother and I got into a(n) _9_ about who would set the _10_A New Years resolution is a decision to do or not to do something in order to _11_ a personal goal or break a habit It comes at a time when people _12_ the past year and make an effort to _13_ themselves as the

4、 new year beginsLike many _14_, New Years resolutions have a long and interesting _15_New Years Day was first celebrated 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon Although the Babylonians did not have a written calendar, historians determined that they _16_ the start of the new year in late March with the

5、arrival of the spring seasonIf you would like to make a New Years resolution this year, there are some _17_ to consider, for example, volunteer at a church or animal rescue organizationRemember that it takes work to keep a New Years resolution Dont worry if you _18_ once or twice If you are _19_ to

6、what you want to accomplish, youll be a _20_ person at the end of the year than at the beginning1Asuggest Bforce Cdemand Dforbid答案:B 根据句意及生活常识可知,孩子平时是要按时睡觉的,但在新年尤其是新年前夕是可以熬夜的,所以父母在这一天不会强迫“我”去早些睡觉。故选 B。2Abetrayed Bbeat Csurprised Ddisappointed答案:B 由 but 可知,此处与上文形成转折关系,指新年还没到来, “我”就困了。根据常识可知,我们困了会说眼皮打

7、架了。故选 B。3Awish Bguess Cresolution Dcomment答案:C 根据常识可知,新年大人们常要孩子制定新的计划,故妈妈会问“我”的新年决心;第二段首句中的“resolution”是提示。故选 C。4Aplan Bopinion Cthought Didea答案:D “我”不知道那是什么。作为孩子自然不知道新年决心指的什么。故选 D。5Ashowed Bpassed Cleft Dexplained答案:D “我”不知道新年决心是什么,所以妈妈就向 “我”解释。explain sth to sb “向某人解释某事” ,故选 D。6Achat Btalk Cfight

8、Dshare答案:C 根据语境可知,既然是向妈妈表决心,肯定是好的行为。所以“少与哥哥打架”符合语境,故选 C。7Acomplaint Bblame Csmile Dhonor答案:C 根据语境可知, “我”说“我”尽量少与哥哥争执,妈妈拍了“我”的头,对“我”的新年决心表示肯定,故可推测出妈妈是高兴的,C 符合题意。8ALuckily BUnfortunately CAmazingly D Honestly答案:B 此处指早晨刚向妈妈表决心,可晚餐时又开始和哥哥争吵了,因此 unfortunately “不幸地 ”符合题意,故选 B。9Aargument Bsituation Cconver

9、sation Dagreement答案:A 不幸地是,决心仅仅持续到晚餐的时候 , “我”和哥哥又开始争论,故选 A。10Afirework Bbed Ctable Dclock答案:C 由语境可知,此处指晚餐时摆餐具,故选 C。11Aaccomplish Bdesign Ccreate Dabandon答案:A 新年决心是为了实现个人目标或改掉习惯而去做什么或不做什么,故 A 符合题意。12Alook forward to Blook back on Clook down upon Dlook out of答案:B 分析后面的宾语是“the past year”,指过去的一年,即回顾过去的一

10、年;对新的一年才用 look forward to “期待 ,希望” ,故 B 符合题意。13Aimprove Benjoy Centertain Drelax答案:A 分析句意可知,此处指新年伊始,努力提高自己 ,故选 A。14Ahabits Bplaces Ccountries Dtraditions答案:D 分析句意并结合选项可知,此处指新年决心像其他传统一样 ,故选 D。15Astory Bmeaning Chistory Dmystery答案:C 由下一段中的第一句可知,此处指在新年来临前夕表达决心的传统有悠久的历史,故选 C。16Aobserved Bwitnessed Cfixe

11、d Destablished答案:A 本文主要讲述新年的庆祝,此处指巴比伦人在 3 月末,随着春季的来临庆祝新年的开始,observe “庆祝;欢度” ,故选 A。17Arequirements Bfactors Crules Dchoices答案:D 本句中所举的例子针对新年决心提出了几个选择 ,故 D 符合题意。18Aslip up Bmake up Cturn up Ddraw up答案:A 要坚持新年决心是需要努力的。如果你有一两次疏忽 ,不要担心。slip up “疏忽” ,故选 A。19Acalm Bdevoted Cgrateful Denthusiastic答案:B 由上文中对

