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1、四川省达州市 2016 年中考英语试卷第一部分听力第一节(本题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选出最佳选项,并将机读卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑,听完每段对话后,你将有 5 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍1.What does the girl want to be?【考点】听录音选图.【分析】略【解答】A【点评】略2.What festival would the girl like better?【考点】听录音选图.【分析】略【解答】B【点评】略3.What sports does T

2、om like?【考点】听录音选图.【分析】略【解答】C【点评】略4.Which sign are they talking about?【考点】听录音选图.【分析】略【解答】C【点评】略5.Whats wrong with Mike?【考点】听录音选图.【分析】略【解答】A【点评】略第二节(本题共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 15 分)听下面四段对话和一段独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将机读卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑,听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各小题,听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间,每段对话独白读三遍6

3、(2 分) (2016 达州)听第 6 段材料,回答第 67 题6What does the boy want to do?ATo buy thingsBTo borrow some booksCTo order some noodles7Where are the two speakers?AIn the shopBIn the restaurantCIn the library【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】BC【点评】略8 (3 分) (2016 达州)听第 7 段材料,回答 810 题8What does Tom do?AWhat does Tom do?BHe is a coo

4、kCHe is a worker9Whats Toms favorite food?ABeef hamburgersBEggs and milkCChicken hamburgers10Why did Toms father sleep late last night?ABecause he watched TV for a long timeBBecause he did a lot of workCBecause he wrote to his friend till late【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】ACB【点评】略11 (3 分) (2016 达州)听第 8 段材料,回答

5、1113 题11When is their mothers birthday?AMay 9BMay 10CMay 1112What will they buy as a present for their mother?AA pair of shoesBA handbag CA birthday cake13Where will Sam wait for Mary after class?AAt the school gate BIn the classroomCOn the playground【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】CBC【点评】略14 (3 分) (2016 达州)听第 9

6、 段材料,回答 1416 题14Whats the relationship between the two speakers?ATeacher and studentBFather and daughterCClassmates15What did the teacher say about the new factory?AIt would bring a lot of jobsBIt would bring pollution to the environmentCIt would waste a lot of money16What does the father think of t

7、he new factory?AIts a good thing to the schoolleaversBIt may be harmful to the environmentCThe factory will be wonderful【考点】短对话理解.【分析】略【解答】BAB【点评】略17 (4 分) (2016 达州)听下面一段独白,回答 1720 题17What does Li Huss mother grow in the garden?AVegetables and apple trees BApples and pearsCVegetables,trees and flowe

8、rs18How long does it take people to get to the nearest town?A.10 minutesB.20 minutesC.30 minutes19How does Li Hua always go to the town?ABy bike BBy bus CBy car20According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?ALi Hua lives in the townBThere is much pollution in the townCLi Huas father often

9、 goes fishing on Sundays【考点】短文理解.【分析】略【解答】CAAC【点评】略第二部分基础知识运用第一节单项选择(本题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,计 15 分)从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案21.Look!Whos_girl under the tree?Oh,she is my sister,KateShe is_honest girl ( )Athe;anB a;theCthe ;aDan;the【考点】定冠词(the) ;不定冠词(a,an ) .【分析】看!树底下的那个女孩是谁?哦,她是我妹妹他是一位善良的姑娘【解答】

10、答案:A 联系汉语意思,根据 under the tree 可知,问句特指树底下的女孩是谁,应使用定冠词 the再根据 She is_honest girl 可推测,此处泛指 Kate 是一位善良的女孩,表示“一个“,应用 a/an又 知 a/an 的用法:a 用于辅音音素开头的词前, an 用于元音音素开头的词前,且 honest 是以元音音素/ /开头的,所以此处应用 an故选 A【点评】此题考查冠词的用法做题时,先结合汉语意思,判断所缺部分是特指还是泛指,然后筛选出 符合题意和用法的答案22.Why did Lucy look unhappy?Because she was so car

11、eless that she made many spelling_in her homework ( )AfriendsBplansC decisionsDmistakes【考点】名词的词义辨析.【分析】为什么 Lucy 看起来不高兴?应为她是如此粗心以至于她的作业犯了很多拼写错误【解答】答案:D;friend 朋友; plan 计划;decision 决定; mistake 错误;根据句中信息she was so careless 推测后面的句意:她的作业犯了很多拼写错误;故选 D【点评】了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,还要从句意着手,根据句意作出解答;所以,平时的学习中要多进行积

