人教版(新起点)英语一年级下Unit1 Classroom单元测试卷(含答案)

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人教版(新起点)英语一年级下Unit1 Classroom单元测试卷(含答案)_第1页
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1、Unit1 单元测试卷一、读一读,写一写。A a B b C c D d_on in under book_二、把相应的大小写字母连起来。(1) D A. b(2) C B. a(3) B C. d(4) A D. c三、为下列图片选择相应的单词。(1) A. book(2) B. schoolbag(3) C. desk(4) D. cat(5) E. banana(6) F. chair四、选词填空。 (只填序号)A. Where B. What C. have D. Do E. How F. under(1) I _ a book.(2) My ruler is _ the desk.(

2、3) _ many tigers are there?(4) _ is my pencil?(5) _ colour is it?(6) _ you like pears?五、选择正确答案,将序号填在题前括号里。( ) 1. _ this?Its a dog.A. Hows B. Wheres C. Whats( ) 2. Its in _ mouth.A. you B. your C. I( ) 3. Show me _ apple.A. a B. an C. two( ) 4. A gift _ you.A. for B. on C. in( ) 5. I have a beautiful

3、 schoolbag, _.A. two B. to C. too六、为下列句子选择相应的图片。(1) I like pears. A. (2) In the schoolbag. B. (3) On the schoolbag. C. (4) Under the schoolbag. D. 七、情景交际。( ) 1. 当你早上见到老师时,应说:A. Good morning! B. Good night!( ) 2. 当你想知道别人的名字时,应问:A. Touch your ear. B. Whats your name?( ) 3. 当你想知道你的小猫在哪里时,应问:A. Whats my

4、 dog? B. Where is my cat?( ) 4. 放学后和同学们分别时,应对同学们说:A. Goodbye! B. Guess!( ) 5. 当你想表达“ 把书包放在椅子下面。 ”时,应说:A. Put you chair under the schoolbag.B. Put your schoolbag under the chair.八、为下列句子选择正确的翻译。(1) 起立! A. 什么东西不见了?(2) Show me five. B. Close your eyes.(3) 闭上眼睛。 C. Stand up!(4) Whats missing? D. 出示“5” 。九

5、、连词成句。1. for, A, me, book (.)_2. my, on, chair, Its (.)_3. is, Where, ruler, the (?)_4. pencil, your, Show, me (.)_十、看图,选择正确的句子描述,将序号填在橫线上。A. Two little black birds are sitting in a tree. B. I like apples.C. Put my ruler in the pencil box.D. I see a dog looking at me.(1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _参考答案:一、略二、(1)-(4) CDAB三、(1)-(6) BCAFDE四、(1)-(6) CFEABD五、1-5 CBBAC六、(1)-(4) CADB七、1-5 ABBAB八、(1)-(4) CDBA九、1. A book for me.2. Its on my chair.3. Where is the ruler?4. Show me your pencil.十、(1)-(4) DABC


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