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1、Unit 1 My Body第一课时一、给单词选图片。( )1. nose A. B.( )2. hand A. B.( )3. mouth A. B.( )4. eye A. B.( )5. leg A. B. 二、连词成句。1. is face This my (.)_2. nose is this your (?)_答案一、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B二、1. This is my face.2. Is this your nose?第二课时一、读一读,连一连。1. brown hair A. 一只漂亮的熊2. red mouth B. 棕色的头发3. black n

2、ose C. 蓝色的眼睛4. blue eyes D. 黑色的鼻子 5. a nice bear E. 红色的嘴巴二、单项选择。( )1. The bear _ a mouth.A. have B. has C. is( )2. This _ a dog.A. is B. are C. am( )3. Look _ my toy.A. in B. at C. of( )4. This is _ elephant.A. a B. an C. the三、连词成句。1. are eyes the These (.)_2. rabbit has two The ears (.)_答案一、1-B 2-E

3、 3-D 4-C 5-A二、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B三、1. These are the eyes.2. The rabbit has two ears.第三课时一、根据提示补全单词。1. h_d 手 2. b_dy 身体 3. f_t 脚 4. l_g 腿 5. _m 胳膊二、重新排列句子顺序。( )Yes, it does. It has two legs and two feet.( )No, it doesnt.( )Look at my toy. This is the body. And it has arms and hands.( )Does it have ha

4、ir?三、根据图上的序号,用相应的单词补全对话。A: Look, Its an elephant. B: Does it have 1. _? A: Yes, it has four feet.B: Does it have 2. _?A: Yes, it has.B: How many 3. _ does it have?A: It has two.B: How many 4. _does it have?A: It has two.B: How many 5. _ does it have?A: It has four.答案一、1. an 2. o 3. o o 4. e 5. a r二、

5、2 4 1 3三、1. feet 2. nose 3. ears 4. eyes 5. legs第四课时一、情景选择。( )1. 你想让你的朋友摸他的头,你该说:_A. Touch your head. B. Lift your foot.C. Draw the hair. D. Lift your hand.( )2. 你想要同学画他的眼睛,你该说:_A. Draw you hair. B. Draw your eyes.C. Lift your foot. D. Touch your face.( )3. 你想对朋友说对不起,你该说:_A. Thank you. B. Touch your

6、 face.C. Im sorry. D. Lift your foot.二、句型转换。1. There are twelve months in a year. (变一般疑问句)_ _ twelve months in a year?2. He has two balls under his bed.(用 there be 句型改写)_ _ _ _ under his bed.3. There is some milk in the bottle.(改为否定句)_ _ _ milk in the bottle.4. There are 56 students in the classroom.(对画线部分提问)_ _ students _ _ in the classroom?5. There is an apple on the table.(变反义疑问句)There is an apple on the table, _ _?答案一、1. A 2. B 3. C二、1. Are there2. There are two balls3. There isnt any/There is no4. How many; are there5. isnt there


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