外研版高二英语必修5《Module4 Introduction》课件

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1、Introduction,Module 4 Carnival,Words and Expressions,Objectives,1. To review some Chinese festivals 2. To learn more about some important foreign festivals 3. To learn to talk about or make an introduction of the festival you are interested in,Qingming Festival/ Tomb- sweeping Festival,Spring Festiv

2、al,Chinese Valentines Day,Mid-autumn Day,Dragon Boat Festival,Lantern Festival,Speak out the Chinese festivals as quickly as possible.,Say when they are celebrated.,January 1st from the eve of the lunar New Year to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month the fifteenth day of the first month of lu

3、nar year after 106 days of midwinter the 5th day of the 5th lunar month 15th day of the eighth lunar month October 1st,P31 2,Date: Between March 22 and April 23(春分月圆后的第一个星期天),Activities: Children make nests for bunnies Paint/decorate the eggs Join in the Easter Parade,Easter 复活节,Make a list of festi

4、vals in other countries. Do you know these festivals?,April Fools Day 愚人节,Activity: Play a joke on others,Date: April 1,开得起玩笑,开(某人的)玩笑,Mothers Day Date: the 2nd Sunday in May Activity: Send cards/presents/ flowers to mothers,Fathers Day Date: The 3rd Sunday in June Activity: Cook breakfast for fathe

5、rs and send them presents,Halloween万圣节前夜,Activities: Make a Jack-O-Lantern Trick or treat,Date: Oct.31,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节,Activity: have a turkey dinner with family members,Date: The 4th Thursday in November,Christmas 圣诞节,Activities: Send cards/presents to each other Have a Christmas dinner Decora

6、te Christmas trees,Date: Dec.25,Holi (洒红节/胡里节/色彩节),Activities: spray colours on others, dance, party eat festival delicacies,Date: Night before Holika Bonfire (generally in February/ March),从前有个叫希兰亚卡西普的邪恶国王,强迫臣民尊他为神,而小王子普拉拉德却坚持对毗湿奴的信仰。国王为除掉小王子,不惜让他的妹妹、不怕火烧的霍利嘉抱着普拉拉德跳进火堆之中。然而事与愿违,霍利嘉被烧为灰烬,普拉拉德却因毗湿奴的保

7、护安然无恙。百姓们为了庆祝,便向小王子身上泼撒红颜色的水。 因此,人们把每年阴历12月的望日定为洒红节。洒红节的第2天,人们便用水和各种颜料互相泼撒、涂抹。,起 源,洒红节来临时,人们不管相识与否,都可以向对方泼红水,或是用各种颜色的粉泼撒对方,用各色颜料把对方涂成大花脸和大花袍。除了人之外,汽车也不能幸免。那架势很像我国傣族的泼水节。,There is another important festival Carnival. Do you know anything about it?,When to celebrate? generally during February,How to c

8、elebrate? a public celebration and/or parade combing some elements of a circus, masks and public street party,Where to celebrate? in Europe and America,11,嘉年华是Carnival的中文译音,这个名字 圣经中的一个故事:有一个魔鬼把耶稣在 旷野里,40天没给耶稣吃东西,耶稣虽然饥 饿,却没有接受魔鬼的诱惑。后来,为了纪念 耶稣在这40天中的荒野禁食,信徒们就把每年 复活节前的40天时间作为自己斋戒及忏悔的日 子。这40天中,人们不能食肉,娱乐

9、,生活肃 穆沉闷,所以在斋期开始前的一周或半周内, 人们会专门举行宴会、舞会、游行,纵情欢 乐,而嘉年华最初的含义就是“告别肉食”。 如今已没有多少人坚守斋期之类的清规戒律, 但传统的狂欢活动却保留了下来,成为人们一 个重要节日。,The Notting Hill carnival 英国诺丁山狂欢节,Time: in August Place: in London Activities: dance with West Indian music; eat Jamaican food,one of the biggest street festivals in Europe,Three most

10、 famous carnivals,the carnival in Rio 巴西里约热内卢狂欢节,Time: in February Place: in Rio Activities: street parades; dancing; non-stop samba music day and night,the worlds largest, hosting approximately two million participants per day,the carnival in Venice 意大利威尼斯狂欢节,Time: in February Place: in Venice Feat

11、ure: wear masks,每年1至2月,意大利北部的威尼斯都会举 办闻名全球的嘉年华活动,时间长达10天, 每天有化装舞会的大游行,与连夜狂欢的歌 舞活动。嘉年华期间,在正式场合如宫殿,表演厅 等的活动入场券多在70欧元至250欧元之间, 不是平民百姓可以消费得起。幸运的是,即使不去这些摆谱的场合,还 是可以享受嘉年华的节庆气氛:坐在广场上的 咖啡座观看众生像,让彩绘师父帮你画一张大 花脸舔著浓郁香甜的意大利冰淇淋,或是晚上 挤在人群里听现场表演同样能感受节庆气 氛。,威尼斯狂欢节最大的特点是它的面具,其次是它的华丽服饰。这一传统可追溯到1700年前。权贵和穷人可以通过面具融合在一起。在

12、面具的后面,社会差异暂时被消除。富人变成了穷人,而穷人成了富人。他们互相尊敬地打着招呼。 在面具后面,年龄差异被消除,老人变年轻了,年轻人一下子老成持重起来。年轻人和小人物借助面具代表的权威把自己装扮成大人物。而老人极力将自己装扮得很年轻,甚至越无知越愚蠢越好,男人可以变成女人,女人也可以变成男人。,Match the festivals with the descriptions.,2 This is a festival of colour, which marks the beginning of spring in India.,Holi,Christmas,Thanksgiving

13、Day,Carnival,Halloween,1 This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter.,5 This festival is at the end of October, when ”ghosts” come out.,4 This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.,3 People love wearing special clothes for this festiva

14、l.,P31 1,1. What is the person wearing? 2. Have you ever dressed up in special clothes? 3. When and why did you do it? 4. What did you wear? 5. How did you feel?,Look at the photo below and answer the questions.,P31 3,wear special clotheseat special foodgive or receive giftshave a holiday from schoo

15、ltake part in a traditional ceremonydance and listen to musicenjoy yourself with friends or family,P31 4,Check the things you do during festivals.,Now work in groups. Discuss which of these things you enjoy most.,Talk,Choose one of your favourite festivals and introduce it to your group members.,Tip

16、s: 1. You can talk about the points mentioned in Activity 3 and Activity 4. 2. You can make an outline.,译一译,节日祝福语,May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.,让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。,Mom, thank you so much for not

17、 only giving birth to me but also teaching me how to be a good man. No matter what will be in the future, I will always love you!,妈妈,感谢您赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理。无论未来怎么样,我都会永远爱您!,Seasons greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!,献上节日的问候与祝福, 愿你拥有一个充满 生机和欢乐的新年。,Preview the new words and expressions on Page 32&33.,


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