2025年中考英语作文复习:书面表达 分类练习题汇编(含答案、范文)

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2025年中考英语作文复习:书面表达 分类练习题汇编(含答案、范文)_第1页
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2025年中考英语作文复习:书面表达 分类练习题汇编(含答案、范文)_第2页
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2025年中考英语作文复习:书面表达 分类练习题汇编(含答案、范文)_第3页
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2025年中考英语作文复习:书面表达 分类练习题汇编(含答案、范文)_第4页
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2025年中考英语作文复习:书面表达 分类练习题汇编(含答案、范文)_第5页
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1、2025年中考英语作文复习:书面表达 分类练习题汇编(交流建议、传统文化、意见建议、自我推荐、表达邀请、书面通知等)红字为重点词句篇1 交流建议假设你是李华,你的好友Peter前不久随父母去了英国,他写信告诉你他很不适应国外的校园生活,感到很孤独并希望你给出建议。请你根据以下要点用英语给他回封电子邮件。1)多交一些朋友;2)积极参加各种活动。注意:词数:100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。范文呈现:Dear Peter,Im glad to hear from you, but Im sorry to learn that youre feeli

2、ng unsettled in your new school life in the UK. Being in a new environment can indeed be challenging, especially when its so far away from home and your familiar surroundings. However, I believe with some effort and time, youll be able to adapt and enjoy your time there.Firstly, I would recommend th

3、at you make an effort to make more friends. Join clubs or societies that interest you, as its a great way to meet people with similar interests. Talk to your classmates during breaks or after school. Small conversations can lead to big friendships. Dont be afraid to initiate a conversation or ask so

4、meone if theyd like to join you for lunch.Secondly, actively participate in various activities. Whether its sports, cultural events, or volunteer work, getting involved will not only help you meet new people but also keep you busy and engaged. Its a great way to explore the new country and culture y

5、oure in. Plus, its an excellent opportunity to develop new skills and hobbies.Remember, everyone feels a little lost or lonely when they first move to a new place. Its a natural part of the adaptation process. But with time and effort, youll find your place and create memories that will last a lifet

6、ime.Stay strong, Peter. Im here to support you always. Dont hesitate to reach out if you need any more advice or just want to talk.Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in the UK!Best regards,Li Hua篇2 传统文化假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Mark来信询问我们中国传统节日一春节怎么过?请依据下列要点,给其写封回信。要点: 1)介绍中国传统节日怎么过;2)欢迎Mark来中

7、国体验中国年注意: 1)词数100左右2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。范文呈现:Dear Mark,Im delighted to hear from you and appreciate your interest in our traditional Chinese festival, the Spring Festival. Its indeed a time of joy, reunion, and celebration that holds deep cultural significance for us.The Spring Festival, commonly known

8、as Chinese New Year, marks the beginning of a new lunar year. Its a time when families gather from all corners of the country to reunite and spend quality time together. The festival typically begins on the eve of the lunar New Year, and festivities continue for the next few days.On the eve of the S

9、pring Festival, households are bustling with activity. Families clean their homes thoroughly to sweep away bad luck and make way for good fortune. Red decorations, such as lanterns, couplets, and red envelopes, are hung around the house to symbolize happiness, prosperity, and good luck.One of the mo

10、st significant customs is the reunion dinner, which is usually a sumptuous feast prepared by the women of the family. Dishes are carefully chosen to represent good luck and prosperity, and the entire family sits down to enjoy the meal together. The meal often ends with a sweet dessert, symbolizing a

11、 sweet ending to the old year and a sweet beginning for the new one.Another highlight of the festival is the giving of red envelopes, known as hongbao, to children and unmarried adults. These envelopes contain money, which is believed to bring good luck and prosperity in the new year.Fireworks and d

12、ragon dances are also popular activities during the Spring Festival. The bright explosions of fireworks symbolize the driving away of evil spirits and the welcoming of good fortune, while the dragon dance represents the auspiciousness and power of the dragon, a mythological creature thats deeply rev

13、ered in Chinese culture.I truly hope you can visit China during the Spring Festival and experience the festive atmosphere and rich cultural traditions firsthand. You would be warmly welcomed in our country, and Im sure youll have an unforgettable experience.Looking forward to your visit,Li Hua篇3 意见建

