人教新课标高中英语必修三《Unit 2 Period Three》课件

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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating,内容索引,Period Three Learning about Language & Using Language,课文预读,互动探究,达标检测,基础自测,课文预读,.Read the passage and judge whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1.Wang Peng can earn his living now,but he will be in debt.( ) 2.Yong Hui thought Wang Peng spied on her me

2、nu.( ) 3.Yong Hui felt sick after eating the food in Wang Pengs restaurant. ( ) 4.Wang Peng and Yong Hui combined their ideas and provided a balanced menu.( ) 5.Wang Peng would miss his dumplings and fatty pork even in his own restaurant after cooperation.( ),F,T,T,T,F,.Read the passage carefully an

3、d choose the best answers. 1.When Wang Peng saw Yong Hui walking into his restaurant, . A.he was angry B.he presented not to have seen her C.his smile was away D.he warmly welcomed her at the door,答案,1,2,3,4,5,2.What did they eat in Wang Pengs restaurant? A.Dumplings and breast of chicken cooked wit

4、h garlic. B.Raw vegetables,fruit and rice. C.Water and ice cream. D.Dumplings,fruit and rice.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,3.Wang Peng suggested they should combine the menus because . A.he did not want to make Yong Hui angry B.he did not want to lose his customers C.he wanted to provide a balanced menu D.it would

5、make him slimmer,答案,1,2,3,4,5,4.What is a balanced diet according to the text? A.It offers both enough energy and enough fibre. B.It offers enough energy. C.It offers enough fibre. D.It offers a good taste.,1,2,3,4,答案,5,5.What does the phrase “cut down” mean in the last paragraph? A.Produce. B.Reduc

6、e. C.Increase. D.Add.,1,2,3,4,答案,5,基础自测,1. vt.咨询;请教;商量 2. n.债;债务 3. vi.& vt.怒目而视;闪耀n.怒视;炫目的光 4. vi.& vt.窥探;秘密监视n.间谍;侦探 5. vi.叹息;叹气n.叹息;叹息声,一、词汇过关,基础词汇,consult,debt,glare,spy,sigh,1. vi.& vt.消化n.摘要;概要digestion n.消化 2. adj.有毒的 n.毒药;毒物 3. vt.限制;限定n.界限;限度 adj.有限的,拓展词汇,digest,poisonous,poison,limit,limit

7、ed,4. n.利益;好处vt.& vi.有益于;有助于;受益beneficial adj.有益处的;有利的;受益的 5. vt.& vi.(使)联合;(使)结合combination n.联合;结合;化合(物),benefit,combine,1.构词法 规则poison (n.毒;毒药) poisonous (adj.有毒的) 联想(1)famous著名的 (2)dangerous危险的 2.话题词汇与“看”有关的词汇 (1)see v.看见;看到 (2)watch v.注意看;观察;注视 (3)observe v.观察;注意到 (4)gaze v.凝视;盯着看(常指无意识地) (5)st

8、are v.盯着看;凝视 (6)witness v.目击;亲眼看见 (7)glance v.瞥一眼;很快地一看 (8)glare vi.& n.怒目而视;闪耀;怒视;炫目的光,联想归纳,1. 谋生 2. 负债;欠债 3. 瞪着;怒目而视 4. 暗中监视;侦探 5. 削减;删节 6. 不久以后 7. 增加体重,二、短语互译,汉译英,earn ones living,in debt,glare at,spy on,cut down,before long,put on weight,英译汉,1.after all _ 2.no longer _ 3.the other day _ 4.accord

9、ing to _ 5.rather than _ 6.in this way _,毕竟;终究;归根结底;仍然,不再(时间上),几天前;那天,根据,而不是,用这种办法,教材原句 1.I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. 我不想让你生气,但是我发现你的菜单太有限了以至于我也就不担心了,并且开始宣传我的食物的益处。 分析解读 (1)find宾语宾补。 (2)so.that.“如此

10、以至于”,引导结果状语从句。,三、重点句式,仿写运用 (1)He to understand. 他发现这篇课文很难理解。 (2)This film is we are all eager to see it again. 这部电影如此有趣以至于我们都渴望再看一遍。,found the text difficult,so interesting that,教材原句 2.“According to my research,neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet,” explained Wang Peng.王鹏解释道:“根据我的

