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1、2017 年贵州省贵阳市中考英语试卷一、I. 听力测试(本大题共 30 分,每小题 1 分)A. 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑 (读一遍)B. 听句子,根据所听句子,选择最佳应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑 (读一遍)7A By bus BIts fineC Thanks 8A Its Okay BIts an orange CIts sunny today9A See you BSounds good CYoure welcome10A English BKoalas CCarrots 11A Sure,Id love toBIts a nice dayC Here y

2、ou are12A Mooncakes BDumplings CZongzi C. 听对话,根据对话内容,选择最佳选项完成句子,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑 (读两遍)13Scott loves musicApop Brock Ccountry14Jack likes because they are healthyAapples Bnoodles Cvegetables15Janes telephone number is A.5434721 B.8763721 C.635272116Bill used to be Ashy and friendly Bkind and quiet Cshy an

3、d quiet17Mary thinks a good friend should Amake her laugh Bbe a good listener C care about her18MrGreen is going to next yearAtake guitar lessons Bget lots of exercise C get good gradesD. 听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择最佳答案,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑 (读两遍)19A At 6: 30BAt 7:30 C At 8:3020A GlassBWoodC Paper21A He has a coughBHe h

4、as a feverC He has a cold22A Tom SawyerBTreasure IslandC Sleeping Beauty23A Recycle books and paperBWalk to schoolC Use cloth shopping bags24A He was taking a showerBHe was sleepingC He was readingE. 听短文及问题,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑 (读三遍)25A Beijing BLondon CNew York26A Her parents BHer friends CHer

5、 classmates27A On July 10th BOn June 10th COn May 10th28A For three days BFor four days CFor five days29A Tiananmen SquareB The Summer Palace CThe Great Wall30A Chinese culture BChinese history CChinese people二、II.单项选择(本大题共 15 分,每小题 1 分)根据语境或句意,选择可填入句子的最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑31There is a_in my neighborhood

6、 and I often go there to see tigers ( )Azoo Bbank Cschool32“Look!An old man is lying on the road“His leg is badly hurtLets call_“( )A118 B119 C12033“Do you know when the Belt and Road International Day is?“Yes,it is_December 16th“( )Aat Bon Ciri34When l was on my way home,it suddenly started to rain

7、_ ( )Aheavily Bquickly Chardly35My hometown is the place_holds all my sweet memories ( )Awho Bwhich Cwhat36Grace often gets nervous before she gives a speech ( )Ain pubic Bin total Cin common37Xiao Ming,youll be late for school_you hurry up ( )Aafter Bthough Cunless38We should not trees in order to

8、make our environment more beautiful ( )Awrite down Bcut down Cturn down39“Cindy,how far is it from your home to school?“About 20 walk“ ( )Aminutes Bminutes Cminutes40We all know that one ofthe worlds most popular sports football ( )Aam Bis Care41Huangguoshu Waterfall is beautiful that I want to come

9、 here again next year ( )Aso Btoo Csuch42“Ive never been to Disneyland,Judy“ “( )ASo have I BNeither am IC Neither have I43Annie decides to work harder and get better grades next year ( )Amany Bmuch Cvery44Its best not to run away from our problemsWe should always try to them ( )Asolve Btake Cget45T

10、he Chinese government has made_possible for people to live happy lives ( )Athat Bthis Cit三、情景交际(本大题共 1 0 分,每小题 1 分)A. 从右栏选项中找出左栏各旬的最佳应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑46A46How do you learn English? 47What does your friend look like? 48I am flying to Sanya to take a holiday 49I think the air will be cleaner in the futur

11、e 50Bob ,could you please take out the rubbish? BALets goBSure,Mom C I agree with youDHave a nice trip!E By reading aloudFShes of medium heightB. 补全对话根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑51 (5 分)A :Dad,how much do you know about China?B:(51) China is a big country that has about 5,000years of historyIt a

12、ttractsmany tourists from all over the world every yearA:Is that so?(52 ) B:Yes And many of them are famous,such as Mount Tai,Mount Huang and Mount EmeiA:(53 ) B:There are many rivers in ChinaAmong them the Yangtze River is the longest one and thesecond longest one is the Yellow River (54) A:Anythin

13、g else?B:SorryThats alll knowIf you want to learn more,you can read Guide to China (55 ) A :Thanks Ill read itAJust a littleBWhat about rivers?C I dont know it at allDAre there any beautiful mountains?E Theyre the birthplaces of Chinese cultureFIts a book which introduces China in detail四、IV. 完形填空(本

