人教版新目标九年级英语《Unit9 I like music that I can dance to》教案

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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A (1a2d) 1重点单词:prefer,lyrics,Australian,electronic,suppose,smooth ,spare,case ,director,war2重点短语:sing along with,dance to,different kinds of ,in that case3重点句式:What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can sing along with.Carmen likes musician

2、s who play different kinds of music.I prefer movies that give me something to think about.1重点短语和句型2定语从句定语从句一、预习课本 P6566 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1更喜欢_ 2.歌词_3电子的_ 4.推想_5平滑的_ 6.空闲_7情况_ 8.导演_9战争_ 10.澳大利亚的_二、认真预习 1a2d 找出下列短语和句型。1随之唱歌_2随着跳舞_3不同种类的_4既然那样_5你喜欢什么种类的音乐?我喜欢能跟着唱的音乐。_6卡门喜欢能够弹奏不同乐曲的音乐家。_7我更喜欢能让我思考的电影。_St

3、ep 1 情景导入Teacher:Whats the weather like today?Student:Its sunny today.Teacher:What kind of weather do you like?Student:I like sunny weather.Teacher:I like weather that is sunny, too. (板书)Teacher:Please practice conversations with your partners like this.环节说明:通过谈论天气,温故而知新,同时引出了本节课的学习重点定语从句。Step 2 完成教

4、材 1a1c 的任务1你喜欢什么类型的音乐呢?在 1a 的图片中圈出你喜欢的音乐,然后根据实际情况写出自己的句子,完成后小组内互相交流答案。(3 分钟)2认真听录音,勾出托尼和贝蒂喜欢的音乐,将 1b 中的表格填写完整,然后集体核对答案。(3 分钟)3再听一遍录音,并跟读对话。(3 分钟)4两人一组练习 1c 对话,然后仿照 1c 的形式和你的搭档谈论各自喜欢的音乐的类型,完成后要求几组学生表演对话。(5 分钟) 。参考案例A:What kind of music do you like?B:I like music that I can sing along with. What about

5、 you?A:I prefer music that has great lyrics.5小结训练。(3 分钟)(B)1.What kind of music do you like?I prefer the music that I can sing _.Aalong at Balong withCwith Dalong(A)2.Do you like music that is too loud?No,I only like of music that I can _.Adance to Bdance inCdance with Ddance along(A)3.I think music

6、 _ great lyrics is the most wonderful.Athat has Bthat withCthat is Dthat have(A)4.Which is the car _ was made in China?Athat B which C who Dwhere(C)5.I prefer swimming to _ TV at home.Awatch BwatchesCwatching Dwatched环节说明:听说结合,第一时间向学生传达语言目标,通过结对对话练习和小结训练,使语言目标得以强化。Step 3 完成教材 2a2c 的任务1.朗读 2a 中的句子,听录

7、音,根据录音内容判断句子的正误,正确的在句子后面的方框中写 T,错误的写 F。完成后集体核对答案。(3 分钟)2再认真听一遍录音,根据听到的内容完成 2b 中的表格填空。完成后请几名学生展示答案,教师点拨。(3 分钟)3听第三遍录音,学生跟读整体感知对话。(3 分钟)4两人一组利用 2a 和 2b 中的信息,仿照 2c 的形式和搭档编练新对话,邀请几组学生表演新的对话。(5 分钟)参考案例A:Does Xu Fei like The Modern?B:No, he doesnt. He prefers.5小结训练。(3 分钟)(A)1.The book _ I read yesterday w

8、as written by Lu Xun.Athat B whose Cwho D where(C)2.He has a friend who _ the piano very well.Aplay Bplaying Cplays Dplayed(C)3.Tom likes movies _ are very exciting.Awho Bwhat Cthat Dwhose环节说明:通过听、说、读、写训练让学生熟练掌握定语从句;同时学生的口语表达能力在这一环节得到提升。Step 4 完成教材 2d 的任务1学生自读对话,完成下面的问题。(5 分钟)1)判断正(T)误(F);2)根据对话内容填空

