牛津译林版英语必修1《Unit1 language points》课件

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1、Unit 1 School Life,Language Points,1. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. (page 2) I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. (page 3) 【解析】 第一句中的experience 作可数名词讲,意为“ 经历,阅历;感受” ;另外,experience 也可用作不可数名词,意为“ 经验,体验” 。第二句中exper

2、ience作动词讲,意为“体验,经历”。,【拓展】experienced adj. 有经验的,经验丰富的 【例句】 He said the experience of in the army was memorable. They are looking for someone with marketing experience. Our country has experienced great changes in the last thirty years. Shes very experienced in looking after children.,practice,完成下列句子。

3、 Jim had _ (许多有趣的经历) while traveling in Africa. You _ (不需要有任何的经验) to work here. The book industry _ (正在经历) the same problems at the moment. Tom _ (是一个经验丰富的汽车销售员) and can easily recognize a prospect when he sees one!,many interesting experiences,dont need any experience,is experiencing,is an experien

4、ced car salesman,2. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. (page 2) 【解析1 】earn 是动词,意为“ 挣得,赚得;获得,赢得”。 【例句】 He worked as a casual laborer and did not earn much. The young player earned his place in the team by training hard.,【解析2 】 句

5、中的respect 作名词讲,意为“ 尊敬,敬重”,也可以用作动词。 【词组拓展】 win/earn/gain the respect of sb. 赢得某人的尊重 have a deep (sincere) respect for sb. 深深地 ( 由衷地) 敬重某人 respect sb. for (doing) sth. 因为而尊敬某人,【例句】 The students have the greatest respect for their history teacher. We must respect their national customs. Customers shoul

6、d be treated with respect. Everyone here respected her for her kindness and honesty.,【解析3 】devote 作动词讲,意为“ 献身于,致力于”; devote后接time或money,表 示 “ 把时间或金钱花在” ,相当于 spend time/ money on sth./ in doing sth. 。 【词组拓展】 devote oneself to sth. 献身于,致力于 devote sth. to sth. 把专用于 【例句】 Dont devote too much time to gam

7、es. After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.,practice,完成下列句子。 She worked hard _ _ (赚钱来养家糊口). His wisdom and humor _ _ (赢得了员工的尊重). I began to _ (把我更多的时间投入到) animal welfare work.,to earn money and support her family,earned him the respect of the employees,devote more of my time to,3.

8、 This is about the average size for British schools. (page 2) 【解析】 average 作形容词讲,意为“平均的;一般的;普通的” ;还可作名词讲,意为 “ 平均;平均数”;作动词讲时,意为“平均达到”。 【词组拓展】 on average 平均地 above average 高于平均水平 below average 低于平均水平,【例句】 The average price of goods rose by just 2.3%. The average of 4 and 10 is 7. The airport averages

9、about a thousand flights a month. On average, men still earn more than women.,【辨析】average/common/ordinary/usual average意为“ 一般的;普通的” ,强调的是一般水准或普通水准。在有数字出现的情况下,表示“平均”。 common意为“ 普通的;常见的” ,common还可以指共同的、共有的特征。 ordinary意为“普通的;平凡的”,侧重人或事的平淡无奇。 usual意为“ 通常的;惯常的” ,指熟悉的、常用的或习惯性发生的。,完成下列句子。 _ (会员的平均年龄) in th

10、is club is 25. _ (地震不常见) in this part of the world. The poor woman went to work _ (像往常一样). Now electrical appliances _ (步入普通家庭).,practice,The average age of the members,Earthquakes are not common,as usual,have entered ordinary families,4. I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to

11、get in my old school. (page 2) 【解析1 】as as 表示同级比较,第一个as作副词,后接形容词原级或副词原级,第二个as可作介词或连词,后接代词或从句。 【例句】This small, red-colored, rocky planet ranks in size as twice as the moon. A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor.,【解析2 】used to do sth. 指“ 过去常常做某事”,否定形式有两种:didnt use to 或used not to。 【辨析】b

