2020年新课标通用高考英语一轮训练:专题一 语法基础考点十一 特殊句式

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1、考点十一 特殊句式限时 25 分钟一、单句语法填空1It was last Saturday _ we visited the History Museum答案:that 此句为强调句型,其中被强调的部分是 last Saturday。2When _ (return) home, I met my old friend Paul in the street答案:returning 句意:当我回家时,我在街上遇到了我的老朋友保罗。return 的逻辑主语与句子主语 I 一致,且 I 与 return 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填现在分词形式。when returning home 是 when

2、I was returning home 的省略。3Only in this way _ I learn English well答案:can 句意:只有用这种方法 ,我才能学好英语 。当 only 用在句首强调状语时,句子要用部分倒装,强调主语时,句子不倒装。4I wont go to the party tonight even if _(invite)答案:invited 此句中 even if 后省略了 I am, invite 的逻辑主语与句子主语I 一致, 且 I 与 invite 之间存在被动关系,因此应用 invited。5Not only _ I interested in

3、the photography, but I took a course at university答案:am 句意:我不仅对摄影感兴趣,在大学里我还上过摄影课。not only 位于句首时,所在分句用部分倒装,且此处描述现在的情况 ,故填 am。6Jim is a student; _ is Tom答案:so 句意:吉姆是一名学生,汤姆也是。指前者情况也适用于后者 ,意为“某人也” ,表肯定意义,用 so助动词主语 。7I cant swim well; _ can Jim答案:neither/nor 句意:我不擅长游泳,吉姆也不擅长。指前者情况也适用于后者,并且指否定意义时,用 neith

4、er/nor助动词主语。8_ (knock) at the door before you enter my room, please 答案:Knock 句意:进我的房间前请你先敲门。本句为祈使句,故用动词原形。9I have no idea why it is _ he will go there with her答案:that 句意:我不知道他为什么要跟她去那里 。idea 后面是 why 引导的同位语从句,为强调句型。10Though _(surprise) to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome答案:surprised 此句是连词

5、后省略了“主语be” 。此句中 though 后省略了 the professor was,因此应填形容词 surprised。11I drove _ slowly as possible in the heavy traffic答案:as 本句中含有 as as possible 的省略结构,意为“尽可能” 。12Only _ he apologizes for his rudeness will I speak to him again答案:when/if 句意:只有当他为自己的无礼道歉时,我才会再次跟他说话。 “only状语从句”位于句首时,主句需用部分倒装 。根据句意可填when/if

6、。13The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, _ will he even give it a thought答案:nor/neither 句意:校长不会允许课程变化,他甚至也不会去考虑。“nor/neither助动词主语 ”是部分倒装结构,意为“也不” 。14At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialingjiang River _ (lie) Chongqing, one of the ten largest cities in China答案:lie

7、s 介词短语“At the meeting place of ”放在句首作地点状语时,句子要用完全倒装语序。句子的主语为 Chongqing,且叙述客观事实,故填lies。15The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _ (not)答案:not to 句意:这个司机想把车停在路边,但被警察告知不要这么做。此处是省略,空格处补全为 not to park his car near the roadside。16One talk with Tom, I believe, _ you

8、 will find he is outgoing答案:and 句意:和汤姆谈一谈 ,我相信你会发现他是外向的。本题是“名词短语and 陈述句 ”的结构,and 表示顺承关系 ,故填 and。 17_ (devote) to finding ways to make music accessible to all children is Ms Thompson with a touring company of professional musicians答案:Devoted 此句为倒装句 。还原为“Ms Thompson with a touring company of professio

9、nal musicians is devoted to finding ways to make music accessible to all children ”18Up till now, there has been no scientific evidence about _ it was that caused the death of dinosaurs答案:what 句意:到目前为止 ,还没有科学证据证明是什么导致了恐龙的死亡。这里强调了恐龙灭绝的原因,即 what,因此这是强调句型的特殊疑问句式。19I finally got the job I dreamed about

