【广州版】英语四年级上Module 5 Unit 9《Look at this T-shirt》课件2

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【广州版】英语四年级上Module 5 Unit 9《Look at this T-shirt》课件2_第1页
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1、广州版小学英语四年级上册,Module 5 Clothes,单元教学计划: 本单元分五个课时完成: 第一课时:Unit 9 课文部分 第二课时:Unit 9 Fun with language 第三课时:Unit10 课文部分 第四课时:Unit10 Fun with language 第五课时:Story time 及本单元复习,广州版小学英语四年级上册,Unit 9 Look at this T-shirt,广州市越秀区五羊小学 邓汝君,Lets sing,Little red dress,Lets chant,Skirts for summer, coats for winter, wh

2、en is autumn, I wear sweaters. Sandals for summer, boots for winter, when is autumn, I wear trainers.,skirt,shirt,T-shirt,sweater,29,71,84,65,32,45,37,52,94,63,55,88,Lets play,69,24,73,81,(flash game: 复习两位数),Welcome to the clothes shop, do you know this clothes?,cat,cap,redcap,cat,jac,market,jacket,

3、purple jacket,house,clothes,mathes,pink blouse,blouse,Listen to the dialogue, and then answer the questions:,1.Where is Lily?,She is in the clothes shop.,3.What does Lily like?,She likes a purple blouse.,5.Will Lily take it? Why?,Its two hundred and fifty yuan.,4.How much is it?,No.Because it is too

4、 expensive.She wont take it.,2.What doesnt Lily like?,She doesnt like the red T-shirt.,Change a dialogue into a passage:,Lily is in the _ _. She doesnt like the _ _. She likes the _ _. But its _ _ _ _ _.Its too _. She _ _ _.,clothes,shop,T-shirt,red,blouse,purple,hundred,expensive,two,fifty,and,yuan

5、,it,take,wont,Sharp your eyes,¥15,¥845,¥285,¥28,A:How much is the ? B:Its ,打开英语书51页,用以上句型练习图1.2,A:Look at this Do you like it? B:Its Ok. But I dont likeI like A:Here it is. B:How much is it? A:Its B:Its too I wont take it.,用以上句型,练习书本51页第3、4、5幅图,¥285,A:Look at Do you? B:Its . How much ? A:Its B:What about .? A:Its B:Thats I wont,clothes,Thank you and good bye!,


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