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1、2016 年上海初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷考生注意:本卷有 7 大题,共 94 小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片 ): (共 6 分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _【考点】听录音选图【解答】1 C 2 B 3 H 4 E 5 A 6 GA 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图

2、片,并在答题纸上填涂相应的字母代号,每个句子念两遍1 Ben and Jack are riding horses in the field 2 Will Peter take part in a table tennis match next Friday ?3 A small group of students lined up to get on the bus 4 It s Bills first time to take a train all by himself 5 Jimmy lik es to read stories about space ,doesnt he ?6 Al

3、though he is always busy delivering mails ,Henry never complains B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共 8 分)7 A In March B In May C In June D In July 【考点】短对话理解【解答】C 7 M :Were you here in May ?W :Not really In fact I arrived in June Qu

4、estion:When did the woman arrive ?8 A His son B His daught r C His father D His mother 【考点】短对话理解【解答】B8 W :Good afternoon ,sir Can I help you ?M : Well actually I m looking for a mobile phone for my daughterQuestion:Who is the man buy a mobile phone for ?9 A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14【考点】短对话理解【解答】B9 M:Hello ,

5、LucyAre you the youngest in yourclass?W:No,Im 13Bruce is 12,one year younger thanmeQuestion:How old is Bruce?10 ALions BElephants CMonkeys DTigers【考点】短对话理解【解答】A10 M: What a big zoo!Do you know where thelions are?W:They are over there,next to the elephantsBe carefulwith the naughty monkeysQuestion:Wh

6、at animal does the man wantto see?11 ABeacuse the car is too oldBBecause heneeds moneyC Because there is too much trafficDBecause he wants tobuy a new car【考点】短对话理解【解答】C11 W:Why didnt youdrive,Alex?M: Well,I ve sold my carW:Oh ,is thatbecause you are getting a new one?M: No,its becausetheres too much

7、 traffic on the roadIve decided to live without acarQuestion: Why did Alex sell his car?12 AAt home BIn the museumCAt schoolDIn thehospital【考点】短对话理解【解答】D12 M: How are you feelingtoday,Linda ? W:Much better,thanks The doctor says I cango back home in one weekQuestion: Where is Linda now?13 AMake some

8、 cakesBOrder amealC Take him to a restaurantDBuy some milk【考点】短对话理解【解答】A13 W:Thank you for taking me to thisrestaurant,DennyIts the best meal Ive ever hadM: Gladyou like it,but I still like the cakes you makebestW:Thank youTomorrow you will have the chance to trymy cakes againQuestion: What will the

9、 woman probably dofor Denny tomorrow?14 ASleep BFans CThe kids DTheweather【考点】短对话理解【解答】D14 M: Its too hot these days and I canhardly sleep at nightI bought an electric fanyesterdayW:The weather forecast says rainy days will comesoon,and the temperature will fall downM: Are you kiddingme?I cant belie

10、ve itQuestion: What are the speakersmainly talking about? C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F” 表示): (共 6 分)15 Amy often stays up late at night to learn English16 The programmes Amy listens to are Canadian andAmeric

11、an17 Amy thinks that talk channels are better than musicchannels18 Amys progress is slow,but her English is gettingbetter than before19 Tom isnt interested when Amy tells him aboutlistening online20 Tom and Amy are talking about a good way to learnEnglish【考点】长对话理解【解答】FFTTFTM: Hello,Amy Youve done re

12、ally wellin EnglishW:Thank you,TomM: How doyou manage to do so well?Do you stay up late at night tolearn?W:No,not a chanceI need mysleepM: So what do you do then?W:Ilisten to the radioM: How can that possiblyhelp?W:Well ,the programmes I listen to are British andAmericanM: I seeHow do you find out a

13、boutthem?W:Well ,one day I was on my computer,and I found aBritish radio websiteI couldnt believe my luck when I found that I couldlisten online even so far way inChinaM: Do you listen tomusic channels or talk channels?W:I think talk channelsare better because they give me better listeningpracticeM:

