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1、人教版(2024)七年级上册英语各单元完形填空练习题汇编Unit 1 You and Me 六、完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Good afternoon, boys and girls. My 57 is Cherry King. I am from the USA, but now I am 58 China. My father and mother are here(在这里), too. I am a 59 school student. I am in Class Three. Grade Seven. I have

2、some good 60 at school. They are very friendly(友好的) and 61 to me. I like them very much. Please look(看) here. What is this? Oh, it is my 62 . My mother buys the jacket for me. The 63 of it is red and yellow. And whats that? Its a cup. Is it 64 cup, too? No, it is my brothers. It is blue. He has 65 c

3、ups. One is blue and three are white. I have one cup. Its green.My phone 66 is 467-0936. Do you want to make friends with me?57AphoneBnameCschoolDcard58AfromBatCinDfor59AmiddleBfirstClastDnext60AkeysBrulersCcupsDfriends61AniceBredCgreenDbrown62AmapBjacketCbookDpen63AafternoonBmorningCcolorDevening64

4、AherByourChisDmy65AtwoBthreeCfourDfive66AnumberBEnglishCorangeDquiltUnit 2 Were Family 三、完形填空通读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。My name is Grace. Look! This is a 21 of my family. A boy is in it. 22 is my brother, Tommy. Tommy is 23 the sofa. A woman is in the picture, too. She is my 24 . She is at the

5、 table. But my father 25 in the picture. He is at 26 with his students. A cup and a schoolbag 27 on the table. The schoolbag is my brothers. Two 28 are under the chair. They are also (也) my 29 . You can see some 30 . They are on the bookcase.21AchairBtelephoneCplantDpicture22ASheBHeCItDThey23AonBatC

6、underDabout24AsisterBcousinCmotherDfriend25AisntBareCisDdoesnt26AhotelBtableCschoolDdresser27AisBareCbeD/28AroomsBdictionaryCorangeDbaseballs29AbrotherBbrothersCsisterDsisters30AquestionsBCDsCbedsDpeopleUnit 3 My School 四、完形填空Im Li Xiang! Im a student in a middle school of Hangzhou, China. My Englis

7、h name is Rosa. You can call me 26 . Here are two 27 . In the first photo are four foreign 28 . They are Judy, Helen, Linda and David. They are all my friends. We are in the same class. In the 29 picture is our classroom. Our classroom is big and nice. In the front of it is the teachers desk. Its wh

8、ite. A pot (花盆) of flowers 30 on the teachers desk. You can see twenty blue desks and 31 blue chairs in our classroom. Look! This is my desk. There is a red schoolbag on it. Is it mine? No, its Helens. Mine is in my desk. There are two pens on my desk, 32 . They arent mine, either. The red one is Ju

9、dys, and the black one is Davids. Where is my pen? Its 33 my schoolbag. Can you see a white baseball under a chair? The chair is Lindas, 34 the white baseball isnt hers. Its 35 .26ARosa LiBLi RosaCRosa XiangDXiang Rosa27AlettersBpeopleCbooksDphotos28AboysBgirlsCstudentsDpen pals29AthenBnextCnewDfree

10、30AisBareCbeDam31AtenBtwentyCthirtyDforty32AthereBwellCtooDalso33AinBonCtoDof34AandBbutCsoDif35AIBmeCmyDmineUnit 4 My Favourite Subject 五、完形填空The next class is the labor education (劳动教育) class. Lucy and her 31 are happy. They think the labor education class is 32 but fun.Its 10:00. Ms. Zheng comes i

11、nto the classroom and says, “ 33 , boys and girls! Lets 34 a Great Cake Game!”“Nice!” All the students say happily.“There are (有) twenty students in our class, and 35 students make (制作) one cake,” Ms. Zheng says.Then all the students think about what cakes to make.“We have 36 , strawberries and pear

12、s. How about a fruit cake?” Lucy says to her partners (搭档).“Sounds good! Lets make it now!” Lucys partners say.After thirty minutes (分钟), 37 the teachers desk are five cakes. 38 are the winners (获胜者)? Peter and 39 partners.At this time, Ms. Zheng comes to Lucy with a cake.“Happy birthday, Lucy!” Ms.

