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1、Unit 2 What Would You Like?第一课时一、根据图片写出对应的单词。1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ 6._二、单项选择。( ) 1. I want to have a _ noodles.A. bowl B. bowls C. bowl of( ) 2. Excuse me, _ beef, please.A. a plate of B. a plates of C. plate of( ) 3. _ apple juice, please.A. A glasses of B. A glass of C. Glass of( ) 4. There are _ bee

2、r. A. two bottles of B. a bottle of C. two bottles( ) 5. There is _ bread.A. a pieces B. a piece of C. a pieces of三、连词成句。1. I,a, of, to, coffee, have, want, cup(.)_2. Id one of rice like bowl(.)_3. like plates Id beef three of(.)_四、将下面的句子重新搭配,写在括号内。( ) 1. Dad, Im hungry. A. Thank you.( ) 2. Excuse m

3、e, a plate of beef. B. Have a bowl of noodles. ( ) 3. Id like two pieces of beef, Su Nan! C. OK, no problem.( ) 4. What do you need? D. A bowl of rice, thank you.( ) 5. What would you like to eat? E. Sure. A glass of juice.( ) 6. May I have some juice, Mom. F. Two bowls of noodles.答案:一、1. drinks 2.

4、fruit salad 3. noodles 4. dumplings 5. soup 6. hamburgers 二、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B三、1. I want to have a cup of coffee.2. Id like one bowl of rice.3. Id like three plates of beef.四、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. F 6. EUnit 2 What Would You Like? 第二课时一、单项选择。( ) 1. What _ you like to eat? Wed like two bowls

5、of noodles.A. would B. will C. do( ) 2. What _ fruits would you like, apples or bananas? Apple, please.A. kind of B. kinds of C. kinds( ) 3. _ I have some juice?A. Would B. Can C. May( ) 4. What would you like to drink? Id like _ water.A. a glass of B. a glasses of C. glass of( ) 5. Waitress: Anythi

6、ng else?Li Ming: _.A. No B. No, thanks C. No, I cant二、根据首字母提示完成下面的对话。Waitress: Welcome to Noodle House. W_ would you like to eat?Dad: Wed like two bowls of n_. Waitress: What k_ of noodles would you like, beef noodles o_ tomato noodles?Dad: A bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles.Waitres

7、s: OK. W_ you like something to drink? Dad: Sure. A g_ of juice and a cup of tea, please. Waitress: A_ else?Dad: No, thanks.Waitress: OK, w_ a minute!三、判断正(T)误(F) 。1. 商店服务人员在与客人打交道时可用 Would you like.?( )2. 在某人想吃什么时,为表示礼貌,可用 What would you like to.? ( )3. 当你询问对方是哪一种类时,可用“What kind of.?”( )4. Do you w

8、ant.?用起来比 Would you like.?更有礼貌。 ( )5. 两碗面条的写法是 Two bowls of noodle. ( )答案:一、1. A 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B二、What;noodles;kind;or;Would;glass;Anything;wait三、1.T 2.T 3. T 4. F 5. FUnit 2 What Would You Like? 第三课时一、单项选择。( ) 1. _ are the food and drinks? Fourteen yuan.A. How many B. How much C. How long( ) 2.

9、 What drinks would Li Ming like? He would like _.A. milk and juice B. fish C. hamburger( ) 3. She _ up the phone and calls for food.A. takes B. take C. makes( ) 4. What _ you like for lunch?A. do B. would C. dose( ) 5. Welcome to our restaurant, can I help you? Yes. _.A. Id like two hamburgers B. Id

10、 like two hamburger C. Id like hamburgers二、连词成句。1. How,are,much,they(?)_2. like,a,of,bowl,Id,rice,and,a,plate,fish,of _3. Its,supper,time ,for_三、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F) 。Waiter: Hello, can I help you?Li Ming: Yes, I would like two hamburgers.Waiter: Beef hamburgers or chicken hamburgers?Li Ming: Beef hambur

11、gers. How much are they?Waiter: Thirty-five yuan.Li Ming: OK. Thank you.Waiter: You are welcome.( ) 1. Li Ming wants to eat chicken hamburgers.( ) 2. Two beef hamburgers cost seventy yuan.( ) 3. There are two kinds of hamburgers in the supermarket.( ) 4. Li Ming is very polite.答案:一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4.

12、 B 5. A二、1. How much are they?2. Id like a bowl of rice and a plate of fish. 3. Its time for supper.三、1. F 2. F 3.T 4. TUnit 2 What Would You Like? 第四课时一、将下列短语与图片连线。a bowl of a plate of a glass of a piece of二、将 ow 组合发音相同的单词填入同一泡泡中。flower down know town power row show blow throw how now brown bowl sn

13、ow1. 2. 三、连词成句。1. What,you, to, would, eat, like(?) _2. kind, like, noodles, What, would, of, you(?) _3. Wed, two, like, of ,noodles, bowls(.)_四、补全对话。Waiter: Hello! This is Happy Restaurant. Can I help you? Miss White: 1. _ Waiter: Beef noodles or chicken noodles?Miss White: 2. _Waiter: 3. _Miss Whi

14、te: Yes, a bottle of juice and a bottle of milk, thank you.Waiter: 4. _A. Beef noodles.B. Anything else?C. Yes. Id like two bowls of noodles.D. You are welcome./u / /u/答案:一、a bowl of 与图 3 相连 a plate of 与图 4 相连a glass of 与图 2 相连 a piece of 与图 1 相连二、1. flower down town power how brown flower2. know row show blow throw low snow三、1. What would you like to eat? 2. What kind of noodles would you like?3. Wed like two bowls of noodles.四、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D


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