14、 Can you understand them betternow?W:Well of courseProgress is slow but yesI think Iunderstand more than before and my English is getting better all thetimeM: I really like to improve my English,tooIm goingto look on the internet tonight to find some programmes I likeThank you,AmyD. Listen to the di

15、alogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共 10 分) 21 The yearly Walk for Charity will , GardenStreet22 Money will be raised to build a childrens , in thetown23 If rain is forecast,walkers should , all possible events24 Walkers are told to keep to , in the single line while w

16、alking25 The bus leavesevery half-hour and the service , 。【考点】短文理解【解答】21start from 22book shop 23preparefor 24one side 25is freeDear friends,please join us in ouryearly walk for charityWell start from Garden StreetYou and your friends areall warmly welcomePlease read the directions we offered carefu

17、lly,especially ifyou need transport to and from Garden StreetJust come along on the day withyour friendsThe money raised will be used to build a childrens bookshop in ourtownIt is better to wear old shoes and you need to wear comfortable clothes forwalkingIf rain is forecast,prepare for all possible

18、 eventsMaps will beavailable from the starting pointSigns will be posted along the roadTo besafe,walkers should keep to one side in the single line at all timesIf you needhelp along the road,please let our volunteers know as soon as possibleA buswill be waiting at the finishing line to take walkers

19、back to Garden StreetItwill leave every half hour starting at mid dayThe service is free and theresno need to bookThank youPart 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案 ): (共 20 分)26 Lets take a rest and listen to somemusicWhich is correct for the underl

20、ined part?( )A/e/ B/i:/ C/i/ D/【考点】语音【分析】我们休息一下,听听音乐下面划线部分哪一个是正确选项?【解答】答案为 Arest 的音标为 rest,可知,e 的发音为/e/,因此答案为 A【点评】平时需注意发音训练,能正确识别语音,持之以恒地进行个别音素发音训练,以及语篇朗读的训练27The teenagers had goodtime in the summer camp in their sister school ( )Aa B an Cthe D/【考点】不定冠词(a,an) 【分析】青少年们在他们的姐妹学校的夏令营里过得很愉快【解答】答案:A 联系语

21、境,根据关键词 had good time 可知此处为 have a goodtime 的固定表达,意为“过得愉快” ,所以此处应用不定冠词 a故选 A【点评】此题考查冠词的用法做此题的关键是抓住固定短语的表达确定出正确的冠词28 When James arrived at the railway station,he tried tolook a place to park hiscar ( )Aafter Bat Cup Dfor【考点】目的介词【分析】当 James 到达地铁站的时候,他尝试找地方停车【解答】答案为 D此处考查动词短语 look for结合句意, When James a

22、rrivedat the railway station(当 James 到达地铁站的时候) ,以及关键词 park his car,停车,可知是找地方停车,可以推知为lookfor,for 表示目的因此答案为 D【点评】考生需结合句意以及关键词的提示,推测出正确的答案29 The local community centre isopen Monday to Saturday ( )Ain Bfrom Cfor Don【考点】运动方向介词【分析】当地社区中心是从周一到周六开放【解答】答案为 B结合句意以及关键词 open,Monday,Saturday,可知是“从周一到周六开放” ,时间介词

23、为fromto,因此答案为 B【点评】需结合句意及关键词,推测出正确的答案本题考查了时间介词的使用,fromto表示从到的一段时间也可以接地点,表示从某处到另一处30The retired couple have decided to go to collegeItstime for to begin a newlife ( )Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs【考点】人称代词【分析】这对退休的夫妇已决定上大学,是他们开始新生活的时候了【解答】答案:B 结合句意“这对退休的夫妇已决定上大学,是他们开始新生活的时候了 ”考查句型 its time for sbto do sth

