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1、1初三年级学业水平质量检测英 语 试题 2019.5本 试 题 分 选 择 题 部 分 和 非 选 择 题 部 分 ,共 10 页 , 满 分 为 150 分 。 考 试 用时 120 分钟 。 答题 前, 请考 生务 必将 自己 的姓 名、 座号 和准 考证 号填 写在 答题 卡上 ,并 同时 将考 点、 姓名、 准考 证号 和座 号填 写在 试卷 规定 的位 置。答 题 时 , 选 择 题 部 分用 2B 铅 笔 把答 题卡 上对 应题 目的 答案 标号 涂黑 ;非 选择 题部 分, 用0.5 毫米 黑色 签字 笔在 答题 卡上 题号 所提 示的 答题 区域 作答 ,直 接在 试卷 上作

2、答无 效。 考试 结束 后, 将本 试卷 和答 题卡 一并 交回 。选 择 题部 分 共 105 分I听 力测 试( 30 分 )A) 听录 音, 从 每 组句 子中 选出 一个 你所 听到 的句 子。 每个 句子 听一 遍。1. A. Good morning! B. Spell it, please! C. Please be quiet!2. A. Is there a bank near here? B. Do you have a soccer ball? C. Would you like some milk?3. A. Shes going to study computer.

3、B. Im more outgoing than her. C. He is smarter than me.4. A. When is your birthday? B. Wheres her schoolbag? C. Whats his favorite subject?5. A. He swims twice a week. B. We are listening to music. C. They really help me a lot.B) 听 录 音 , 从 每 题 A、 B、 C 三幅 图画 中选 出与 听到 的对 话内 容相 符的 一项 。 每段 对话 听两 遍。2C) 在

4、录 音中 ,你 将听 到一 段对 话及 五个 问题 。请 根据 对话 内容 及问 题选 择正 确答 案。 对话 及 问题 听两 遍。11. A. Tomorrow afternoon. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.12. A. For two years. B. For five years. C. Since he was five.13. A. 40. B. 180. C. 350.14. A. 6:30 a.m. B. 8:30 a.m. C. 9:00 a.m.15. A. She thinks its amazing. B. She thinks its

5、 dangerous. C. She thinks its a safe hobby. D) 在录 音中 , 你将 听到 一篇 短文 及五 个问 题 。 请根 据短 文 内 容及 问题 选择 正确 答案 。 短文 及问 题听 两遍 。16. A. At home. B. At school. C. In a club.17. A. She reads a book. B. She goes for a walk. C. She plays with her dog.18. A. Maths. B. Science. C. History.19. A. Do her homework. B. G

6、o to school by bus. C. Talk with her teachers.20. A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every day. II 读音 选词 根据 所给 句意 和音 标, 从每 题 A、 B、 C、 D 四个 选项 中 , 选出 一个 最佳 答案 。 (5 分)21. Its a /bd/ habit to put off todays work till tomorrow.A. bad B. bag C. bat D. bed22. I /kip/ an English diary every day to improve

7、 my writing skills.A. compete B. keep C. kick D. copy23. We can buy a lot of things with money, but it doesnt always /br/ happiness. A. bright B. brain C. belong D. bring24. We must be more careful and try to /vd/ making the same mistakes.A. aloud B. allow C. avoid D. afford25. To cut down waste /pl

8、u:n/, we should take our own bags to go shopping. A. popular B. pollution C. population D. progress III选 择填 空从 每题 A、 B、C 、D 四个 选项 中, 选出 一个 最佳 答案 。( 20 分)26. Tim, put on your coat, or you may have cold on such a cold day.OK, Mom.A. a B. an C. the D. /27. Dave, what do you want to eat for lunch? Ill p

9、repare earlier today.Thanks, Grandma. I want to eat some with eggs and tomatoes. A. banana B. noodle C. milk D. rice28. Ann, when do you plan to go for your ten-day holiday?Next month. Im going away on the and coming back on the 12th. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth29. Shall we sit in the corn

10、er or by the window? . I dont mind.A. Both B. Neither C. No D. Either30. Dad, what are you looking at?An old photo. It taken a long time ago.3A. has B. was C. does D. is31. To keep the kids , parents should put away the things like knives in the house.I cant agree more.A. tidy B. warm C. safe D. tal

11、l32. The fish in the pool great.Yeah, they are swimming freely and happily.A. look B. sound C. taste D. smell33. How much chocolate ice cream would you like, Linda? , please. Its my favorite.A. Only a little B. Just a few C. A lot D. None34. Do you know where Jeff is? Is he still in the office?He wa

12、s here earlier, but he go home now.A. can B. might C. should D. need35. More and more cities in China begin to build subways!Thats right! It will make our lives than before.A. the busiest B. busier C. the easiest D. easier36. How do you like the new film The Wandering Earth (流浪 地球 )? . Besides, we c

13、an learn a lot about space science.A. I cant stand it B. Pretty good C. Its terrible D. Its boring37. Im nervous about the coming speech competition. What can I do? . You can make it.A. Be hard on yourself B. Mind your manners C. Keep your cool D. Youre kidding38. Which of the following pictures sho

