闽教版四年级英语下册Unit8 Part B精品同步课件

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1、Part B,闽教版(三起点)四年级下册,Unit8 Summer vacation,Sing a song.,Review.,What will you do in summer? I will ,Listen and follow.,What will Sally do in summer?,She will go to the UK in summer. She will go to see her grandma and grandpa. She will visit Big Ben.,Listen and follow.,What about Julia and Wang Tao?

2、What will they do in summer?,Listen and follow.,Hell go to Beijing.,Hell see the Great Wall.,What will Wang Tao do in summer?,the Great Wall,Listen and follow.,Listen and follow.,Yes, he will.,Will Wang Tao play basketball?,basketball,Listen and follow.,Shell play the violin and do her homework.,Wha

3、t will Julia do in summer?,homework,Listen and follow.,Listen and follow.,Listen and follow.,两人一组,练习对话,随后 表演出来吧!,Role play,Listen and follow.,Ask and answer.,小小指挥家,活动,Yes, I will. Will you ?,Will you ?,Learn to write.,I will go to Beijing.,I will visit the Great Wall.,Listen. Tick or cross,Lets chan

4、t.,Listen and learn the English sounds.,Listen and learn the English sounds.,以s, x结尾的可数名词变为复数时,在其末尾要加es,读为/iz/。,buses,pencil-boxes,classes,es - /iz/,Try to read,places horses oranges,buses classes pencil-boxes,我们今天学习的单词有:,the Great Wall,basketball,homework,怎样询问他人的计划,并对他人的询问做出肯定回答?,Will you go to see the Great Wall? Yes, I will.,例句,Will you ? Yes, I will.,


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