12、新年决心的解释可知,此处指倘若你专心于你想要实现的新年决心,故选 B。20Awealthier Bsmarter Chealthier Dbetter答案:D 根据句意可知,如果你专心于你想要实现的新年决心 ,年底时,你会发现自己比年初更优秀。故选 D。Cloze 2限时 13 分钟Organizing a smooth journey takes a lot of planning Just a bit of foresight will help you truly _1_ and enjoy what holidays have to offerBefore you travel, yo

13、u need to first _2_ your needs Sit down together with the people with whom you will be traveling What are the needs this trip _3_? Rest, cultural discoveries, work, or sports? Then, set a(n) _4_ for yourself Vacations that far exceed (超出) the money available will give you stress, which is _5_ to wha

14、t youre looking for _6_ think over all those important _7_ you need, and begin early the _8_ needed to obtain them before leaving Whether it is your passport, an international driving license, travelers checks, or train tickets, all these need time to be _9_ forDuring the journey, enjoy yourself! Th

15、ere are so many people who _10_ all that theyve left back home What can you do anyway, sitting on your island paradise (乐园 )? You can solve problems, if any, when you _11_ Learn to awaken your _12_ Listen to new songs of birds Touch the _13_ and warm sand Watch a sunset splitting itself into all kin

16、ds of colors Delight in the good _14_ of the food on your plate _15_ every second available to you and consider yourself blessed to be there at that timeIf you were _16_ abroad, when you come back, visit your doctor without delay Above all, dont _17_ the end of the holiday Thatll cause you to lose w

17、hatever good you got out of it _18_ you were lucky to have had one, and continue to live a better life _19_ is stopping you from choosing to continue life a little slower, a little _20_, and much happier!1Astudy BrelaxChide Dunderstand答案:B 结合下文语境可知,此处指如果你提前做好准备的话,你便会真正放松下来(relax),好好享受假期给你带来的一切。故选 B。

18、2Aplan BmeetClist Drealize答案:C 根据第 3 空所在句子及下一句可知,在旅行之前,你必须先列一个必需品清单。list your needs “列出你的需求” 。故选 C。3Alies in Bcalls forCresults in Dwaits for答案:B 根据该空后的“Rest, cultural discoveries, work, or sports?”可知,此处意为“这次旅行需要满足什么需求?”call for 意为“需要” ,符合语境。lie in “在于” ;result in “导致” ;wait for “等候” 。4Abudget Borde

19、rCdate Dintention答案:A 根据下文中的“Vacations that far exceed (超出) the money available will give you stress”可知,此处指应给自己做个预算 (budget)。故选A。5Asensitive BoppositeCsimilar Dobvious答案:B 根据“give you stress”可知,这与你所想要的相反。句意:实际花费远远超过预算的假期将给你带来压力,这是与你期望的事情背道而驰的。sensitive “敏感的” ;opposite “相反的” ;similar “类似的” ;obvious “

20、明显的”。故只有 opposite 最符合语境。6AEspecially BThereforeCFinally DStill答案:C 结合上下文可知,第二段介绍了三个在旅行前的注意事项,此前已经提出了两项(即列出必需品清单和做预算),此处应是最后一项,所以选finally。7Ameetings BtoolsCclothes Ddocuments答案:D 根据下文中的“your passport, an international driving license, travelers checks, or train tickets”可知,这些都是重要的证件,所以此处意为“好好考虑一下你需要哪些

21、重要证件(documents)” ,故选 D。8Asteps BmovementsCclasses Dincidents答案:A 根据语境可知,此处指为了得到下文所提到的重要证件所需要做的准备工作,故 step “步骤” ,符合语境。9Apaid BappliedCarranged Dbegged答案:C 句意:无论是你的护照、国际驾驶证、旅行支票,或者火车票,所有这些票证都需要时间来准备。arrange for 意为 “为做准备” ,符合语境,故选 C。pay for “为 付钱;赔偿” ;apply for “申请” ;beg for “乞讨;乞求” ,均不符合语境,可排除。10Atell

22、 about Bworry aboutCtalk about Dlearn about答案:B 结合本段的主题句“During the journey, enjoy yourself!”可知,此处作者是在陈述这样一个事实,即很多人虽然已经出去玩了,但却心神不安,还在为家里的一切担心(worry about)。故选 B。11Aleave BcomeCstay Dreturn答案:D 这里表示如果有问题,你可以等到回来 (return)时再解决。故选D。12Aemotions BhappinessCsenses Dmemory答案:C 根据下文的“Listen”“Touch”和“Watch”可知,

