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1、仁 爱 英 语 七 年 级 下 册 Unit 7 单 元 测 试第 一 部 分 听 力 ( 20 分 ) . 听 句 子 , 选 择 正 确 图 片 。 每 个 句 子 读 一 遍 。 ( 5 分 )A B C D E1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5. _ . 听 句 子 , 选 择 正 确 答 语 。 每 个 句 子 读 一 遍 。 ( 5 分 )( ) 6. A. Its Wednesday. B. Its May 11th. C. It was June 6th.( ) 7. A. Im sorry, Mr. Wang. B. Im late again, Dad. C. Just

2、 a short time.( ) 8. A. The same to you. B. No problem. C. Thank you.( ) 9. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. No, I dont.( ) 10. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I cant. C. I can dance. 听 对 话 及 问 题 , 选 择 正 确 答 案 。 每 段 对 话 及 问 题 读 两 遍 。 ( 5 分 )( )11. A. Peter. B. Kate. C. Both of them.( )12. A. Yes, he could. B.

3、Yes, he can. C. No, he couldnt.( )13. A. In 1998. B. In 1999. C. In 2000.( )14. A. Its round. B. Its red. C. Its a rectangle.( )15. A. She did her homework. B. She did some cleaning. C. She did some shopping. 听 短 文 , 选 择 正 确 答 案 。 短 文 读 两 遍 。 ( 5 分 )( )16. Who buys Jim a birthday cake?A. His parents

4、.B. His friends. C. His grandparents.( )17. Where is the birthday cake?A. On the desk of Jims bedroom.B. On the shelf of the living room.C. On the table of the dining room.( )18. Jim is _ years old.A. elevenB. twelveC. thirteen( )19. Is Jims name on the cake?A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. We dont

5、 know.( )20. Jim will eat these foods with _.A. Bill and Jack B. his parents C. A and B第 二 部 分 英 语 知 识 运 用 ( 65 分 ). 单 项 选 择 。 (15 分 )( )1. _ is your mothers birthday?April 8th.A. HowB. WhenC.WhoD. What( )2. Do you enjoy _ music?Of course I do.A. listeningB. listentoC. listeningtoD. to listen to( )3

6、. There are _ floors in my house and my bedroom is on the _ floor.A. four; twoB. fourth; secondC. four; secondD. fourth; two( )4. _ is it?Its a circle.A. What kindB. What colorC. What timeD. What shape( )5. Tom was born _ London _ May 1st, 1989.A. in; inB.in; onC. on; inD.on; on( )6. She couldnt sin

7、g English songs _.A. for two yearsB.in two yearsC. two years agoD. over two years( )7. Jane, where is the gym, please?_A. Thank you very much.B. I dont know, either.C. This way, please. D. Oh, what did you say?( )8. Did you buy a birthday cake yesterday?No, I didnt. I _ one_ hand.A. make; withB.make

8、; byC. made; byD. made; with( )9. _ was the tea party last week?It was very nice.A. HowB. WhatC.WhenD. Where( )10. Alice likes playing _ piano and she also likes playing _ soccer.A. the; theB. /; /C. /; theD. the; /( )11. Who went to the park with you yesterday?Li Lei _.A. doesB.didC. wasD. do( )12.

9、 There is _ with my bike. I must ask Uncle Wang for help.Oh, sorry to hear that.A. wrong somethingB. something wrongC. anything wrongD. wrong anything( )13. _ the help of my English teacher, I can speak English easily.A. WithB. InC.OnD. Of( )14. _ is the ruler, Mike?About one meter.A. How longB. How

10、 oftenC. How farD. How much( )15. Could you ride a bike when you were 5 years old?_A. Yes, I could. B. No, I dont.C. Yes, I can. D. No, I cant. 情 景 交 际 。 (10 分 )(A)根 据 对 话 的 情 景 , 从 方 框 中 选 择 适 当 的 句 子 填 在 画 线 处 , 使 对 话 完 整 通 顺 。 其 中有 两 项 是 多 余 的 。John:Hi, Linda! Whats the date today?Linda: 16 John:

