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1、20172018 学年度第一学期单元检测题(六年级英语 Unit1Unit2)班级_ 姓名_ 座号_ 评分_听力部分(35 分)一、听句子,选图片,把字母编号写在横线上。(10 分)A. B. C. D. E. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._二、听对话,判断图片正误,正确的画“ ”,错误的画“ ”。(10 分)6. 7. 8. 9. 10.三、听问句,选答句,把其编号写在题前的括号里。(5 分)( ) 11. A. Its near here. B. Take the No. 15 bus. C. Shes fine.( ) 12. A. Yes, she can. B. Yes,he

2、 can. C. Yes, they can.( ) 13. A. OK. B. Bye bye. C. Youre welcome.( ) 14. A. By car. B. I like apples. C. Five books.( ) 15. A.Its behind the school. B.At 7:30. C.Yes, it is.四、听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“”,否则打“”。(5 分)( )16. Lily is an American girl.( )17. Lily is 11 years old.( )18. She usually goes

3、to school by bus.( )19. Lilys parents go to work by subway.( )20. Lily doesnt love her parents.五、听录音,写单词,每空一词。( 5 分 )21. Go _ and you can see the park.22. _ down, please.23. I often go to Shanghai by _.24. You can send a letter in the _ _.25. The girl goes to the pet hospital by _.读写部分(65 分)一、根据图片提示

4、选择正确的词组完成句子,把其编号写在横线上。(10 分)A.Dont touch the door B. by plane C. eat pizzaD. go on a picnic E. reads English book26. Children like to . 27. They_ on Mondays.28. She often _at 4:00. 29. _, please. 30. I go to Beijing _.二、选择填空,把编号写在题前的括号里 。(10 分)( )31. Im ill. I must go to the _.A. zoo B. park C. hosp

5、ital( )32. The sign means “_”.A. turn left B. one way C. dont turn left( )33. He wants to see a film. He should go to the _.A. school B. cinema C. home( )34. They can get to the UK from China by _.A. bike B. subway C. plane( )35. Walking is _ exercise.A. good B. bad C. cheap( )36. Dont _ at the red

6、light.A. go B.wait C. stop( )37. People on bikes must wear a _.A. hat B. Glasses C. helmet( )38. Pay attention to the traffic _.A. light B. lights C. ruler( )39. In Alaska, some kids go to school by _.A. plane B. ferry C. sled( )40. _ can help us find the place.A. TV B.GPS C.USA三、选择正确的单词完成句子,把答案写在横线

7、上。(10 分)41. Turn right_ ( at /on) the post office. You can see a bank in front_ ( of/off) you.42. _(Where/What) is the zoo? Its next_ (to/in) the hospital.43. _ (How/Where) can I get there?You can_ (take/by) the No.2 bus.44. Dont _ (stop/go) at the green light. The park is_ (in/on) Renming Street.45

8、. I like _ (eating/eat) Chinese food. I want to_ (go/going) to the Chinese restaurant.四、根据图片及句子的意思写出所缺的单词完成短文, 每空一词。(5 分)Hello! My name is Jack. I like (46)_(科学) very much. I often go to the(47)_ with my friend Jim. We often go there on(48)_. There is a (49)_ on our way. We must pay attention.Jim wa

9、nts to buy a book about (50)_ .五、连词成句。(3 分)51. by, usually, come, I, bus, school, to (.)_52. at, left, cinema, turn, the (.)_53. I, go, the, hospital, how, can, to (?)_六、根据上下文意思补全对话,把编号写在横线上。(5 分)Amy and Ben are asking the way to the pet hospital.Amy: Excuse me. Is there a pet hospital near here?Ben

10、: (54)_ A. Youre welcome.Amy: (55)_ B. Yes, there is.Ben: Its near the park. C.Turn left at the cinema, then turn right atAmy: (56)_ the zoo .Ben: No, its not far. D. Where is it?Amy: How can we get there? E. Is it far from here?Ben: (57)_Amy: Thank you.Ben: (58)_七、阅读理解。(一)Its Sunday today. Its Tina

11、s birthday. Her friends go to her home to have a birthday party. Sarah walks to her home. Its not far. Tom takes the No.308 bus to go to her home. Marys father is free(有空)today. So Mary and Jack go to the party by car. Itll be a great night.根据短文内容选择正确的答案,把编号写在题前的括号里。(10 分)( )59. Whose birthday is it

12、? Its _.A. Tinas B. Sarahs C. Toms( )60. How does Tom come to Tinas home?A. By car. B. By bike. C. By bus.( )61. Is Sarahs home far from Tinas?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. I dont know.( )62. How does Mary come to Tinas home?A.By subway. B. By car. C. By bus.( )63. How many friends come to Tinas

13、 home?A. Five B. Three C. Four(二)Today is Saturday. Amy and her sister dont go to school. They want to go to the museum. Now theyre behind the cinema. First they walk to the bus stop. And then they take the No.7 bus to get there. Its near the Italian restaurant.根据短文内容回答下列问题。(6 分)64. Where do Amy and

14、 her sister want to go?They want to _.65. How can they get there from the bus stop?They can _.66. Is there a Chinese restaurant near the museum?_八、小作文。(6 分)同学们经常都会去不同的地方,例如公园、电影院、书店、邮局。请你简单描述自己去这些地方的交通方式。要求:1、如涉及到名字,请用常见的英语名字代替。2、条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。3、不少于 30 个单词。_2017-2018 学年度六年级英语第一至第二单元听力材料一。

15、听句子。选图片。把字母编号写在横线上。1. We go to the park by subway in Hong Kong.2. Stop at the red light.3. Mike wants to go to the cinema on the weekend.4. We can see the robot in the science museum.5. I take the No.5 bus to go to school.二。听对话。判断图片正误。正确的画笑脸。错误的画哭脸。6. Is there a hospital in your city? Yes, there is.

16、7. How can I get to the park?Turn left at the fruit shop.8. Can you see the crossing?Yes, I can.9. Where is the panda?Its in the forest.10. Does he go to school by taxi?No, he goes to school by bike.三。听问句。选答句。把其编号写在题前的括号里。11. How can your mother get to the hospital?12. Can your father go swimming?13

17、. Dont go at the red light.14. How many books do you have?15. When do you go to school?四。听短文。判断下列句子,是否与短文内容相符。如相符的打勾。否则打叉。Hello! My name is Lily. I am an English girl. I study at No.1 Primary School in Beijing. Im 11 years old. My home is near. I usually go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bus.

18、My father and mother are teachers. They work in a middle school. Its very far. They go to work by subway. They work very hard. I love them.五。听录音。写单词。每空一词。21. Go straight and you can see the park.22. Slow down, please.23. I often go to Shanghai by train.24. You can send a letter in the post office.25

19、. The girl goes to the pet hospital by taxi.听力答案一、EABCD二、笑哭笑哭哭三、BBACB四、错对错对错五、21 straight 22. Slow 23. train 24. post office 25. taxi读写部分一、CDEAB二、CCBCA ACBCB三、41. at of 42. Where to 43. How take 44. stop on 45. eating go四、46. science 47. bookstore 48. foot 49. crossing 50. ships五、51. I usually come to school by bus.52. Turn left at the cinema.53. How can I go to the hospital?六、BDECA七、(一)ACBBC (二)64. go to the museum65. take the No.7 bus66. No, there isnt.八略


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