23、此处指唤醒一系列感觉(senses),故选 C。13Asoft BwetChot Dspecial答案:A 根据常识并结合语境可知,沙子是柔软的 ,故选 A。句意:抚摸柔软而温暖的沙子。14Aqualities BtastesCdesigns Dfeelings答案:B 根据空格后的“the food on your plate”可知,此处指食物的味道(tastes)。故选 B。15AMake the most of BGet prepared forCBe engaged in DGet hold of答案:A 句意:充分利用好可利用的每一秒,并为你此刻能在此地好好地享受一切而心存感激。ma

24、ke the most of “充分利用” ;get prepared for “为做准备” ;be engaged in “从事于” ;get hold of “把握;得到” 。根据句意可知,应选 A。16Anervous BviolentCill Dsad答案:C 根据后半句中的“visit your doctor without delay”可知,此处是指如果你在出国期间生病了(ill)。故选 C。17Ajudge BaffectCtrust Ddestroy答案:D 句意:最重要的是,不要把假期的末尾破坏了 。此处指不要因为生病而影响了旅行的心情。故选 D。18AExpect BAdm

25、ireCAdmit DFind答案:C 根据语境可知,此处指你要承认很幸运能有这么一个假期,并继续更好地生活下去。故选 C。19AEverything BNothingCAnything DSomething答案:B 根据语境可知,没有什么可以阻止你选择以一种慢节奏去继续生活。故 B 项符合语境。20Acalmer BlongerCharder Dwealthier答案:A 根据空格前后的“slower”和“happier”可知 ,此处应填一个能体现美好的生活状态的词,calmer 意为“平静的” ,符合语境。故选 A。Cloze 3限时 14 分钟Communication is an im

26、portant part of any relationship Many of us are _1_ to share our experiences or emotions with our friends But when its our turn to lend a(n) _2_, we soon become bored or are short of ideas on how to _3_ and offer adviceThats because of what researchers call “listener burnout (精疲力竭)” A friend might t

27、alk to us _4_, often complaining about the same _5_ problems When we offer quick advice to _6_ the situation, we may be unconsciously trying to _7_ ourselves from burnout However, good listeners _8_ their natural tendency to solve the others problems hurriedly and to keep the conversation briefTo be

28、 a good _9_, you need to use “active listening” It starts with the real _10_ to help others and think through their feelings Dont _11_ things You can start by putting your phone _12_ and sitting close to your friend Let your facial expressions _13_ what he or she is saying _14_ you are able to fully

29、 understand, acknowledge the other persons _15_ by reflecting them back:“That must be really hard for you ” Use _16_ words or even sounds such as “yes”, “right”,and “hmm” to _17_ the other person to continueOf course, a _18_ can be extremely hard if the other person is too critical But dont get defe

30、nsive Effective listeners dont _19_ negative criticism Instead, they listen and understand what the person is trying to convey _20_ responding1Aafraid BhesitantCshy Deager答案:D 根据下一句中的关键信息“But bored or are short of ideas”可知,我们许多人都渴望和朋友分享自己的经历或情感。be eager to do sth “渴望做某事” 。2Ashoulder BhandCear Deye答案

31、:C 根据第二段中关键信息“listener burnout”可知,当我们要倾听时,会有不一样的反应。lend an ear 为固定短语,意思为“倾听” ,符合语境。3Arespond BexplainCargue Dquit答案:A 根据下文的“and offer advice”可知,当我们作为倾听者时,对于如何作出反应(respond)和提供什么样的建议就没有了主意。4Aaimlessly BendlesslyCdeliberately Dcautiously答案:B 根据下文中的“often complaining”可知,朋友可能会经常无休止地对着我们抱怨老掉牙的问题。endlessly

32、 “无休止地”符合语境。5Adifficult Bold Cacute Dsensitive答案:B 由关键词 often 可知,应是同样的陈旧的问题。6Afix BdiscussCcreate Ddescribe答案:A 由上文的“offer quick advice”可知,应选 fix,表示“解决” 。7Aforgive BprotectCdiscourage Dprevent答案:B protect sb/sth from sth表示“保护某人/某物免于某事” ,符合语境。8Afollow BdisplayCform Dovercome答案:D 然而,好的倾听者会克服(overcome)