11、What are you going to do?Linda: 17 Because tomorrow is her birthday.John:Oh! Glad to hear that. 18 Linda:Ill do some washing and cooking for my mom. My father will buy her a birthday cake.John:Oh! 19 Linda:Im also happy to do something for her. She works hard for my family. I love her.John:Youre rig

12、ht. 20 Linda:Thank you.A. Its Saturday.B. Im sure she will be very happy.C. Its February 18th.D. How do you plan to celebrate it?E. I want to buy some flowers for my mother.F. Im going to buy a pair of pants for myself.G. Happy birthday to your mother!16. 17. 18. 19. 20. (B)根 据 对 话 情 景 , 在 画 线 处 填 上

13、 适 当 的 句 子 或 短 语 , 使 对 话 完 整 通 顺 。A: Good morning, Mr. Wu.B: Good morning, Bruce. Sit down, please. May I ask you some questions (问 题 )?A: Sure. What do you want to know?B: Well, 21. A: I was born in New York, the USA.B: 22. A: Im fourteen.B: 23. A: My family moved to Beijing last year.B: Can you sp

14、eak Chinese now?A: Yes, but 24. . I couldnt speak Chinese at all last year.B: Youre so cool! 25._A: Beijing is a great and beautiful city. I like it very much.B: Thats all. Thanks.A: Youre welcome. 完 形 填 空 。 ( 10 分 )Dear Alice,Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. I 26 a wonderful day. In the mornin

15、gmy parents27 with me. They bought a beautiful dress 28 me. Its yellow. I like it very much. Then they 29 me to a restaurant. We had lunch there. The food was 30 .After lunch we went to a pet shop. My mother 31 me a little dog. It has big black eyes. Its very cute. In the evening, I had a birthday 3

16、2 with my friends. They bought me a birthday cake. They also 33 me a lot of presents. We sang, danced and played games. All the shows were very 34 and I was so happy.Wish you 35 my birthday party one day. Write to me soon!Yours,Lisa( )26. A. haveB. hasC. amhavingD. had( )27. A. went shoppingB. gosho

17、ppingC. goesshoppingD. going shopping( )28. A. toB. forC. atD. of( )29. A. takeB. takesC. tookD. to take( )30. A. deliciousB. goodC. sunnyD. well( )31. A. foundB. gotC. wantedD. put( )32. A. cakeB. presentC. partyD. meeting( )33. A. bringsB. tobringC. broughtD. bring( )34. A. interestingB. lateC. ea

18、rlyD. difficult( )35. A. come toB. comingtoC. tocomeD. to come to. 阅 读 理 解 。 ( 30 分 )(A)Here are some activities from Kangkangs school plan in 2013.Kangkangs School PlanDate Day ActivitiesFeb. 25th Mon. School beginningMar. 8th Fri. Womens DayMar. 30th Sat. Janes birthdayApr. 13th-28th Weekends Scho

19、ol art festivalMay 1st Wed. May DayMay 10th Fri. English CornerMay 12th Sun. Mothers DayMay 28th Tue. Lin Taos birthdayJun.1st Sat. Childrens DayJun. 3rd-20th Every weekday School basketball gamesJun. 28th Fri. Class English party根 据 表 格 内 容 , 选 择 正 确 答 案 。( )36. The school art festival is over on_.

20、A. Apr. 13th B. Jun. 20th C. Apr. 28thD. May 1st( )37. Whose birthday is in Kangkangs plan?_A. Childrens.B. Janes.C. Lin Taos.D. B and C.( )38. On June 8th, can we watch a basketball game in Kangkangs school?A. Yes, we can. B. No, we cant. C. We can watch it. D. We dont know.( )39. Kangkangs class w

21、ill_ on June 28th.A. beginschoolB. have an English CornerC. have an English partyD. We dont know( )40. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mothers Day is on May 12th, 2013.B. The school basketball games end on June 3rd.C. School begins on February 25th.D. There are eleven activities in Kangkangs p

22、lan.(B)Doctor Carl was a very busy man. He always worked hard. He often forgot his families birthdays. Yesterday afternoon he remembered (记 得 ) it was his wifes (妻 子 的 ) birthday. He loved his wife. He wanted to give her a present. On his way home from hospital, he bought some beautiful flowers in a

