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1、Unit 7 There Is a TV in the Classroom第一课时一、英汉连线。1. teacher A. 灯2. light B. 风扇3. fan C. 电视4. TV D. 黑板5. blackboard E. 学生6. student F. 老师二、单项选择。( )1. This is a _.A. lights B. blackboard( )2. They are good _. A. teachers B. student( )3. There _ a student in the classroom.A. are B. is( )4. He is my fath

2、ers _.A. student B. students( )5. There are many _ in the classroom.A. fan B. fans三、排列顺序A. There are some teachers in it.m B. How many teachers? C. Whats in the school?D. There are twelve.正确的顺序为:_答案一、1-F 2-A 3-B 4-C 5-D 6-E二、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B三、C A B D第二课时一、选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. light B. desk C. c

3、lassroom( )2. A. school B. teacher C. student( )3. A. fan B. chair C. white( )4. A. what B. whose C. water( )5. A. blackboard B. candy C. door二、根据问句选择合适的答语。( )1. How many pens do you have?A. I have three pens. B. Please count the pens.( )2. What color is this sweater?A. Its black.B. Its a book.( )3.

4、 Whats in your desk?A. There is a bag in it.B. Its a ruler.( )4. How many students are there in your class?A. There is one.B. There are twenty.( )5. Where is my book?A. Its under the desk. B. There is a TV.答案一、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 二、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A第三课时一、给下列句子选出合适的答语。( )1. How many books

5、 are there in the bag?( )2. Whats in the classroom?( )3. Where is my pencil?( )4. What do you like?( )5. Whats in your desk?A. There is a ruler in my desk. B. I like candies very much.C. Its in the desk. D. There are eleven books.E. There are two fans.二、连词成句。1. are how there many books your bag in (

6、?)_2. pen is this a black (.)_3. rabbits are under The box the ( .)_4. your in classroom is What (?)_5. pens how you do many have (?)_答案一、1. D 2. E 3. C 4. B 5. A二、1. How many books are there in your bag?2. This is a black pen.3. The rabbits are under the box.4. What is in your classroom.5. How many

7、 pens do you have?第四课时一、在空 缺处填上所缺的英文数字。1. seven + four = _ 2. six + six = _3. five + _ = thirteen 4. five + _ = fourteen5. seven + eight = _ 6. seven + _ = seventeen7. ten + nine =_ 8. nine + seven =_二、翻译短语。1. 十二个学生 _ 2. 十六个梨_3. 二十个葡萄_ 4. 十八个鸡蛋 5. 十五个冰淇淋 _三、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Lucy. Im twelve ye

8、ars old. I study in Hong Xing Primary School. Look, this is my classroom. There are twenty desks and twenty chairs. And there are eight fans in my classroom. And we can see three windows and two doors. We can see two blackboards, too.( )1. How old is Lucy? A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen.( )2. The

9、re are _ desks in the classroom.A. twenty B. twelve C. thirteen( )3. There are _ fans in the classroom.A. nine B. ten C. eight答案一、1. eleven 2. twelve 3. eight 4. nine 5. fifteen 6. ten 7. nineteen 8. sixteen 二、1. twelve students 2. sixteen pears 3. twenty grapes 4. eighteen eggs 5. fifteen ice-creams三、1. B 2. A 3. C


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