24、是该某人做某事的时候了这里指代 the retired couple,作宾语,要用人称代词宾格 them,故选:B 【点评】考查人称代词宾格理解句子的意思,确定指代对象,用在介词或及物动词后面,要用人称代词宾格形式31This temple is one of buildings in the townWe must take action to protectit ( )Aold Bolder Coldest Dtheoldest【考点】形容词的比较级和最高级【分析】这座寺庙是镇上最古老的建筑物之一,我们必须采取行动来保护它【解答】答案:the oldest 根据比较范围 in thetow

25、n 可知这里要用形容词的最高级,即 one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数,old 的最高级为 oldest,且最高级前要加 the故选:D【点评】考查形容词的最高级,结合句意和比较范围,确定形容词的比较等级,三者以上比较,要用形容词的最高级32The manager sounded on thephoneHe offered to show us around the company ( )Asoftly Bfriendly Cgently Dseriously【考点】形容词词义辨析【分析】这个经理在电话里听起来很友好他邀请我们参观公司【解答】答案为 B本题可采用排除法sound 为系

26、动词,后面接形容词,而此处只有 friendly 是形容词因此答案为 B,表示“友好的” 【点评】平时需要特别注意词形和词性不一致的词语,一般来说,-ly 结尾是副词的标志,但并不是绝对的因此,平时学生需要注意积累不符合这一规律的词语33The light went out suddenlyIt was very darkand could be seenclearly ( )Aanything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything【考点】不定代词【分析】突然间停电了,于是很暗,什么也看不见【解答】答案为 C根据前面一句的意思为-突然停电了,go out 熄灭,it

27、was verydark 很暗,可知,没有东西能被看见(什么也看不见) ,因此“没东西”为 nothing因此答案为 C 【点评】此处需联系前文意思,结合句子的表达,得出正确的答案34- Disneyamusement parks are there in China? -Two ( )AHow many BHow often CHow soon DHowlong【考点】数量(howmany/how much) 【分析】-在中国有多少个迪士尼乐园?-两个【解答】答案为 A根据回答可知数量,问数量用 how many/howmuch 来提问,而 parks,可知是可数名词,对可数名词的提问需用

28、how many,因此答案为 A【点评】此处只要根据关键词的提示,就能推知出正确答案35The flight was delayed by thestorm, the passengers had to wait at theairport ( )Abut Bor Cso Dfor【考点】并列连词【分析】航班被暴风雨耽搁了,所以乘客们不得不在机场等候【解答】答案:C 观察句子的结构,前后是两个独立的句子,结合选项中间应用连词连接;根据前后句子的意义对比,The flight was delayed by thestorm(航班被暴风雨耽搁了)及 the passengers had to wa

29、it at theairport(乘客们不得不在机场等候)可知前句是原因,后句是导致的结果,因为航班被暴风雨耽搁了,所以乘客们不得不在机场等候,所以此处应用连词 so,表结果,意为“因此,所以” 故选 C【点评】此题考查连词的用法做此类题的关键是根据前后分句的意义确定出正确的逻辑关系,再联系连词的意义从而选用恰当的连词36The nurse wont leave herpatients shes sure they are all taken good careof ( )Aunless Bbecause Csince Dif【考点】从属连词【分析】这个护士不会离开她的病人,除非她相信他们都得

30、到了很好的照顾【解答】答案:A 观察句子的结构结合选项可知空处缺少连词的连接;根据前后句的时态主句为一般现在时,从句为一般现在时,符合条件状语从句的用法;结合前后句的意义:主句为 Thenurse wont leave her patients (这个护士不会离开她的病人)从句为 shes sure they are all takengood careof(她相信他们都得到了很好的照顾)可知后句是前句的否定条件句意才连贯,结合选项,unless 是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于 if 条件状语从句的否定形式所以 unless=ifnot,所以此句也可理解为“如果护士不相信病

