冀教版英语八年级下册Lesson 2课件

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1、八年级英语(JJ下)教学课件,Unit 1,Lesson 2 : Its Getting Wamer!,Key words & phrases: neither, nor, boot, jasmine, blossom, sunshine, swing, neither. nor., play on the swing, a field trip Key sentences: 1. I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now! 2. On my way to school this morning, I saw some winte

2、rjasmine blossoming. 3. Every morning, I see lots of people exercising in the park.,Learning Targets,What is spring weather like?,In spring, the weather becomes warmer. The temperature goes up! In early spring, it sometimes snows. But the snow melts quickly in the warm sun. In April, rain showers be

3、gin. Some times there are storms with thunder and lightning. Thunder makes a loud noise.,Lead in,Which season is your favourite? Why?,spring,summer,autumn,winter,How did you know that spring is coming?,Do you know some proverbs about Spring?,How did you know that spring is coming?,1. The weather is

4、getting warmer and warmer.,2. We dont need our winter clothes.,5. The days are getting longer and the sunrises earlier in the morning.,6. There are lots of people exercising in thepark.,3. The grass grows, the flowers blossom, andthe trees begin to sprout.,4. The birds fly back from the south.,Sprin

5、g is when lifes alive in everything.,春天是万物复苏的时节。,If Winter comes, can spring be far behind?,如果冬天来了, 春天还会远吗?,A single flower doesnt make a spring.,一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。,Do you know some proverbs about Spring?,No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.,不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来。,April hath put a spirit

6、of youth in everything. William Shakespeare,四月将勃勃生机注入万物。,Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.,所谓春天,就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴,仍然 想吹口哨。,Words and expressions,neithernor boot jasmine blossom sunshine Tai Chi swing,conj. & adv. 既不;也不;(二者)都不 conj. & adv. 也不;也没 n. 靴,靴子 n. 茉莉 v. 开花 n. 花朵

7、 n. 阳光 n. 太极 n. 秋千 v. 打秋千;摇摆,boot n. 靴,靴子,jasmine n. 茉莉,blossom v. 开花 n. 花朵,sunshine n. 阳光,swing n. 秋千 v. 打秋千;摇摆,Tai Chi n. 太极,What do you know about spring? Which season is your favourite?,THINK ABOUT IT,Presentation,Skimming the article on page 4 and answer the following question.,Where is this ar

8、ticle from? A. A newspaper. B. A letter. C. A book.,Learning Tip,How do you pronounce “10 ”? Thats “ten degrees Celsius” or “ten degrees centigrade”.,Lets Do It!,1. The temperature reached 15 in the morning. ( ) 2. Wang Mei is still wearing boots. ( ) 3. Wang Mei saw some winter jasmine on her way t

9、o the park. ( ) 4. Wang Meis class is planning a field trip to the countryside. ( ),F,F,F,T,Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F).,1,Read the lesson again and tick all the scenes mentioned.,The grass grows. The weather is warm. The air is fresh. The flowers blossom. The trees begin to spro

10、ut. The days get longer. The sun rises earlier. The birds fly back from the south.,2,What do people like to do in spring? Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,reach enjoy rise practice plant,When I _ that village, it was dark.It is getting warm. Many people like to _ Ta

11、i Chi in the park.,reached,practice,3,3. The flowers in the park have blossomed. My grandparents go there to _ the flowers every morning. 4. The sun _ early now. Lets get up early and playing ping-pong together. 5. Many people go to the countryside to _ trees in early spring.,rises,enjoy,plant,Talk

12、about spring and outdoor activities. You can use the sentences in Activities 2 and 3.,4,What do people like to do in Spring?,Many people like to practice Tai Chi in the park.,Yes, and the park becomes very beautiful. The birds sing, the flowers blossom and the air is fresh.,Yes, why not plan a field

13、 trip? We can enjoy the beautiful flowers and play game.,Wow, thats sound great!,I think so. I will go to the park when spring comes.,Language points,1. I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!neither.nor.表示“既不也不; 两个都不”。其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。例:She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油

14、也不喜欢奶酪。Neither he nor I am waiting in the rain. 我和他都没有在雨中等。,当neither.nor.连接两个主语时,应遵循“就近原则“。例:Neither my dad nor my mum is at home today.今天我的父母都不在家。 若将neither.nor. 句型变为肯定句,要把neither.nor.改为 both.and. 并将谓语动词必须用复数形式。 例:Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。,neither可以单独用作主语,表示“两者中没有一个“。 例:Neither o

15、f them likes football. 他们俩都不喜欢足球。 neither或nor还有另外一种用法,就是当表达一个人 没有做某事,另一个人也没做同一类事时,可用neither或nor进行简略回答,其结构为: Neither / Nor+助动词 / 情态动词 / be动词+主语。 They didnt go to the park yesterday. Neither / Nor did we. 昨天他们没去公园,我们也没去。,2. On my way to school this morning, I sawsome winter jasmine blossoming. 在我去学校的路

16、上,我看见茉莉花正盛开着。On ones way to+ 地点 表示“在去地方的路上”See sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在干某事【拓展】see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了什么例:We saw her chatting with her neighbors. 我们看到她正和邻居聊天。I saw her cry in her room. 我看见她在房间里哭。,3. Every morning, I see lots of people exercisingin the park. 每天早上我都看见许多人在公园里锻炼。【拓展】exercise n锻炼,练习,习题。它作 “锻炼

17、” 讲时,为不可数名词;但表示 “一套锻炼动作” 时,为可数名词,其复数形式为exercises。常用短语:do morning exercises做早操;do eye exercises 做眼保健操。当它作 “练习题” 讲时也是可数名词。,1. Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once. (湖北黄石)A. walk; telling B. entering; to speak C. enter; to tell D. walking; talking 2. When I walked past the

18、park, I saw some oldpeople _ Chinese Tai Chi. (山东莱芜) A. do B. did C. doing D. are doing,中考链接,3. I have two sisters, but _ of them is a teacher. (山东潍坊) A. all B. neither C. both D. none 4. Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walkman? (湖北十堰) _. I prefer a portable computer. A. Both B. Either C. None

19、 D. Neither,5. Which do you prefer, rice or noodles? _, thanks. I am not hungry, I only need some water. (广西贺州) A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. All 6. Would you like some juice or coffee? _. I like green tea instead. (湖南邵阳) A. Either B. Neither C. Both,Exercises,It is March 1 today. Spring has arriv

20、ed in Shijiazhuang. The _ was 10 in the morning and 15 in the afternoon. Its getting _! I need _ my heavy coat _ my boots now! I saw some winter jasmine _ on my way _ school. Spring is coming.,temperature,warmer,neither,nor,blossoming,to,根据课文内容填空。,The days are _ and the sun rises earlier in the morn

21、ing. Every morning, I see more and more people _ outside. My class is planning a field trip to the countryside. I cant _. What do you like to do in spring?,getting longer,exercising,wait,Summary,1. Learnt some new words and expressions. 2. Learnt some basic information about Spring. 3. Learnt what people like to do in Spring. 4. Learnt to use the following words correctly:neither, nor,Homework,1. Review the words and phrases in Lesson 2. 2. Read the words in Lesson 3. 3. Preview the text in Lesson 3 and underline someimportant phrases.,


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