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1、20172018 学年度第一学期单元检测题(四年级英语 Unit5Unit6)班级_ 姓名_ 座号_ 评分_听力部分(60 分)一、听句子,选图片,把字母编号写在横线上。(10 分)A B C D E 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._二、听对话,判断图片正误,正确的画 “ ”,错误的画 “ ”。(10 分)6. 7. 8. 9. 10.三、听对话,选图片,在表格内相应的空格处打“” 。(10 分)A B C D ENames11. Mike12. Amy13. John14. Lily15. Tom四、听单词,根据所听到的单词选择正确的字母,并把其编号写在题前的括号里。(10 分)( )

2、16. sh_ ( )17. c_t_A. e B. i A. a; e B. u; e( )18. m_ ( )19. c_k_A. e B. i A. o; e B. a; e( )20. w_A. i B. e五、听问句,选答句,把其编号写在题前的括号里。(10 分)( )21. A. No, thanks. B. Id like some beef.( )22. A. Three. B. My mother is a teacher.( )23. A. Hes my uncle. B. Yes, it is.( )24. A. Yes, please. B. Some noodles,

3、 please.( )25. A. Shes a doctor. B. Hes a doctor.六、听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“ ”,否则打“”。(5 分)( ) 26. Dinner is ready.( ) 27. My mother would like some beef and soup.( ) 28. Im so hungry.( ) 29. Id like some rice and chicken.( ) 30. I can use knife and fork.七、听句子,选择所缺的单词并正确书写在四线格上。(5 分)31.Pass the bowl

4、. 32. I have a pen.33.Is in the kitchen? 34.Where is ?35.Can I have some ?读写部分(40 分)一、根据图片提示选择正确的句子,把编号写在题前的括号里。(5 分)( )36. A. Use the spoon.B. Cut the vegetables.惠东四年级英语单元检测题 第 2 页 共 4 页( ) 37. A. Id like some soup.B. Id like some juice.( ) 38. A. They are my parents.B. They are my sisters.( ) 39.

5、A. Pass me the fork.B. Pass me the knife.( ) 40. A. My cousin is a doctor.B. My cousin is a cook.二、根据图片提示,选择正确的单词或词组完成句子,并正确书写在四线格里。(10 分)41.I can use the .42.My grandpa is a .43. Pass me the .44.My aunt is a .45.My is tall and strong.三、选择填空,把编号写在左边的括号里。(6 分)( ) 46. What would you like? _A. Some sou

6、p, please. B. Yes, please.( ) 47. Is this your brother? _A. Yes, she is. B. No, it isnt.( ) 48. Whats for dinner? _A. Id like some chicken. B. Some chicken and rice.( ) 49. Pass me the fork, please. _A. OK, here you are. B. No, thanks.( ) 50. Would you like some noodles? _A. Yes, please. B. Have som

7、e beef.( ) 51. Whats your uncles job? _A. Hes a driver. B. Hes my father.四、根据上下文意思补全对话,把字母编号写在相应的横线上。(5 分)(John 与 mum 正在餐桌上吃午饭)Mum: Lunch is ready. Help yourself. A. Id like some beef and rice.John: (52) _ B. Would you like a knife and fork?Mum: What would you like? C. Thanks,mum!John: (53) _ D. Her

8、e you are.Mum: Would you like some vegetables? E. Yes, please.John: (54) _Mum: (55) _John: Yes, and a spoon, please.Mum: OK! (56) _John: Thank you.五、阅读短文,判断下面的句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符的打“”,否则打“”。(5 分)Hello! Look at the photo(照片 ). This is my family. My father is a driver. He has big white car. My mother is a

9、nurse. She has glasses and she likes fish and chicken. My brother is a football player. Hes strong. My sister is a teacher. She teaches English. I have no job. I am a student.( ) 57. My father is a driver.( ) 58. My mother likes beef and chicken.( ) 59. My brother is a basketball player.( ) 60. I am

10、 a teacher.( ) 61. My family has five people.六、抄写下面的句子,请注意句子的书写格式。(6 分)七、连词成句。(3 分)2017-2018 学年度四年级英语第五至第六单元听力材料一。听句子。选图片。把字母编号写在横线上。1. My father is a doctor.2. Use the spoon.3. Hes a driver.4. My family has three people.5. Id like some beef, please.二。听对话。判断图片正误。正确的画笑脸,错误的画哭脸。6. What would you like

11、for dinner? Some noodles, please.7. Can I have a knife and fork? Sure, here you are.8. How many people are there in your family?Three, my parents and me. 9. Would you like some rice and soup? Yes, please.10. Whats his job? Hes a football player.三。听对话。选图片。在表格内相应的空格处打勾。11. Mike, Whats for dinner? Some

12、 chicken.12. Amy, would you like a knife and fork? No, I can use chopsticks.13. John, dinners ready! Help yourself. 14. Lily, this is my baby brother. Wow, hes so cute.15. Tom, what would you like? Id like some vegetables, please.四。听单词。根据所听到的单词,选择正确的字母。并把其编号,写在题前的括号里。16. she17. cute18. me19. cake20.

13、 we五。听问句。选答句。把其编号写在题前的括号里。21. Would you like some beef?22. How many people are there in your family?23. Is this your uncle?24. What would you like?25. Whats your aunts job?六。听短文。判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符。如相符的打勾,否则打叉。Dinner is ready. My father would like some fish and vegetables. My mother would like some fish

14、 and soup. My brother would like some beef. Im so hungry. Id like some rice and chicken. I dont like vegetables. I can use chopsticks. 七。听句子。选择所缺的单词并正确书写在四线格上。31. Pass me the bowl.32. I have a red pen.33. Is she in the kitchen?34. Where is he?35. Can I have some rice?参考答案听力部分一1-5 CDAEB二6-10 对对错错错三11-D 12-C 13-B 14-E 15-A四16. A 17. B 18. A 19.B 20. B五 21-25 AABBA六 26-30 对错对对错七 31.me 32.red 33.she 34. he 35.rice读写部分一36-40 BAABB二 41.fork 42.farmer 43.bowl 44.nurse 45. uncle三46-51 ABBAAA四52-56 CAEBD五57-61 对错错错对六Whats for dinner?My family has six people.Id like some soup.


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