23、 shop. When doctor Carl got home, he gave his wife the flowers and said, “Happy birthday to you, dear!” “Its April 20th today. I remembered your birthday this year. ” Mrs. Carl said, “My birthday was the day before yesterday, but thank you all the same. Better late than never!”根 据 短 文 内 容 , 选 择 正 确

24、答 案 。( )41. Where did Carl work?A. In a hospital. B. In a store. C. In a shop. D. In a family.( )42. What did Carl buy for his wife on April 20th?A. A present. B. Some food. C. Nothing. D. Some flowers.( )43. When was Carls wifes birthday?A. Today. B. The day before yesterday.C. April 20th. D. April

25、 18th.( )44. Why did Carl forget his families birthdays? Because _ .A. he was too oldB. he worked very hardC. he was a doctorD. he was not busy( )45. When did he buy some flowers?A. On his way home from work. B. On his wifes birthday.C. On his way to the shop. D. On his birthday.(C)Bob is fourteen y

26、ears old. Now he is studying in a junior high school. He went there last September. He goes to school five days a week. He is in the school basketball and the music clubs (俱 乐 部 ). He likes playing basketball very much. And he can sing very well. He can also play the instruments like the piano and t

27、he guitar well. Bobs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smiths, teach music in his school. They like music very much. They often sing songs on TV. Bobs sister, Mary, is eleven. She can sing a lot of songs. She can dance well, too. She wants to be a musician( 音 乐 家 ) and dancer.根 据 短 文 内 容 , 完 成 任 务 。任 务 一 : 选 择

28、正 确 答 案 。( )46. The word“instruments”here means _ in Chinese.A. 象 棋 B. 乐 器 C. 旗 帜 D. 游 戏任 务 二 : 判 断 正 ( T) 误 ( F) 。( )47. Bob went to the junior high school in September last year.( )48. Mary only wants to be a musician.任 务 三 : 回 答 问 题 。49. What do Bobs father and mother do?_50. What can Mary do?_第

29、三 部 分 写 作 ( 35 分 ). 词 汇 部 分 。 ( 10 分 )(A)根 据 句 意 及 首 字 母 提 示 , 在 空 白 处 填 入 适 当 的 单 词 。51.Can you c_ from one to a hundred in English?Let me have a try. One, two, three52. Li Lei made a w_ before he blew out the candles on the cake.53.Jack, which is the last month of the year?Well, its D_.54.What abo

30、ut going for a picnic this afternoon?Im a_ not. I have much homework to do.55.The fish is very d_. I like it very much.Thank you.(B)根 据 句 意 , 用 括 号 内 所 给 单 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空 。56. I fell down yesterday, but I didnt hurt _ (me).57. Kate went home a few _(minute) ago.58.Do you want to be a _(write) like

31、Lu Xun?No, I want to be a singer.59. The old man lives on the _ (twelve) floor of this tall building.60. Mr. Lee _(start) to learn English when he was ten years old. 句 型 转 换 。 (每 空 一 词 )( 5 分 )61.Jim is at home. (改 为 否 定 句 )Jim _ at home yesterday.62.Kangkangs computer doesnt work. (对 画 线 部 分 提 问 )_

32、 _ _ _ Kangkangs computer?63.Tom enjoyed himself in the zoo last Sunday. (改 为 同 义 句 )Tom _ _ _ _ in the zoo last Sunday.64.What other things can you see in the classroom? (改 为 同 义 句 )_ _ can you see in the classroom?65.They played basketball on the playground yesterday afternoon. (对 画 线 部 分 提 问 )_ _

33、 they _ on the playground yesterday afternoon?. 书 面 表 达 。 ( A 题 5 分 , B 题 15 分 , 共 20 分 )(A) 假 如 这 个 星 期 天 是 你 父 亲 ( 母 亲 ) 的 生 日 , 你 想 对 他 ( 她 ) 说 些 什 么 ?_(B) 昨 天 七 年 级 二 班 的 学 生 在 班 里 举 行 了 一 场 英 语 晚 会 。 学 生 们 唱 歌 、 跳 舞 、 表 演魔 术 等 , 他 们 玩 得 非 常 开 心 ; 高 老 师 也 唱 了 一 首 英 文 歌 曲 。 假 设 你 是 七 年 二 班 的 学生 L

