2019-2020学年外研山版英语必修2课时作业含解析:Module 4 Period Four

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1、Period Four Grammar Present perfect tense基础巩固.用所给词的正确形式填空1His first novel has received(receive) good reviews since it came out last month.2Jim has finished(finish) doing his homework already.He is free now.3The famous writer has written(write) one new book in the past two years.4I havent decided (de

2、cide) yet whether to take part in the competition.5The old woman doesnt want to move because she has lived (live) in the cottage for 30 years.6Every possible means has been used(use) to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.7He is the only one of the students who has been (be) a w

3、inner of scholarship for three years.8This is the third time I have seen(see) you eating chocolate today.完成句子9I have been to Nanjing twice.我已经去过南京两次。10Up to now Jack has helped some children from poor countries all over the world.到现在为止,杰克已经帮助了来自全世界的贫穷国家的孩子们。11There has been little change in the pati

4、ents condition since he was sent to hospital.自从这个病人被送进医院以来,他的病情没有太大改变。12She has become more and more impatient since she got married to him.自从她与他结婚以来,她变得越来越没有耐心。.句型转换13I have been to Macau before.(改为否定句)I have not been to Macau before.14We began to learn English three years ago.(改为同义句)We have learne

5、d English for three years.15Mr Li began to teach English in this school in 1999.(改为同义句)Mr Li has taught English in this school since 1999.16His company was closed in 2003.( 改为同义句)His company has been closed since 2003.能力提升.完形填空One day last June,Clifford Luther served a burger and fries to a man pass

6、ing through his restaurant,Old West Express,in Saskatchewan,Canada.Two 17 later,the man 18 and wrote him a check(支票) for 510,000.“I thought,they were good burgers and fries, 19 they werent that good, ” Luther told CTV News.The 20 man was Bob Erb of British Columbia,who won Canadas 25 million Lotto M

7、ax jackpot(头奖) in November 2012 and has been giving money to people 21 .Hes donated(捐献) his 22 to food banks,the old people,and some organizations,and he 23 20 people in Terrace,his hometown,to get necessary care they couldnt 24 .While giving the burger that first afternoon,Luther 25 Erb that his 25

8、yearold daughter had just got cancer in Vancouver,about 1,000 miles away.“He and I had a 26 experience.One of my children had cancer,too.But he died four years ago.So,I know the 27 a parent has, ” says Erb.“I 28 on the way home Id 29 him some money so he could go to see his 30 .”Two days later when

9、Erb was on his way back to British Columbia,he 31 the restaurant for another burger,which Luther 32 to buy him because Erb had tipped(给小费) him well just two days ago.Erb said “no way” and asked the restaurant owner for a 33 ,then wrote the check and left it on the table.“Luther looked at the 34 and

10、couldnt say anything.He just held his arms out, ” Erb says.Erb,60, 35 works on a building site(建筑工地) parttime and hasnt 36 twice about the 7 million hes given to his family,friends,and society.“If you have enough to feed yourself,you help others out , ” he says.语 篇 解 读 本 文 是 一 篇 记 叙 文 。文 章 主 要 介 绍 了

11、 一 个 心 胸 宽 广 的 人 及 其 善 举 。17A.hours BdaysCweeks Dmonths答案 B解析 根据倒数第二段中的“Two days later when Erb was on his way back to.”可知,鲍勃厄尔布两天后又来到了餐馆。18A.returned BbelievedCagreed Dchanged答案 A解析 参见上题解析。19A.because BsoCand Dbut答案 D解析 “they were good burgers and fries”和“they werent that good”之间为转折关系。20A.lucky Bpr

12、oudCkind Dfunny答案 C解析 根据上文的“wrote him a check(支票) for 510,000”以及下文提到“开出这张巨额支票是为了帮助卢瑟”可知,厄尔布心地善良。21A.in need Bon dutyCin the dark Dout of work答案 A解析 根据下文的“food banks,the old people”等可知,鲍勃厄尔布把自己的钱捐给需要帮助的人。22A.food BclothesCmoney Dblood答案 C解析 根据上文的“has been giving money to”可知。23A.helped BallowedCinvite

13、d Dencouraged答案 A解析 联系上下文可知,厄尔布出钱帮助了家乡那些付不起医疗费的人接受必要的治疗。24A.forget BrefuseCafford Ddiscover答案 C解析 参见上题解析。25A.wrote BtoldCtaught Dadvised答案 B解析 餐馆的员工卢瑟在给厄尔布端汉堡包时,聊到自己的女儿患有癌症。26A.different BsuccessfulCstrange Dsimilar答案 D解析 根据下文的“One of my children had cancer,too.”可知,厄尔布和卢瑟有着相似的经历。27A.expectations Bwo

14、rriesCwarnings Dchoices答案 B解析 子女患有癌症,当父母的肯定很担心。28A.answered BexplainedCdecided Dlearned答案 C解析 厄尔布在回家的路上就决定要给卢瑟一笔钱。29A.pay BmailClend Dleave答案 D解析 参见上题解析。30A.friend BbossCson Ddaughter答案 D解析 根据上文的“his 25yearold daughter had just got cancer”可知。31A.stopped at Bworked atCbroke in Dclosed down答案 A解析 根据接下

15、来描写在餐馆发生的事可知,厄尔布在餐馆稍作停留。32A.failed BofferedCcontinued Dproved答案 B解析 根据下文的“because Erb had tipped(给小费) him well just two days ago”可知,卢瑟想为厄尔布买一个汉堡包。33A.pen BtableCjob Ddrink答案 A解析 根据下文的“wrote the check”可知,厄尔布向餐馆的老板要了一支笔。34A.restaurant BburgerCletter Dcheck答案 D解析 根据上文的“check”可知,卢瑟看到巨额支票时激动得说不出话来。35A.st

