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1、外研版(2024新版)七年级上册英语期中复习:Starter-Unit1(语法选择+完型填空+选词填空)题型练习题汇编学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、语法选择How often do you see a plant you dont know about? Your 1 dont know it either. You want 2 it up online, but where do you start? Now a simple kind of plant identification (识别) app may help you 3 the problem.You can hold u

2、p 4 smartphone and take a clear picture of the unknown plant. Then you submit (提交) 5 picture. After a very short time, the app will show the name of the plant and other 6 information (信息). The app can identify 7 than 4,000 plants. There 8 also some other plant identification apps nowadays.Maybe plan

3、ts are not the only things you love in nature. 9 about it. Scientists 10 to design some apps that help identify birds, butterflies and animals. It will be easier for you to know about them.1AparentBparentsCparents2AlookingBlookCto look3AwithBinCfor4AyouByourCyours5AaBanCthe6AusefulBusesCuse7AmuchBmo

4、reCmany8AhaveBisCare9ANot worryBDont worryCDont worried10Aare tryingBtriesChas tried“Never give up (放弃)!” It is my law (法则) of life. I learnt the law 11 my fathers life story.My father was born in 12 poor village in Jiangsu. When he was young, he went to school in the day, and then after school he w

5、orked in the fields. He could only did 13 homework during midnight.At the age of 14, my father heard of the United States of America. It was the land of gold, the land where poor people can 14 rich.“ 15 dont I go to America?” he thought to himself.So, my father went to America. “I had thought it was

6、 easy 16 money,” he told me. “But when I arrived there, I knew it was not true. They did not like to hire (雇佣) me because I couldnt speak English. I wanted to go to school to learn English, 17 it was impossible. I had no money. Later, I worked in a small restaurant. Life was 18 for the first few yea

7、rs.”My father kept 19 hard, and reached his goal.“Alan,” he often says to me, “if you want something, you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come 20 in life.” Thats what I have learnt from my father.11AforBtoCfrom12AaBanCthe13AheBhisChim14AbeBareCwere15AWhenBWhereCWhy16AmakeBto mak

8、eCmaking17AsoBbutCand18AhardBharderChardest19AworkBto workCworking20AeasyBeasilyCeasiness请阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。When I was in junior high school, I was not good at sports 21 I was overweight (肥胖的). My classmates often laughed at me in my P.E.class. That made me sad. I though

9、t I was not good at sports. But my teacher didnt think so and asked me to show the other students how to play.One day, I played ping-pong with 22 classmate in my P.E. class. I was very 23 because my P.E. teacher praised (表扬) me. I tried my 24 to do it with classmates. To my surprise, I did better th

10、an I thought.From then on, I decided to practice playing ping-pong every day. My teacher asked me 25 the school sports club. After a lot of practice, I became one of the best ping-pong 26 in my school. I started to enjoy sports. Then I 27 part in many different kinds of activities like running, swim

11、ming and playing basketball. One year later, I not only did well in 28 P.E.class, but also lost 10 kg and even became a star in the school sports games.Now, I make many good friends and Im getting on well with them. Doing sports 29 me outgoing and confident.The experience (经历) of going 30 failure (失

12、败) to success told me that nothing is impossible. Everyone can be successful if he or she works hard.21AsoBandCbecause22AaBanCthe23AhappyBhappilyChappiness24AgoodBbetterCbest25AjoinBto joinCjoining26AplayerBplayersCplayers27AtakeBwill takeCtook28AmyBmeCmine29AmakeBmakesCmade30AatBforCfromEnglish is

13、a main subject in schools in China. It is one of 31 languages in the world. More than two 32 people spend time learning English around the world.Wang zhiyang is a middle school student. He was not good at English before, 33 after a year of hard work, his English improved a lot. He learned English 34

14、 than any other students in his class. Here is some advice about how he learns English. First, his teacher advises him 35 English as much as possible. So he goes to the English club to practise 36 English speaking every Sunday. Second, try to have fun when learning. He loves music and often 37 time

15、learning to sing English songs. In this way, he can improve his English listening. Third, its 38 good idea to read more. It takes him about one hour to read English newspapers every day. He often writes down the new words 39 pieces of paper. He not only learns new words but also knows more about the