14、ws the mascot of Beijing Expo (世园 会 ) 2019?39. popular the Tik Tok (抖音 ) is!Yes, more and more people in China are using it.A. How B. What C. What a D. What an40. Do you dream of being a doctor or a pilot? . I want to work for peoples health.A. A pilot B. Yes, I do C. No, Im not D. A doctor41. We ar

15、e not supposed to the bus until the bus stops.Thats right. Safety comes first.A. put off B. get off C. take off D. go off42. Tom, will Jenny join us in the book sale tomorrow?Im afraid not. She herself badly while playing tennis.A. hurt B. is hurting C. will hurt D. hurts43. Mike, can you play socce

16、r with us on Saturday afternoon? , but I promised to fly kites with Jack.A. Sure B. Yes, I can C. Id love to D. No problem44. Hi, Jacob! Do you go to the cinema a lot?4No, I to the cinema for ages.A. didnt go B. havent gone C. have been D. havent been 45. Gina, Id like to visit Alan tomorrow. Could

17、you tell me ?Sorry, I dont know his address, either.A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where he lived D. where did he live IV完 形填 空阅 读短 文, 从每 题 A、 B、 C、 D 四个 选项 中, 选出 一个 能填 入文 章中 相应 空白 处的 最佳 答案 。( 15 分)Special homework was given to the students in Grade Four at a primary school in Foshan, Gu

18、angdong this April, that is to say, the children must 46 100 million grains (颗粒 ) of rice. A maths teacher Miss Chang asked her students to 47 the homework in two days. If some students 48 to finish in time, they would go on counting the rice at the weekend. Someparents thought that if it took a 49

19、to count three grains, it would take more than a year to count 100 million grains of rice.50 , others thought it was a good idea. A parent surnamed Lin said it could 51 students to use their brains. “I will 52 my daughter to count 100 or 1,000 grains of rice first, and then 53 them and multiply (乘以

20、) the figure to reach 100 million grains of rice. So she will have a clear 54 of the number 100 million,” she said. “The special homework could55 help develop childrens patience,” Lin added.Some Internet users also praised the special homework for encouraging children to 56 new ways to do their home

21、work.Miss Chang said earlier this week that she hoped the students could learn knowledge 57 practical activities. She said she was 58 that 10 of her more than 40 students had finished the special homework by using cups or other 59 to count the rice. The homework helps studentsdevelop their abilities

22、 to 60 problems. Its good for them.46. A. cook B. buy C. countD. pick47. A. start B. finish C. master D. copy48. A. had B. went C. failed D. asked49. A. second B. minute C. hour D. day50. A. But B. However C. So far D. First of all51. A. invite B. allowC. tell D.encourage52. A. ask B. let C. makeD.

23、hope53. A. cut B. weigh C. cook D. taste54. A. answer B. understanding C. task D. grain55. A. still B. already C. yet D. also56. A. think about B. think of C. think over D. think out57. A.from B. in C. by D. on58. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. enjoyable59. A. tools B. machines C. facts D. opinions60.

24、A. find B. discuss C. delete D. solveV 补 全 对 话 阅 读 对 话 , 从 每 题 A、 B、 C、 D 四个 选项 中, 选出 一个 最佳 答案 完成 对话 。 (5 分)Leo: Hi, Ann! Its Leo. Im taking some friends to the cinema for my birthday next week. 61 Ann: Id love to, thanks! Which day?Leo: Well, my birthday is on Wednesday, but Im going out with my fa

25、mily then, so itll be on5Thursday. Is that OK?Ann: Great! 62 Leo: An adventure film, called Antikar. Thats A-N-T-I-K-A-R.Ann: Oh, Ive heard its really good! So which cinema is it? 63 Leo: Its in Cross Street. Its nicer than the one in South Street.Ann: Cool! 64 Leo: At a quarter to six. And when it

26、finishes at eight oclock, well eat at the pizza place next door. Ann: OK. 65 Leo: Mm, cars arent allowed to park there, so itll be easier for them to wait by the library. Why dont you tell them that?Ann: Good idea.61. A. Do you plan to go? B. Would you like to come?C. Shall we go hiking? D. Are you

27、busy for the test?62. A. Hows your birthday? B. Why are you inviting your friends?C. Which film are we going to see? D. Where are we going to see the film?63. A. Ill meet you there. B. Ill need a snack.C. Its far from my home. D. Ill be lost.64. A. How long does it last? B. What time does it start?C

28、. Is it the afternoon show? D. When does it end?65. A. Do you drive a car to the restaurant? B. Theres no bus station near the restaurant.C. The restaurant is next to the library. D. My parents will drive there to pick me up. VI阅 读理 解阅 读下 列短 文, 从每 题 A、 B、 C、 D 四个 选项 中, 选出 一个 能回 答所 提问 题或 完成 所给 句子 的最

