牛津译林版六年级上册 Unit3 Holiday fun-1课件

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1、Unit 3 Holiday fun (Sound time/ Culture time Cartoon time),Review and check:,On the National Day holiday, Liu Tao and Mike _(not) stay at home. Liu Tao _(go) to _and _(visit) _. Mike_ _(go) to _. He _(pick) _and _(go) fishing. He _(catch) a big fish and _(call)Liu Tao. He _(want) to give the fish to

2、 Liu Tao. But Liu Tao _(not) at home. Mike _(eat) the fish. They_(be) very happy.,Teaching aims: 1.能理解,听懂,发音准确,语调适当的读好歌谣(Sound time)。 2.能听说读写并灵活运用Story time中的新词汇,新句型讨论假期经历。 3.了解英国学生的放假情况。体会中西方在放假上的文化差异。 4.能听懂会说、会读、会写单词excited, paper, ask, bottle, at first 5.能听懂会说、会读词汇fashion show, go well, heavy rai

3、n,Look, This is _. I went there_(when). I_(whatdo) My friend _ had a great fun holiday. He went to _. He_and _. He was very_.,In China: the summer holiday and the winter holiday. In the UK: Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday.,Main school holidays:,In the UK:,The man wore It

4、s cool.,In the US,The man wore Its cool.,The princess wore Its beautiful.,fashion show,Skimming,Where did Bobby go ? What did he do?,Intensive reading:,1.What did Bobby wear? How was he at that time ? 2.What did Sam wear? How was he at that time ? 3.Did the show go well ? 4.At last, how was the fashion show ? Why ?,Act the text in different roles in groups.,Act the text in different roles in groups.,Act the text in different roles in groups.,Act the text in different roles in groups.,Homework,1. 背诵Cartoon time中的四会词汇,熟读,熟记三会词汇。 2. 跟录音熟读Cartoon time,在小组中分角色尝试演一演。,


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