2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1课件:Unit 3 默写练习(五)

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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1课件:Unit 3 默写练习(五)_第1页
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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修1课件:Unit 3 默写练习(五)_第5页
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1、.单元知识回顾(共40小题;每题1.5分,满分60分) 1.写出与fall有关的短语 (1) (生日、节日等)是在某天;(责任)落在身上;由负担(fall to);袭击;向进攻;扑向;抓住 (2) 落后 2. 为庆祝 3.写出与power有关的短语 (1) 掌权,执政 (2) 当权;上台,查看答案,fall on/upon,fall behind,in celebration of,be in power,come to/into power,4.写出与burn有关的短语 (1) (被)烧毁(通常指建筑物被完全烧毁);(火势)减弱 (2) 把烧成平地 5.写出与serve有关的短语 (1)se

2、rve sb. sth. _ (2)serve as _ 6.take part in _ 7.写出与apply有关的短语 (1)apply (to.) for. _ (2)apply A to B _ (3)apply to sb. /sth. _,查看答案,burn down,burn.to the ground,向某人提供某物;用某物招待某人,可用作;担任;作为,参与,参加,(向)申请,把A应用/涂抹于B,适用于某人/某事,8. 依赖,依靠;根据,依据;取决于 9.写出与time有关的短语 (1) 准时,按时 (2) 及时 (3)at times _ 10._ 就某事向某人祝贺 11.

3、即使,纵然 12.attend to _,查看答案,depend on/upon,on time,in time,有时;偶尔,congratulations to sb. on sth. /congratulate sb. on sth.,even if/though,处理;对付;关怀;照顾,护理;接待顾客,13.写出与contribute有关的短语 (1)contribute.to. _ (2)contribute to _ 14.写出与link有关的短语 (1)link.to/with/and. _ (2)link up (with sb. /sth. ) _ 15.argue for/a

4、gainst _ 16.take.seriously _,查看答案,把贡献给;向投稿,贡献;有助于;导致;把(时间等)投入到;,捐款;投稿,把与连接/联系起来,(与)连接,结合,赞成/反对,认真地对待,17.写出与put有关的短语 (1) 建造,搭建,竖起;举起;挂起;张贴;留宿,安排食宿;提出(意见等);提高,增加 (2)put up with _ (3)put off _ 18.as follows _ 19.写出与carry有关的短语 (1) 继续,坚持 (2) 实施;执行;完成(任务) (3) 顺利完成;成功实现;帮渡过难关,查看答案,put up,忍受,容忍,延期,如下,carry

5、on,carry out,carry through,20.写出与well有关的短语 (1) 也,又,还 (2) 和;和一样好 21.写出与mess有关的短语 (1) 乱七八糟 (2) 把弄糟,弄脏,弄乱 22.写出与honour有关的短语(1)have the honour _(2)in honour of. _ 23.dress up _,查看答案,to do sth. of doing sth.,as well,as well as,in a mess,mess up,有做某事的荣幸,向表示敬意;为纪念,(给)穿上盛装;(给)乔装打扮,.完成句子(共5小题;每题4分,满分20分) 24.

6、People here splash water on each other the New Year. 这里的人们以互相泼水的形式庆祝新年。 25.It will be five years . 我们再次见面要5年之后。 26.All these songs popular with young people. 这些歌曲并非全都受年轻人欢迎。 27.What our English teacher said at the meeting more confident. 我们的英语老师在大会上的发言让我们感到更自信了。 28. we had yesterday! 昨天我们吃了一顿多么丰盛的晚餐

7、啊!,查看答案,to celebrate,before we meet again,are not,made us feel,What a big supper,.知识运用于语境(共10小题;每题2分,满分20分) After graduation,they planned to hold their wedding ceremony.The important occasion fell 29. the Mid-Autumn Festival.At first they had their house 30. (decorate),and sent letters of invitation

8、.Then they asked John to be the 31. (good) man. The merry moment came at last.Many friends and relatives 32._ (attend) their wedding.Some contributed money to the bride and bridegroom, 33. others brought 34. bunch of flowers to express their 35._ (congratulate).36. tradition,the guests 37. (serve) with all kinds of dishes and food,38. (include) alcohol.The celebration continued late into the night.,查看答案,on,decorated,best,attended,and,a,congratulations,By,were served,including,


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