34、i Yun, 请 用 英 语 描 述 当 时 的 情 景 。要 求 : 60 个 词 左 右 。 语 言 地 道 , 语 句 通 顺 。提 示 词 : have an English evening, perform magic tricksAn English Evening_听 力 部 分 Unit 7 单 元 测 试. 听 句 子 , 选 择 正 确 图 片 。 每 个 句 子 读 一 遍 。1. Dave was born on November 21st.2. Mike performed some magic tricks at the party.3. The shape of

35、the ball is round.4. Tom can play the guitar very well.5. Look! Mary is washing her clothes. 听 句 子 , 选 择 正 确 答 语 。 每 个 句 子 读 一 遍 。6. Whats the date today?7. Dont be late for class next time.8. Happy birthday to you!9. Did you watch TV last night?10. Can you sing or dance?. 听 对 话 及 问 题 , 选 择 正 确 答 案

36、。 每 段 对 话 及 问 题 读 两 遍 。11.W: Hi, Peter, can you swim?M: No, I cant. How about you, Kate?W: I can swim very well.Q: Who can swim?12.W: Excuse me, can you speak Japanese?M: Yes, I can.W: When could you speak it?M: Three years ago.Q: Could the boy speak Japanese three years ago?13.W: When were you born

37、, Li Lei?M: I was born in 2000. Im thirteen years old now. And you?W: Im fourteen.Q: When was the girl born?14.W: Whats the shape of your present?M: Its round.W: Is it a basketball?M: Yes, you are right.Q: What shape is the boys present?15.M: Mary, did you do some shopping yesterday?W: No, I did my

38、homework at home.Q: What did Mary do yesterday?. 听 短 文 , 选 择 正 确 答 案 。 短 文 读 两 遍 。My name is Jim. Today is my birthday. Dad and Mom get me a big birthday cake. I like eating cakes. On the table of the dining room, you can see the cake. There are twelve candles on it now. You can also find my name on

39、 it. There are some other foods on the table, too. My friends Bill and Jack are coming. I want to eat these foods with all of them.参 考 答 案Unit 7 单 元 测 试第 一 部 分 听 力. 1. D 2. B 3.A 4.C 5. E. 6. B 7. A 8. C 9.B 10. C. 11. B 12. A 13.B 14.A 15. A. 16. A 17. C 18.B 19.B 20. C第 二 部 分 英 语 知 识 运 用1-5BCCDB 6

40、-10CCCAD 11-15BBAAA. (A)16. C 17. E 18.D 19.B 20. G(B)21. where were you born?22. How old are you?23. When did your family move to Beijing?24. only a little/not very well25. What do you think of Beijing? / How do you like Beijing?.26-30DABCA 31-35BCCAD . (A)36-40CDBCB 41-45ADDBA 46-48BTF49. They are

41、( music) teachers.50. She can sing and dance. / She can sing a lot of songs and dance well.第 三 部 分 写 作. (A)51. count 52. wish 53. December54. afraid55. delicious(B)56. myself 57. minutes 58. writer59. twelfth60. started. 61. wasnt 62. Whats the matter with/What is wrong with63. had a good/nice/great

42、/wonderful time 64. What else 65. What did; do. 参 考 范 文 :(A)Dear father, this Sunday is your birthday. I want to say “Happy birthday to you! My dear father. ” You always work so hard for our family. But I never say “Thanks” to you. Today, I will say to you, “Thanks for your hard work, for giving us

43、so much. I willwork hard on my study. I will try my best to be a good son/daughter. ”(B)An English EveningMy name is Lin Yun. Im in Class 2, Grade 7. Yesterday our class had an English evening. We could only speak English. It was very interesting. I sang an English song with Wei Hua. Li Lei performed some magic tricks. Some students danced to disco. OurEnglish teacher, Miss Gao, also sang an English song. It was beautiful. We all liked it very much. Everyone had a wonderful time!All of us want to have an English evening again.


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