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1、12019 年浙江省温州市中考英语冲刺试卷(一)一、单项填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(共 10 题;共 20 分)1._ TV drama You Who Came From the Stars tells a love story between a 400-year-old alien and _ attractive human girl.A. A; an B. The; the C. A; the D. The; an2. Why dont you buy the computer? Its too . I cant afford it.A. expensi

2、ve B. patient C. helpful D. playground3.When teachers finish their classes, they often go back to their A. study B. library C. office D. playground4. Meimei, could you tell me _ about Beijing? Of course.A. anything B. everyone C. something D. everything5.He answered my questions_. A. correctly B. ca

3、reful C. clear D. correct6.Mr. Black is going to give much money to the poor, he isnt rich enough. A. if B. unless C. until D. though7.Im too tired, so I _ sit down and rest every five minutes. A. must B. had to C. have D. have to8._ Tom and Bob your brothers?A. Are B. Be C. Is D. Do9.People in _ of

4、ten put their hands together and nod their heads.A. Greece B. Russia C. India D. Britain10.I missed the opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup._, Judy? It was wonderful! I have never seen such a great football match before.A. Whats up B. Whats it like C. Whats it about D. Whats the result2二、完形填空(

5、本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分))(共 1 题;共 10 分)11.根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中 选择最佳答案填空。My name is Jim White. I 1 a schoolboy. My school is 2 my home. Every day, it takes me 3 to get there. The road is not 4 . So I cant go to school 5 . I often get there by bus or 6 . It takes me thirty 7 to get there by bus and

6、 an hour on foot. I must get up very early every morning. I have no time 8 breakfast at home. I often have something for breakfast 9 or on the bus. I dont want to 10 school. So sometimes I run to school.1. A. is B. are C. am D. be2. A. far from B. from C. far D. away3. A. a lot time B. many time C.

7、a lot of time D. a bit time4. A. long B. flat(平坦的) C. short D. clean5. A. on bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. in bike6. A. by walk B. walk C. on foot D. by foot7. A. hours B. seconds C. minutes D. days8. A. for B. with C. of D. to9. A. at home B. at school C. in the way D. on a shop10. A. is late for

8、 B. are late for C. be late of D. be late for三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题。前 14 小题为客观题,最后一小题为主观题。共 30 分)(共 4 题;共 40 分)12.根据材料内容,选择正确答案。(1 ) The material above has something to do with .A. phone books B. a website C. Oxford University D. newspapers(2 ) How many requirements(必备条件) are needed for getting the job?A.

9、 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.(3 ) This advertisement is probably given by . A. a bicycle company B. newspaper ownersC. Oxford Distribution D. the local government(4 ) If we do the job, . A. we can win free bicycles B. we can design paper roundsC. we will pay extra money D. we will wear free uniforms3(5 ) Ho

10、w can we get more information?A. By sending an email. B. By going around all areas.C. By calling 01852 476666. D. By asking a 13-year-old child.13.阅读理解Here are the twin sisters, Lily and Lucy. They are in Miss Gaos class. They are two new students. Theyre eleven. This is their room. Its a nice room.

11、 There are two beds in the room. One is Lucys and the other is Lilys. They look the same. Their coats are on their beds. We cant see their shoes. Theyre under their beds.The twins have two desks and chairs. Their clocks, books and pencil boxes are on the desks. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs

12、.(1 ) What kind(种类) of room is it? A. Its a classroom. B. Its a bedroom. C. Its a big room. D. Its a nice room.(2 ) Which one is NOT TURE? A. Lilys coat is on her bed. B. Lucys shoes are under her chair.C. There are two beds in the room. D. They are students.(3 ) Lucy and Lily are _. A. cousins B. s

13、ons C. sisters D. brothers(4 ) Wheres Lucys schoolbag? A. On the chair. B. In the desk. C. Behind the desk. D. Behind the chair.(5 ) Where are their books? A. On the desks. B. In the beds. C. Under the beds. D. Behind the chairs.14. As a girl, Ive spent a great deal of my time on earth concerned abo

14、ut my weight. So I do know something about exercise. Let me tell you about the calorie-burning activities Ive tried or will try. Salsa (萨尔萨舞)I try to maintain my weight through dancing. Dancing improves my coordination and sense of rhythm in addition to burning calories. Im personally interested in

15、salsa, which I find sexy and expressive(有表现力的). But I have not yet to start classes, because classes are very expensive, and I cannot find a dance partner.Ping-PongPing-pong is the national sport of China, so how could I know nothing about it?My father is a ping-pong fan, and a really good player. H

16、es won several informal (非正式的) matches. My relationship with ping-pong has always been on-and-off. Ill get into it for a while, 4and then lose interest. The reason is because I cant find a good partner. Some stronger can depress you, while someone weaker (or just as weak) can make the game boring.Ta

17、e Kwon Do (跆拳道)Ive recently decided to try tae kwon do as my regular exercise activity. Theres a story behind this choice: A few weeks ago, I was sitting on a bus, concentrating on a book. Suddenly, the bus became very quiet except for the sound of a womans crying. I looked up to see what had happen

18、ed and overheard whispers that she had just quarreled with a man, and the man slapped(拍打) her face. No one on the bus dared say anything because the man looked really strong. Even now I feel ashamed I was among the silent.Thats why Ive made up my mind to learn something that will help me protect oth

