人教新课标高中英语必修5《Unit1 Great scientists》综合能力测试(含答案)

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人教新课标高中英语必修5《Unit1 Great scientists》综合能力测试(含答案)_第1页
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1、Book 5 Unit 1 Great scientists 综合能力测试. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21-30 各题所给的 A、B 、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。Ali and Hasan went bear hunting. Each night they slept in a nearby village, pledging(保证给予) part of the bears skin to the host for the cost of their lodging(住

2、宿). On the fifth day a huge bear appeared, and Ali said 21 to his friend, “I dont mind admitting that Im afraid to take this bear.” Hasan laughed, “Just leave it to me.”So Ali climbed like lightning up the nearest 22 , and Hasan stood with his gun at the ready. The bear came closer and closer, and H

3、asan began to grow more and more23 . At length he raised his gun to his shoulder, but by now he was 24 so much that, before he could take 25 aim, his gun went off and 26 the target (目标).Hasan, 27 that bears never touch a dead body, threw himself on the flat and held his 28 . The bear came up, sniffe

4、d (嗅) all around him and finally left. Ali, who had been 29 the whole affair from the tree, now came down. Congratulating Hasan on his 30 Ali asked him, “What did the bear whisper in your ear?”“Dont sell the bear skin before you have caught the bear.”21. A. angrily B. nervouslyC. disappointedly D. e

5、xcitedly22. A. mountain B. houseC. tree D. wall23. A. scared B. interestedC. calm D. curious24. A. learning B. tremblingC. devoting D. gaining25. A. general B. primaryC. main D. proper26. A. hit B. reachedC. missed D. aimed27. A. realizing B. doubtingC. admitting D. remembering28. A. position B. pro

6、miseC. breath D. balance29. A. watching B. resolvingC. examining D. managing30. A. escape B. successC. courage D. risk第二节 语法填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在后面标号为 31-40 的相应位置上。Camera phones are increasingly popular nowadays.31 their name su

7、ggests, camera phones provide us with at least two functions. As tools 32 (intend) for communication, their primary function is to make phone calls. 33 a digital camera which is built in them, they also allow us to take photos. Therefore, most of us appreciate their 34 (convenient). But perhaps we d

8、ont realize that the abuse(滥用) of camera phones can become 35 serious threat to our privacy (隐私).Sometimes, we may like to photograph something harmless and share the photos with 36 for pleasure. And almost none of us will feel 37 (embarrass) or uneasy when one of our friends takes our photos with h

9、is camera phone and then shows them to us. 38 our privacy is violated (侵犯) in that situation. What is 39 (bad), someone may take our photos with his camera phone against our wish and post them on the Internet. Then it is beyond doubt 40 we become a victim of this new technology. So next time somebod

10、y shows his camera phone to us with our photos in his phone, we can tell him that his behavior is not legal. 31. _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35. _36. _ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _ 40. _. 阅读 (共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。A难度:I was at a dance club when I was nineteen. O

11、ne day my new friend walked with me to my car. It was a very cold night. As we were walking to my car, a man walked up to us. Behind him was a woman pushing a stroller with a child inside who was about 2 years old. The child had only a jacket on and it wasnt zipped(拉上拉链). The man began to tell us he

12、 wanted to borrow some money for the night and that he had a job but no place to live and was waiting for his first paycheck. He confirmed he could get our mailing address and mail the money back to us.The guy I was with reached into his pocket to give this man a $20 bill. As the man was extending h

13、is hand out to take the money, I put my hand on my new friends hand and said, “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I told him some people earned money by begging and that they always cheated those with soft hearts. And if they were truly worried about their child being out in the cold, they would have

14、at least zipped his jacket.My friend looked at me with disapproval and said, “Michael, I know there are some people out there that take advantage of others. I also know some people out there that are one paycheck away from being homeless. If I gave $20 to 10 people and only one of them really needed

15、 it and used it for the right thing, it was worth it.”I am now thirty-seven years old and have never forgotten what he said to me. I dont even remember his name now. But I do remember that this experience changed my perspective (观点).41. When the story happened, the author _. A. was in his late thirt

16、iesB. served as a car repairmanC. had much money in his pocketD. was walking towards his car with his friend42. The underlined word “stroller” in the first paragraph probably means “_”.A. a big bookcase B. a large boxC. a baby carriage D. a small bicycle43. Why did the author think the man was telli

