2019届人教版高考英语一轮复习练习:选修7 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)

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2019届人教版高考英语一轮复习练习:选修7 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第1页
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2019届人教版高考英语一轮复习练习:选修7 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第2页
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2019届人教版高考英语一轮复习练习:选修7 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第5页
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1、 阅读理解AMary Krupa became friends with the grey squirrels during her first week at Penn State, after spotting them running around and idly(漫不经心地) wondering what they would look like with tiny hats on their heads. Today, everyone at the university knows her as the “Squirrel Girl”Mary started bringing t

2、hem food, and gradually they began to trust her. She managed to put a hat on a squirrel and take a picture. Thinking that her colleagues could do with something to lift their spirits, she started posting similar photos on Facebook. The response was greatly positive, and before long Mary and her squi

3、rrels became an Internet sensationGrowing up in a neighborhood outside of State College, Mary was always fond of birds and animals around her home, but she didnt interact(交流) with people very much. She was later diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, but the squirrels changed that. “The squirrels help m

4、e break the ice, because Ill be sitting here patting a squirrel and other people will come over and well just start like feeding the squirrels together and chatting about them, ” she said. “I am a lot more outgoing.”And in case youre wondering how Mary is able to get the squirrels to do what she wan

5、ts for her photos, it has a lot to do with food. For example, whenever she wants them to hold or play with something, she puts peanut butter on the prop(道具), and theyll grab it. But getting to that part took a while. In the beginning, she would throw peanuts up the trees on campus and invite the squ

6、irrels to come down and get them, but they hesitated to approach her. She had the patience to earn their trust, though.This year, Mary is graduating with a degree in English and wildlife sciences. She wants to be a science writer and educate people on how to preserve the environment. As for her furr

7、y friends, Mary plans to stay in the area and visit them as often as she can.【解题导语】 宾夕法尼亚大学的“松鼠女孩”Mary 曾经被诊断出患有阿斯伯格综合征,但是松鼠改变了她,使她变得外向起来。在和松鼠之间建立了信任以后,Mary 拍了一些戴帽子的松鼠的照片,在互联网上引起了轰动。1What does the underlined word “sensation” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AHit. BChallenge.CAttack. DLink.A 解析:词义猜测题。根据第二

8、段中的 “The response was greatly positive, and before long Mary and her squirrels became an Internet sensation ”可知,Mary 拍的照片得到了非常积极的回应,在互联网上引起了轰动。hit“风行一时的事物 ”与画线词意思相近,所以 A项正确。2What kind of change do squirrels bring to Mary?AShe is sicker than before.BShe is more interested in animals.CShe is more soci

9、able than before.DShe is less willing to go to college.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知, Mary 之前不善于交际,并被诊断患有阿斯伯格综合征,但是松鼠改变了她,使她变得外向了。3How did Mary manage to take photos of squirrels wearing hats?ABy putting them in cages.BBy playing music to them.CBy attracting them with colorful food.DBy building a close rela

10、tionship with them.D 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的描述可知,想给松鼠拍照需要借助食物,但并不是只要给松鼠食物,松鼠就会让她拍出想要的照片,她必须和松鼠之间建立信任而亲密的关系。4Which words can best describe Mary?AConfident and strong.BPatient and caring.CSociable and healthy.DTraditional and hardworking.B 解析:推理判断题。根据文中 Mary 与松鼠的相处及第四段中的“She had the patience to earn their tru

11、st, though.”可知,Mary 有耐心且有爱心。BThe Scottish composer Evelyn Glennie lost nearly all her hearing as a young girl,yet went on to a very successful career in music including winning Grammy awards.When somebody asks her, “How do you hear?” She responds, “How do you hear?Is it only with your ears?” For Gle

12、nnie,and for us too,listening is not only hearing,but is understanding.We need to listen to what is said and unsaid,and also how it is said.Its important to hear what people say accurately.As Mark Twain said, “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between

13、lightning and the lightning bug(萤火虫) ”If you miss something or youre not sure youve heard accurately,ask the speakers.At this point youre not evaluating what they say,but just looking for accuracy and understanding.Here are some ways to get clear about what they say and dont say.Why are they saying

