外研版(三起)英语五年级下Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a twlevision课件

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外研版(三起)英语五年级下Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a twlevision课件_第1页
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外研版(三起)英语五年级下Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a twlevision课件_第5页
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1、Module 1 Unit 2 She didnt have a television.,She worked in the fields.,She cooked on a fire.,She didnt have a television.,She didnt have a radio.,She didnt have a telephone.,现在 过去,watch- watchedtalk- talkedcook-cooked work -workedcan -could,现在 过去,watch- watchedtalk- talkedcook-cooked work -workedcan

2、 -could,Exersises 练习,I a television programme about China last night. An old lady about her life many years ago.,watched,talked,She on a fire. She have a television or a radio.She have a telephone.She in the fields.She read and write.,cooked,didnt,didnt,worked,couldnt,根据课文内容填空,Many years ago, my gra

3、ndma lived in a small house,Many years ago, she didnt have ,PPT格式说明: (1) 每张PPT加“全易通”logo框(同公版);最后一页公版。 (2) 第一张PPT写明单元/模块名,具体到课名-版块名;后面的配图必须与单元话题相关; (3) 中英文字体用微软雅黑,标题字号48号,一级字号36号,二级字号24号,行距1.5倍 (版面不动的情况下) ;英文标点(撇号等)统一用Arial Unicode MS字体。 (4) 每页PPT必须有图片; (5) 所有网址必须删除(含带网址的图片等)。(专项检查),Talk about your grandma.,


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