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1、 1 / 5外研版五年级上册 Module 4 检测卷 (1)(40 分钟 100 分) 开始计时: _Part 1 Listening 听力 (30%)一、听录音,选出你所听句子中含有的单词。(5 分)( ) 1.A.matter Bwater Cfather( ) 2.A.watch Bwhat Cwash( ) 3.A.shoes Bshorts Csports( ) 4.A.took Bmake Ctake( ) 5.A.hear Bnear Cwear二、听录音,根据所听内容给下列图片排序。(每空 2 分,共 10 分)三、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听句子是(T)否(F)一致。(10

2、 分) ( ) 1.Billy lost his trousers.( ) 2.Linglings Tshirt is clean.( ) 3.Mum bought a new coat for me.( ) 4.I found this bag on the school bus.( ) 5.Here is your hat.四、听录音,选出你所听句子的汉语意思。(10 分)( ) 1.A.你喜欢这双鞋吗? B你喜欢这条短裤吗?( ) 2.A.妈妈给萨姆买了新衣服。 B妈妈给萨姆买了新外套。( ) 3.A.你的红色 T 恤衫在绳子上。 B我的红色 T 恤衫在绳子上。( ) 4.A.他丢了他的

3、书包。 B他丢了他的帽子。( ) 5.A.你怎么了? B你在哪儿丢的?2 / 5Part 2 Reading and Writing 读和写(70%)五、选出每组单词中画线部分发音与众不同的一项。(5 分) ( ) 1.A.argue Bwarm Chalf( ) 2.A.shor ts Bsports Cdoctor( ) 3.A.w ear Bnear Cpair( ) 4.A.m atter Bplace Ctake( ) 5.A.shoes Blost Csock六、在下列句子中圈出与所给例词同类的单词。(10 分)1her Look, this is my new kite.2sho

4、rts Does Tom like this pair of shoes?3took Miss Fang found this bag on the school bus.4argue Did you wear your blue Tshirt last week?5met Mum bought a new skirt for me.七、单项选择。(18 分) ( ) 1.Sam likes this pair_ shorts. Afor Bof Cwith( ) 2.She_ wear the Tshirt yesterday.Adidnt Bwasnt Cdoesnt( ) 3.Lets

5、go_ fly the kite. Abut Bso Cand( ) 4.Is this your bag?_.Its Toms.ANo BOK CYes( ) 5._ is your cap?Its yellow.AWhere BHow CWhat colour( ) 6.My Tshirts are _ the line.Aon Bin Cof八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分)3 / 51_(we) Chinese teacher is Mr Chen.2This is _(Sam) English book. It is not mine.3I _(wash) your sweat

6、er yesterday. 4He _(want) to wear his new trousers today.5Whats the matter with _(your)?I _(lose) my schoolbag.九、按要求完成句子。(8 分)1Come in.(变为否定句)_ come in.2Your Tshirts are on the line.(变为否定句)Your Tshirts_ _ on the line.3Mum bought me a new bag.(写出同义句) Mum bought_ _ _ _ _.4My shorts are black.(就画线部分提问)

7、_ _ _ your shorts?十、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10 分) (建议用时:4 分钟)Look at those two bags. They are Linglings and Amys. Linglings bag is red and her aunt sent it to her on her birthday. But Lingling doesnt like it. The white one is Amys and she bought it with her mother on Childrens Day. Its one of Amys favourite ba

8、gs. She lost this bag last Monday. I found it on the school bus and brought it back.( ) 1.Linglings bag is_.Ared Bwhite Cblue( ) 2.Linglings_ sent her the red bag.Amother Bsister Caunt( ) 3.The white bag is_.AAmys BLinglings CJohns( ) 4.Amy bought the white bag on_.ATeachers Day BMothers Day CChildr

9、ens Day( ) 5.Amy lost her bag last_.ATuesday BMonday CFriday4 / 5十一、小作文。(9 分)玛丽把她的书包弄丢了,她在学校的失物招领处找到了,请编写一段她和招领处服务员 Ms Li 的对话。_听力材料:一、1.Whats the matter?2Did you wash Linglings Tshirt?3Do you like this pair of shorts?4Who took my book?5Lucy wants to wear her new dress.二、1.Is this Damings cap? Yes, i

10、t is.2Lingling cant find her skirt.3Sam lost his schoolbag.4. Ms Smart wants to wear her Tshirt.5Amys sweater is green.三、1.Billy lost his trousers.2Linglings Tshirt isnt clean.3Mum bought a new dress for me.4I found this bag on the school bus.5Here is your book.四、1.Do you like this pair of shorts?2M

11、um bought new clothes for Sam.3My red Tshirt is on the line.4He lost his cap.5Whats the matter with you?参考答案5 / 5一、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C二、2 1 3 5 4三、1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T四、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A五、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A六、1.my 2.shoes 3.found 4.wear 5.bought七、1.B2A 点拨:由 yesterday 和动词 wear 可知,此处应用 didnt。3C

12、点拨:表示并列关系的两个单词用 and 连接。4A 点拨:由 Its Toms.一句可知,此处应为否定回答。5C 点拨:由答语可知问句应提问颜色。6A八、1.Our 2.Sams 3.washed 4.wants 5you;lost九、1.Dont 2.are not 3a new bag for me 4.What colour are十、1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B十一、范文:Mary: Hello, Ms Li.Ms Li: Hello, Mary. Whats the matter?Mary: I lost my bag.Ms Li: Where did you lose it?Mary: On the playground.Ms Li: What colour is it?Mary: Its yellow.Ms Li: What was in it?Mary: My shorts and two books.Ms Li: Is this your bag?Mary: Yes, it is. Thank you.Ms Li: Not at all.


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