14、大题共 15 分,每小题 7 分)通读全文,理解大意,从各题所给选项中选择可填入短文的最佳选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑56 (7 分)When Im in trouble,I always take out a book and read quietlyI put my heart into it so thatI can forget all the(56) things I have developed a habit ofreading in this wayWhen I was a little boy,I was interested in comic books and story

15、booksWhen I grew older and went to a middle school,I began to read novels,plays,essays and so onI found I could get(57) from themLittle by little,I took a great interest in literature and last term I(58) the first prize in the composition contest among high school students in our cityReading The Emp

16、eror i New Clotk,es makes me(59) a lot because of the emperors silly and funny behaviorThe Little Match G/d makes me feel(60 ) because she lives a hard lifeRobison Crusoe takes me into a strange world full of dangerMy favorite book is The Story ofMy Life because Im deeply (61) by Helen Kellers spiri

17、t of being strong and never giving upBesides these, books also tell me other thingshow to be a brave man and how to tell the difFerence between right and wrongIn a word,good books can let me know(62) I didnt know beforeSo I think good books are iust like mv best friends56A unhappy Bwonderful C inter

18、esting57A any Bmuch C many58A lost Bdid C won59A believe Blaugh C cry60A sad Bsleepy C tired61A expected Bmoved C loved62A that Bwhich C what63 (8 分)Mario Green and Mary Brown are from Hope High SchoolThese two students volunteertheir time to help(63) peopleThis volunteer work takes them several hou

19、rs a weekMario loves(64) and wants to be an animal doctorHe volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning,Mario believes it can help him to(65) his future dream job“Its hard work,“he says,“but I want to learn more about how to(66) animalsI get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I s

20、ee the animals get better and the look ofjoy on their owners(67) “Mary is good with old peopleLast year,she worked as a volunteer in an old peoples homeShe helped out with things like(68) the newspaper to the old people,or just talking to themThey told(69) stories about the past and how things used

21、to be She still works there once a week to help the old people there“A lot of old people are lonelyWe should listen to them and care for themWere all going to be(70) one day,too“Volunteering is a dream come true for both Mario and MaryThey can do what they love to do and help others at the same time

22、63A other Bothers C another64A subjects Bsports C animals65A buy Bget C lose66A look after Blook for C look at67A heads Bfaces C noses68A seeing Bwatching C reading69A her Bhim C it70A young Bstrong C old五、V.阅读理解 (本大题共 30 分,每小题 10 分)A. 阅读下列材料,根据其内容选择最佳答案,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑71 (10 分)CompassIt was a great gif

23、t to the world from ancient ChinaBefore it was invented,sailors had to depend on the stars to find directionAfter it was invented,the oceans were open to travelAnd many new discoveries were made with the help of itGunpowerIt was one of the greatest inventionsIt is said that in the 3rd century a Chin

24、ese man wrote about how to make itAt lirst,it was used for making fireworksAt the end of the Tang Dynasty, people began to use it in warsThe method of making it was brought to the Arab world and Europe in the 13th and 14th centuriesPapermakingChina was the first country in the world to make paperDur

25、ing the Western Han Dynasty (202BC 9AD ) ,paper was made in some places in ChinaIt was developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25AD220A D ) by Cai LunHe made paper with bark,ropes ,rags and so onBefore it was invented,the ancient Chinese carved characters on animal bones and stonesThey also wrote them

26、 on bamboo and wooden sticksPrintingIt was developed in 10411048in the Song DynastyA man named Bi Sheng carved characters on pieces of clay and woodThen he put ink on themAfter the characters were printed on paper,the pieces of clay or wood could be used againThis technology then spread to Korea,Jap

27、an and EuropeIt was the basic method at that time71After the was invented,the oceans were open to travelAcompass Bprinting Cgunpowder72At first,gunpowder was used for Afinding direction Bmaking fireworks Ccarving characters73 developed papermaking in the Eastern Han DynastyASome sailors BBi Sheng CC

28、ai Lun74Printing was developed in the ATang Dynasty BSong Dynasty CHan Dynasty75The best title for the reading material is AThe Four Dynasties of Ancient ChinaBThe Four Great Inventors of Ancient ChinaC The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China76 (10 分)In different countries around the world,most c

29、hildren must start schooling at early agesAnd they become“adults“at different agesBeing an adult means having the right to do certain things,such as getting a parttime job, voting(投票) ,getting married,or getting a driving license It also means accepting the responsibilities that go along with these