12、e/get used to sth. /doing sth. 习惯于(做)某事 be used to do sth. /for sth. 被用来做某事 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事,暗含现在不再做了,选择正确答案。 1. In my opinion, life in the 21st century is much easier than _. A. that used to be B. it is used to C. it was used to D. it used to be 2. The country life he was used to _ greatly s

13、ince 1992. A. change B. has changed C. changing D. have changed,practice,practice,完成下列句子。 Our company _ _ (过去常和他们的公司有业务往来). The origins of the music are _ (和它本身一样有趣).,used to do business with theirs,as interesting as the music itself, Eric is now _ (和他父亲一样高). My hometown has experienced great change

14、s and life is _ _ (比过去更舒适). She has _ (习惯这里的生活).,as tall as his father,more comfortable than it used to be,got used to the life here,practice,Tips for teacher,Let the word fly 板块是为了帮助学 生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词 汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常 见词的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解, 在以后的学习中能够活学活用。,Let the word fly,This sounded like my school in

15、China. (para2) sound在这里是系动词,后可接形容词, 意为“听起来,看起来”。 e.g. Lisas idea sounds fun. sound good/ bad/ awful/ strange etc. sound 还有其它意思,其它词性,请根据 下列句子猜猜看 :,The bell sounded for beginning the class.He always give us sound advice.She is not crazy at all. She has a sound mind.That baby has a sound sleep.You shou

16、ld have a sound knowledge of that.,v. (使)响,发出响声,adj. 合理的,明智的,adj. (生理或心理上)健康的,adj. 酣然的,深沉的,平静的,adj. 完全的,彻底的,sound 还可以用作名词: Strange sounds come from the next room.I dont like the sound of this. How long has she been missing?By the sound of it, her problems are worse than we thought.,n. u 声,声音,n. 感觉(某

17、事)不妙,by the sound of it/ things 听起来,看来,用 sound 翻译下列句子。,这音乐听起来多悦耳啊!请把音量调低一点好吗?我觉得他似乎需要些帮助。你需要对欧洲市场有个全面的了解。,How sweet the music sounds!,Could you please turn down the sound a bit?,It sounds to me as if he needs some help.,You need to get a sound knowledge of the European market.,听起来,音量,觉得,全面的,Game tim

18、e,Can you make up sentences according to the different meanings of sound? Try your best to write down as many sentences as you can.,Quiz I: Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese.,Playing computer games is interesting, for many programmes are _ (具有挑战性的). 2. He _ (经历) the world wars. He had lots

19、 of war stories. 3. She has _ (献身于) most of her time to her painting. 4. The writer _ (获得) a lot of praise from the newspapers for his new book.,challenging,experienced,devoted,earned,5. British people eat lots of _ (甜点) after their main meal. 6. An _ (平均) of 1,500 persons pass here every day. 7. Se

20、nd text messages to 10086 and you may get two concert tickets _.(免费) 8. I know a lot of people become interested in my new book. Its an _ (额外的) surprise for me to talk about it here.,desserts,average,for free,extra,1. 英国的学校生活是令人满意的。(enjoyable)_. 2. 我认为保护环境的最佳方法是多种树。(the best way to do)I think _. 3.

21、他回顾自己的生活,感到满意。(look back on)He _.,Quiz II: Translation.,environment is to plant more trees,the best way to protect the,The school life in the UK is enjoyable,looked back on his life with satisfaction,4. 周末去公园野餐听起来像是个不错的主意。(sound like)_ in the park atweekends _. 5. 暑假他大部分时间都用来上网了。(spend . doing)He _

22、most of his summer holiday _. 6. 经历了这种不同的生活我很幸运。(be lucky to do) I _ this different way of life.,Going for a picnic,sounds like a good idea,spent,(in) surfing the Internet,was very lucky to experience,7. 青少年们大多喜欢流行音乐。(be fond of)_ pop music. 8. 这座小镇早先是多么美丽!(used to)What a beautiful town it _! 9. 我认为我们不应该在这个问题上花更多的时间了。(devote to)I dont think _ this question.,Most of the young people are fond of,used to be,we should devote any more time to,


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