9、; 3)回答问题;4)英译汉。1)Jill will go to the movies with Scott this weekend. (F)2)Scott will listen_to_new_CD_he_bought this weekend.3)What kind of movies does Jill prefer?He_prefers_movies_that_give_him_something_to_think_about.4)I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.我喜欢在长达一周的工作

10、之后听帮助自己放松的舒缓音乐。2大声朗读 2d 中的对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。(3 分钟)3邀请三组学生来表演对话。(5 分钟)4小结训练。(3 分钟)(A)1.We all like people _ are friendly to us.Awho Bthat Cwhich Dwhose(B)2.There are a lot of things _ I have to do on Sunday.Awho Bthat Cwhose Dwhom(D)3.I prefer _ that plays different kinds of music.Abooks Bmusic C

11、movies Dmusician(B)4.Do you like the songs _ Jay Chou sang?Awho B/ Cwhose Dwhom环节说明:将对话问题化,既能锻炼学生的思维能力又能加深对课文的理解。小结训练又对对话中的重要知识点进行了巩固加深。Step 5 问题探究 1定语从句1)他就是想见你的人。He_is_the_man_who_wants_to_see_you.2)他不喜欢太长的歌曲。He_doesnt_like_the_songs_that_are_too_long.定语从句在句中作定语,修饰名词、代词,被修饰的名词、词组或代词叫先行词。定语从句放在先行词后

12、面,由关系代词(who,whom,whose,that ,which) 或关系副词(where、when、why)引导。 who,whom 和 that 这些词代替的先行词是表示人的名词或代词,在从句中做主语或宾语。which 和 that 它们所替代的先行词是表示事物的名词或代词,在从句中作主语或宾语等。2prefer 的用法1)与猫相比,我更喜欢狗。I_prefer _dogs_to_cats.2)我喜欢步行更甚于骑自行车。I_prefer_walking_to_riding_a_bike.3)我更喜欢在家里度过周末。I_prefer_to_spend_the_weekend_at_hom

13、e.4)我宁愿写而不愿读。I_prefer_to_write_rather_than_read.prefer 动词,意为 “更喜欢” ,相当于“like.better”,其过去式和过去分词都是preferred。经常用到的句型有:与(做)某事相比,更喜欢( 做) 某事 prefer.to.更喜欢做某事 prefer_to_do_sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事prefer_to_do_sth._rather_than_do_sth.请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section A (3a3c) 1重点单词:stick,down,dialogue,documentary,drama,plenty,s

14、hut ,superhero2重点短语:stick to,plenty of ,shut off,in time,once in a while3重点句式:I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day.I prefer movies that can cheer me up.I always bring a friend who isnt afraid of these kinds of movies.1重点短语和句型2判断定语从句的先行词、引导词1重点短语和句型2判断定语从句的先行词、引导词一、预习课本 P6

15、7 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1粘贴_ 2.沮丧_3对话_ 4.纪录片_5戏剧_ 6.大量_7关闭_ 8.超级英雄_二、认真预习 3a3c 找出下列短语和句型。1坚持_2大量_3关闭_4及时_5偶尔地_6依据当天我的感觉我喜欢看不同种类的电影。_7我更喜欢使我高兴的电影。_8我总是带上一个不害怕这类电影的朋友。_Step 1 情景导入Teacher:Do you like movies?What kind of movies do you know?What kind of movies do you like?Now please talk about these questions

16、in groups.环节说明:通过这个环节不仅让学生了解到了更多种类的电影,而且为接下来的学习做好了铺垫,降低了学生学习的难度。Step 2 完成教材 3a3c 的任务1快速阅读 3a 中的短文,在电影的种类下画横线并且圈出电影的名称,完成后小组内互相交流答案。(3 分钟)2认真阅读短文,在文中找出 3b 中 4 个问题的答案,请几名学生展示答案,教师点拨。(5 分钟)3你喜欢什么种类的电影呢?根据自己的实际情况完成 3c 中的表格,完成后小组内互相核对答案。(3 分钟)4细心阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组合作解决遇到的疑难问题。教师点拨短文中出现的重点和难点。(5 分钟 )5读短文,识记