10、Never in my life _ I feel so happy答案:did 句意:我最终得到了我梦想的工作。我一生中从来没有这么高兴过。never 放在句首,句子用部分倒装 ,结合前面的 got 可知,填 did。20I went to the classroom as usual But there, next to my desk, _ (sit) a girl I had never seen before答案:sat 句意:我像平常一样去了教室。但是, 在我桌子旁边坐着一个我以前从没见过的女孩。表示地点方位的状语位于句子开头,主语如果是名词,则句子用全部倒装。 21He said

11、 he _ see a woman in black walking out of the office building just now 答案:did 句意:他说他的确看到了一个黑衣女子从办公大楼走出来了 。分析句子可知,此处是对谓语动词 see 的强调,根据时间状语 “just now”可知,应该用 did 表示强调。22Hardly _ (have) she sat down when she heard someone knocking the door 答案:had 句意:她刚刚坐下 ,就听到有人敲门。hardly when 表示“ 一就” ,hardly 放在句首, 用部分倒装。

12、从句使用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时。故填 had。23Are you free tonight? If _, Id like you to meet Tom, my new friend from the States 答案:so 句意:今晚你有空吗?如果有空的话, 我想让你见见我的美国新朋友汤姆。if so “如果这样的话” ,so 替代上文的全部内容 ,避免重复。 24_ Tom shared his idea with us, we would have made more progress 答案:Had 句意:如果汤姆和我们分享他的想法,我们会取得更大的进步。此处是 if 引导的非真

13、实条件状语从句,使用虚拟语气 ,省略了 if,并将had 提前的用法 。故填 Had。25At the top of the hill _ (stand) an ancient tower, which dates back to the Song Dynasty 答案:stands 句意:在山顶上有一座古塔,它可追溯到宋朝。表示地点的介词短语放在句首,句子用全部倒装。句子的主语是 an ancient tower, 故填stands。26Child _ he was, he was able to stand on his own feet 答案:as/though 句意:尽管他是个孩子,但

14、是他已经能够自立了。分析前面的“Child _ he was” 可知,是一个由 as/though 引导的让步状语从句,故填 as/though。 27She dare not say what she thinks, _ she? 答案:dare 主从复合句的反意疑问句部分中的主语和动词需要根据主句确定,当陈述部分的 dare 是情态动词,反意疑问句部分也用 dare,此复合句中主句是否定句,故此处只填 dare。28If _ (accept) for the job, you will be informed soon答案:accepted 逗号前是“If you are accepted

15、 for the job”的省略形式。当主从句的主语一致,且从句中含有 be 动词时,可以把从句中的主语和 be 动词一起省略,故填 accepted。29At last we found a house, in front of which _ (stand) a tall tree答案:stood 介词短语位于句首,且谓语动词是 stand 时,句子要用全部倒装结构。由 found 的提示可知,此空应填 stand 的过去式 stood。30Fishing in this river, as far as I know, _ (be) prohibited答案:is 本句中含有插入包含副词

16、的分句,这也是特殊句式的一种,被插入的部分不影响句意和句子的成分。动名词作主语,且描述一般事实,谓语动词应用 is。二、单句改错1At home, there has a CD player in my room, and the music is on all the time_答案:has is 句意:在家里我的房间里有一台 CD 播放器,一直放着音乐。前一分句为 there be 句型。主语为单数名词 a CD player, 故将 has 改为 is。2Only do I know the news here_答案:去掉 do 句意:这儿,只有我知道这个消息。当 only 用在句首强调

17、主语时,句子不倒装,强调状语时,句子才倒装。3Well, I do think the horse is a useful animalSo it does_答案:does is 句意:嗯,我的确认为马是很有用的动物。 的确是。分析句意可知,第二句是表示肯定、赞同前面说过的话,意为“确实如此,确实是这样” ,对应 the horse is,故将 does 改为 is。4Between each of the morning classes are an interval, when the students can have a short break_答案:areis 介词短语置于句首时 ,

