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1、第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,基础精梳理 ,pronunciation,expression,meaning,beginning,reader/reading,learner/learning,punishment,stranger,tradition,warmth,wisely,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,create,die,stole,stolen,spread,spread,laid,laid,lay,lain,lied,lied,hid,hidden,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,at,by,fa

2、ll in,as,up,make,on,in,in,to,with,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,even,notes,about,on,by,of,at,over,out,on,to,lay,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,as,on,up,end,wake,out,of,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,By,watching,how,to,increase,Even if,though,unless,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,practicing,what,making,mistakes,that,so,that,第14课时 九年级全

3、一册 Units 12,whether,to,visit,that,hottest,How,fantastic,to,dress,up,as,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,with,kindness,warmth,spreading,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,考点巧突破,考点1 aloud/loud/loudly,巧辩异同,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,She is reading aloud. 她正在朗读。 Why are they laughing so loud? 他们为什么笑得那么大声? They all shouted loudly. 他

4、们都大声地喊叫。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,考点2 discover/invent/find,(1)discover是指“发现”原来就存在但一直没被发现的东西(如发现电、煤、石油等矿藏及新星、星系或科学真理等)。 Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,(2)invent指“发明,创造”原先不存在的东西。 Edison invented the electric light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯泡。 (3)find意为“寻找”,强调结果,并不指“发现”。 Iv

5、e tried to find another copy but cant find one. 我试图再找一本,但没能找到。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,考点3 dead/die/dying/death,(1)dead是形容词,通常和be动词连用,表示“死亡”的状态。 (2)die 是短暂性动词,指“生命的结束”,强调动作,不可和表示一段时间的状语连用。 (3)dying 是die的现在分词形式,常用作形容词,意为“濒临死亡的”。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,(4)death是名词,意为“死,死亡”。 The girls grandpa died five ye

6、ars ago. 这个女孩的爷爷五年前去世了。 Her father has been dead for one year. 她父亲已经去世一年了。 The old man is dying. 那位老人奄奄一息了。 It makes me very sad when I think of my grandpas death. 我一想起爷爷的去世就很难过。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,句型点击,考点1 The more you read, the faster youll be. 你阅读得越多,你的速度就会越快。 I heard that it is becoming more

7、and more popular to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China.我听说在中国庆祝母亲节和父亲节正变得越来越流行。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,点拨 (1)“the比较级, the比较级”表示“越就越”。 The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他越忙,就感觉越开心。 (2)比较级and比较级more and more多音节形容词或副词的比较级,表示“越来越”。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,考点2 The teacher spoke so quickly

8、that I did not understand her most of the time. 老师说得太快了,以至于我大部分时间都理解不了。,点拨 “so形容词/副词that从句”意为“如此以至于”,that 后跟结果状语从句。 拓展 (1)so that 可用来引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句,结果状语从句中不用情态动词。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,He got up so late that he missed the early bus. 他起床太晚了,以至于错过了早班车。 He came to London so that he could see his paren

9、ts. 为了能见到父母,他来到了伦敦。 (2)sothat与suchthat都可引导结果状语从句,要特别注意其结构: soadj./adv.that从句,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,soadj.a/an单数名词that从句 sucha/anadj.单数名词that从句 suchadj.复数名词/不可数名词that从句 The little girl is so lovely that we all like her. She is such a lovely little girl that we all like her. 这个小女孩如此可爱,以至于我们都喜欢她。,第14课时

10、 九年级全一册 Units 12,考点3 What a great day! 多么棒的一天啊!,点拨 此句是由what引导的感叹句。常见的感叹句句型结构如下:,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,注意 what引导的感叹句可与how引导的感叹句相互转换。 What happy boys they are! How happy the boys are! 这些男孩多开心啊!,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,考点4 Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt,

