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1、,Unit 1 May I speak to Kitty?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part B Lets learn more Part C Think and talk,Lets learn more 视频, Lets learn more,Think and talk,Presentation,Warm-up/Revision,Talk about the functions of mobile phones,a.watch news b.play games c.listen to music d.take photos e.read e-books f.call your f

2、riends,f,a,b,e,c,d,Presentation,阅读对话回答下列问题,1.Are mobile phones very useful? 2.Does Lius mom want to buy him a mobile phone?Why? 3.What does Liu want to use the mobile phone to do?,Liu:Mom,could I have a mobile phone? Mom:Im afraid you cant. Young students shouldnt have mobile phones. Liu:Why?Mobile

3、phones are very useful.My friends use them to learn English and send e-mails.,Mom:But they also use mobile phones to go on the Internet and read e-books.It takes too much time and its badfor their eyes. Liu: I wont use it to go on the Internet or read e-books.Ill only use it to make phone calls and

4、learn English. Mom:Ok.Let me think about.,1. Are mobile phones very useful?Answer:Yes,they are. 2. Does Lius mom want to buy him a mobile phone?Why? Answer:Yes,he does. Because his friends have mobile phones. 3. What does Liu want to use the mobile phone to do? Answer:He wants to use it to make phon

5、e calls and learn English.,Answer the questions,I will use it to/I wont use it to. 我会用它/我不会用它做,重点句型一,I will use my dictionary to look up the new words.我将用我的字典查新单词。,I am afraid. 恐怕(表拒绝),重点句型二,I am afraid I cant help you this time.,It takes. 它将花费,重点句型三,It takes me fifiteen yuan to buy the book.,The wo

6、rk will take two hours.,Its bad for/good for.对有好处,重点句型四,Do some exercise every day. Its good for our health.,Lets learn more,点击“Lets learn more”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,分角色表演对话,再次读课文,完成下题,If you have a mobile phone,what will you do on it?,Talk,Test,翻译下列句子。1.Mobile phones are very useful. 移动电话十分有用(重要)。2.It takes too much time and its bad for eyes. 它会花费很多时间而且对眼睛不利。3.I wont use it to go on the Internet or read e-books. 我不会用它上网、读电子书的。,重点句型,I will use it to/I wont use it to.,I am afraid.,It takes.,Its bad for/good for.,Sum-up,Homework,1.背诵Lets learn more部分内容。2.将对话表演给家长看。,


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