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1、Unit 1 Cultural relics,必 修 ,词句基础过关,课文经典回顾,重点词汇讲练,写作句型仿写,1. _ a gift/candidate挑选礼物/候选人 2. _ him to go to 选他去 3. _ buildings/dresses设计房屋/连衣裙 4. _ your house装饰/装修你的房子 5. _ the dishes from the table从餐桌上移走碗碟 6. Few _ after the quake.地震后极少幸存。,survived,select,select,design,decorate,remove,7. _ in his hand

2、在他手里爆炸了 8. _ to the bottom of the ocean 沉到了海底 9. like _ clothes喜欢新奇的服装 10. the _ farmer/news当地的农民/本地新闻 11. have a public _ on 就进行公开辩论 12. There is no _ that 毫无疑问,doubt,explode,sink,fancy,local,debate,1. rare n. 花瓶;瓶 2. former n. 风格;风度;类型 3. vase adj. 以前的;从前的 4. style adj. 稀罕的;珍贵的 5. jewel n. 城堡 6. t

3、roop n. 少女;女仆 7. maid n. 群;组;军队 8. castle n. 珠宝;宝石,9. honey vt. 重建 10. dynasty n. 根据;证据 11. evidence n. 蜜;蜂蜜 12. reception adj. 非正式的 13. rebuild n. 朝代;王朝 14. eyewitness n. 接待;招待会;接收 15. informal n. 目击者;证人,1. Local watercolour _(art) are exhibiting their works in the town hall. 作主语用名词,指“当地的水彩画艺术家”。这类

4、名词还有violinist(小提琴手), novelist(小说家), biologist(生物学家)等。2. This oil _(paint) sells for 500 dollars. 作主语用名词,表示“油画”。,artists,painting,3. The life boat was sent out to rescue the _ (sail) from the sinking ship. 在冠词后用名词,表示“水手,海员,船员”,按常识轮船上不止一个船员,因此用复数。句意:救生艇被派出去救沉船的船员。4. He is in prison waiting for _(try)

5、on drugs charges. 作waiting for的宾语用名词,表示“审判,审讯”。句意:他目前因毒品指控在狱中等待审判。,sailors,trial,5. I wont waste your _(value) time any more. 在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“宝贵的,贵重的,有价值的”。6. Its _ (amaze) how often you see drivers using mobile phones. 作表语用形容词,表示“令人吃惊的,难以置信的”事,用amazing。句意:常常看到司机在用手机,真让人难以置信。,amazing,valuable,7. The

6、fire soon consumed the old _ (wood) buildings in the neighbourhood. 在名词buildings前作定语用形容词,表示“木制的”。句意:大火很快就烧毁了这一带的旧木头房子。8. Frequent _(culture) exchange will help foster friendly relations between our two countries. 在名词exchange前作定语,用形容词,表示“文化的”。句意:经常的文化交流有助于促进我们两国之间的友好关系。,wooden,cultural,_ a half hour

7、later不到半个小时后2. _ the computer_将电脑拆开3. The islands _ China. 这个岛属于中国。4. buy him a drink _ 请他喝酒作为回报5. _ him 对他评价很高,think highly of,less than,take,apart,belongs to,in return,6. be _ war 处于交战状态7. search _ cheap flights 搜索廉价航班8. make a search _the lost ring 寻找丢失的戒指9. in search _ the missing girl 寻找那个失踪的女孩

8、10. at the entrance _ the hall 在大厅的入口处,at,for,for,of,to,(注:除in search of短语中用of外, search后接寻找的对象时, 用介词for),11. select him _the national team 选他加入国家队12. select him _ our monitor 选他当班长13. decorate the room _ balloons 用气球装饰房间14. fancy(=feel like) _(go) out 想出去15. be worth _(read) 值得读,reading,for,as,with,

9、going,1. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never _(imagine) that his great gift to the Russian people would have such _amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世怎么也不会想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人吃惊的历史。,an,have imagined,2. This was a time _the two countries were _ war.这正值两国交战时期。3. In 1770, the room _(complet

10、e) the way she wanted. 1770年,这间琥珀屋按她的要求完成了。,was completed,when,at,4. There is no doubt _ the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, _ was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时在波罗的海边的一个德国城市。5. it can _(prove) that China has _ (much) people than any other coun

11、try in the world. 可以证明,中国人口比世界上其他任何国家的人口都多。,more,that,which,be proved,Hello, Im Jan Hasek, an old 1 _(mine) from the Czech Republic. In April 1945 I heard something 2 _(explode) at midnight. I got up and ran outside. The sound came from a mine 3 _ hadnt been used 4 _a long time. 5 _(Sudden) I saw so

12、me German soldiers by the light of the moon. They were taking wooden boxes from trucks and putting 6 _(they) in the mine.,them,miner,explode,that/which,for,Suddenly,A week 7 _(late) I decided 8 _ (go) and see for myself. To my surprise, the entrance 9 _the mine was closed. Some people say that the A

13、mber Room and some gold 10 _ (bury) in the mine. I think it might be so, as the Amber Room has never been found.,were buried,later,to go,to,In September 1941, the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. This was a time that the two countries were at the war. When the Nazis could get to the summer palace,

14、the Russians were able to remove some furnitures and small art objects from the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis secretly steal the room itself.,In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put on twenty-seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, whic