17、并背诵知识要点。(5 分钟)6小结训练。(3 分钟)(C)1.Would you like some juice?No,Ill stick _ tea,thanks.Ain Bat Cto D for(C)2.The boss has given away _ money to the old peoples home.Amuch too BmanyCplenty of Da lot(B)3.We shut _ the motor before we left the workshop.Aof Boff Cwith Dto(A)4.The doctor arrives _ time to sa

18、ve the old man.Ain Bat Cto Don(A)5.He goes to see his grandfather once _ a while.Ain Bat Cto Don环节说明:通读阅读分析文章,学生的阅读分析能力在这一环节得到提升;小结训练又及时巩固和强化了重要的知识点。Step 3 问题探究( )1.I love singers who _ beautiful.Ais Bare Cam Dis答案选择 B,who/that 在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致。( )2.He comes to our room for a chat _.Aonc

19、e in a while Bonce upon a timeCat times Din time答案选择 A,根据句意“他偶尔来我们房中闲谈 ”,once in a while 意为“偶尔” 。( )3.I _ what I said yesterday.Akinds of Bshut offCstick to Dplenty of答案选择 C,根据句意“我仍然坚持我昨天的话。 ”stick to 意为“坚持” 。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section A (Grammar Focus4c) 1重点单词:intelligent2重点句式:What kind of movies do you

20、 like?I enjoy food that is sweet.能正确写出含有定语从句的句子能正确写出含有定语从句的句子一、预习课本 P68 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1有才智的_二、认真预习 Grammar Focus4c 找出下列句型。1你喜欢什么类型的电影?_2我喜欢甜的食物。_Step 1 情景导入Teacher:We have learned Relative Clauses with that,who,and which.Today we are going to do some exercise.环节说明:开门见山地提出本节课的学习目标定语从句。Step 2 完成教材 G

21、rammar Focus 的任务1学生大声朗读 Grammar Focus 的句子。(2 分钟)2小结训练。(2 分钟)What_kind_of_music_do_you_like?(你喜欢什么种类的歌曲?)I_love_music_that/which_I_can_sing_along_with.(我喜欢能跟着唱的歌曲。)What_kind_of_groups_does_Xu_Fei_like?(徐飞喜欢什么样的组合?)He_prefers_group_that/which_play_quiet_and_slow_songs.(他更喜欢能演奏安静舒缓歌曲的组合。)What_kind_of_m

22、ovies_do_you_like?(你喜欢什么类型的电影?)I_prefer_movies_that/which_give_me_something_to_think_about.(我更喜欢能让我思考的电影。)What_kind_of_musicians_does_Carmen_like?(卡门喜欢什么类型的音乐家?)She_likes_musicians_who_play_different_kinds_of_music.(她喜欢能演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。)环节说明:通过对 Grammar Focus 句型的填空练习能够使学生更好地来理解和掌握本单元的重点语法和句型。Step 3 完成教

23、材 4a4c 的任务1.从 4a 每个方框中选出一个单词组成含有定语从句的复合句,完成后小组内互相交流答案。(3 分钟)2读 4b 有关 Jennifer 的唱片介绍,然后用 that, which 和 who 来完成句子,完成后小组内互相核对答案。(3 分钟)3两人一组仿照 4c 的形式来谈论喜欢和不喜欢的东西,并在小组内互相表演对话。(5 分钟 )参考案例A:What kind of food do you enjoy?B:I enjoy food that is sweet.4小结训练。(2 分钟)1我喜欢自己作词的音乐家。I_like_musicians_who_write_songs