29、佳答 案。 (3 0 分)AIt seems that a cat and a mouse just cant get along well. Cats always like to catch mice. When a mouse meets a cat, the mouse will try to run away as fast as possible.Once upon a time, on a sunny fall afternoon, a young mouse ran around for fun under a tall tree by himself. He kicked u

30、p a small piece of rock. The rock went up to the air then dropped down hitting a baby cat. The baby cat was only a few weeks old. She looked at the mouse and said to herself, “He must have lots of power because he could kick up a piece of rock to hit me.” She felt scared.It made the young mouse very

31、 proud. He told his friends, the other mice, “Everybody says that a mouse is afraid of a cat, but today a cat was afraid of me.” So the mouse said that he would not run away any more. His friends explained that it was just an accident. The baby cat was too young toknow a mouse. When the baby cat gre

32、w up to become a big cat, it would be different. So the other mice advised the young mouse that he must still run away when he saw a cat. But the self-important mouse would not take the advice.One year later, the baby cat grew up and became a big cat. One day, under the same tall tree, when the big

33、cat showed up, all the mice ran away except the young mouse. He remained staying there without moving.In another minute, the most stupid mouse was killed by the cat without realizing the reason.66. On a sunny fall afternoon, went up to hit a baby cat.6A. a tall tree B. a piece of rock C. a young mou

34、se D. a large stone67. The young mouse was very proud because .A. the mouse caught the cat B. the cat was afraid of himC. the mouse kicked up a rock D. the cat ran away at once68. The other mice advised the young mouse to when he saw the cat. A. stay there B. show up C. grow up D. run away69. , the

35、young mouse met the cat again.A. One day later B. One year later C. In another minute D. A few weeks later70. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?A. A Stupid Mouse B. A Big Cat C. A Small Rock D. The Same TreeBIn an Italian school, the students are taking a science lesson.Mr Mar

36、co, their teacher, explains, “For part of our lesson today, some of you are going to visit the Lakeside Park to study trees in natural surroundings. You will be looking carefully and thinking about the conditions trees need to grow.”Mr Marco and the group walk to the woodland where there are many be

37、autiful trees. The students are required to match the trees with the names of three trees on their question paper. Two students try guessing the height of young trees. Then they measure the distance from a young tree to the parenttree by counting their steps between the trees. One of the students re

38、minds them to stay on task and follow the group. The rest of the group see several trees matching the descriptions on their task list and run towards them.Mr Marco gives the students three large plastic bowls with three labels (标签 ). The studentsbegin to search under each tree and find things to fil

39、l the labelled bowls. They put the things they find into a bowl labelled red birch. Then they find the other two trees, a Tibetan cherry, and a paperbark maple with red and orange curly leaves. Once the students have finished, they relax, draw and make notes.When the group return to school, Mr Marco

40、 gives them special glasses to look through. They begin to sort and order their collections. Two of the students put tiny seeds between two pieces of glass.They examine them carefully. Two more students pour water into a metal container (容器 ) tocover some leaves and dead flowers. They put on special

41、 gloves to stir the liquid (液体 ) as the container heats up on a hotplate. Two other students are drawing and taking notes.Then Mr Marco calls the group together. The group tell the class about the things they saw andthe results of their experiments (实验 ). Mr Marco thanks the group and says he hopes

42、to see the results of their experiments growing in the school garden.71. The students visit the park to .A. walk round the lake B. discuss ideas about plantsC. study trees in the natural world D. guess the height of trees72. In the park, the students are asked to .A. carry out more than one task B.

43、measure the height of young treesC. finish their activities by counting steps D. match trees to the names on a list773. Before the students leave the park, they need to .A. gather all the large and small seeds togetherB. put all their nature study materials into containersC. show Mr Marco their draw

44、ings of flowersD. count all the leaves under the trees74. After the group arrive back in school, they do all the following things EXCEPT .A. study natural materials with special glasses B. sort and order their collectionsC. draw and take notes D. heat natural materials to make a plant food75. What d

45、o the students share with the rest of the class at the end of the lesson?A. Their guesses about nature. B. Their collections of natural materials.C. The results of their observations and experiments. D. Answers to all the questions on the task list.CMany schools want to see young children spend more

46、 time learning. Some get rid of nap time. They think time spent sleeping is wasted time. And they feel kids may not really need to nap (午睡 ) anyway.Ending afternoon naps might be a mistake, though. A new study looked at school nap time. It shows that going without a nap can cause problems for some c

47、hildren. That makes it harder for them to remember what they learn. The new study was done by Rebecca Spencer and Tracy Riggins. Both are scientists who study learning and memory.Children need less sleep as they get older. However, children are not all the same. They stop needing to nap at different

48、 ages. Some stop napping every dayby age 4. Others still nap daily at age 6. Also, the need to nap doesnt just suddenly disappear, Spencer said. It can come and go as children develop. Children grow very quickly. All that growth can betiring. Children may be fine without naps at one point. A month later, they may need to take naps again.All children need a good nights sleep in order to remember and learn. However, some children need more sleep than others. To keep what theyve learned, these children need to nap during the day. Nighttime sleep just


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