13、 Zheng says.“Thanks! I dont 40 first prize (奖) but I have the best (最好的) birthday cake!” Lucy says.31AsistersBclassmatesCteachers32AboringBinterestingCdifficult33AByeBAfternoonCMorning34AplayBwatchClove35AthreeBfourCfive36AorangesBbaseballsCcarrots37AunderBinCon38AWhatBWhoCHow39AherBmyChis40AgetBwan

14、tCknowUnit 5 Fun Clubs 五、完形填空Hi! Im a 9-year-old boy from England. I want to say something about the clubs in our country. Our parents are 36 and they cant often be with us. 37 school, we often go to kids clubs to learn and play.In the clubs, we have many good 38 . Look, they 39 kids with the study

15、now. And there are many volunteers (志愿者), too. They are friendly and can do many things like playing 40 guitar, singing and dancing and playing sports. They like kids very much 41 they are good with kids. Last week they 42 to the clubs to help us. They can 43 play many games about sports, art, scien

16、ce and some other things with us. The games are very 44 and we always have great fun.Whats more, we can really 45 a lot in the clubs. What about clubs in your country? Let me know.36AfreeBhappyCbusyDstrict37ABeforeBAfterCWhenDUnder38AstudentsBvisitorsCmusicianDteachers39AhelpsBhelpedCis helpingDare

17、helping40AaBanCtheD/41AandBorCthenDbut42AgoBgoesCwentDwere43AstillBalsoCreallyDquite44AboringBlovelyCdifficultDinteresting45AlearnBjoinCkeepDteachUnit 6 A Day in the Life 五、完形填空Dear Tina, Thank you 34 your letter. Now I want to tell you something about my life. I go to school from Monday to Friday.

18、I have four 35 in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. School starts at 8:00 a.m. 36 finishes at 5:00 p.m. At noon, I often have 37 at school. Then I can take a rest (休息) for about one 38 and then the afternoon classes begin. After school, I have many things to do. On Monday and Wednesday a

19、fternoons, I 39 basketball on the playground. On Tuesday afternoon, I have a(n) 40 lesson. I like to sing and its interesting. On Thursday afternoon, I go to the school library (图书馆) . On Friday afternoon, I practice (练习) English with my classmates. Im 41 busy on school days. I do some 42 things on

20、Saturday and Sunday. I always play games with 43 friends. We are very happy. Yours,Lily34AtoBinCforDon35AtestsBlessonCtermDclasses36AorBbutCandDso37AbreakfastBlunchCclassDsport38AdayBtimeCweekDhour39AsellBbuyCtakeDplay40AartBscienceCmusicDhistory41ArealBreallyCgoodDfine42ArelaxingBdifficultCbusyDsho

21、rt43AIBmeCmyDmineUnit 7 Happy Birthday! 五、完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的 最佳答案。Hi, Im David. Today is a 31 day for my sister Gina. Its 32 birthday. We 33 a birthday party for Gina at home.In the morning, my parents 34 us to Lucky Clothes Store first. There my mother buys a red sweater

22、for Gina and a blue jacket for me. Then we go to Green Bookstore. There I buy an art 35 for Gina. In James Sport Store, my father buys a 36 for her. Gina 37 playing sports with her classmates after school.In the afternoon, my parents buy a birthday cake for her 38 they prepare (准备) some fruit for th

23、e party. Ginas friends, Nick and Anna, come to the party. They sing Happy Birthday 39 my sister. Nick 40 a nice pencil box to Gina. Anna gives her a(n) 41 dictionary. Gina 42 likes them very much. We play 43 and eat fruit at the party. We are very 44 We all have a good 45 at the birthday party.31Asm


25、ChappyDhealthy45AfriendBthingCdayDtimeUnit 1 You and Me 六、完形填空【答案】57B 58C 59A 60D 61A 62B 63C 64D 65C 66A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了Cherry King的个人信息。57句意:我叫Cherry King。phone电话;name名字;school学校;card卡片。根据“Cherry King”可知,Cherry King是名字。故选B。58句意:我来自美国,但现在我在中国。from从;at在;in在里面;for为了。in China“在中国”。故选C。59句意:我是一名中学生。mid

26、dle中间的;first第一;last最后的;next下一个的 。a middle school student“一个中学生”。故选A。60句意:我在学校有一些好朋友。keys钥匙;rulers尺子;cups杯子;friends朋友 。根据“They are very friendly”可知,此处介绍Cherry在学校的朋友们。故选D。61句意:他们对我很友好。nice友好的;red红色的;green绿色的;brown棕色的。根据“They are very friendly(友好的) andto me.”可知,Cherry的朋友很友好,and连接并列形容词,该空与friendly一样是形容人

27、品质的形容词。故选A。62句意:哦,这是我的夹克。map地图;jacket夹克衫;book书;pen钢笔。根据“My mother buys the jacket for me.”可知,此处介绍Cherry的夹克。故选B。63句意:它的颜色是红色和黄色。afternoon下午;morning上午;color颜色;evening晚上。根据“red and yellow”可知,此处指夹克衫的颜色。故选C。64句意:这也是我的杯子吗?her她的;your你的;his他的;my我的。根据“Is itcup, too? No, it is my brothers.”可知,杯子不是“我”的,是哥哥的。故选