14、议假如你是新华中学高一学生李津, 你的同学王明总是说因为学习忙而没有时间锻炼,最近天气变化,他生病了。请你根据下列要点给他写一封建议信:(1)写信的原因;(2)提出加强锻炼的建议并说明好处; .(3)表达祝愿。注意: (1)短文须包括上述要点,应适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(2)词数: 100左右。短文开头已给出(不计词数)。Dear Wang Ming,| am sorry to hear that you have been illfor days and hope you are better now.Yours sincerely,Li Jin范文呈现:Dear Wang Ming,I

15、 hope this letter finds you in better health. Ive noticed that lately, due to your busy schedule with studies, you have neglected your physical exercise. Unfortunately, with the recent changes in weather, you have fallen ill. This has prompted me to write to you with some suggestions on the importan

16、ce of regular exercise.Firstly, I understand that as a high school student, our academic responsibilities are indeed demanding. However, it is crucial to remember that a healthy body is the foundation for a sound mind. Regular exercise not only improves our physical health but also enhances our ment

17、al well-being. It helps us to stay focused and energetic, which in turn improves our academic performance.To start incorporating exercise into your daily routine, I suggest a few simple steps. You can begin by taking a short walk or jog after school, or even during your lunch break. This will help y

18、ou to unwind and refresh your mind. Additionally, you can join the schools sports clubs or participate in extracurricular activities, which are not only fun but also provide an excellent opportunity for physical exercise.Remember, its never too late to start. Even a small amount of regular exercise

19、can make a significant difference to your overall health. As the saying goes, Health is wealth, and I truly believe that by prioritizing your health, you will be able to achieve greater success in all aspects of your life.I sincerely wish for your speedy recovery and hope that you will consider my s

20、uggestions. May you regain your strength and continue to excel in your academic pursuits.Best regards,Li JinXinhua High SchoolGrade 1 Student篇4 自我推荐假设你是新华中学的高一学生李津, 你的美国笔友Chris向你询问你校社团活动情况。正值你校社团纳新,请挑选-个你自己心仪的社团(戏剧社、音乐社、辩论社或羽毛球社),并用英语给Chris回复邮件。邮件包括以下内容:1)简要描述你校社团活动情况(社团种类;活动时间. ;2)选择你要加入的社团并陈述原因;3)

21、表达想要了解Chris学校社团情况的愿望。注意: 1)词数不少于100;开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数; .2) 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。范文呈现:Dear Chris,I hope this email finds you well. Im thrilled to hear from you and share with you the exciting world of clubs and societies in our school, Xinhua High.Our school offers a diverse range of clubs and societies to c

22、ater to the interests of our students. From arts and humanities to sports and sciences, theres something for everyone. The clubs typically meet once or twice a week, depending on the nature of the activities. This ensures that students have enough time to participate and develop their skills without

23、 compromising their academic studies.Among all the clubs, Im particularly interested in joining the Drama Society. The reason behind this choice is my passion for acting and the desire to explore the world of theater. I believe that being a part of the Drama Society will not only allow me to showcas

24、e my talents but also enhance my creativity, teamwork, and communication skills. The opportunities to perform in front of an audience and collaborate with like-minded individuals are also quite enticing.Moreover, Im excited about the prospect of learning new skills, such as stagecraft and character

25、development, which will further enrich my theatrical experience. The Drama Society regularly organizes workshops, rehearsals, and performances, providing members with ample opportunities to grow and excel.As I eagerly await the start of the new school year and the club recruitment process, Im curiou

26、s to know about the clubs and societies in your school. What are some of the popular clubs? Are there any unique clubs that are not available in our school? Im eager to learn more about your schools extracurricular activities and how they enrich your learning experience.Looking forward to your reply

27、 and hope to hear from you soon.Best regards,Li Jin篇5 交流建议假设你是李华,你的好友Susan前不久随父母去了美国,她写信告诉你她很不适应美国的校园生活,感到很孤独。请你根据以下要点用英语给她写一封电子邮件。1) 学好英语,从而增加和别人交流的机会;2)多交一些朋友,友情会使她忘记孤独;3)积极参加各种活动,使自己的生活更加有趣。注意: 1)词数: 100左右; 2)可适当增加细节。范文呈现:Dear Susan,I hope this email finds you well. Im sorry to hear about your di