15、h was at that time a Germany city on the Baltic Sea. After that, which happened to the Amber Room remaining a mystery.,1. that when 引出定语从句并在从句中作时间状语。 2. 去掉war前的the 因at war(处于交战中)是固定词组。 3. When Before 表示“趁之前”。 4. furnitures furniture 为不可数名词。 5. steal stole 过去发生的事情,用一般过去时。,6. on inside 指装在箱子里。 7. 在The

16、re is no doubt 后增加 that 引导同位语从句,或作为固定句型来记。 8. Germany German 作定语用形容词,表示“德国的”城市。 9. which what 此处用what 引出主语从句。 10. remaining remains 此处缺少谓语动词。,survive survival (n.幸存;生存) arrive_ (n.到达) approve _(n.同意,赞同),1. survive vi.幸存 vt.(经过)还存在/ 活着;比活得长,survival n.幸存,生还 survivor n.幸存者,approval,arrival, All his ch

17、ildren died in the earthquake, _ (但他幸免于难). Her uncle _ (从地震中幸存下来了),but no one else in her family did.,survived the earthquake,but he survived, The old lady_ (比她所有的孩子活得都要长). Doctors said he had only a 50chance of _ (survive).,survival,survived all her children,be designed for为设计的 be designed as作为而设计的

18、 be designed to do为了做而设计的,2. design n.设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思,resign v.辞职,辞去或放弃, _ (这栋大楼 的设计)attracted my attention. The series of books is designed _ the students in Grade Three of senior middle schools. This plan was designed _ (improve) their exam results.,to improve,The design of the building,for,I

19、 dont fancy _ (walk) in the rain. 我不喜欢在雨中行走。,3. fancy adj.奇特的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好,walking,They _ _ (用花和气球装饰了房间).,4. decorate v.装饰;装修,decorator n.装饰者,装潢者,be decorated with 用装饰,decorated the room with flowers,and balloons,in doubt怀疑地;不能肯定地 without/ beyond doubt毫无怀疑 have no doubt about/ of不怀疑/ 相信 There is

20、no doubt that毫无疑问,5. doubt n. & v.怀疑;不信,doubtful adj.怀疑的;不肯定的,肯定句中,后接whether或if引导的从句;否定句或疑问句中,后接that从句。, I never doubt _ he is an excellent teacher. I doubt _ he will keep his promise.,whether/if,that, We have no doubt _his honesty. There is no doubt _his plan sounds very good, but Im _(doubt) wheth

21、er it will be practical or not.,doubtful,about/of,that,be (well) worth doing/ n. (很)值得做/ 值 be worthy of sth/ being done值得 be worthy to be done值得 its worthwhile to do/ doing做某事是值得的,6. worth n.价值 adj.值钱的,值得的, 这本书值得一读。(请用五种方式翻译) The book is worth reading. The book is worthy to be read. The book is wort

22、hy of being read. Its worthwhile reading the book. It is worthwhile to read the book., He who always helps others _ _ _ (值得表扬,用worthy翻译). _(是值得做的) to improve the living conditions for poor people.,is worthy of,It is worthwhile,being praised/is worthy of praise/is worthy,to be praised,search for 搜寻 s

23、earch+某人或某地+for为找到而搜查某地或搜某人的身,7. in search of搜寻;寻找, The great scientist _ _ (寻找) a new element now. The policemen _the mountain _ the missing boy but didnt find him.,is searching for/is in,for,search of,searched,8. belong to 属于(无被动,无进行时), This interesting book _(属于她). Britain is a developed country

24、_ (belong) to the European Economic Community. Mr Smith,_whom the car belongs, lends it to his friends generously.,to,belongs to her,belonging, The old man is always ready to help others. _, he is liked by everyone.,9. in return作为回报in return for 作为对的报答in turn反过来;依次;轮流地,用上述短语填空。,In return, I sent him

25、 a present _ his help. The students answered the teachers questions _.,in turn,in return for, 他们中大多数不到30岁。 Most of them are _. 他不如她高。 He is not so tall as she is. =He is _ she is.,10. less than少于(与more than相反)lessthan 不如,less tall than,less than thirty, He _(看重) other peoples opinions. The great per

26、son _ (认为失败没什么).,11. think highly/ much/ well of 高度评价;赞赏think little/ nothing of不重视;认为没什么了不起,thinks nothing of failure,thinks highly of,1. could notnever have done不可能干了某事,对过去所发生事情的否定推测。, Tom _(不可能 完成) his homework without your help. We _(不可能赢得) the game if we hadnt tried our best.,could not have won

27、,could not have finished, This was _ _ (我国贫穷的时期). That was _ _(电视机很罕见的时代).,2. This/ That is/ was a time when 正值的时期,a time when our country was,a time when televisions were,poor,rarely seen,the way后引导定语从句的关系词 that/ in which常省略(作主语除外)。,3. the way+定语从句, We dont like _ _ (他跟他父母谈话的方式). Plants need water _ _ (就像它们需要阳光一样).,the way they need,the way he talks to his,parents,sunlight, We are anxious to know _ _(他出了什么事)on that day. By the way,_ (那本书怎么了)that I gave you as a present?,4. What happens to sb/sth?某人/某物怎么了?,what has happened to the book,what happened,to him,归类记单词,Thank you !,


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