33、他们的自然倾向来迅速解决他人的问题。9Areader BpartnerClistener Dspeaker答案:C 由下文的“active listening”可知,此处指做一个好的倾听者(listener)需要积极地倾听他人诉说。10Ademand BhabitCdesire Dability答案:C 根据上文“active listening”可知,好的倾听者开始时要有真正的要帮助别人的渴望(desire),并认真考虑他们的感受 。11Askip BrushCoverlook Dpostpone答案:B 由前句中“think through their feelings”可知,作者建议倾听

34、者不要断章取义,仓促做事。rush things 表示“仓促做事” ,符合语境。12Aaway BoffCout Dup答案:A 根据语境可知,既然要好好地倾听,那么就要把你的手机收起来(putting your phone away),与下文“sitting close to your friend (紧挨着你朋友坐)”相呼应 。13Arecord BrestrictCreflect Dreplace答案:C 由第 15 空后的“by reflecting them back”可知,这里表示让你的面部表情表现出你是在对你朋友所说的话作出反应。14AWhether BSinceCWhile D

35、If答案:A 作为一个倾听者,不管(Whether)你是否能够完全理解对方 ,你都要对对方的感情作出回应。15Asuggestions B purposesCresponses Dfeelings答案:D 根据上文“and think through their feelings”可知,这里表示理解他人的感受(feelings) 。故选 D。16Abig BtoughCstrong Dshort答案:D 由下文的“yes”, “right”和“hmm” 可知,要用简短的(short) 语言来鼓励他人继续说下去。17Aforce BremindCencourage Dconvince答案:C 这

36、些简单的反应都是在鼓励(encourage)对方继续说下去。18Aconversation BsuggestionCproblem Dlecture答案:A 由第 20 空前的“what the person is trying to convey”及语境可知,这里说的是谈话(conversation)很难进行下去。19Agive up Bmake upCleave out Dblock out答案:D 根据下文“Instead, they listen and understand”可推知,一个优秀的倾听者是不会规避负面评论的。block out “不去想;抹去 ”。20Aafter Bbe

37、foreCwhile Donce答案:B 根据语境可知,一个好的倾听者在回应之前会充分理解他人所要表达的意思,与上文“you are able to fully understand”呼应。故选 B。Cloze 4限时 13 分钟Ecotourism involves people traveling to beautiful but environmentally sensitive places Such trips are _1_ carried out with an experienced guide Over recent years, this type of travel ha

38、s been steadily gaining _2_ as more people search for new travel experiencesEcotourism has many benefits First, all the _3_ spent by the tourists is used to _4_ the important environmental spots they visit Second, it helps _5_ to better understand the environment, thereby _6_ their knowledge of the

39、world Furthermore, this style of travel is also more _7_ of the local cultureCompared to _8_ tourists, ecotourists use energy more efficiently, save water and produce less rubbish by finding ways to _9_ it These behaviours have a _10_ and lasting effect on the local environmentTwo things are needed

40、to make ecotourism a(n) _11_ First, it should be done in small groups And second, because it requires considerable effort, both ecotourists and locals must be _12_ in their commitment to improving the environmentGreen travel provides local people with jobs in parks, _13_ and shops One great achievem

41、ent of ecotourism has been the _14_ of illegal hunting Former hunters can now work as guides to help keep the animals _15_ in their natural surroundings Green travel also _16_ local peoples quality of life, especially childrensPeru is one country using ecotourism to promote respect for the _17_ Its

42、now able to take better care of its rainforests because of a(n) _18_ on more sustainable (不破坏生态平衡的,可持续的) travel _19_ this, local peoples living standards have improved Many others are now following Perus _20_and using ecotourism to preserve their environment for the future generations1Afinally Busua

43、lly Csuddenly Droughly答案:B 根据下文“Over recent years, this type of travel has been steadily gaining”可知,这样的旅行通常在有经验的导游的帮助下进行。故 B 项正确。2Apleasure Bsatisfaction Cpopularity Dfreedom答案:C 根据下文“more people search for new travel experiences”可知,更多的人寻求新的旅游体验,所以这种旅行受到大家的欢迎。故 C 项正确。3Amoney Btime Cenergy Deffort答案:A 根据下文“is used to _4_ the important environmental spots they visit”可知 ,游客所花的钱被用于重要的生态景点。 故 A 项正确。4Apollute Bprotect Cpurchase


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