外研版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Starter Welcome to junior high!单元整体教学设计

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外研版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Starter Welcome to junior high!单元整体教学设计_第1页
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1、外研版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Starter Welcome to junior high!单元整体教学设计单元教学目标【Language Abilities】1.Review common nouns,numbers,articles and adjectives.2.Know the usage of conjunctions and,or,but.3.Know what you should prepare for the first day of junior high school.4.Talk about your new school using simple presen

2、t tense.5.Introduce yourselves using the simple past tense.6.Talk about things for a party and wishes using simple future tense.【Culture Awareness】Know the differences of junior high schools between China and Western countries.【Quality of Thinking】1.Make predictions according to the pictures.2.Infer

3、 some implicit information based on the given materials.【Learning Abilities】1.Actively participate in class activities.2.Can work with partners or in groups.【Class Hour Division】Four periods第一课时Get ready第二课时Know your school第三课时Introduce yourself第四课时Hold a party单元教材分析本单元是七年级上册的预备单元,目的是让学生适应新学校、新环境,做好

4、上中学的准备。本单元属于“人与自我”的范畴。本单元话题围绕“开学前的准备”和“开学后对环境的适应”两方面展开,内容包括开学前文具、课本和服装的准备。旨在让学生养成良好的学习习惯。本单元内容还包括“熟悉新学校”“做自我介绍”“举办迎新晚会”,这一部分内容旨在让学生从心理上做好融入新环境的准备。本单元将会复习与文具、学科、服装、学校建筑物等相关的词汇,并学习有关自我介绍的表达方法。课时分解第一课时Get readyTeaching Objects【教学目标】1. Review words about stationery and clothes.2. Talk about what we shou

5、ld prepare for the new school life.3. Learn to design a school uniform for the future students.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学过程】Step 1Lead in【情景导入】1.Junior high school is a new stage of your study.Youll learn new subjects and make new friends.Are you read

6、y for all these?2.Ask the Ss what preparations they made the day before the first day of junior high school.3.Give the Ss some prompts. For example, schoolbag;pencil case; pencils; pens; textbooks; clothes.4.Show the picture on page 2 to the Ss, and then ask them to answer the following questions:Wh

7、at are the children doing in this picture?Can you guess what they are going to do? 5.Ask some Ss to share their answers.Step 2Pre-task【准备任务】Page 3,11.Ask the Ss to read the conversation on page 3, and then ask them to answer the following questions.What does their mum ask Li Ming and Li Meng to do?W

8、hy does their mum ask Li Ming and Li Meng to do these?2.Let some Ss say the answers.3.Check the answers with the class. Step 3While-task【过程任务】Page 3,1 1. Ask the Ss to read the conversation again, and then let the Ss fill in the blanks with the given words.2.Play the recording to the Ss, and ask the

9、m to check their answers.3.Check the answers with the class.Page 3,2 1.Show the short passage to the Ss, then ask them to read with the blanks and guess what kinds of words may be filled in the blanks.2.Play the recording to the Ss, and ask them to write the words they hear in the blanks.3.Check the

10、 answers with the class.Page 3,3 1.Show the words related to subjects on page 3 to the Ss, and make sure the Ss understand the meanings of these words.2.Ask the Ss to read the question: Which textbooks should Li Ming put into the schoolbag? Ask them to guess the answers.3.Play the recording to the S

11、s, and ask them to circle the right answers.4.Check the answers with the class. Page 4,41.Show the words related to clothes on page 4 to the Ss, and make sure the Ss understand the words.2.Show the pictures to the Ss, and ask them to answer the question: Whats this?3.Ask the Ss to work in pairs to a

12、sk and say these objects in terms of color and quantity. 4.Give the Ss some examples.For example, a grey jacket; black shorts.Page 4,51.Play the video to the Ss, then ask them to match the pictures with person. 2.Tell the usage of the simple future tense. 3.Let the Ss say using the simple future ten

13、se.For example, Wang Tao is going to wear a blue sports jacket,.Step 4Post-task【后续任务】Page 5,61.Show different kinds of uniforms to the Ss, then ask them to design a new uniform for the future students.2.Ask the Ss to work in pairs, then ask and answer using the following sentence patterns.What are t

14、hey going to wear on the first day of junior high?Theyre going to wear . Step 5Summary【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students self-assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.I can review words about stationery and clothes.I can talk about what we should prepare for the new school li