17、ng a lie?A. His expression was strange.B. He didnt care for the baby at all.C. He said he had a job. D. He gave the author his mailing address.44. According to the authors new friend, some people _.A. were poor and about to be homeless B. often wished to have no paycheck C. werent out of work but th

18、ey said they were D. were always making fun of others 45. We can infer the author could learn from the experience that _.A. one should be very kind to everyoneB. anybody has a time when he needs helpC. one should do whatever is worthy actively D. one should keep away from those poor peopleB难度:Not ev

19、eryone wants to take medications forever. In my research, people with diabetes (糖尿病) who eat a totally plant-based, low-fat diet will lose weight, reduce their cholesterol(胆固醇) and improve their blood sugar better than those on a portion (部分) control diet. You can use diet to change the condition, b

20、ut if you return to your old habits, it will come right back. Neal D. Barnard, MD, President, Physicians Committee for Responsible MedicineDiet and exercise have the biggest impact, and the best diet is high in fiber and low in what can be slowly changed into sugar. The American Diabetes Association

21、 recommends eating about 30 grams of fiber a day, but studies suggest that eating up to 50 grams provides significant benefits, because fiber lowers insulin(胰岛素)and cholesterol levels. Dwight McKee, MD, Aptos, CaliforniaBeing overweight is a main cause of type 2 diabetes. Exercising is the key to ch

22、anging the condition. As you change your diet, aim to burn 300 calories a day through exercise. If you have to, work out twice a day if you cant do it in one shot. And as you get fitter, gradually increase your exercise time. Joel Fuhrman, MD, Flemington, New Jersey Diabetes is a disease, not a mora

23、l failing. Lifestyle changes can make it better, but that doesnt necessarily mean horrible lifestyle choices cause it. If diet and exercise dont help, we try a drug that doesnt cause weight gain. If that still doesnt work, we add more medications. Type diabetes is generally a progressive disease. Ev

24、en if you do everything right, you may need to increase your medicine over time. Robin Goland, MD, Columbia University Medical Center, New York46. The phrase “your old habits” in Paragraph 1 probably means _.A. taking more medications to cure diabetesB. having a totally plant-based, low-fat dietC. h

25、aving a portion control dietD. eating meat and sugar only47. What can we learn from the passage?A. The higher cholesterol level is, the more seriousdiabetes is.B. What can be slowly changed into sugar must be high in fiber.C. One tends to eat more fiber when he has diabetes.D. Diabetes will always l

26、ast a short period of time.48. According to Joel Fuhrman, _.A. eating less wont lead to type 2 diabetesB. exercise plays an important role in treating diabetesC. changing diet is the best way to treat diabetesD. people with diabetes should exercise twice a dayregularly49. Expert Robin Goland may pro

27、bably think that _.A. improper lifestyles will cause diabetesB. proper lifestyles may help treat diabetesC. being overweight can cause diabetesD. people with diabetes should take medicine quickly50. The passage is written mainly for _.A. people in poor healthB. people with horrible lifestylesC. peop

28、le with overweight problemsD. people with type 2 diabetes C难度:Language experts say that spoken English was almost the same in the American colonies (殖民地) and Britain. Americans began to change the sound of their speech after the Revolutionary War in 1776. They wanted to separate themselves from the

29、British in language as they separated themselves from the British government.Some American leaders proposed (提议)major changes in the language. Benjamin Franklin wanted a new system of spelling. His reforms were rejected. But his ideas influenced others. One was Noah Webster. Webster wrote language b

30、ooks for schools. He thought Americans should learn from American books. He published his first spelling book in 1783. Webster published The American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828. It established rules for speaking and spelling the words used in American English.Webster believed that Br

31、itish English spelling rules were too complex. So he worked to establish an American version of the English language. For example, he spelled the word “center” “c-e-n-t-e-r” instead of the British spelling, “c-e-n-t-r-e”. He spelled the word “honor” “h-o-n-o-r” instead of “h-o-n-o-u-r” as it is spel

32、t in Britain.Noah Webster said every part of a word should be spoken. That is why Americans say “sec-re-ta-ry” instead of “sec-re-t-ry” as the British do. Websters rule for saying every part of a word made American English easier for immigrants(移民) to learn. The different languages of the immigrants