24、_themselves.2我喜欢美味的食物。I_enjoy_food _that_tastes_delicious.3我不喜欢太长的歌曲。I_dont_like_the_songs_that_are_too_long.环节说明:通过本环节的对话练习和习题训练以及小结训练让学生熟练地掌握了定语从句。Step 4 问题探究( )1.The Palace Museum is the best place _ Ive ever visited.Athat BwhichCwhere Dwhat答案选择 A,先行词 place 指物且在定语从句中做宾语, 所以选关系代词 that 或which,又因为先行

25、词被最高级 the best 修饰,只能选 that。故选 A。( )2.Mr.Green,there is someone at the front desk _ would like to speak with you.Ahe BwhoCwhich Dwhom答案选择 B,本题考查引导定语从句的关系代词的选择。本题的先行词是 someone,且关系代词在从句中作主语。只能用 who。故选 B。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section B (1a1d) 1复习学过的单词和短语2熟练掌握定语从句熟练掌握定语从句熟练掌握定语从句1复习前三个课时学过的单词和短语2复习定语从句Step 1 情景导

26、入Teacher:What kind of music do you like?Student1:I like music that I can dance to.Teacher:What kind of food do you like?Student2:I like food that tastes good.Now please talk about your favorite movie,music,food,weather and other things with your partners like this.环节说明:通过师生互动对话练习,既让学生复习了定语从句,同时也练习了口

27、语。Step 2 完成教材 1a1d 的任务1在 1a 的表格中填写你最喜欢的书、乐队和电影名,并说出理由,完成后小组内互相交流看法。(5 分钟)2认真听录音,将 Michael 喜欢的三件东西填写在 1b 的第一栏的横线上 ,完成后集体核对答案。(3 分钟)3再认真听一遍录音,在第二栏中填出 Michael 喜欢这些东西的原因 ,请学生展示答案,教师点拨。(3 分钟)4认真听第三遍录音,整体感知对话内容。(4 分钟)5和搭档交流互相喜欢的物品,并说说你为什么喜欢它们。(5 分钟)参考案例A:I like movies that are sad.I love Titanic.B:Oh,I do

28、nt.I like movies that are scary.I really like.6小结训练。(3 分钟)(A)1.The girl only likes clothes _ are in style.Athat B whose Cwho D where(A)2.They like food _ is good for health.Athat Bwhose Cwho Dwhere(B)3.This is the book _ he lost yesterday.Awhat Bthat Cwho Dwhose(B)4.Who do you think _?Ahis favorite

29、singer wasBis his favorite singerChis favorite singerDhis most favorite singer is环节说明:通过这个环节提高了学生的听力水平并且学到了听力技巧,小结训练能让学生更灵活地运用定语从句。Step 3 问题探究( )1.I still remember the college and the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.Awhat BwhoCthat Dwhich答案选择 C,考查定语从句的连接词的用法。 who“谁” ,what“什么” ,that“那个” ,whi

30、ch“哪个” 。这里是引导定语从句,用来修饰 the college and the teachers,既包括人又包括物,所以关系词只能用 that,而不能用 which,所以答案选择 C。( )2.She is the girl _ invention got the first prize in the school competition .Awho BthatCwhich Dwhose答案选择 D,因为先行词是 the girl,表示人,而且连接词后紧跟名词,所以连接词作定语使用,所以答案选择 D。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section B (2a2e) 1重点单词:sense,p

31、ain,reflect,moving ,perform,lifetime,pity, total,master,praise,recall,wound2重点词组:look up,folk music ,get married,in total, live alife,by the end of3重点句式:It was one of the most moving pieces of music that I have ever heard.I almost cried along with it as I listened.He continued to sing and play on th

32、e streets.Abing was known for his musical ability.1重点短语和句型2细节描写1重点短语和句型2细节描写一、预习课本 P6970 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1感觉到_ 2.痛苦_3反映_ 4.表演_5一生_ 6.遗憾_7总计_ 8.能手_9表扬_ 10.回忆起_11伤口_二、认真预习 2a2e 内容找出下列短语和句型。1民间音乐_2查阅_3结婚_4到为止_5总计_6一首乐曲_7因为这个原因_8过着的生活_9这是我听过的最令人感动的一首曲子。_10当我听的时候我几乎跟着它哭了。_11阿炳因为他的音乐才能而出名。_12他继续在街上弹唱。_Ste