11、but they also give out these treats as gifts. 人们不仅为了寻找复活节彩蛋游戏而将彩蛋分散到周围不同的藏匿处,而且他们还把这些好吃的作为礼物进行分发。,点拨 not onlybut (also)意为“不但而且”,可以连接两个并列主语、谓语、宾语或表语等。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,拓展 (1)not only位于句首时,要使用倒装结构。并且,只有连接两个分句时才能倒装第一个分句,but (also)后面的主谓不用倒装。 (2)not onlybut also连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”,即谓语动词的变化要依据离它最近的主

12、语而定。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,He learns not only Chinese but English. 他不但学汉语,而且学英语。 Not only you but also he is going to Beijing. 不但你要去北京,而且他也要去。 Not only did he play the piano well, but also he was good at singing. 他不但钢琴弹得好,而且还擅长唱歌。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,智能双提升,基础过关,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通

13、顺。 1Please r_ (重复) what the girl said after the tape. 2She has the a_ (能力)to get good grades.,epeat,bility,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,3All the students are busy r_ (复习)their lessons before the final exam. 4The kids were very a_ (活跃的) in the club. 5His r_ (亲戚) like his uncles took care of him. 6Last Sunda

14、y my computer and watch were s_ (偷) by someone.,eviewing,ctive,elatives,tolen,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,7Lets take a walk in the nice g_ (花园) 8The boy read his favorite n_ (小说) till midnight. 9What a pity! The old tree behind my house is d_(死的) 10We w_ (警告)those children not to swim in the river, but th

15、ey didnt listen.,arden,ovel,ead,arned,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,.单项填空 1. Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now? Sorry, I know nothing about him. We are _. A. friends B. neighbors C. classmates D. strangers,D,根据答语中“我对他一点儿都不了解”可知我们应该是“陌生人”。故选D。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,2. I like f

16、lowers. I hope to study at a school _many flowers and trees in it. A. in B. with C. on D. by3. Can you keep the _ for me? Sure, Ill never tell anyone else. A. money B. expression C. life D. secret,B,with表示“带有”。,D,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,4. Jack caught a cold last night. This morning he went to see a d

17、octor. The doctor warned him _ more water. A. drink B. drinks C. drinking D. to drink,D,warn sb. to do sth.表示“告诫某人做某事”。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,5. When you find some new words, I think you should _ in the dictionary. A. look up it B. look them up C. look it up D. look up them,B,look up表示“查阅”,代词作其宾语时,要

18、放在look与up之间,根据前句中的new words可知选B。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,6. The population of the area _ by 5% last year. A. rose B. increased C. finished D. compared,B,increase by表示“增加到”。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,7. Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Well, it all _ the weather. A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on

19、 D. agrees with,C,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,8. Can you tell me how to search the Internet? Sure. You should _ the computer with the Net first. A. meet B. send C. refuse D. connect,D,connectwith表示“把与连接”。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,12013云南 You dont have to _ every new word in the dictionary while reading. Aloo

20、k for Blook up Clook at Dlook after 22014莱芜 We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating outside. Aby Bto Cfor Dwith,中考透视,B,A,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,32014江西 You have to be _ and wait until I finish my work. Apatient Bstrict Chonest Dactive,A,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,42014云南 Keep on.Dont s

21、top.The _ you climb, the _ you will see. Ahighest; farthest Bhighly; farther Chigh; far Dhigher; farther,D,考查比较级的用法。“the比较级, the比较级”表示“越就越”。句意:继续前进, 不要停止。你攀登得越高,看得就越远,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,52014长沙 Mothers Day is _the second Sunday in May in the United States.Aon Bin Cat 62013泰安 _ youve tasted it, yo

22、u cant imagine how delicious the dishes are! ABecause BAlthough CWhen DUnless,A,D,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,72014陕西 Look! Laura is getting the first place. _ fast runner she is! AHow BWhat CHow a DWhat a,D,考查感叹句的用法。runner为单数可数名词, 故前面用what a,选D。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,82014凉山 Can you guess if Mike _ swimm

