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1、Unit 1 易混淆词语练习I. 选词填空。(1) disease, illness1. He cant come to the party because of _. 2. It was a terrible _.(2) be made of, be made from, be made in, be made by, be made into3. This kind of watch is _ Shanghai. 4. The desk is _ wood.5. This piece of wood will be _ a small bench. 6. This machine was

2、_ Uncle Wang. 7. Butter is _ milk.II. 单项选择。1. I dont regret her _ what I thought.A. telling B. to tell C. told D. tell 2. The plane is made _the workers in this factory. A. of B. from C. by D. into 3. This kind of drink is made _ apple.A. into B. from C. by D. of4. Tell me a little about your _. A.

3、ill B. illness C. sick D. disease III. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 这座古老的桥是由石头建成的。 The old bridge _ _ _ stone.2.多数疾病是可以消灭的。 _ _ could be wiped out. 3. 我们很遗憾的通知你考试不及格。We _ _ inform you that you failed the test. 4. 她尽管有病,但还是快乐。She is cheerful in spite of her _. 5. 纸是由木头制成的。Paper_ _ _ wood. (参考答案见下期 H 面)Unit 1 易混淆词语练习I. (1) 1. illness 2. disease (2) 1. made in 2. made of 3. made into 4. made by 5. made fromII. 14 ACBBIII. 1. is made of 2. Most diseases 3. regret to 4. illness 5. is made from


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