19、ers and myself.(1 ) We can guess that the girl is _ according to the passage.A. too thin B. a little fat C. careful D. brave(2 ) Why doesnt the girl want to go to learn salsa?A. The dance is too difficult to learn. B. Nobody wants to dance with her.C. She has no time to join the classes. D. She find

20、s it sexy and expressive.(3 ) She is interested in ping-pong because _. A. she can play it well B. it is the national sportC. her father plays it well D. she finds a good partner(4 ) She has made up her mind to learn Tae Kwon Do mainly because_.A. she wants to lose weight B. she wants to protect oth

21、ers and herselfC. she wants to win some matches D. she wants to beat a strong man(5 ) We can learn from the passage that_.A. the girl has learnt salsa for a long time B. the girl has played ping-pong many timesC. the girl was brave enough to beat the man D. she has learnt tae kwon do well15. Today,

22、after many days of practice and lots of matches, we entered the basketball final.I was the leader of the team. At the very beginning, one student from our team got the ball and quickly shot a basket. Oh, it went in, 2:0. All our classmates cheered.But after a few minutes there were some mistakes and

23、 we lost eight points. I changed two players, but it didnt help.At that time all our teammates felt worried and we even quarreled with each other angrily. “Its no use crying over spilt milk!” I shouted, “We must face it !” Lets think about our mistakes and stop making them!”We had a short meeting .

24、The second half of the match began. There was a big change. At first, our team got the ball and I shot from the three-point line at once. The ball did a beautiful curve and went straight into the basket.5I become very confident. The other team was still very strong.A good chance came! I got the ball

25、 again and shot into the basket! 12:9! I couldnt believe my eyes! Am I that good at shooting? How could I get so many points?We stayed in the lead. Finally the score was 18:16. We won! (1 ) The passage mainly talks about_.A. a basketball match B. a basketball teamC. skills of playing basketball D. w

26、ays to win a basketball match(2 ) At first, the writers team was losing because_. A. they felt upset B. they kept arguingC. they made mistakes D. their classmates cheered too loud!(3 ) The best translation for “Its no use crying over spilt milk” is “_”.A. 熟能生巧 B. 勤能补拙 C. 破釜沉舟 D. 覆水难收(4 ) The final s

27、core of the basketball match is _. A. 2:0 B. 12:9 C. 18:16 D. 18:18(5 ) We can tell from the story that_. A. basketball is too hard a game to play B. confidence comes from failureC. failure can surely bring success D. learning from failure can make one succeed四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)(共 2 题;共

28、 15 分)16.选词填空。 smile,leg,run,buy ,theySong Xiong is my MendHe is strongHis_are long and his feet are bigHe likes runningSometimes we_togetherSong Xiong studies in a big schoolThere are several foreign teachersThey speak EnglishOne of_is HenryHe always talks with students with a_Song Xiong learns muc

29、h from himLast Saturday,Song Xiong had a birthday partyHenry_a book for him.Song Xiong was very happy17.根据所给汉语意思及文章内容,写出单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词)Oliver Twist is a famous novel _(写) by Charles Dickens. It mainly talks about the boy named Oliver Twist. His parents _(死), he has to grow up with many poor _ (陌生人

30、). One day, when nobody pays _(关注) to him, he runs away in a _ (仓促 ) to London. After he gets to London, he is cheated by one bad guy called Fagin who is very _ (不礼貌的)and then he starts his life of _ (偷). In Fagins house, Oliver also meets some good partners who really care about him. When Oliver is

31、 taken to the 6police station, a good man saves him and is quite _ (耐心的) with him. He teaches Oliver how to read books, how to learn _ (明智的) and how to be a gentleman. These abilities are very _(有帮助的) to him. More importantly, Olivers happy childhood has finally come to an end.六、书面表达(共 1 题,共 15 分)今年

32、的 3 月 25 日是第 24 个“全国中小学生安全教育日”。汕头市着力于“ 普及安全健康知识”的公益平台,近年来安全健康教育网在全国各地的中小学,你参加了学校“安全”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿。注意:1. 内容必须包括所给的全部要点,可适当发挥;2. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;3. 词数 80 词左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。How to keep safe?As teenagers we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of m

33、y suggestions._7答案一、单项填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B 二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)) 11. (1)C;(2 )A;(3) C;(4 )B;(5)B;(6) C;(7 )C;(8)A;(9)B;(10)D; 三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题。前 14 小题为客观题,最后一小题为主观题。共 30 分) 12. (1)D(2)B(3)C(4)D (5)A 13. (1)B(2)B(3)C(4)D(5 )A 14.

34、(1)B(2)B(3)C(4)B(5)B 15. (1)A(2)C(3)D(4)C(5 )D 四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 16. legs;run ;them ;smile ;bought 17. written; die;strangers;attention;rush/hurry;impolite;stealing;patient;wisely;helpful第六部分How to keep safe?As teenagers we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe?

35、Here are some of my suggestions.First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe.Also, we should eat healthily and safely. Eating food that does bad will do harm to our health. Last but not least, summer is coming, and we must remember it;s dangerous to swim in the river.In short, safety must come first!


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