pep四年级下册Unit 6 Part B第一课时课件

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1、,Unit 6 Shopping,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part B Lets talkLets act,Lets talk 视频, Lets talk, Lets act,Warm-up/Revision,Two little birds are sitting on a wall. One is big and the other is small. A cute little girl is playing with a ball. Be careful, little girl! Dont knock them off the wall!,Lets chant,【例句】 I

2、have a pretty dress.我有一条漂亮的连衣裙。,Presentation,/prIti/,【用法】 可以用来形容人或物品。,【例句】The book is 5 dollars.这本书5美元。,【复数形式】 dollars,【反义词】cheap 花钱少的;便宜的,【例句】The skirt is too expensive. 这条女裙太贵了。,【同义词】 dear,/IkspensIv/,游戏时间,Whats missing?,just,try on,clothes,too,size,pants,expensive,pretty,dollar,Lets talk,点击“Lets

3、talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Can I help you?,Sarah,how do you like this skirt?,Its 89.,Lets talk,Its very pretty.,Yes.How much is this skirt?,Oh,thats expensive!,I like it, Mum.,Sorry,Sarah.Its too expensive.,Sarah, how do you like this skirt? 萨拉,你觉得这条女裙怎么样?,重点句型一,【句型结构】How do you like + 名词/代词?,例句,How do you l

4、ike it? 你觉得它怎么样?,How do you like this book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?,How do you like this shirt? 你觉得这件衬衫怎么样?,How much is this skirt? 这条女裙多少钱?,【句型结构】 How much + be动词(is/are) + 主语?,重点句型二,【例句】 How much are these apples?这些苹果多少钱? They are five yuan.它们五元。,拓展,how much还可对不可数名词的量进行提问。,How much milk is there in the bottle?

5、,A little.,瓶子里有多少牛奶?,一点儿。,how much 和 how many,how much和how many都用来询问数量。,how much后面接的名词为不可数名词, be动词用is; how many后面接的是可数名词复数形式, be动词用are。,辨析,【例句】How much milk is there in the fridge?冰箱里有多少牛奶? How many pencils are there in the pencil box? 铅笔盒里有多少支铅笔?,That scarf is pretty. How much is it?,Ill take it!,I

6、ts 10 yuan.,Lets act,It will be cold soon. You have 50 yuan. Choose three things.,Practice,It is very pretty. How much is it?,How do you like this dress?,Its 450 yuan.,It is 60 yuan.,This dress is very pretty.How much is it?,Ill take it.,一、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。,Test,( )1. A. sunglasses B. cold C. cheap (

7、 )2. A. sweater B. pretty C. dress ( )3. A. them B. my C. your ( )4. A. umbrellas B. shirt C. skirt ( )5. A. good B. how C. nice,B,B,A,A,A,二、单项选择。,( )1._do you like this sweater?A. What B. How C. Which ( )2._is this skirt? Its 120.A. How many B. How C. How much ( )3.Can I help you?_A. Yes,I want a new skirt. B. Thank you. C. Its too expensive. ( )4. It will_cold soon.A. is B. be C. / ( )5. How much_your gloves?A. is B. am C. are,C,B,A,C,B,重点词汇,pretty 美观的; 精致的,dollar 美元,expensive 昂贵的; 花钱多的,Sum-up,重点句型,Homework,Thank you!,


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