12、累词汇,才能很好的完成23.Would you please come to play soccer with me?Sorry!My 5yearold brot her cant look after_ ( )AhimB himselfC hisDhe【考点】反身代词.【分析】你愿意和我一起去踢足球吗?对不起!我 5 岁的弟弟不能照顾他自己【解答】答案:B him 他,人称代词宾格,作宾语;himself 他自己,反身代词,作句子宾语、表语以及同位语;his 他的,物主代词; he 他,人称代词主格;根据句子中“sorry“可知我不能和你去踢足球,原因是我小弟弟不能照顾他自己look aft

13、er oneself 照顾某人自己,根据主语 my 5yearold brother 可知,这里要用 he 的反身代词 himself,故选:C 【点评】考查反身代词,理解句子的意思及指代对象,明确反身代词在句子的作用,结合语境,选择正确的答案24.Where is Marry flying?She is flying to France soon She will arrive_Paris_the morning of July 2 ( )Ato;onBat;onCin;inDin;on【考点】方位介词;时间介词.【分析】Marry 要飞到哪里去?她很快就飞往法国了,她将于 7 月 2 日上

14、午到达巴黎【解答】答案:Darrive at/in 到达, at 后跟小地点, in 后跟大地点,巴黎是大地点,应用 in,排除选项A、B;在具体某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上要用介词 on,故选 D【点评】本题考查方位介词和时间介词,先弄清各自的用法,再根据情景选择正确答案25.Roy never likes junk foodNeither do I Thats probably why Im becoming_now ( )Ahealthy and weakBhealthier and healthierCweaker and weakerDmore and more healthil

15、y【考点】形容词的比较级和最高级.【分析】罗伊从不喜欢垃圾食品我也不吃垃圾食品那可能是为什么我变得越来越健康的原因【解答】答案:B healthy and weak 健康和虚弱的,形容词原形;形容词或副词比较级用and 来接,表示越来越weaker and weaker 越来越虚弱,more and more healthily 越来越健康,这里 healthily 为 healthy 副词形式,修饰实义动词; healthier and healthier 越来越健康,根据句子意思“我喜欢垃圾食品,那可能是我越来越健康的原因“ ,become 为系动词后跟形容词故选:B【点评】考查形容词比较

16、等级,理解句子的意思以及比较的对象和范围,正确运用形容词比较等级26.Jack ,did you find our old school yesterday?Yes, but with polices help,for it has_changed over these years ( )AhardlyBpartlyCcompletelyDnever【考点】副词的词义辨析.【分析】Jack ,昨天你找到我们的老学校了吗?是的,但是在警察的帮助下找到的,因为这些年它已经完全变了【解答】答案:Chardly 几乎不;partly 部分地;completely 完全地;never 从不;根据 but

17、 with polices help可知 Jack 已认不出自己的学校了,说明学校已面目全非了,故选 C【点评】本题考查副词的词义辨析,先弄清所给词的词义,再根据情景选择正确答案27.Please look at these stampsI_them for five yearsWow,they are fantastic!( )Ahave keptBhave boughtCborrowedDkept【考点】动词词义辨析.【分析】看这些邮票我已经拥有他们五年了喔,它们好极了【解答】答案:A;根据句中的时间短语 for five years 可知该句为现在完成时态,主语+have/has+动词的

18、过去分词;瞬间动词 buy 不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,故用延续性动词 keep故选 A【点评】比较和分析四个选项的不用含义及其用法是解答该题的关键;还要根据句中信息正确推测该句句意,进而作出解答28.Could you help me_the beef for dinner,Jean ?Ok,MomIll do it right away ( )Atake offBknock offCcut downDcut up【考点】动词短语.【分析】Jean,为准备晚餐,你能帮我把牛肉切碎吗?好的,妈妈我会立刻去做的【解答】答案:Dtake off 起飞,脱掉;knock off 下班,使减少;

19、cut down 减少,砍倒;cut up 切碎根据Could you help me_the beef for dinner,可知这里的意思是为准备晚餐,你能帮我把牛肉切碎吗,cut up 切碎故选 D【点评】本题考查了动词短语的用法解答时注意区分辨别句意以及所给选项的意思29.Where would you like to go on vacation this summer?BrazilBecause the 31st Rio Olympic Games_there ( )Awill be heldBwill holdCwill be happenedDare held【考点】一般将来时

20、的被动语态.【分析】今年暑假你想去哪里度假?巴西因为第 31 届里约奥运会将在那里举行【解答】答案:A根据上文中时间状语 this summer,以及有关巴西里约奥运会的常识,可知举行该届奥运会是一个将来的事情,所以句子所使用的时态是一般将来时态;再根据主语 The 31th Olympic Games 是谓语动词 hold(举行)的承受者,二者是被动关系,可知句子所使用的语态应该是被动语态;所以句中谓语动词使用的是一般将来时的被动语态其构成为:will+be+及物动词的过去分词,故选 A【点评】在做这类题型时,应根据时间短语判断所使用的时态是什么时态,然后再根据主语与谓语动词的关系判断使用主