11、研究,你我两家的餐馆所提供的都不是均衡的膳食。” 分析解读 neither.nor.“既不也不”,连接两个并列成分。 仿写运用 My grandfather because his family was very poor then.我祖父既不会写也不会读,因为那时家庭太穷了。,can neither write nor read,教材原句 3.Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight. 他们的均衡膳食非

12、常有效,王鹏不久之后就瘦了,而雍慧也增加了些体重。 分析解读 such.that.“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。,仿写运用 This is we are all eager to see it again. 这是一部如此有趣的电影以至于我们都渴望再看一遍。,such an interesting film that,互动探究,However,as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends,she did not consult a doctor but lived on a diet of rice,raw vegetable

13、s,bananas and lemons. 然而,由于怕被朋友们嘲笑,她不去咨询医生,而是以大米、生蔬菜、香蕉和柠檬为主食。,consult vt.请教,咨询;商量;查阅 consult (with) sb. about/on sth. 就某事和某人商量 consult the dictionary查字典,重点词汇,(1)I consulted with a physician,I hired a fitness coach,and I began to eat small and healthy meals. 我咨询内科医生,雇用健身教练,开始吃少量而有益健康的食物。 (2017天津) (2

14、)Ill consult with my partners this agreement. 我要同我的合伙人商量这一协议。 (3)If you cant understand the words, . 如果你不明白这些单词,查一下词典吧。,about/on,consult the dictionary,Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. 也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关掉自己的餐馆。,(1)earn/make ones/a living谋生 (2)a

15、fter all毕竟,终究 above all首要,最重要的是 first of all首先 in all总计 all in all总的来说 not at all一点也不;别客气,(1)When he was young,he earned/made his living by selling salt. 他年轻的时候靠卖盐为生。 (2)A bedroom,after all,is a very private space. 卧室,毕竟是一个非常私人的地方。(2017天津) (3) ,you should try to persuade her to change her habits. 最重

16、要的是,你应该尽力说服她改变习惯。,Above all,(4) ,this experiment is successful. 总的来说,这项实验是成功的。 (5)Thanks for helping me. .I enjoyed it. 谢谢你帮助我。 别客气,很高兴能帮助你。,All in all,Not at all,He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 他可不希望由于餐馆不再受欢迎而负债。,debt n.债;债务;恩情;情义 in debt负债 be

17、in debt to sb. be in sb. s debt欠某人的钱;欠某人的情 owe a debt欠债 pay off debt还清债务 get/run/fall into debt陷入债务中,(1)Now he has enough money to pay off his fathers debts. 他现在有足够的钱来还清父亲的债务。 (2)She is a person who doesnt like to be in debt anyone. 她是这样一个人,她不喜欢欠任何人的情。 (3)The manager heavy debt and killed himself ye

18、sterday evening. 那个经理陷入了巨额债务,昨天晚上自杀了。 单句改错 (4)At the time his father was in a debt.,to,got/ran/fell into,She did not look happy but glared at him. 她瞪着他,看上去很不高兴。,glare vi.怒目而视;闪耀;n.怒视;炫目的光 glare at sb. 怒视某人,(1)I started to offer help,but the glare on his face stopped me. 我开始提出要帮助他,但是他怒视的目光使我却步。 (2)Th

19、e two young men stood there, (glare) at each other. 这两个年轻人站在那里,怒视着对方。 易混辨析 glare at,stare at,glance at glare at:怒目而视。 stare at:长时间盯着看;凝视。 glance at:瞥一眼,扫视,浏览。,glaring,选词填空 glare at,stare at,glance at (3)It is impolite to others for a long time. (4)The speaker the audience and began his speech. (5)Th

20、e woman stood up, the waiter.,stare at,glanced at,glaring at,I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. 我不想让你生气,但是我发现你的菜单太有限了以至于我也就不担心了,并且开始宣传我的食物的益处。,(1)limited adj.有限的 be limited to.受限制于 (2)limit vt.限制;限定;n.界限;

21、限度 limit.to.把限定在之内 There is a/no limit to.是有限的/无限的。 set a limit/limits on设定的限度 without limit无限地,无限制地 (3)limitless adj.无限制的,(1)I think teaching should not be limited to the classroom. 我认为教学不应该局限在教室内。 (2)The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution. 欧盟对污染程度作了严格的限制。 (3)The amount of money we hav