16、 world. 40 hard he is!As the old saying goes, no pains, no gains (收获). Lets start from now on and improve ourselves little by little. In fact, we can learn English at any time.31Amore importantBimportantCthe most important32AbillionBbillionsCbillions of33AbutBandCfor34AwellBbetterCbest35AspeakBspeak

17、ingCto speak36AheBhisChim37AspentBspendCspends38AtheBaCan39AonBinCat40AWhatBHowCWhat a通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。John is thirteen years old now. He began 41 in a middle school two years ago. His family is in a small village and its far away 42 the school. Every day, he get

18、s up early in the morning. After a quick breakfast, he has to run to school to get there on time.His father hopes to borrow some money to buy 43 bike for him, but he knows his mother is always ill and his father spends much money 44 her medicine. If his father buys him a bike, their life will be har

19、der than before, so he 45 agree with his father and keeps running to school every day. Now hes very strong and 46 late for class. Last week there 47 a sports meeting in their school. John ran faster than the other boys, and it was 48 for him to win three matches. 49 happy the boy was! He told 50 gra

20、ndma about the good news as soon as he got home. “I broke two school records today, Granny,” called out the boy.She was surprised and said, “I am sorry to hear that. We have no money to pay for them!”41AstudyBto studyCstudies42AtoBforCfrom43AaBanCthe44AbuysBbuyingCto buy45AwontBdoesntCisnt46AneverBo

21、ftenCsometimes47Awill beBisCwas48AhappyBhappilyCunhappy49AHow aBHowCWhat a50AheBhimChisIm Frank. My school is big and nice, 51 I love going to school. All my classmates and teachers are nice. They teach us useful 52 . I learn eight subjects at school. My favorite subject is geography. It helps me 53

22、 about lots of different places. I 54 like math or music. They are boring. I have a sister. Her 55 Maria. She is seven and she has long hair (头发) and big blue eyes. Everyone loves her. Laura is 56 of my good friends. She is my neighbor (邻居), too. Her house is next to 57 . I always walk to school wit

23、h her. Jack is also my good friend. Jack is 58 interesting boy. He can tell funny stories. I am happy to be with him. I get up at 6:00 a.m 59 Monday to Friday. On weekends, I get up at 9:00 a.m. But this Sunday is my sisters birthday. I must get up early. I want 60 a nice sweater for her and I will

24、help her with the party.51AbecauseBorCso52AthingBthingsCa thing53AknowBknowsCknowing54AarentBdoesntCdont55AnamesBnamesCname56AfirstBoneCthe one57AmeBmyCmine58AaBanCthe59AfromBwithCabout60AbuyBto buyCbuysDear Frank, How are you these days? I 61 to tell you something about my school day.There 62 eight

25、 lessons a day and each lesson is forty minutes. On Tuesday, 63 first class is history. In the class, our teacher 64 us many interesting stories. I have an English class 65 10 oclock. Its relaxing. We often sing English 66 together and all the students like to do it. The lunch time is from 12:00 to

26、1:20. I have lunch in the school dining hall 67 the food is delicious. After that we have geography at 2:00. Geography is 68 favourite subject. Its fun for me because I can 69 many things about the world. When I grow up, I want to visit all the places all over the world.Are you busy this term? Can y

27、ou tell me something about your school 70 ? Waiting for your reply.Yours,Lily61AwriteBam going to writeCam writing62AbeBisCare63AaBanCthe64AtellBtellsCis telling65AatBonCin66AsongBsongsCsongs67AandBbutCso68AIBmeCmy69AlearnBlearnsClearning70AdayBdaysCdaysIn England, students start to go to middle sch

28、ool when they are 11 years old. There they start from Grade 7. Most students 71 to the school near their houses. King Afreds School is a middle school in England. 72 has about 1,800 students. Students come to school 73 8:45. Most students walk to school. Some students go to school on school buses. I

29、n this school, there 74 four lessons every day. Students stay in every lesson for one hour and 15 minutes. They have many different 75 , like English, maths, PE, music and computer. The first two lessons are over at 11:15. There is a kitchen in every classroom, 76 the students can make their food. S

30、tudents eat something and talk with friends 77 for 25 minutes. When is lunch time? Lunch is at 12:55. And students can 78 a hot meal. Students can also bring something to eat from 79 homes. From 1:35 to 1:55, students listen to school news. There is only one lesson after lunch. 80 last lesson is ove