21、动语态还是被动语态解答本题的关键是掌握一般将来时的被动语态的构成为:will+be+及物动词的过去分词30.Have you heard of the song“Where did the time go“?Yes It often_the old days and love of my family when I hear it ( )Aputs us downBreminds us ofCshows us offDhelps us out【考点】动词短语.【分析】你听说过 时间去哪儿了 这首歌吗?是的当我听到它的时候,这首歌让我们想起了过去的日子和家人的爱【解答】答案:Bremind sb

22、of 使某人想起某事;put down 把放下;show off 炫耀;help out 帮助根据 It often_the old days and love of my family when I hear it,可知这里的意思是当听到时间都去哪儿了 ,让我们想起了过去的日子和家人的爱remind sbof 使某人想起某事故选B【点评】本题考查了动词短语的用法解答时注意理解句意以及所给选项的意思并作出正确选择31.Dad,can we walk_the road now?No,we_We have to wait until the light turns green ( )Aacross

23、 ;needntBacross;mustntCthrough;cantDthrough;mustnt【考点】方位介词;情态动词.【分析】爸爸,现在我们可以过马路吗?不,绝对不能,我们必须等到绿灯亮了再走【解答】答案:Bacross, through 皆为介词,都有 “穿过“之意,但 across 指从物体上面穿过,而 through 指从物体中间穿过,此处“过马路 “要从上面穿过应用 across,排除选项 C、D;neednt 不必;mustnt 禁止; cant 不能;根据交通常识可知绿灯不亮是禁止过马路的,故选 B【点评】本题考查介词辨析和情态动词辨析,先弄清它们的含义及用法,再根据情景

24、选择正确答案32.Ive no idea where to go next monthWhy not_ visiting Beijing?There are so many places of interest there ( )AsuggestBwonderC considerDregard【考点】动词词义辨析.【分析】我不知道下个月去哪儿为什么不考虑参观北京呢?那儿有许多有趣的地方【解答】答案:C;sugg est 建议;wonder 想知道;consider 考虑;regard 考虑,把看做;Consider:考虑,认为;多用于下结论或作决定;Regard:看作,当成,当作;多用于看待事

25、物时的个人看法;根据句中信息 Why not_visiting Beijing?There are so many places of interest there 可知该句中指的是“下结论或作决定“ ;用 consider;故选 C【点评】了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,还要从句意着手,根据句意作出解答;所以,平时的学习中要多进行积累词汇,才能很好的完成33.Do you know the boy _is sitting next to Peter?Yes He is Peters friendThey are celebrating his_birthday ( )Awho,nin

26、thBthat,ninethC /,ninethDwhich ,ninth【考点】关系代词;序数词.【分析】你认识坐在 Peter 旁边的那个男孩吗?是的,他是 peter 的朋友,他们在庆祝他的九岁生日【解答】答案:A;第一个设空处,分析句子结构,本句中的“_is sitting next to Peter“在复合句中作定语从句,由于先行词 the boy 为下文定语从句的逻辑主语,且指人,所以引导定语从句的关系代词用 that 或者 who;第二个设空处根据后面的单数名词 birthday 判断需要序数词ninth 表示“第九个生日 “,作 birthday 的定语故选 A【点评】本题考查

27、定语从句的关系代词和序数词做此题的关键是找准先行词,是人还是物,在从句中做什么句子成分,然后根据语法选择正确的引导词,另外注意序数词的正确拼写34.Could you tell me_Zhang Aipings hometown?The day after tomorrow,I think ( )Awhen will you visitB when you will visitCwhy you will visitD how you will visit【考点】宾语从句.【分析】你能告诉我你什么时候访问张爱萍的家乡吗?我想后天吧【解答】答案:B根据 Could you tell me,可知本句

28、考查了宾语从句的用法在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项 A 是疑问句语序,排除掉再根据 The day after tomorrow,可知这里表示的是时间,提问时间的话应该用 when故选 B【点评】此题考查宾语从句考生在答题时要注意“宾语从句必须采用陈述语序“ ,根据上下文语境确定合适的选项35.Excuse me,can I sit here ?_The old man who sat here will be back soon ( )AYoure welcomeBYes ,please CYoud better notDNo problem【考点】常用日常交际用语.【分析】