28、D。65句意:他有四个杯子。two二;three三;four四;five五。根据“One is blue and three are white.”可知,哥哥有四个杯子。故选C。66句意:我的电话号码是467-0936。number号码;English英语;orange橙子;quilt被子。根据“467-0936”可知,467-0936是电话号码。故选A。Unit 2 Were Family 三、完形填空【答案】21D 22B 23A 24C 25A 26C 27B 28D 29B 30B【导语】本文作者通过一张照片介绍了自己的家庭情况。21句意:这是一张我的全家福照片。chair椅子;tel

29、ephone电话;plant植物;picture照片。根据“Look! This is a.of my family.”可知,此处指全家福照片。故选D。22句意:他是我的哥哥汤米。She她;He他;It它;They他/她们。根据“my brother”可知,哥哥是男生,用人称代词主格he作主语。故选B。23句意:汤米在沙发上。on在上;at在;under在下面;about关于。根据语境可知,哥哥坐在沙发上,on the sofa“在沙发上”。故选A。24句意:她是我的母亲。sister姐妹;cousin表姐妹;mother母亲;friend朋友。根据“She is my.She is at t

30、he table. But my father.in the picture.”可知,下文中提到了父亲,与父亲对应的应该是作者的母亲。故选C。25句意:但是我的父亲不在照片中。isnt不是,主语是单数,表否定;are是,主语是复数;is是,主语是单数;doesnt不,主语是单数,后接动词原形,表否定。根据“He is at.with his students.”可知,我的父亲和学生在一起,不在照片中。此句为“主+系+表”结构,主语是单三,且时态为一般现在时,故否定句用isnt。故选A。26句意:他在学校和学生们在一起。hotel酒店;table桌子;school学校;dresser梳妆台。根据

31、“with his students”可知是在学校。故选C。27句意:桌子上有一个杯子和一个书包。is是,主语是单数;are是,主语是复数;be动词原形;/不填。根据“A cup and a schoolbag.on the table.”可知,此句为“主+系+表”结构,主语是复数,且时态为一般现在时,故系动词用are。故选B。28句意:椅子下面有两个棒球。rooms房间;dictionary词典;orange橘子;baseballs棒球。根据“Two.are.”可知,空处应填一个复数名词,排除BC。根据“under the chair.”可知,应该是棒球。故选D。29句意:它们也是我哥哥的。

32、brother哥哥;brothers哥哥的;sister姐妹;sisters姐妹的。根据“The schoolbag is my brothers.They are also.”可知,此处表示棒球也是我哥哥的,用名词所有格brothers。故选B。30句意:你可以看到一些CD。questions问题;CDs光盘;beds床;people人们。根据“They are on the bookcase.”并结合选项可知,只有CD可以放在书柜上。故选B。Unit 3 My School 四、完形填空【答案】26A 27D 28C 29B 30A 31B 32C 33A 34B 35D【导语】本文主要通

33、过两张照片,介绍了作者、她的四位外国朋友以及教室的物品。26句意:你可以叫我Rosa Li。 Rosa Li李罗莎;Li Rosa罗莎李;Rosa Xiang翔罗莎;Xiang Rosa罗莎翔。根据“Im Li Xiang!”和“My English name is Rosa.”可知,我是李翔,我的英文名字叫罗莎。根据常识,李应该是中国的姓,Rosa应该放在名字的前面。故选A。27句意:这里有两张照片。letters信件;people人们;books书;photos照片。根据“In the first photo”可知,此处指两张照片。故选D。28句意:第一张照片里是四个外国学生。boys男孩

34、;girls女孩;students学生;pen pals笔友。根据下文“We are in the same class.”可知,我们在同一个班。由此可知,应该指学生。故选C。29句意:下一张照片是我们的教室。then然后;next下一个;new新的;free空闲的。根据上文“Here are two”和“In the first photo”可知,此处指下一张照片。故选B。30句意:老师的桌子上有一盆花。is是,be的第三人称单数;are是,be的复数;be是,动词原形;am是,be的第一人称单数。分析句子可知,本句的主语是pot,为第三人称单数,因此be动词用is。故选A。31句意:你可以

35、看到20张蓝色的桌子和20把蓝色的椅子在我们的教室里。ten10;twenty20;thirty30;forty40。根据“twenty blue desks”可知有20张蓝色的桌子,所以应该有20把椅子。故选B。32句意:我的桌子上还有两支钢笔。there那里;well好地;too也,放在肯定句句末;also也,放于肯定句句中。根据“This is my desk. There is a red schoolbag on it.”可知,这是我的桌子。上面有一个红色的书包。由此可知,此句意为“桌子上还有两支钢笔”,句子为肯定句,空格部分位于句末,因此选too符合题意。故选C。33句意:它在我的