30、rightsIn many countries,sixteen or eighteen is the age when a person becomes an adultYoung men and women at this age can get a parttime job, and begin to receive an income of their ownThey no longer have to depend on their parents for money all the timeIn Canada and America,sixteen is the age when o

31、ne can get a driving license; in England,it is seventeenThere are responsibilities that go along with both of these rightsGetting a parttime job means that you have to pay income taxDriving a car demands that you follow certain rules like buying car insuranceVoting is another right that young people

32、 enjoy when they become adultsIn the United States,Canada and Britain,young people have the right to vote at the age of eighteenWith this right also comes responsibility For young people to use their right to vote wisely, they must have an understanding of the needs of society,and they must also lea

33、rn how politics work76The underlined word“right“in Paragraph One means in ChineseA正确 B右边 C权利77In America and Canada,young people who are can get their driving licensesAat the age of 16 Bat the age of 15 Cat the age of 1478If you drive a car,you have to Aget a parttime job Bfollow certain rules Cunde

34、rstand society79Tom is a 17yearold English boy and he has the rights to Adrive and learn Bvote and marry Cdrive and vote80From the passage,we can know that Asixteenyear olds have all kinds of rightsBresponsibilities need to go along with rightsC the rules are the same in the UK and the USAB. 句子还原阅读短

35、文,根据短文内容,从方框中选择五个选项分别填入空白处,使其文理通顺,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑81 (10 分)In the city of Guiyang,China ,lives a girl named Li FangWhen she was a teenager,she dreamed of going to the United States (81) “I had a picture of the daddy sitting in the living room,the mommy doing some cooHng and their kids playing games on th

36、e floor“Li Fang decided to go to college in CaliforniaWhen she arrived,however ,it was not the dream world she had imagined“People were struggling with problems and often seemed unhappy and too busy,“she said“(82) “One of her most difficult classes was PEWhen the class played volleyball,the other st

37、udents were good at itbut she wasntOne afternoon,the PEteacher had Li Fang hit the ball to her teammates so that they could knock it over the netIt was not a big deal for most people,but it made Li Fang scared (83 ) A young man on her team seemed to understand what she was going throughHe walked upt

38、o her and whispered(小声说) ,“ (84) “Li Fang said, eYou will never understand how those words of encouragement made me feelFour words: You can do thatI felt like crying with happiness“Perhaps she thanked the young man; she cant remember itSix years has passedLi Fang is back in China,working as a salesc

39、lerk“I have never forgotten the words (85) “She said,“I am sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness meant to meHe probably doesnt even remember itFrom this experience, I have learned a lessonWhenever you say something to a personcruel or kindyou have no idea how long the words will stay

40、with them“She is back in ChinaBut still she hears those four simple words:You can do thatAI felt very lonelyBCome onYou can do thatC Dont worry,I can help youDWhen things are not going well,I think of themE She was afraid of failing and being laughed at by othersFMost of what she knew aboutnerican l

41、ife was from textbooks六、VI. 基础知识与运用(本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)A. 根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上指定的位置86Thanksgiving is always on the Thursday in November (four)87Erquan Yngyue is the most piece ofmusic that Ive ever heard (move)88Chinese are supposed to shake when they meet for the first time (hand )89Jack

42、is talented in sportsHe can play basketball as as his brother (good)90To protect elephants,we must save the trees and not buy things ofivory (make)B. 根据语境或句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语完成下列各句,并将答案填写在答题卡上指定的位置91 (5 分)kind of belongs to team leader on weekends be good at be thankful to91I dont like this movie because

43、 its boring92We should never fail to the people around us93I think Qianlingshan Park is the best place to have fun 94A good helps everyone to work together in a group95This book Mary because J,K,Rowling is her favorite writer七、VII. 任务型阅读(本大题共 20 分,每小题 10 分)A. 阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成表格,并将答案填写在答题卡上指定的位置96

44、(10 分)The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago linked Europe,Africa and AsiaPeople reached these different places along these roadsScientists and archaeologists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3,000years agoBy the time the Chinese silk trade became nnportant in the world,the Silk Road had covered almost 6,500kilometersIt stretched from Rome to China,which is from the West to the Far EastMerchants(商人)travelling along the Silk Road carried silk,of courseThey also carried and traded spices,cloth ,rare jewels,slaves and goldDuring its busiest period, the


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