23、ing this afternoon?I think he will go with us if he _ free. Awill go; is Bwill go; will be Cgoes; is Dgoes; will be,A,考查if引导的从句。上句中的if意为“是否”, 引导宾语从句,相当于whether;下句中的if意为“如果”,引导状语从句,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。故选A。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,92014泸州 The movie is _ wonderful _ I want to see it again. Atoo; to Bso

24、; that Cas; as Dso; as,B,sothat意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,102014绍兴 I cant decide _ on vacation. Any advice? What about Hainan? Its warm in winter. Awhen I will go Bwhere will I go Cwhen will I go Dwhere I will go,D,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,基础精梳理 ,suggestion,speaker,

25、introduction,eastern,Italian,humorous,silent,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,helpful,Asian,European,African,proud,impolite,indirect,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,pair,on,between,on,to,by,to,pardon,on,parking,to,corner,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,in,rush,to,for,first,on,floor,turn,from,to,deal,front,all,hang,第15课时 九年级全一册 Un

26、its 34,up,least,speech,public,of,for,person,of,even,make,absent,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,of,decision,advise,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,how,to,get,where,we,should,go,to,ask,direct,leading,in,in,to,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,communicate,with,how,difficult,to,success,talent,hard,work,to,wear,didnt,第15课时 九年级全一册 Unit

27、s 34,advised,in,person,even,though,thinking,of,for,to,be,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,required,to,give,general,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,考点巧突破,考点1 a number of/the number of,巧辩异同,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,Every year a number of people come to visit our school. 每年都有许多人来参观我们学校。 Now the number of family cars is much l

28、arger than before. 现在私家车的数量比以前多了许多。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,考点2 from time to time/in time/on time/all the time/at times,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,From time to time he fired questions at me. 他不时向我提出问题。 Can you come back in time? 你能及时回来吗? Please be here on time tomorrow. 明天请准时来这儿。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,Mary

29、 studies hard all the time. 玛丽总是努力学习。 I stay up at times. 我有时熬夜。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,考点3 proud/pride,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,We should be proud of our school. 我们要以我们的学校为荣。 They take pride in the success of their son. 他们对儿子的成功感到骄傲。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,句型点击,考点1 Could you please tell me where the res

30、trooms are?请你告诉我洗手间在哪里好吗?,点拨 (1)“Could you (please)动词原形?”意为“请你好吗?”表示礼貌地请求对方做某事,在语气上比can更委婉。其否定句式是“Could you(please) not动词原形?”否定回答:Sorry, I cant.,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,Could you please answer the telephone? 你能接一下电话吗? Sure./Sorry, I cant. Im too busy now. 当然可以。/对不起,我不能,我现在太忙。 (2)此句由where引导的特殊疑问句作宾语从句,

31、要用陈述语序。 Do you know when the bank closes today?你知道这家银行今天什么时候关门吗?,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,考点2 Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? 打扰一下,你能告诉我怎样到书店吗?,点拨 句中“how to get to”为“疑问词不定式”作宾语。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,拓展 常见的问路句型: Could you please tell me whereis/are? Could you please tel

32、l me how to get to Could you please tell me how I can get to Where is/are, please? Could you please tell me the way to Which is the way to Is/Are therenear here?,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,考点3 I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去常常怕黑。,点拨 used to do sth. 表示“过去常常做某事”,指过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态。 He used to become ang

33、ry. 他过去常常生气。 其否定结构为didnt use to do sth.或used not to do sth., used not可缩写为usednt。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,Mr. Li didnt use to drink beer. Mr. Li usednt to drink beer. 李先生不常喝啤酒。 其疑问句形式是“Diduse to do sth.?”或“Usedto do sth.?” Did she use to get up early? Used she to get up early? 她过去经常早起吗?,第15课时 九年级全一册 Un

34、its 34,used to 引导的反意疑问句也由助动词did(nt)或used(nt)构成。 Jim used to be late for school, didnt/usednt he? 吉姆以前上学常常迟到,对不对?,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,智能双提升,基础过关,.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 1Sally needs to m_ (邮寄) a letter at once. 2Our math teacher is very h_ (幽默的)and often tells jokes. We all like him.