14、this now,instead of sooner or later?Why are they emphasizing these points, instead of something else?Listen to how it is said.People send signals about what they mean with their voices and body language that sometimes differ from the words they say.While going through the next points, think about so

15、meone whose real meaning you might sometimes miss,and see if any of these signals might come up.First,voices.When others speak,notice changes in their volume, pace, and tone.Second,body language.Notice gestures,eye contact,and facial expressions.Do these sync what they are saying, or do they tell a

16、different story?Third, emotions.What is the persons true feeling?Now you might not know for sure,but be considerate,open to understanding,and ask thoughtful questions.【解题导语】 本文讲述了聆听的内涵。我们要听懂说话人想要表达的言外之意,并且要注意说话方式。5Whats the writers purpose of mentioning Evelyn Glennie?ATo give an example of wise wor

17、ds.BTo introduce a worldfamous musician.CTo help explain the meaning of listening.DTo encourage us to fight against disability.C 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的 “For Glennie, and for us too,listening is not only hearing,but is understanding.”可知,对于 Glennie 和“我们”来说,聆听不仅是用耳朵听而且是理解,这里说明了聆听的内涵。所以选项 C 正确。6What can we le

18、arn from what Mark Twain said?AIt is important to have a good knowledge of English words.BPeople should know words can be used in many different ways.CEnglish is a very complicated language with a large vocabulary.DThe slight difference between words may result in misunderstanding.D 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的

19、 “Its important to hear what people say accurately.”和 “At this point youre.looking for accuracy and understanding.”可知,准确听懂说话者的意思很重要。因此,选项 D “词语的细微差异可能导致误解。 ”与 Mark Twain所说的话意思相吻合。7Which is the best title of this passage?ASpeak While You Listen BListen Beyond WordsCRead Between Lines DThink as You Ta

20、lkB 解析:标题归纳题。本文主要说明通过观察说话人的说话方式来听懂说话人想表达的言外之意。所以选 B。完形填空Brian Tagalog was born without arms. But that didnt _1_ him from leading a normal life. The _2_ young man believes he is the only certified tattoo(文身) artist without arms in the world.A _3_ of Honolulu, Tagalog moved with his family to Tucson.

21、He had always shown an interest in drawing, and set his mind on becoming a _4_ tattoo artist. Not many people gave him a chance, but he _5_ improved his foot drawing skills and operated the tattoo gun with his _6_Brians mother admits that _7_ him was not easy, but she always made it a(n) _8_ to let

22、him explore his options. “The day I gave birth to him, well, I was shocked, but we never hid him. I didnt _9_ him in any way.” And perhaps thats what gave him the _10_ to achieve his dreams, _11_ the very obvious absence of two limbs. “I was born without arms, ” he said. “But that has not _12_ me do

23、wn to pursue my dream.”At first, finding a shop that would _13_ him proved a very difficult thing. He _14_ many tattoo shops and got no calls back. He didnt give up; _15_, Brian finally runs his own shop. Brian uses a(n) _16_ technique to tattoohe draws the design on clients skin with one foot, _17_

24、 using the other to stretch the skin. And eventually his tattoos always turn out to get his clients _18_Brian hopes his success will _19_ others to follow their dreams bravely. Words and photos just dont do Brian Tagalog justice. You need to see him _20_ to witness how he works only with his feet.【解

25、题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了生来没有胳膊的 Brian Tagalog 通过自己的不懈努力最终成为一名成功的文身艺术家的故事。1A.promote BpreserveCprotect DpreventD 解析:但是那没有阻止他过正常的生活。 prevent sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事” 。2A.wise BambitiousCpromising DhandsomeB 解析:这个有抱负的年轻人相信他是这个世界上唯一一个有资格证的无臂文身艺术家。wise “睿智的” ;ambitious“有雄心的,有抱负的” ;promising“有前途的” ;handsom

26、e“英俊的 ”。3A.visitor BforeignerCstranger DnativeD 解析:根据后文的“moved with his family to Tucson”可知,此处指 Tagalog 是一个火奴鲁鲁的当地人。visitor“参观者” ;foreigner“外国人 ”;stranger “陌生人” ;native“当地人,本地人” 。4A.professional BnormalCtemporary DconservativeA 解析:他总是表现出在绘画方面的兴趣,并且下决心成为一名专业的文身艺术家。professional“专业的,职业的” ;normal“正常的” ;