29、打扰一下,我可以坐这儿吗?最好不要,坐在这里的老人很快就回来了【解答】答案:C;Youre welcome没关系;Yes,please 是的,请;Youd better not 最好不要;No problem 没问题;根据答语 The old man who sat here will be back soon 推测对方答语应为:最好不要;表示委婉的拒绝;故选 C【点评】交际用语的考查要放在上下文语境中理解运用,提醒学生平时加强背诵短语的意义及用法特别留心英语表达习惯与中文表达习惯有较大差异的日常用语不要中了试题的圈套第二节完形填空(本题共 2 小题,每小题 5 分,计 15 分)阅读下面的短

30、文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案.36 (5 分) (2016 达州)Its reported that the 2015 Nobel Prizes have been announced on October 5thSwedens Nobel Prize committee(委员会)said the Nobel Prize for(36) D will go to scientists from Ireland,Japan and ChinaThe prize for medicine is going to Chinese r

31、esearcher Tu YouyouShe(37) A artemisinin(青蒿素) Artemisinin is a drug that has greatly lowered the number of people who die from malaria(疟疾) The committee said her greatest achievement is that the discovery of artemisinin has given the world new ways to fight(38) C two serious diseases It is said thos

32、e diseases influence millions of people every yearMsTu is the chief professor at the China Academy(学院)of Traditonal MedicineShe is also the(39) A Chinese citizen to be awarded the Nobel Prize in medicineMrTu went through about 40 failures before she succeededBut she never(40) B and always fought on3

33、6Aphysics Bmath Cchemistry Dmedicine37Adiscovered Bfound Ccalled Dinvented38Afor Bat Cagainst Din39Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth40Aate up Bgave up Ctook up Dmade up【考点】记叙文.【分析】据报道,2015 年诺贝尔奖已在十月五号宣布瑞典的诺贝尔奖委员会说诺贝尔医药学奖由爱尔兰,日本,中国的科学家获得中国获得医药学奖的是屠呦呦她发现了青蒿素,青蒿素可以降低疟疾患者的死亡人数的一种药物委员会说,她最大的成就在于,青蒿素的发现打开了全世界

34、对抗两种恶疾的新大门据统计那些疾病每年影响上百万的人屠女士是中国中医科学院的首席教授她也是第一个获得诺贝尔医药学奖的中国人屠女士成功前经历了四十次失败但她从不放弃,一直在战斗【解答】36:D 此处考查名词词意 physics 物理学;math 数学; chemistry 化学;medicine 医药学 由下文“The prize for medicine is going to Chinese researcher Tu Youyou“ 可知,此处为“medicine“故选 D37:A 此处考查几个同义词的用法 discover 发现,发现的事物是本来存在的; find 找到,发现 强调找到的

35、结果;invent 发明,发明的事物是本不存在的 青蒿素是本就存在的,只是刚开始没被发现,故选 discovered38:C 此处考查动词短语 fight for 为而战;fight against 与作斗争;at,in 没有此搭配 此处意为“与两种恶疾作斗争 “,故选 C against39:A 此处考查序数词 众所周知屠呦呦是我国第一位获得诺贝尔医药学奖的人 根据事实推断,此处应选 A first40:B 此处考查动词短语 ate up 吃完; gave up 放弃; took up 开始从事; made up编造 根据语境她从不_,一直在战斗可知知,此处为“放弃“ 的意思,never g

36、ive up 从不放弃故选 B【点评】做此题时应特别注意同义词的用法,同时要对相关事件有一定的了解做完之后认真检查41 (10 分) (2016 达州)This story will warm you better than a coffee on a cold winter dayOne day,my friend and I(41) D a little coffee house and ordered two cups of coffee (42) C we were waiting ,two young men came in and began to order,“Five cups

37、 of coffee,pleaseTwo of them for us and three suspended(待用) “They (43) D for their order,took the two and leftI asked my friend,“What are thosesuspendedcoffees?“ (44 ) B giving me the answer,he told me to wait and seeSome more people cameTwo girls (45) A one coffee each ,paid and went awayThen came

38、three lawyers who paid for seven coffeesthree for themselves and four suspendedWhile I still wondered(46) B the suspended coffees were,I enjoyed the sunny weather and the beautiful view( 47) C the coffee house Suddenly a poor man like a beggar(乞丐)came into the coffee houseHe kindly ordered a suspend

39、ed coffee and sat there(48) A itAt that moment,I knew the meaning of the suspended coffeesIts simplepeople pay the coffee in advance(预先)for someone who cant(49) D it The tradition with the suspended coffees started in Italy,but it has spread all over the worldMeanwhile ,I understood suspended coffee