28、fficulties adjusting to the campus life in the US and your feelings of loneliness. Its indeed a big step to move to a new country, and I completely understand the challenges youre facing.Firstly, I believe that learning English well will significantly increase your opportunities for communication. T

29、he more proficient you become in the language, the easier it will be for you to engage with your peers and teachers. Consider joining an English conversation group or enrolling in an English language course to improve your fluency. Remember, practice makes perfect.Secondly, I strongly advise you to

30、make an effort to make more friends. Having a solid support system and establishing friendships will undoubtedly help you feel less isolated. Attend social events, join clubs that align with your interests, or simply strike up conversations with people you meet in your daily life. These connections

31、can bring joy and comfort to your new life in the US.Lastly, I encourage you to actively participate in various activities on campus. Not only will this help you make new friends, but it will also enrich your life and make it more interesting. Whether its sports, cultural events, or volunteer work,

32、getting involved will give you a sense of belonging and purpose.Remember, Susan, its okay to feel overwhelmed at times. Transitioning to a new country and culture is a huge adjustment. However, with time, effort, and a positive attitude, you will overcome these challenges and find your place in this

33、 new environment.If you ever need help or just want to talk, feel free to reach out to me. Im always here to support you.Best wishes,Li Hua篇6 表达邀请假定你是校学生会主席李华,你校将于下个月举办校园歌曲比赛(a Campus Song Competition)。请给你校外教Lisa写封邮件,邀请她做评审,内容包括:1)写信目的;2)比赛时间、地点、要求和意义;3)希望她可以表演节目。注意: 1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头

34、和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Lisa,Yours sincerely,Li Hua范文呈现:Dear Lisa,I hope this email finds you well. As the President of the Student Union, I am writing to cordially invite you to serve as a judge for our upcoming Campus Song Competition. This event is a highlight of our cultural calendar, and we believe

35、your valuable insights and expertise would greatly enrich the experience for all participants.The competition will be held next month, on specific date, at the Auditorium of our school. It aims to showcase the musical talents of our students and foster a vibrant campus culture. Participants are requ

36、ired to prepare and perform a song of their choice, either solo or in a group. The significance of this event lies in its ability to bring together students from diverse backgrounds, promoting unity and understanding through the power of music.We believe that your experience and knowledge in music w

37、ould be invaluable to our competition. Your insights as a judge would provide our students with valuable feedback and encouragement. Additionally, we would be delighted if you would consider performing a song during the event. Your participation would undoubtedly inspire our students and make the co

38、mpetition even more memorable.Please let us know if you are able to attend and serve as a judge, as well as if you would be interested in performing. We would be happy to provide you with any further details or assistance you may require. Thank you for considering our invitation, and we eagerly awai

39、t your reply.Looking forward to your positive response.Warm regards,Li HuaPresident, Student Union篇7 书面通知假定你是李华,是书法社团的社长,1月18日社团将组织学生在学校图书馆举办一次书法沙龙活动,请你以社团的名义写一个书面通知,内容包括:1)时间地点;2)活动内容:书法作品展示、现场书法创作、互动交流等。参考词汇:沙龙salon书法calligraphy注意: 1) 词数80左右;2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。NoticeThe Calligraphy Club范文呈现:Notice o

40、f the Calligraphy Salon EventDear Members of the Calligraphy Club,I hope this message finds you all in good health and spirits. On behalf of the Calligraphy Club, I am delighted to announce that we will be hosting a special Calligraphy Salon event on January 18th. This event promises to be an enrich

41、ing and enjoyable experience for all of us, and we cordially invite you to participate.Calligraphy Works Exhibition: We will showcase a variety of exceptional calligraphy works created by our members. This is a great opportunity to admire the talent and dedication of our fellow members.Live Calligraphy Demonstration: Selected members will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in live calligraphy sessions. This will not only showcase their artistry but also inspire others to explore the beauty of this ancient art form.Interactive Exchange: We encourage all participant


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