27、temporary“暂时的” ;conservative “保守的” 。5A.steadily BoccasionallyCeffectively DfrequentlyA 解析:并不是很多人给他机会,但是他不断地磨炼自己的脚部绘画技巧并且用自己的脚趾操作文身枪。steadily“持续地,不断地” ;occasionally“偶尔,偶然” ;effectively“高效地” ;frequently“经常地,频繁地” 。6A.fingers BtoesCmouth DjawB 解析:参见上题解析。7A.comforting BeducatingCraising DaccompanyingC 解析

28、:Brian 的母亲承认抚养他长大不是一件容易的事儿。comfort “安慰” ;educate“教育” ;raise“养育,抚养” ;accompany“陪伴” 。8A.failure BpointCadventure DdestinationB 解析:但她总是特别注意让他探究自己的选择。make it a point to“对特别注意,努力做到” ,是固定短语,符合语境。failure“失败” ;adventure“冒险” ;destination“目的地 ”。9A.defend BblameCabandon DshelterD 解析:根据上文的“but we never hid him”

29、可知,此处应是指 Brian 的母亲不以任何形式庇护他。defend“保卫” ;blame“责备” ;abandon“遗弃” ;shelter“庇护,遮蔽” 。10A.confidence BdeterminationCfreedom DenthusiasmA 解析:根据上下文语境,此处应是表示尽管他没有胳膊,但是 Brian 的家人所采取的更为积极的让 Brian 成长的方式或许正是给予他实现梦想的自信心的东西。confidence“自信心” ;determination“决心” ;freedom“自由” ;enthusiasm“热情” 。11A.apart from BinCregardl

30、ess of DdespiteD 解析:参见上题解析。apart from“除了” ;regardless of“不管,不顾” ;despite“尽管” 。12A.turned BcalmedCslowed DtrackedC 解析:他说:“我生来没有胳膊,但是那并没有让我放慢追求自己梦想的速度。 ”turn sb. down“拒绝某人” ;calm sb. down“使某人镇静下来 ”;slow sb. down“使某人慢下来” ;track sb. down“追查到某人,追踪到某人 ”。13A.hire BsupportCserve DfundA 解析:根据下文中的“.got no cal

31、ls back”“He didnt give up; _, Brian finally runs his own shop.”可知,此处应是指起初,找到一个愿意雇用他的店铺被证实是一件非常困难的事情。hire“雇用” ;support“支持” ;serve“为服务” ;fund“资助” 。14A.adapted to Bappealed toCattached to Dapplied toD 解析:根据上下文的内容可知,此处表示他应聘了好多家店,但是没有得到回信。apply to“向申请”符合语境。adapt to“适应” ;appeal to“对有吸引力” ;attach to“与有联系,与

32、有关联 ”。15A.otherwise BinsteadCstill DhoweverB 解析:他没有放弃,反而(instead)最后开了自己的店。16A.unique BfunnyCpowerful DattractiveA 解析:根据下文的内容可知,此处指 Brian 使用了一种独特的文身技巧。unique“独特的 ”;funny “有趣的” ;powerful“强有力的” ;attractive“吸引人的” 。17A.before BifCwhile DunlessC 解析:当他用另一只脚将皮肤抻平时,他用一只脚在顾客的皮肤上绘制图案。while“当 时”符合语境。before“在之前”

33、 ;if“如果” ;unless“除非” 。18A.instruction BadmirationCdoubt DcomplaintB 解析:而且最后他的文身总是会得到顾客的赞赏。instruction“指导” ;admiration“赞赏” ;doubt“怀疑” ;complaint“投诉” 。19A.inspire BurgeCrequest DadviseA 解析:Brian 希望他的成功能激励他人勇敢地追求梦想。inspire sb. to do sth.“激励某人去做某事” 。urge“敦促” ;request“要求” ;advise“建议” 。20A.in response Bin advanceCin action Din turnC 解析:根据语境可知,此处表示你需要见证在工作状态中的 Brian。in action“在活动中,在运转” ,在此引申为“处于工作状态中” 。in response“作为回应” ;in advance“提前” ;in turn“反过来 ”。


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