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1、阅读理解提高训练 12AIt is the last day of October today. It is my grandmas birthday. She lives with my uncle in Wuhan.This week I help my mother sell sweaters after school and I get sixty yuan. This morning, I buy a birthday cake and some flowers and go to my grandmas home with my parents.My grandma and unc

2、le are very glad to see us. I give the presents to Grandma and say “Happy birthday to you, Grandma“. She is very happy. Uncle goes to make lunch for us. The meal is very nice. We all enjoy(享受)it very much. At four oclock in the afternoon, we say goodbye and go back home.(D)1. When is Grandmas birthd

3、ay?【详解 】从句子“It is the last day of October today. It is my grandmas birthday.“可知祖母生日是 October 31.A) October 1.B) August 31.C) August 1.D) October 31.(C)2. I buy _ for Grandma.【详解】从 句子“I buy a birthday cake and some flowers and go to my grandmas home with my parents.“可知答案。A) nice sweaters and a birthd

4、ay cakeB) black shoes and some flowersC) a birthday cake and some flowersD) nice sweaters and some flowers(D)3. I _ after school this week.【详 解】从句子“This week I help my mother sell sweaters after school“可知答案。A) play footballB) buy clothesC) watch TVD) sell sweaters(A)4. We go back home at _.【详解】从句子“A

5、t four oclock in the afternoon, we say goodbye and go back home.“可知答案。A) 4 p.m.B) 4 a.m.C) 11 a.m.D) 12 a.m.(B)5. Which is right(正确)from the reading?【详解】从句子“M y grandma and uncle are very glad to see us.“可知祖母非常开心见到我们。A) My grandma lives with her daughter.B) My grandma is very happy to see us.C) My a

6、unt makes lunch for us.D) Today is my uncles birthday.BIn Japan(日 本),there are many holidays(节日) and other great days. We can tell(讲述) only a few(几个) here.The fifth birthday of a boy is a great day in the family. The boy puts on(穿上) a shirt like the one his father wears(穿). It is an important moment

7、(重要的时刻) in his life(在他一生中) and means(意味着) that he must now be a manly(男子气的) little boy like his father. He must smile(微笑) when he has pain(疼痛) or trouble(困难). He must carry on(坚持).The day when a girl is seven years old is a big day in the family. She may now wear a sash(腰带 ) like the one her mother

8、wears. Her friends and her mothers friends come and drink tea(喝茶) and eat cakes. It means that the girl must now be a womanly little girl and help in the home(家). One of the great holidays in Japan is the Emperors(天皇) birthday. Instead of(代替) school, there are picnics(野炊), sports and meetings, as we

9、 have on our National Day(国庆节) in America(美国).(A)1. How many holidays and great days can you find in the story(故事)?【详解】阅读全文,可以找出四个节日分别为“fifth birthday of a boy”,” The day when a girl is seven years old“, “the Emperors birthday“ and “National Day“.A) FourB) ThreeC) Two.D) None(C)2. When a boy begins

10、to wear a shirt like the one his father wears, _.【详解】从 “He must smile when he has pain or trouble. He must carry on.“可判断答案。A) he neednt go to schoolB) he isnt a boyC) he must be a boy of strong character(品格)D) he smiles(C)3. Which birthday of a girl is a big day in her family?【详解】从 “The day when a g

11、irl is seven years old is a big day in the family.“中获取明示信息。A) The fifth.B) The sixth.C) The seventh.D) The first.(B)4. Japanese children(日本孩子) dont go to school on _.【详解】instead .adv.代替. “Instead of school“表明不去学校。A) their fifth birthdaysB) their Emperors birthdayC) their fifth and seventh birthdays.D) The National Day(B)5. From the story, we can know the writer(作者) is from _.【详解】 从“as we have on our National Day(国庆节) in America(美国).“可知作者是美国人。A) ChinaB) AmericaC) JapanD) England


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