31、人得到很好的照顾,就不会离开她的病人” 所以用 unless 表除非,如果不故选: A【点评】此题考查连词的用法在熟悉各个连词用法及意义的基础上,结合主从句的逻辑关系选择出正确的连词37A good friend is someone you share your pleasure and pain with ( )Aought Bneed Ccan Dmust【考点】情态动词【分析】好朋友就是你能够与他分享快乐和伤痛的人【解答】答案为 C根据句意,需表达的意思是“能够” ,选项中 A ought 应该, B need 需要,C can 能够,Dmust 必须,一定,因此答案为 C【点评】结合

32、句意以及情态动词所表达的意思,得出正确答案38Last week Vivian adress for her mother with her first-month salary ( )Abuy Bbought Cwill buy Dwouldbuy【考点】一般过去时【分析】上个月 Vivian 用她第一个月的工资给她妈妈买了件连衣裙【解答】答案为 B此处抓住时间状语 lastweek,可知用一般过去时,buy 的过去式为 bought故答案为 B【点评】了解一般过去时的使用意义,描述过去发生的一个动作,注意一般过去时的使用中常见的时间状语39This medicine millionsof

33、peoples lives since it was put into use ( )Ais saving Bwill save Chas saved Dhadsaved【考点】现在完成时【分析】这种药自投入使用来就挽救了数百万人的性命【解答】答案为 C根据从属连词 since 可知,需要用现在完成时,表示从过去某个时间点开始到现在的动作,而且这个动作对现在有影响此处 since 引导时间状语从句, since 后接表示一个时间点的句子,说明从过去的时间点到现在的这段时间里的动作现在完成时的构成为 has/have+过去分词故选 C【点评】注意 since 引导时间状语从句时,主句的时态一般为

34、现在完成时40After she finished thestory,Alice wrote a review for her school newspaper ( )Aread Breads Cto read Dreading【考点】实义动词的现在分词【分析】当她读完故事以后,Alice 为她的校报写了一篇读后感【解答】答案为 D本题考查固定短语 finish doingsth,表示结束做某事后一句是 Alice 写了一篇读后感,表示是做另一件事, after 为时间介词,引导的句子做时间状语,因此可推知是结束了做某事之后,应该为 finishdoing sth【点评】平时需注意固定短语的积

35、累,在考试时能快速得出答案 41I cant tell you what she saidIvepromised it a secret ( )Akeep Bto keep Ckeeping Dkept【考点】不定式【分析】我不能告诉你她说了什么我保证过保守秘密【解答】答案为 B此处考查动词短语 promise to dosth,保证做某事,promise 后接不定式,故答案为 B【点评】平时需积累常见的动词短语,在考试时,可以快速得出答案42The twins fond of thenew idea in the magazine article ( )Abe Bam Cis Dare【考点

36、】系动词;谓语【分析】这个双胞胎很喜欢这份艺术杂志上的新点子【解答】答案为 D此处考查主谓一致主语为 thetwins,表示双胞胎,是两个人,为复数,因此谓语的系动词为 are【点评】考生需了解一些表示复数的名词,正确搭配名词后面的系动词43 wonderful speech Emmagave at the UN conference!( )AHow BWhat CWhata DWhatan【考点】感叹句【分析】艾玛在联合国会议的演讲真让人称赞!【解答】答案为 C本句为感叹句句式感叹句格式为 How+形容词+a/an+ 名词+陈述语序,How+形容词或副词+陈述语序,What+名词+ 陈述语序

37、,What+a/an+形容词+名词+陈述语序此处 wonderful 为形容词,speech 为可数名词,wonderful 的首音素为/w/为辅音音素,故用 a; Emma gave为陈述语序因此需采用 What+a+形容词+ 名词+陈述语序的句式,答案为 C【点评】感叹句句式:How+形容词+a+名词+陈述语序; How+形容词或副词+陈述语序;What+ 名词+陈述语序;What+a+ 形容词+名词+陈述语序感叹句句式 how 和 what 开头的区分主要在于,how 后面加形容词/副词,what 后面加名词像句式, a+名词+ 陈述语序 这部分都可以看做是一个名词短语,可以缩写成 Ho