22、e is so (limit) that we cant buy the new house.我们的钱如此有限,以至于我们不能买那所新房子。 (4)Try to limit your speech five minutes. 尽量把你的演讲限制在五分钟之内。,limited,to,(1)benefit n.好处;利益;优势;v.有益于;有助于;受益 be of benefit to sb. be beneficial to sb. 对某人有益处 for the benefit of.为了的利益 benefit from/by.从中受益,得益于 (2)beneficial adj.有益的,(5)

23、The sea air will benefit you. 海边的空气对你有益。 (6)I have benefited a lot from reading. 阅读使我受益匪浅。 (7)China has been pushing the reform all its citizens. 中国一直在为了全体公民的利益而推行改革。 句型转换 (8)This is an agreement that is greatly beneficial to both parties. This is an agreement which to both parties.,for the benefit

24、of,is of great benefit,Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre. 也许我们应该把我们的想法融合起来,提供一份富含能量和纤维的均衡食谱。,(1)combine v.(使)联合;(使)结合 combine A with/and B 使A与B结合起来 (2)combination n.联合;结合 in combination with与联合,(1)This combination of healing myself a

25、nd healing the world struck me as the perfect solution. 这种治愈自己与治愈世界的结合,在我看来是个完美的解决方法。 (2017天津) (2)Youd better combine your work pleasure. 你最好把工作和娱乐结合起来。 (3)The firm is working on a new product in combination several partners.这家公司与几家合作伙伴在联合开发一种新产品。,with/and,with,In this way they cut down the fat and

26、increased the fibre in the meal. 这样,他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维素。,cut down削减;删节;砍倒;缩短 cut across穿过(某地)(尤指抄近路) cut in插嘴 cut off中止,切断;使隔绝 cut out裁剪;删去 cut up切碎;切开;把切成小块,(1)She decided to cut down the story. 她决定把这个故事删掉。 (2)Our water supply has been cut off again. 我们的供水又被切断了。 (3)You can cut out the unimportant

27、details. 你可以删掉不重要的细节。 (4)She always cuts when other people are talking. 别人说话时她总是插嘴。 (5)He always cuts his food before he eats it. 他在吃之前总是切碎食物。,in,up,经典句式,I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. 我不想让你生气,但是我发现你的

28、菜单太有限了以至于我也就不担心了,并且开始宣传我的食物的益处。,found your menu so limited是“find宾语宾补”结构。可以在此处作宾补的有现在分词、过去分词、名词、形容词、副词、介词短语等。,(1)When she hurried to the hall,she found it empty. 当她匆忙赶到大厅时,发现里面是空的。 (2)She found a wallet lying on the ground. 她发现地上有个钱包。 (3)When the actor woke up,he found his left leg (break). 这个演员醒来时,发

29、现他的左腿断了。 (4)When she woke up,she . 她醒来时发觉自己在医院里。,broken,found herself in hospital,达标检测,.单句语法填空 1.Its said that he is heavily debt. 2.The new rules will be (benefit) to every student. 3.His father used to earn his (live) by selling newspapers. 4.It was the middle-aged man that spied us that day. 5.He

30、r menu was so (limit) that few customers came to her restaurant.,in,beneficial,living,on,limited,6.The two boys stopped fighting, (glare) at each other. 7.It is hard for the woman to combine her work her family. 8.With more trees cut ,the environment is becoming worse and worse. 9.The girl has put m

31、ore weight and she looks much fatter now. 10.He consulted a number of books the subject in the library before he gave his speech.,glaring,with/and,down,on,about/on,.完成句子 1.我发现这个人很难相处。 I found it hard . 2.哈里已经失业六个月了,因此他谋生有困难。 Harry has been out of work for six months,so he has difficulty _. 3.很久以前,他在

32、俄罗斯待了半年,并且他不久还会再次去那里。,he stayed in Russia for half a year and he will go there again .,to get along/on with this person,earning,his living,Long before,before long,4.街上车太多以至于我过不去。 There were I couldnt get through. 5.他的家人和他都不知道那件事。 Neither his family nor he it.,so many cars in the street that,knows an

33、ything about,.课文短文改错 Finally,Yong Hui and Wang Peng could began to talk about menus and balanced diets in the peace.They found that neither of their restaurants offer a balanced diet.So they decided to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full with energy and fibre.,begin,offered,

34、their,filled,或So they decided to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full with energy and fibre.,of,their,Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became much slim and Yong Hui put more weight.After some time the two found that their business cooperations had turned into a personally one.At last they got married and lived happy ever after.,slimmer, on,cooperation,personal,happily,


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