牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 2《A new student》课件4

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牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 2《A new student》课件4_第1页
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牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 2《A new student》课件4_第5页
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1、,Unit 2 A new student,(Story time),Brainstorming.头脑风暴,What place(地方)is it?,Its a school.,Magic eyes. 魔力眼。Whats in the picture?,There is a/an / There are,快速出现图片,然后图片将消失,迅速记住图片上的事物,并用句型表达出来.,Magic eyes. 魔力眼。Whats in the picture?,There is a/an / There are,快速出现图片,然后图片将消失,迅速记住图片上的事物,并用句型表达出来.,Magic eyes.

2、 魔力眼。Whats in the picture?,There is a/an / There are,快速出现图片,然后图片将消失,迅速记住图片上的事物,并用句型表达出来.,Magic eyes. 魔力眼。Whats in the picture?,There is a/an / There are,快速出现图片,然后图片将消失,迅速记住图片上的事物,并用句型表达出来.,Magic eyes. 魔力眼。Whats in the picture?,There is a/an / There are,快速出现图片,然后图片将消失,迅速记住图片上的事物,并用句型表达出来.,Magic eyes. 魔力眼。Whats in the picture?,There is a/an / There are,快速出现图片,然后图片将消失,快速记住图片上的事物,并用句型表达出来.,


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