33、p 1 情景导入Teacher:There are many folk musicians in China,their music is also very beautiful and popular.Abing is one of the most popular musicians.His amazing musical skills made him very popular,but he lived a very hard life.Do you want to know more about him?Today we will learn a passage about Abing

34、.环节说明:通过这个环节让学生对阿炳有了简单的了解,同时通过提出的问题引出了本节课要学的内容。Step 2 完成教材 2a2c 的任务1关于中国的民族乐器你了解多少呢?你知道由这些乐器弹奏的著名的乐曲吗?小组内互相交流并列出来。(5 分钟 )2快速阅读 2b 中的短文,了解短文大意,回答 2b 中的三个问题,完成后请学生展示答案,教师点拨。(3 分钟)3认真阅读短文,用文章中合适的单词来完成 2c 中的填空,然后列出每个段落的论点。完成后请学生说出答案,教师点拨答案。 (5 分钟)4再次细心阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组合作解决遇到的疑难问题。(5 分钟)5教师点拨短文中出现的重点和难点。

35、(5 分钟)6熟读短文,识记并背诵知识要点。(5 分钟)7小结训练。(5 分钟)(C)1.She didnt _ until she was well into middle age.Amarry with the manBget marryCget marriedDget married with the man(B)2.I will finish reading the book _ the end of next month.Ain Bby Cat D to(B)3.I bought many things yesterday,and they cost me 400 yuan _.Ai

36、n surprise Bin totalCall in all Din the stage(C)4.Computer is one of _ in the world today.Auseful inventionBmost useful inventionsCthe most useful inventionsD. more useful inventions(A)5.The movie made us _.Aexcited BexcitingCexcite Dto excited(B)6.What kind of music do you like best?I like the musi

37、c _ is soft and quiet.Awho Bthat Cwhose Dwhere环节说明:通过本环节的学习不仅锻炼了学生的阅读能力,而且通过小结训练让学生对重要知识点进行了巩固和强化。Step 3 完成教材 2d2e 的任务1.阅读短文,根据短文内容从 2d 方框中选择正确的单词填空,同时从括号中选择合适的引导词,完成后小组内互相交流答案。(5 分钟)2两人一组根据课文中的阿炳和他的音乐的相关内容,仿照 2e 的形式进行对话练习,并邀请几组学生表演对话。(5 分钟)环节说明:通过这个环节的学习让学生对短文有了更深刻的理解;同时也锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。Step 4 问题探究1ma

38、rry 的用法1)上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了。John_and_Mary_got_married_last_week.2)上个月简和一位医生结婚了。Jane_got_married_to_a_doctor_last_month.3)她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。She_married_her_daughter_to_a_businessman.marry 既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为结婚;嫁;娶;与 结婚等。常见用法有:1)表示嫁给某人;与 结婚 marry_sb.;2) 表示与某人结婚be/get_married_to_sb.3)表示父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇 marry_sb._

39、to_sb.。( )2.I will finish my work _ this week.Aat the end Bin the endCby the end of Dto the end of答案选择 C,by the end of 意为“到为止” 。( )3.Being blind is something _ most people cant imagine.Awho BwhatCthat Dwhom答案选择 C。本题考查定语从句 ,先行词是 something,关系代词用 that。故选 C。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section B (3aSelf Check) 1复习学过的单词、短语及重要句型2熟练掌握定语从句1重点单词和句型2熟练掌握定语从句灵活运用定语从句1复习本单元学过的单词和短语及重要句型2复习定语从句的用法Step 1 情景导入Teacher:We learnt many new words and phrases last time.Now lets have a dictation.Please take out a piece of paper and write down


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