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1、阅读理解提高训练 1AHello! My name is Mike. I am from the USA. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. And I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I have an egg, some bread and porridge(粥) for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school.The

2、lunch in our school is good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.(A)1. Mike is _.【详解】根据短文第三句 I am from the U

3、SA.(我来自美国)可知 Mike是美国人(American). A) AmericanB) EnglishC) ChineseD) Australian(B)2. For breakfast, Mike has_.【详解】根据短文中 I have an egg, some bread and porridge(粥) for breakfast.可知答案。A) an egg, an apple and porridgeB) an egg, bread and porridgeC) an apple, bread and milkD) an egg, an apple and bread(A)3

4、. He has lunch _.【 详解】根据短文中 I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. (我没有时间回家吃午饭,所以我在学校吃。),可知他在学校吃午饭。A) at schoolB) at homeC) in a restaurantD) with his parents(D)4. He has _ for lunch.【详解】根据短 文中“I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I ha

5、ve noodles and dumplings.“ 可知作者午餐吃大米、肉和蔬菜,有时也吃面条和饺子。A) rice, meat and vegetablesB) noodles and dumplingsC) chicken, meat and fruitD) rice, fruit and vegetables(B)5. Sometimes Mikes family have dinner _.【详解】根 据短文中“. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.“可知有时候

6、我们和朋友们出去吃晚饭,我们吃鸡肉,蔬菜和水果。A) at schoolB) in a restaurant with some friendsC) at his friends homesD) in the open airBOne day, the students are having a painting(绘画)lesson. Everyone begins to draw a picture. Jack is very free(有空闲的). When the bell rings for the break, Jack passes(传递)his picture to the te

7、acher.The teacher looks at it and gets angry. “Why do you give me a piece of paper with nothing, Jack?“ asks the teacher.2“Im sorry, sir. I draw a dog and some bread on the paper“, says Jack.“Wheres the dog and wheres the bread?“ asks the teacher again.“I draw some bread first. When I finish drawing

8、 the dog, she eats up(吃光)the bread. When I give it to you, she runs away“ says Jack. (B)1. Jack is a _.【详解】根据第一段段落大意可推知 Jack是学生。A) teacherB) studentC) doctor(C)2. The students are busy _.【详解】根据“ the students are having a painting(绘画)lesson. “可知同学们都忙于画画。A) readingB) writingC) drawing(C)3. The teacher

9、 is very _ when he sees Jacks picture.【详解】根据第二段第一句“The teacher looks at it and gets angry.“可知当他看见 Jack的画的时候非常生气。A) happyB) sadC) angry(A)4. We can infer(推断)Jacks picture makes the students _.【详解】根据文章内容可知 Jack的画会逗乐同学们。A) laughB) cry(哭)C) leave(C)5. What does Jack draw?【详解】根据 老师的问话“Why do you give me a piece of paper with nothing, Jack?“可知 Jack什么也没画。A) A dog and some bread.B) Some bread.C) Nothing.


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