36、书包里。in在里面;on在上面;to到;of的。根据“They arent mine, either.”以及“my schoolbag”可知,它们也不是我的。看不到自己的钢笔,应该在书包里。故选A。34句意:椅子是琳达的,但白色的棒球不是她的。and并且;but但是;so所以;if如果。根据句意可知,前后之间构成转折关系,因此选but符合题意。故选B。35句意:它是我的。I我,人称代词主格;me我,人称代词宾格;my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词。根据“the white baseball isnt hers”可知白色的棒球是我的,空格部分作表语,空后没有名词,所以应该用

37、名词性物主代词。故选D。Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 五、完形填空【答案】31B 32C 33C 34A 35B 36A 37C 38B 39C 40A【导语】本文主要讲述了露西和她同学们一节有趣的劳动教育课。31句意:露西和她的同学们都很高兴。sisters姐妹;classmates同学;teachers老师。由“The next class is the labor education (劳动教育) class.”可知,故事发生在学校,而且下一节是劳动教育课,“classmates同学们”符合语境,故选B。32句意:他们认为劳动教育课很难,但很有趣。boring无

38、聊的;interesting有趣的;difficult困难的。由“but fun”可知前后是转折关系,“difficult困难的”符合语境,表示很难但是很有趣。故选C。33句意:早上好,孩子们!Bye再见;Afternoon下午;Morning早上。由“Its 10:00.”可知现在是10点,跟孩子们打招呼应是早上好。故选C。34句意:我们来玩蛋糕游戏吧!play玩;watch看;love喜爱。“play a game玩游戏”是固定搭配。故选A。35句意:我们班有二十个学生,四个学生做一个蛋糕。three三;four四;five五。由“There are (有) twenty students

39、 in our class”和“After thirty minutes (分钟), .the teachers desk are five cakes.”可知,4个学生做一个蛋糕。故选B。36句意:我们有橙子、草莓和梨。oranges橙子;baseballs棒球;carrots胡萝卜。由“How about a fruit cake?”可知,跟水果有关,故选A。37句意:三十分钟后,老师的桌子上有五块蛋糕。under在下面;in在里面;on在上面。根据句意和语境可知,应是学生做好了蛋糕放在老师的桌子上,“on the desk”表示在桌子上,故选C。38句意:谁是获胜者?What什么;Who

40、谁;How如何,怎样。由“Peter and.partners.”可知,该处回答的是人名,故应问是谁,故选B。39句意:彼得和他的伙伴们。her她的;my我的;his他的。此处指“Peter”,故选C。40句意:我没有得第一名,但我有最好的生日蛋糕!get得到;want想要;know知道。根据“I dont.first prize (奖)”可知,没有得第一名。故选A。Unit 5 Fun Clubs 五、完形填空【答案】36C 37B 38D 39D 40C 41A 42C 43B 44D 45A【导语】本文讲述了英国一个男孩经常放学后去俱乐部学习和玩耍的经历。36句意:我们的父母很忙,不能经

41、常和我们在一起。free自由的;happy高兴的;busy忙的;strict严格的。根据“they cant often be with us”可知,父母很忙。故选C。37句意:放学后,我们经常去孩子俱乐部学习和玩耍。Before在之前;After在之后;When当时候;Under在下面。根据“we often go to kids clubs to learn and play”可知,放学后,我们经常去孩子俱乐部学习和玩耍。故选B。38句意:在俱乐部里,我们有许多好老师。students学生;visitors游客;musician音乐家;teachers老师。根据“kids with the

42、 study now”可知,有很多老师。故选D。39句意:看!他们正在帮助孩子们学习。helps帮助,动词三单形式;helped帮助,动词过去式;is helping帮助,现在进行时;are helping帮助,现在进行时。根据“Look”可知,此句用现在进行时,主语是they,系动词用are。故选D。40句意:他们很友好,能做许多事,像弹吉他、唱歌、跳舞和运动等。a一个,表示泛指,用于辅音音素之前;an一个,表示泛指,用于元音音素之前;the这个,表示特指;/零冠词。play the guitar“弹吉他”,乐器前加定冠词the。故选C。41句意:他们非常喜欢孩子们,并且和孩子们相处得很好。and和;or或者;then那么;but但是。根据前后句的逻辑关系可知,他们非常喜欢孩子们,并且和孩子们相处得很好。故选A。42句意:上周他们去俱乐部帮助我们。go去,动词原形;goes去,动词三单形式;went去,动词过去式;were是,动词过去式。根据“Last week”可知,用一般过去时,go to the clubs“去俱乐部”,用go的过去式went。故选C。43句意:他们也能和我们一起做许多关于运动、艺术、科学和一些别的东西的游戏。still仍然;also也;really真地;qu


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