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1、Recycle Mikes happy days第一课时一、根据图片及句意提示完成句子。1. Would you like some _?2. Can I have some _?3. He likes _ best.4. My cousin is reading _.5. Have some _, please.二、完成下列问句。1.你想知道 Mike 每天干什么, 你说: _ did you _ every day?2.你想知道 Mike 经常和谁一起玩,你问: _ did you _ with ?3.你想知道 Mike 怎么去上学,你问: _ do you _ to school?4.你

2、想知道 Mike 经常什么时候睡觉,你说: _ do you _ to bed?5. 你想知道 Mike 经常去哪里打篮球, 你说: _ do you _ basketball?三、选择正确的答案。( ) 1. My father _ football every week.A. played B. plays C. playing( ) 2. I _ basketball in the playground on weekends.A. plays B. played C. play( ) 3. My grandparents _ in the evenings. A. watches TV

3、 B. watch TV C. watched TV( ) 4. Tom _ very happy every day.A. looking B. is C. was答案:一、1. dumplings 2. soup 3. apples 4. a book 5. watermelon二、1. What do 2. Who play 3. How go 4. When go 5. Where play三、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B第二课时一、按要求写出单词。1. go (过去式) _ 2. heavy(比较级) _3. thin(比较级) _ 4. is(过去式) _5. watch

4、(过去式) _ 6. big (比较级) _7. go (第三人称单数) _ 8. have(过去式) _9. play (第三人称单数) _ 10. swim(现在分词) _二、用正确的形式填空。1. He _ (go) fishing every weekend.2. She _ (have) an egg and milk for breakfast every morning. 3. Mike and John often _ (play) football together. 4. I usually _ (do) homework after dinner.5. Miss Whit

5、e often _ (walk) to school.三、完成句子。1. 我们去年照了许多相片。 We _ many _ last _.2. 我们昨天乘车去了广州。 We _ a bus _ Guangzhou yesterday.3. 你吃了好东西吗? Did you _ _ _?4. 我昨天在花园里看见了 Tom。 I _Tom in the garden yesterday.5. 上周我们去爬山了。 We _ a mountain last _.6. 我的爱好是唱歌。 My hobby is _ .7. 我去年冬天和 Sarah 去滑雪。 Sarah and I _ skiing las

6、t winter.8. 你给我买了邮票吗? Did you _ stamps for me?9.爸爸上周二给他买了一个风筝。 Dad _ a kite for _ last Tuesday.10. 他每晚在家学英语。 He _ _ at home every evening.四、根据问题和提示写出正确的答句。1. What are you doing now? (read a book)_2. What is he doing now? (draw)_3. What did you do last weekend? (see a film)_4. What do you often do on

7、 the weekend? (do homework)_答案:一、1. went 2. heavier 3. thinner 4. was 5. watched 6. bigger 7. goes 8. had 9. plays 10. swimming二、1. goes 2. has 3. play 4. do 5. walks三、1. took photos year 2. took to 3. eat anything good 4. saw 5. climbed week 6. singing 7. went 8. buy 9. bought him 10. learns Englis

8、h四、1. Im reading a book. 2. He is drawing. 3. I saw a film. 4. I often do homework.第三课时一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 sit _ swim _ eat _ make _ run _ write _ cry _ study _ watch _ wash _ say _ play _study _ have _fly _ guess _二、用动词的适当形式填空。1. My mother _ (wash) the plates in the kitchen every day.2. Please _ (ha

9、ve) some oranges. 3. _ she _ (wash) the clothes tonight?4. I _ _ (read ) English now. 5. _ you _ (go) to school every day? 6. What _ they_ (do ) ? They _ _ (sit) in the park. 7. We _ (like) music. Now we _ (sing).8. Let me _ (go) to the cinema. 9. _ you _ (clean ) the table now? Yes.10. My hands are

10、 dirty. Let me _ (go) and _ (wash ) them. 11. Look, Miss White _ (have) an English lesson. We _ (like) English. 12. _ you _ (visit) your aunt this weekend?13. Listen, who _ (speak) English in the park? 14. The old women _ (run) every morning. 15. I can _ (listen ) to the radio on Sunday.16. She _ (g

11、o) to school at seven oclock.17. Its 6 oclock. They are_ (eat) supper.18. He usually _ (get) up at 17:00.19. She _ (live) in Beijing.20. He _ (go ) to Beijing tomorrow by train .答案:1、sits swims eats makes runs writes cries studies watches washes says plays studies has flies guesses二、1. washes 2. hav

12、e 3.will wash 4. am reading 5. Do go 6. are doing are sitting 7. like are singing 8.go 9. Are cleaning 10.go wash 11. is having like 12.Will visit 13. is speaking 14. run 15. listen 16. goes 17. eating 18. gets 19. lives 20. will go第四课时一、列举出表示将来时的时间状语。_ _ _ _ _ _ 二、给下列句子排序。( )What are you going to b

13、uy?( )Im going to book store.( )I am going at 3 oclock.( )Where are you going this afternoon?( )Im going to buy a comic book.( ) When are you going?三、选择正确的答案。( ) 1. A: What are you going to do this afternoon?B: A. Im going to buy a book. B. I go to school by bike. C. I am a student.( ) 2. A: do you

14、go home?B: I go on foot.A. How B. What C. Where( ) 3. A: What does your mother do?B: .A. He is a writer B. Shes a teacher C. She teaches Chinese( ) 4. A: What did you do yesterday?B: . A. I went swimming B. I go shopping C. Im heavier than you( ) 5. A: How tall are you?B: .A. Im 140 cm B. Im 40 kg C

15、. Im 8( )6. Chen Jie to the park with her sister tomorrow.A. go B. goes C. will go答案: 一、tomorrow next week next year tonight this weekend next month 二、3 2 6 1 4 5三、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C第五课时一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Please pass _ (I) the fork.2.There _ (be) five math books.3.Well have lots of _ (fun)

16、.4. _ (have) a good trip!5.What _ (do) he often do on the weekend?二、连词成句。1. are doing you what_2. season you like which best do_3. usually on go home foot I_4. day it what today is_5. played football yesterday I _2. Sunday My day favorite is _三、阅读短文判断正(T)误(F) 。This is our classroom. It is very big a

17、nd bright. I like it very much. There are 36 desks in the classroom. There are 30 students in our class. Amy is our English teacher. She is 32 years old. She is a good teacher.( ) 1. Amy is our math teacher.( ) 2. There are 13 students in our class.( ) 3. Amy is a good teacher.( ) 4. Amy is 32 years old.( ) 5. The classroom is small.答案:一、1. me 2. are 3. fun 4. Have 5. does二、1.What are you doing?2. Which season do you like best?3. I usually go home on foot.4.What day is it today?5. I played football yesterday.6. My favorite day is Sunday.三、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F


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