18、应用全部倒装 ,句子的主语是 an interval,故将 are 改为 is。5It was in the village where he spent much of his childhood_答案:where that 分析句子结构可知,本句为强调句 ,故将 where 改为that。6Im sorry to tell you that you made a mistake in your testHow can that be? I did it as tell in class!_答案:第二个 telltold 答语中后一个句子的状语从句为省略“主语be动词”的形式。tell 的逻

19、辑主语为 I,两者之间为被动关系,还原后为 as I was told。7A bit more effort, I think, so you will settle the problem_答案:soand 先把插入语 I think 去掉,则不难看出此句为 “(表示条件的)名词短语and 陈述句 ”结构,陈述句表示顺承的结果 。8Not until my son had entered the college he realize the importance of time_答案:he 前加 did not until 位于句首时主句应用部分倒装;由从句的时态可知,主句应用一般过去时,因

20、此在 he 前加助动词 did。9Scarcely I arrived at my second job when a server immediately handed me my first order _答案:Scarcely 后加 had 此处是“scarcely when ”结构,Scarcely 用于句首,主句部分倒装 。本结构中从句用一般过去时 ,主句用过去完成时。故在 Scarcely 后加 had。10There appears to have little enthusiasm for your idea_答案:havebe 此处表示“人们好像对你的想法没什么热情” 。此处

21、为There be 句型,其中 be 可以用 appears to be 代替,故将 have 改为 be。11Standing on one foot with your eyes closed, and you will soon lose your balance_答案:StandingStand 句意:闭着眼睛用一只脚站立,你很快就会失去平衡。固定句式:祈使句and/or表示某事经常发生或惯常行为的陈述句。 12Though he isnt a driver, he used to_答案:to 后加 be 句意:虽然他现在不是一个司机,但是过去他是。在used to 后面如果是系动词

22、be,不能省略。13Only by studying hard and making good preparations for exams we avoid suffering from the pressure of exams_答案:we 前加 can 以“Only介词短语”放在句首的句子 ,使用部分倒装,结合句意,在 we 前加 can。14Not only I care for my own family, but also I will contribute to building a harmonious society _答案:only 后加 will “not only bu

23、t also ”结构放在句首,前面的分句用部分倒装,故在 only 后加 will。15Although Im not a teacher of that famous school, I want to _答案:to 后加 be 在省略句中,如果不定式中含有 be, have, have been,则不能省略,通常保留这些词,故此处在 to 后加 be。特殊句式( 一)一、强调句强调句型由“Itis/was被强调部分that/who其他部分”构成,可以用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语;被强调部分是指人的名词或代词时用 who或 that 均可,其他情况一律用 that。判断方法:将 It is

24、/was 和 that/who 去掉,若剩下的部分仍能表达完整的句意,则为强调句型;若不能,则不是。1强调句型的一般疑问句形式:Is/Was it被强调部分that/who 其他?Was it in the park that Tom lost his watch?2强调句型的特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词is/was it that其他?Who_was_it_that broke the window?3not until 结构的强调句型其强调句式为:It is/was not until被强调部分 that其他。He didnt go to bed until ten oclockIt_was

25、_not _until ten oclock that he went to bed注意:强调句型不能用来强调谓语,若要强调句子谓语动词,可将助动词do/does/did 置于动词原形之前,用来加强语气。He does like itI did tell you the news yesterday二、倒装句1完全倒装(1)表示方位、地点的副词或介词短语,如:there, here, up, down, now, then, away, in, out, off 等置于句首,且主语是名词时,用完全倒装。当主语为代词时不倒装。Here_comes the first busOut_rushed

26、a boy!On_the_top_of_the_mountain_stands a temple(2)主系表结构中作表语的形容词、分词、介词短语、such 等置于句首时用完全倒装。Present_at_the_meeting_were Professor Zhang and many other guestsSeated_on_the_ground_are a group of young people2部分倒装(1)“only状语 (副词、介词短语、状语从句 )”置于句首时,整个句子或后面的主句用部分倒装;当“only主语”置于句首时,句子不倒装。Only_in_this_way_can y