31、r at 3:10. Most students can make their way home.71AgoBgoesCare going72AItBItsCIts73AinBatCon74AamBisCare75AsubjectBsubjectsCsubjects76AorBbutCso77AhappyBhappilyChappiness78AbuyBbuyingCto buy79AtheyBthemCtheir80AABAnCTheHello! I am Nancy. Im 81 English girl. Im 12 years old. My parents, my brother a

32、nd I are in my family. My brother is a smart boy. He likes 82 soccer. My parents work in a middle school. My mother 83 English. They always 84 me with my study.This Sunday is my mothers birthday. We want 85 a big party for her. My brothers birthday and mine are in the same monthAugust. But my father

33、s birthday is early. Its 86 January.At school, I have many good 87 and nice teachers. My favorite subject(科目)is music. I think its fun and 88 . But I dont like math 89 its really difficult(困难的)for me. We have art on Wednesday and Friday. I like the subject, too. Mr. Smith is 90 art teacher. His clas

34、ses are interesting. We all like him.81AanBaC/Dthe82AplayBplayedCplayingDplays83AteachBteachesCis teachingDtaught84AhelpsBhelpedChelpingDhelp85AhaveBhavingCto haveDhas86AatBinConDto87AfriendBfriendsCfriendlyDfriends88AuseBusesCusefulDusefully89AafterBwhenCbeforeDbecause90AourBweCoursDusA teacher was

35、 asking a student lots of questions, but the student 91 answer any of them. The teacher then decided 92 him a very easy question so that he could get the right 93 . “Who was Beethoven?” she asked. The student answered, “He was American,” after he 94 .“ 95 . He was a German musician,” the teacher sai

36、d. She 96 a little angry now, but she was trying 97 it. Then she asked, “Who was the first president (of the USA)?” The student thought 98 a long time, but he didnt say 99 . Then the teacher got very angry and shouted, “George Washington!” The student got up and 100 to walk towards the door. “Come b

37、ack!” the teacher said, “I didnt let you go.” “Oh, Im sorry, I thought you called the next student.”91AdidBcouldCcanDcouldnt92AaskBto askCaskingDasked93AmistakeBquestionCplanDanswer94AguessedBtalkedCthoughtDlistened95ANoBYesCAll rightDMaybe96Awas gettingBis gettingCgetsDis97Adoesnt showBnot showCnot

38、 to showDdont show98AfromBforCatDof99AnothingBsomethingCeverythingDanything100AbeginsBbeganCbeginDbeginning请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯要求,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。What do students at your school usually do during class breaks?Yang Yingjun is 101 Chinese teacher at Nansan Border Primary School in Lincang cit

39、y, Yunnan Province. He 102 dance into the class breaks since 2019. Students in his class 103 to dance with him after class. The lively dance in the classroom wins many 104 hearts.Through his years of experience, Yang realized that the students showed 105 in dancing than other kinds of sports. 106 st

40、udents need, he started making his own dance for students to learn. His idea quickly became popular with students. All of 107 students actively followed him between lessons. They joined him in dancing to the music, turning the classroom something like a special dance club.More and more students have

41、 learnt the new way to relax themselves 108 dancing because of Yangs classroom dancing activity. Yang said he couldnt believe 109 his classroom dancing has now become a hot activity at school. One of his students said, “We enjoy the dancing activity 110 our teacher always choose our favourite songs.

42、” Also, the head teacher has decided to make it as a daily exercise at school.101AaBanCthe102AmadeBhas madeCwas making103AinviteBinvitedCare invited104AchildrenBchildCchildrens105AmuchBmoreCmost106AMeetBMeetingCTo meet107AheBhimChis108AbyBforCacross109AthatBwhereCwhether110AbutBalthoughCbecause通读下面短

43、文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。There is a beautiful place in our school. All students like to go there. Its 111 small field in the northeast corner of our school. Our teacher asks us 112 there to grow some vegetables. Every class has some 113 . And each group has 114 job. Group A waters the vegetables. Group B makes records (记录). Group C cleans the field. Last year, we 115 four different kinds of vegetablestomatoes, potatoes, carrots an


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