16、ill BonceCsoon Deven答案 A解析 虽然自己已经中了两千五百万美元的大奖,但厄尔布还在一家建筑工地干兼职工作。36A.lied BthoughtCcried Dprepared答案 B解析 通读全文可知,厄尔布很爽快地就将自己的钱分给了大家,没有前思后想。.语法填空Last week,we celebrated my parents fiftieth wedding anniversary(周年纪念日)This morning,they left on a long trip to Hawaii.They were as 37. (excite) as if it were

17、their honeymoon(蜜月 )When my parents married,they had only enough money for a threeday trip fifty miles from home.They made an 38. (agree) that each day they would put a dollar in a special metal box and save it for a honeymoon in Hawaii for their fiftieth anniversary.Dad was a policeman,and Mom was

18、a school teacher.They lived in a small house and did all 39. (they) own repairs.Raising five children was a challenge,and sometimes money was short,40. no matter what emergency came up,Dad would not let Mom take any money out of the “Hawaii account(账户) ”As 41. account grew,they put it in a saving ac

19、count and then bought CDs.My parents 42. (be) always very much in love since the day they got married.I can remember Dad 43. (come) home and telling Mom, “I have a dollar in my pocket, ” and she would smile 44. him and say, “I know how to spend it.”When each of us children married,Mom and Dad gave u

20、s a small metal box and told us their secret,45. we found attractive.All five of us are now saving for our dream honeymoon.Mom and Dad never told us how much money they had managed 46. (save),but it must have been fairly large because when they cashed in those CDs,they had enough for the flights to

21、Hawaii and a hotel room for ten days and plenty of spending money.语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的父母非常恩爱,他们在结婚时用一个金属盒子建立了一个“夏威夷账户” ,在结婚 50 周年纪念日的时候到夏威夷度蜜月。37答案 excited解析 考查词性转换。asadj.as.和一样,主语为 they,指人,故用 excited,表示“兴奋的” 。句意为:他们兴奋极了,好像这次旅行是他们的蜜月一样。故填excited。38答案 agreement解析 考查词性转换。根据前面的不定冠词 an 可知,后接名词形式。mak

22、e an agreement 达成协议。句意为:他们达成协议,每天他们都会把一美元放在一个特殊的金属盒子里。故填 agreement。39答案 their解析 考查代词。设空处修饰名词 repairs,故用形容词性物主代词。句意为:他们住在一所小房子里,并且自己做所有的修理工作。故填 their。40答案 but解析 考查连词。根据前后句意可知,这里为转折关系。句意为:养五个孩子不容易,而且有时钱很短缺,但不管发生什么紧急情况,爸爸都不会让妈妈从“夏威夷账户”中取出一点儿钱。故填 but。41答案 the解析 考查冠词。这里特指前句中的 Hawaii account(夏威夷账户) ,故用定冠词

23、 the。句意为:随着账户的增长,他们把钱存入储蓄账户,然后购买 CD。故填 the。42答案 have been解析 考查动词的时态。根据 since 可知用现在完成时,表示从结婚那天一直持续到现在。句意为:从结婚那天起,我的父母就一直非常恩爱。故填 have been。43答案 coming解析 考查非谓语动词。remember doing sth.记得做过某事,此处与连词后面的 telling 作并列宾语。句意为:我记得爸爸回家告诉妈妈。故填 coming。44答案 at解析 考查介词。smile at sb.对某人微笑。句意:她会微笑着对他说:“我知道怎么花这笔钱。 ”故填 at。45

24、答案 which解析 考查定语从句。这里为非限制性定语从句,指代前面的一件事,故用关系代词which。句意为:后来我们几个孩子都先后成家,父母给我们每人都送了一个小金属盒子,并且告诉我们他们的秘密,我们发现这招确实很让人着迷。故填 which。46答案 to save解析 考查非谓语动词。manage to do sth.设法完成某事。句意为:父母从来没有告诉我们他们究竟存了多少钱。故填 to save。.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。When you are learning English,listening,speaking and writing ar

25、e important,but reading can also be very helpful.When you read,you can not only learn some new words,but also you can learn how to use these English words.When you read,it gives you a good example for writing.Read something that you can (more or less) understand.If you need to stop every three words

26、 to use a dictionary,it is not interesting.Reading books with reasonable number of new words is very important.If there are four or five new words on a page,write them in your notebook.But you dont have to write them while you read.Instead, try to guess their meanings as you read:mark them with a pe

27、n.Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book.Then try to remember them.You should develop a good habit of reading.For example,read for a short time once a day.Fifteen minutes every day is better than two hours every Sunday

28、.Fix(固定) a time to read and keep to it.You could read for fifteen minutes when you go to bed,or when you get up or at lunchtime.There are a variety of books in the bookstore,so what kinds of books should you choose? Choose a book or a magazine about a subject that you like,because you are going to s

29、pend time and money reading it.So,choose an interesting book.You can also read newspapers.There are many English newspapers in China.For example,21st Century Teens.It is easy enough for you to understand it.There is something interesting in it.参考范文Reading is an important way to help you learn Englis

30、h well.Here are a few tips of reading books.Firstly, while reading books at the right level,you should try to increase the number of your new words.Besides,its very important for you to read regularly and stick to your reading habit.Lastly,you should choose the books and newspapers that interest you most.


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