27、ou succeedOnly I am here today(2)表示否定意义的词或短语置于句首时用部分倒装。常见的这类词或短语有 not, never, hardly, seldom, rarely, by no means, in no way, in no case, at no time, not only, not until 等。Seldom_in_my_life_have I met so determined a personAt_no_time_should you touch it or get it hurt(3)so, neither, nor 置于句首表示前面的情况也

28、适用于另一人或物时用部分倒装。但是当前面的情况是两种或两种以上时要用 It is the same with 或者So it is with 结构。Tom likes English So_do_II have never seen the film Neither_has_heI like playing basketball and I live in America for many years So_it_is_with_my_little_brother(4)在 so/such that 句型中,当 so/such 连同其直接修饰的成分置于句首时,主句部分倒装。So moved wa

29、s she that she couldnt say a word(5)在 if 虚拟条件句中,当省略 if 时,应将 were/had/should 置于主语之前,形成部分倒装。Should it rain tomorrow, we would stay at home(6)as/though 意为“尽管” ,引导让步状语从句时用倒装结构。Tired as he was, he still went on with his workStrange though it seems, it is true限时 25 分钟一、单句语法填空1(2018北京高考 )In any unsafe situ

30、ation, simply _ (press) the button and a highlytrained agent will get you the help you need答案:press 句意:在任何危险的情况下,仅仅摁一下按钮,那么一个高度训练的代理人将使你获得你需要的帮助。分析句子的结构可知,此处是“祈使句and一般将来时 ”的固定结构。2(2019邢台市高三上学期第一次月考)It was through her study of caterpillars _ she discovered the truth about their life cycles答案:that 句意:

31、正是通过她对于毛毛虫的研究 ,她才发现了它们生命轮回的真相。本句是强调句型“It is/was that ”,被强调部分是 through her study of caterpillars,故填 that。 3(2018全国卷 )Diets have changed in Chinaand so too _ its top crop答案:has 该句是一个倒装句。当前面的句子是肯定句时,用“so 助动词主语”表示“某人也” 。助动词的选用根据前面句子的谓语动词来判断。4(2018惠州市高三第二次调研考试)It is not only the inspiring story but also

32、the warmth from the university _ attracts the publics attention答案:that 此处是强调句型。去掉 It is 和设空处后,句意仍完整,强调主语,故用 that。5(2018天津高考 )Im moving in a few days and I wonder if you could helpYou bet Just let me know when, _ Ill be there答案:and 该句式是“祈使句 and简单句” , 祈使句相当于条件,简单句相当于主句。6(2019山东省德州市武城二中高三月考)Not until h

33、e retired from teaching two years ago _ he consider having a holiday abroad答案:did 句意:直到他两年前从教育战线上退休 ,他才考虑去国外度假。not until 结构位于句首时,主句使用部分倒装语序 ,同时后面是实义动词,根据 two years ago 判断句子用一般过去时,答案为 did。7(2019河南周口中英文学校高三月考)_ I wish my work could be settled within a day! 答案:How 句意:我多么希望我的工作可以一天里解决!根据语境可知,本题是一个感叹句,ho

34、w 修饰整个句子,因此填 How。8(2019河北省衡水中学高三上学期二调考试)She opened it and let out a deep breath Inside it _ (be) two sharp knives答案:were 句意:她打开它,深深地吸了一口气。里面是两把锋利的刀。介词 Inside 在句首 ,句子应用倒装语序 ,主语是 two sharp knives,是复数形式,与之一致谓语也用复数,结合上句的 opened,可知填 were。9(2018重庆市巴蜀中学高三适应性月考)You are supposed to keep your room as tidy _ p

35、ossible答案:as 句意:你应该尽可能使屋子保持整洁。本句中含有 as as possible 结构,意为“尽可能” 。10(2018湖南师大附中高考模拟)There is no doubt that eating organic food will make you healthier, is _? 答案:there 句意:毫无疑问,食用有机食物会使你更健康,是吗?考查反意疑问句。根据语境来确定反意疑问部分用 there。11(2018河北省重点中学联考)_ fun it is to take a rest after a long period of swimming!答案:What