33、 who came to the United States also helped make American English different from British English. Many foreign words and expressions became part of English as Americans speak it. Sometimes Americans and British people do not understand each other because of different word meanings. For example, a “ju

34、mper” in Britain is a sweater. In the United States, it is a kind of dress. French fried potatoes in the United States are called “chips” in Britain. All these differences led British writer George Bernard Shaw to joke that Britain and America are two countries separated by the same language.51. Ame

35、ricans wanted to speak a different kind of English because_. A. the British government didnt allow them to speak British EnglishB. they wanted to show they were independent of the UK C. they thought British English was hard to learn and speak D. they were advised by some language experts to create t

36、heir own language52. It seemed that Benjamin Franklin _. A. was happy to see his reform carried out in America B. wrote a dictionary of American English C. was influenced by Noah Webster in the 18th centuryD. had intended to change the spelling of BritishEnglish 53. We know from the passage that _.A

37、. Websters rule was good for immigrants B. Franklin was influenced by Websters idea C. Websters dictionary was published in 1783 D. immigrants preferred British English 54. According to the fifth paragraph, which of thefollowing is TRUE?A. The Americans and the British have no trouble understanding

38、each other.B. American English has got new words from British English. C. Immigrants have a strong feeling of independence in the United States. D. Many new words came into American Englishbecause of immigrants. 55. What do we know from George Bernard Shawswords? A. It is right that different countr

39、ies have different languages. B. American English is better than British English. C. Although there are differences, American English and British English are still the same language. D. The English language separates the United Statesfrom Britain. 第二节 信息匹配(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配

40、信息。以下是一些招收国际志愿者的信息:A. Volunteers on Straw ProjectWe are looking for volunteers to help out with Straw Project this summer. We are building other houses besides Straw Project. Through their help, volunteers will get a better idea of how to build their own houses in the future. This will be valuable h

41、ands-on experience. For further information, click www.cadip.org/workcamps.htm. B. Teaching and recreational activities for mentally handicapped childrenVolunteers will be involved in teaching, playing, cooking and feeding kids in a home for mentally handicapped children. There will be cultural pres

42、entations to present volunteers countries and cultures. Volunteers will be free to choose presentation methods like story telling, singing, dancing, or giving speeches. For more details, please visit: www.cadip.org/volunteer-in-kenya.htm. C. FREE Dental CleaningSAIT Dental Assisting PDM is looking f

43、or patients (between the ages of 12-35) who are interested in having their teeth cleaned. It is FREE! Do you know anyone who might be interested? Anyone who has kids that might be interested? Email me at d2tantshaw.ca for more information.D. Volunteers needed for Underwear AffairVolunteers are neede

44、d to assist in Underwear Affair of the Alberta Cancer Foundation throughout the afternoon and evening. Volunteers are encouraged to dress up, and are welcome to join the participants at the exclusive EXPOSED party. For more information, please call Amber at 269-3337.E. Animal lovers needed as volunt

45、eers Education is the key to reducing animal suffering. I started updating this website with animal-related news after I had seen what happened to animals hidden away from our sheltered city lives. Are you able to spend about 10-15 minutes for about 2-3 times a week to find animal-related news? See

46、my website: http:/www.Heart4A.F. Volunteer Office AssistantA famous immigrant services company is looking for a part-time office assistant. We are adaptable to work with your schedule during business hours. You will be benefited: Practice computer and English language skills Learn about Canadian cul

47、ture and meet new people Reply to: comm-695734747craigslist.org以下是几位希望成为志愿者的个人相关信息,请匹配他/她适合参加的志愿者活动。56. Young as James is, he has done a great deal for those who have developed cancer. He is always volunteering to do all that he can to help them. Now he is hunting for such a chance.57. To be a white

48、-collar clerk is Rubys dream and she is glad to be a volunteer to help make her dream come true more smoothly. Meanwhile, she hopes to improve herself in computer by volunteering.58. As a true animal lover, Marie believes that the more people know what animals go through, the more people will refrai

49、n(节制) from buying products (e.g. fur sweaters or outer coats ) which will further increase animal suffering. She is willing to be a volunteer for that.59. Julia, a kind and gentle girl, will be a middle school teacher next year. During her summer vacation, she is looking for a chance to do whatever she can to help those kids who are in great need of help. She also likes


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