38、w+形容词+名词短语;结合句式 ,可总结出 how 后面加形容词/副词; what 后面加名词,像句式里的“a+形容词+ 名词”相当于一个名词短语,结合句式可总结出,what 后面加名词!因此,可以总结,How+ 形容词/ 副词+名词短语!What+ 名词短语!44- Excuse me ,where is the Moonlight Hotel ?- Im a stranger myself ( )A Sorry ,I dont knowB No ,I dont think soC It doesnt matterD Thank you all the asme【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析

39、】- - 打扰一下,月光宾馆在哪里?- - 对不起,我不知道我自己是个陌生人【解答】答案:A 答案 A 意思为“对不起,我不知道 “答案 B 意思为“不,我不这样认为 ”答案 C 意思为“没关系 ”答案 D 意思为“同样感谢 ”根据第一句可知这是问路的句型,结合答语“Im a stranger myself ”可知我不知道月光宾馆在哪里不能帮助别人时,可用 sorry 来表示歉意,故选:A 【点评】考查常用日常交际用语,理解对话的意思,根据语境选择合适的交际用语,符合英语语言习惯即可45- The Art Festival is coming Were going to watch the p

40、lay Twelfth Night - ( )A Thats all right B Never mindC Youre welcome D Enjoy your time【考点】常用日常交际用语【分析】- - - 艺术节马上就要到了我们打算去观看话剧第十二夜 - - - 祝你们过得愉快【解答】答案:D根据各个选项的意思 A 、Thats all right 没关系;B 、Never mind 不要紧,不用担心,没关系;C 、Youre welcome 不客气,不用谢,别客气; D 、Enjoy your time,字面意思是享受(属于)您的时间 通常是祝人玩得开心,玩得愉快结合上文 The

41、Art Festival is comingWere going to watch the play Twelfth Night 可知艺术节马上就要到了对方打算去观看话剧第十二夜 故下文要向对方表达一个美好祝愿,祝愿对方享受这美好时光,即“祝你们过得愉快(Enjoy your time ) ”,故选 D【点评】本题考查日常交际用语,对于交际英语试题,最好的办法是运用“情景对照法”首先设身处地地对照语境,理解英语的惯用法然后要牢牢记住常见语境中的典型对话及其确切含义例如本题中 Thats all right 意为“没关系”用于回答别人的道歉等Youre welcome 意为“ 不客气,不用谢,别

42、客气”用于回答别人的感谢;Enjoy your time 通常是祝人玩得开心,玩得愉快III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次): (共 8 分)46A )realize B )public C )experiment D )pollution E )plasticThe scientist was in a hurry She had to get some wat

43、er for her (4 6 ) before d r kness fellShe was testing the water in the rivers that went into the oceanHer job was to find out the cause of (4 7 ) in the sea at nearby beaches She lifted out the water and looked angrily at the rubbish in itOld clothers , (4 8 ) bags and pieces of paper were in the d

44、irty water “Dont people (4 9 ) that everything they throw onto the street gets washed into rivers ?And they lead right into the ocean ! ”she said loudly“How many years will it take to make it clean again ?”【考点】记叙文【分析】这位科学家很匆忙她必须在夜幕降临之前去取些水进行实验,她正在测试流进海洋的河水她的任务是查明在海滩附近的海水污染的原因她提起了水,生气地看着里面的垃圾旧衣服,塑料袋,

45、纸都在脏水里 “难道没有人意识到他们扔到街上的所有东西都被冲进河流吗?它们又正好流入海洋她大声地说:“要多少年才能使它(海水)重新干净呢?”【解答】4 6 C 考查名词用法根据关键部分 get some water for her 可知形容词性物主代词后应该跟名词;结合后句 She was testing the water in the rivers that went into the ocean ( 她正在测试流进海洋的河水)可推知此处应是指取一些水做实验,结合选项故用名词 experiment 实验故选 C4 7 D 考查名词用法根据关键部分 find out the cause of 可知 of 相当于名词所有格的功能,其后应该跟名词;结合后句 She lifted out the water and looked angrily


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