40、 is not only a cup of coffee,but also the (50) C and love to someone in need41Awalked Bwent Cran Dentered42AAfter BBefore CWhile DAs soon as43Aasked Bspent Ccost Dpaid44ABecause of BInstead of CAs for DBut45Aasked for Bsaid to Cthanked for Dlooked up 46Awhen Bwhat Cwhy Dwhere47Ain the front of Bbehi

41、nd Cin front of Dat the back of 48Ato drink Bto eat Cdrank Date49Asell Bwant Cbuy Dafford50Ahottest Bwarmer Cwarmth Dhotter【考点】记叙文.【分析】这个故事将会比冬日里的咖啡更能温暖你一天,我的朋友和我一起走进一家小咖啡店,点了两杯咖啡当我们等待的时候,来了两个年轻人,他们开始点咖啡:“来五杯咖啡,两杯我们自己喝,三杯待用“他们付完钱带着他们的两杯咖啡走了我问我的朋友:“什么是待用咖啡呢?“ 他没有回答我,而是让我等着看又来了一些人,两个女孩每人点了一杯咖啡,付完钱就走了然

42、后来了三位律师,他们付了七杯咖啡的钱,三杯自己喝,四杯待用在我等着看什么是待用咖啡的同时,我享受着这晴朗的天气和咖啡屋前面美丽的风景突然,一个像乞丐的穷人走进了咖啡屋,他很温和地点了一杯待用咖啡并坐在那里饮用这时,我知道了待用咖啡的含义这很简单人们提前为那些买不起咖啡的人付钱这个待用咖啡的传统起源于意大利,但是现在已经传遍了全世界与此同时,我明白了待用咖啡不仅仅是一杯咖啡,而且是送给需要帮助的人的温暖和爱【解答】41答案:D 考查动词及语境的理解 walk 走路; go 去; run 跑; enter 进入; 根据句意“我的朋友和我 一间咖啡屋“ 可知这里要用及物动词 enter,enter

43、a little coffee house,其他三个动词要加介词 into,才表示进入,故选:D42答案:C 考查连词及语境的理解 after之后;before之前; while 当的时候;as soon as 一就; 事情发生在他们等的过程中,所以此处意为“ 当的时候“,故选:C43答案:D 考查动词及语境的理解 ask 要求;spend 花费;cost 花费;pay 支付; 此处考查 spend,cost,pay 的用法,cost 是物做主语,pay 和 spend 是人做主语,而 pay 常与for 搭配,pay for 支付,这里意思为“ 他们付完钱带着他们的两杯咖啡走了“ 故选:D4

44、4答案:B 考查固定词组 because of 因为;instead of 代替,而不是 as for 关于;but 但是,这里意思为“我问我的朋友: “什么是待用咖啡呢? “他没有回答我,让我等着看“由句意可知,此处应是“不是 而是“ 用 instead of故选:B45答案:A 考查动词词组 ask for 要,要求;say to 对说;thank for 为而感谢;look up 查找;根据下文“付完钱就走了 “由此可以推断出:两个女孩每人要了一杯咖啡,故选:A46答案:B 考查疑问词的用法 when 什么时候;what 什么;why 为什么;where 哪里;这里考查疑问词的用法,根据

45、上文“他们三个人付了七杯咖啡的钱,三杯自己喝,四杯待用“作者问他的朋友 What are thosesuspendedcoffees 可知作者想知道待用咖啡是什么,故用 what 提问故选:B47答案:C 考查介词及语境的理解 in the front of的前面; behind的后面;in front of的前面;at the back of的后面 此句意思为“ 欣赏咖啡屋 美丽的风景“,按照逻辑应该为咖啡屋前面的风景,in the front of 物体内部的前面 in front of 整个物体的前面,故选:C48答案:A 考查动词不定式,根据句意 “突然,一个像乞丐的穷人走进了咖啡屋,他很温和的点了一杯待用咖啡并坐在那里“咖啡应是喝所以用动词 drink,这里动词不定式短语作目的状语,故选:A49答案:D 考查动词及语境的理解 sell 出售,want 想要,buy 买,afford 负担得起,根据上文提到“突然,一个像乞丐的穷人走进了咖啡屋,他很温和地点了一杯待用咖啡并坐在那里饮用由此可知:“人们提前为那些买不起咖啡的人付钱“ 故选:D50答案:C 考查词义辨析 hottest 形容词的最高级,最热的,warmer 形容词比较级,更暖和的,warmth 温暖,名词;hotter 形容


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