36、 句意:长时间游泳之后好好休息一下真的很快乐!考查感叹句。what 后加名词 。12(2018唐山市高三三模)Between the two generations, it is often not their age, but their education _ causes misunderstanding答案:that 句意:在这两代人之间,引起误会的常常不是年龄而是教育 。此处为强调句型“It is/was that”。被强调部分为 not their age, but their education,故答案为 that。13(2018福建省高三毕业班质量检测)Only then _

37、the workers realize how serious the situation had been答案:did 句意:只有在那时工人们才意识到形势有多严峻 。考查倒装。“Only副词”放在句首,要使用部分倒装且时间状语为 then,故填 did。14(2018河南省中原名校高三第六次质量检测)Never before _ I seen such a wonderful park, where Id like to pay a visit again答案:have 句意: 我从没见过这么美丽的公园,我想再来参观一次。否定副词短语放在句首,句子要用部分倒装形式;never before

38、常与现在完成时连用。15(2018重庆巴蜀中学高三适应性月考)Not only _ you make yourself understood, but you also keep the listeners engaged答案:do 句意:你不仅要使他人明白你的话,而且也要让听众融入到谈话中。not only 放在句首,该分句用倒装语序,故填 do。16(2018湖南省邵阳市高三模拟)For a moment nothing happened; then _ (come) cheers from the excited audience答案:came 句意:片刻间什么也没发生,然后从兴奋的观众

39、那里传来了欢呼声。考查 then 位于句首的完全倒装。根据语境,设空处填所给动词的过去式。17(2018哈尔滨六中高三第二次模拟)Wheat is growing very nicely here; _ is rice答案:so 句意:这里的小麦长得很好,水稻也是 。 “so助动词主语” ,表示前一分句描述的情形也适合后一分句的人或物。18(2018湖南省岳阳市高三教学质量检测)_ you make a mistake, you werent supposed to feel embarrassed You know, people make mistakes 答案:Should 句意:如果你

40、犯了错误,你不应该感到尴尬。毕竟,人都会犯错误。此处是表示对将来情形的假设,从句中省略了 if,将 should 提前,故填 Should。 19(2018广东省佛山市高三质量检测)He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but _ seemed to be no end to it 答案:there 后一分句含有 there be 句型,there seemed to be “似乎有” ,故填 there。20(2018天津和平区一模)Im sorry _ it not been for my illness, I

41、would have come and lent you a helping hand答案:Had 句意:对不起。要不是因为我生病,我就会过来帮你了。此处为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,即条件从句应为:If it hadnt been for my illness将 if 省去,需把 had 提到句首,变为倒装句式,故设空处填 had,且had 的首字母要大写 。21(2016江苏高考 )Not until recently _ they encourage the development of touristrelated activities in the rural areas答案:did

42、句意:直到近期,他们才开始鼓励在农村地区发展与旅游有关的活动。not until 位于句首时,句子应用部分倒装。此处指过去所发生的动作,应用一般过去时,故答案为 did。22(2018四川四校联考 )The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle _ dangerous a scene it was!答案:How 句意:那个小男孩骑着自行车沿着机动车道全速而来。多危险的一幕啊!此处为感叹句式“How形容词a/an名词单数主语谓语!”故填 How。23(2016全国卷 )It could be anyt

43、hinggardening, cooking, music, sportsbut whatever it is, _ (make) sure its a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about答案:make 句意:它可以是园艺、烹饪、音乐、运动等任何事情,但是,无论它是什么,务必保证它是让你释放每天的压力而不是让你担忧的事。句中动词短语置于句首,构成祈使句,故用动词原形。24(2018安徽模拟 )John has not yet passed the driving test, and neither _ Henry答案:has 句意:约翰还没有通过驾照考试,亨利也没有通过。否定副词neither 置于句首,后面的主谓语应用部分倒装 。根据上一分句中的谓语动词“has passed(现在完成时 )”和该分句的主语 Henry 可推知,设空处答案为 has。25(2018陕西渭南模拟 )On th


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