35、,ail,umorous,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,3Dont ask her p_ (个人的)questions. Its not polite. 4Shes afraid to give a s_ (演讲) in front of so many people. 5He hated studying and he was often a_ (缺席) from class. 6Could you please tell me where I can buy some s_ (邮票)?,rivate,peech,bsent,tamps,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 3

36、4,7Now its six thirty. We dont need to r_(急促) 8Its important to know how to ask for help p_(礼貌地) 9Im sorry I forgot your phone number and a_(地址) 10The first s_(发言者) at the meeting did very well.,ush,olitely,ddress,peaker,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,11They all kept s_(沉默的) on the way to the library. 12Than

37、ks for your advice. Its very h_(有帮助的) to me. 13The boy s_(很少) eats vegetables and he isnt in good health. 14Yesterday a reporter from CCTV i_(采访) our headmaster.,ilent,elpful,eldom,nterviewed,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,15The clerk told her to go to the c_(拐角) of Market and Middle Streets.,orner,第15课时 九年级

38、全一册 Units 34,.单项填空 1. What do you think of his English? Excellent. He _ speak very well. A. do B. does C. doesnt D. did,B,答句句意:很棒。他确实说得很好。动词前用助动词do, does或did表示强调,根据句意可知这里用一般现在时,故选B。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,2. With _ does he live? He lives with his sister in a small house. A. who B. where C. whom D. wh

39、at,C,根据答语可知问句应该是“他与谁住一起”,介词后只能用whom。故选C。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,3. My _ son worked as a volunteer at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. A. 18 years old B. 18yearold C. 18yearolds D. 18yearsold 4. Martin got the first prize in the math and we are all _ him. A. pride of B. proud of C. pride in D.

40、 proud in,B,B,be proud of表示“以为自豪”。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,5. He asked me _ at this time yesterday. A. who did I wait for B. who was I waiting for C. who I was waiting for D. who I am waiting for,C,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,6. Im too tired to walk any farther. _, Daniel. You can do it. A. No hurry B. No p

41、roblem C. Thats all D. Come on,D,考查口语交际。句意:“我太累了,不能再走了。”“加油,丹尼尔。你可以的。”no hurry表示“别急”;no problem表示“没问题”;Thats all表示“没什么了”;come on表示“加油”。故选D。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,12014广安 Li Na is good at tennis. She is my favorite player. Yes. Everyone in China is proud_ her. Aof Bfor Cwith,中考透视,A,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units

42、 34,22014烟台 How many girls are there in your class? _ them _ over twenty. AA number of; are BThe number of; are CA number of; is DThe number of; is,D,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,32014云南改编 Excuse me, could you show me the way _ the nearest bus station? Go down the street and turn left. Then youll see it on

43、 your right. Ato Bof Cin Dat,A,考查介词辨析。“the way to地点名词”意为“去的路”。,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,42014烟台 Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel? Go_ the post office, and youll find it on the left. Apass Bpast Cto pass Dpassed,B,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,52014重庆改编 Mr. Greens home is _ the 26th floor.

44、He usually takes the lift there. Aat Bin Con Dfor,C,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,62013杭州 This morning I _ some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday. Apicked up Blooked up Ccleaned up Dgave up,B,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,72014陕西 Mom, summer holiday is co

45、ming. I wonder _ How about Qinling Wild Zoo? Awhere can we go Bwhere we can go Chow we can go Dhow can we go,B,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,82014凉山 She _ her hometown since she was 18 years old. She told me she would return soon. Ahas left Bhas been away from Cleft Dwent away,B,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,92014阜康、米泉 The movie _ we saw last night was fantastic. Athat Bwhat Cwhose Dwho,A,第15课时 九年级全一册 Units 34,102014广州 Do you know the man _ is talking to Miss Wu? Ahe Bwhom Cwho Dwhich,C,第16课时 九年级全一册 Units 56,第16课时 九年级全一册 Units 56,基础精梳理 ,


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