15、fe.I can learn to design a new uniform for the future students.Step 6Homework【家庭作业】1Review the words and sentences.2Do the exercises in students book.Teaching reflection【教学反思】This is the first lesson of the new term. So it is important to develop students good habits. The teaching key point of this

16、lesson is making preparations for junior high. 第二课时Know your schoolTeaching Objects【教学目标】1. Review the usage of conjunctions and, or,but. 2. Know more about basic sentence structures.3. Talk about your new school using simple present tense.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITe

17、aching Steps【教学步骤】Step 1Lead in【情景导入】1.Show the picture of a school to the Ss, and then ask them to answer the following questions:Where is the teaching building?Where is the dining hall?Where is the playground? 2.Check the answers with the class.Step 2Pre-task【准备任务】Ask the Ss to look at the picture

18、s on page 6 and page 7, and ask them to guess what the passage may talk about. Step 3While-task【过程任务】Page 6,1 1.Explain the meaning of the words: teaching building, dining hall and playground.2.Ask the Ss to read the passage and match the places.3.Let some Ss say the answers and ask other students t

19、o check.Page 7,2 1.Ask the Ss to read the passage again and tick the correct sentences.2.Ask the Ss to correct the wrong sentences.3.Check the answers with the class.Page 8,3 1.Let the Ss match and complete the sentences with and, or or but.2.Check the answers with the class.3.Tell the usage of the

20、conjunctions and, or or but as follows.l and意为“和;而且”,用来连接对等关系的词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子。l and用在祈使句中,句型为“祈使句,and .”,相当于“If you ., youll .”。l or意为“或”,用于表示两者之中选择一个。l 用于祈使句中,句型为“祈使句,or .”相当于“If you dont, youll .”意为“请.,否则.”,有转折含义。l but意为“但是;可是;而”,表转折关系。l but还可以表示“除.以外”。4.Ask the Ss to find more sentences with and,

21、 or or but in the reading passage.5.Check the answers with the class as follows.l There are three buildings and a playground.l Its not a very big school,but it is beautiful.l On the first floor, we have science and computer labs.l Music rooms, art rooms and a dance hall are on the second floor.l Aft

22、er school, we run or play football in it.l Its not big, but the food is good.Page 8,41.Ask the Ss to circle the sentences with the same structure.2.Tell the basic sentence structures to the Ss.3.If possible ,find extra sentences to exercise.Step 4Post-task 【后续任务】Page 8,51.Ask the Ss to think about t

23、he question: What aspects need to be considered when talking about the new school?2.Give them some prompts. For example,describe buildings, describe functions of each building,express your love for the school.3.Ask the Ss to talk about the new school using the following sentence patterns.I love my n

24、ew school. There is a(n) ., and/but . You can ., and/ or .4.Choose some students to talk about the new school.Step 5Summary【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students self-assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.I can review the usage of conjunctions and, or ,but.I can know more abou

25、t basic sentence structures.I can talk about my new school using simple present tense.Step 6Homework【家庭作业】1.Review the words, phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students book.Teaching reflection【教学反思】In this period, the most important part is reading. The students should understand the pass

26、age with the help of the pictures. At the same time, we should also let the Ss figure out the places in the school according to the descriptions.第三课时Introduce yourselfTeaching Objects【教学目标】1. Find out Zhu Xiaomengs basic information from the passage.2. Learn to introduce yourself to the class.3.Talk

27、 about the importance of making a self-introduction.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学步骤】Step 1Lead in【情景导入】Ask the Ss to play a guessing game:First, ask the Ss to write their names, three hobbies, where they went last summer, what they did there, and how the

28、y feel on the first day of junior high school on a card. Then, collect these cards and shuffle them.After that,select a card randomly and read out the information on it, and ask the Ss to guess who it belongs to. The Ss will guess the owner of the card based on the provided information.Step 2Pre-tas

29、k【准备任务】Page 9,1Ask the Ss to look at the picture on page 9 and answer the following questions. 1.What can you see in the picture?2.What is the passage about? Step 3While-task【过程任务】Page 9, 2 Let the Ss read the passage and check their answers.Page 10,3 1.Ask the Ss to find out Zhu Xiaomengs informati

30、on and complete the notes.2.Check the answers with the class.3.Analyse the structure and contents of the passage.Page 11,4 1.Ask the Ss to talk about Zhu Xiaomeng in pairs. 2.Give a sample to the Ss.For example,What kind of girl is Zhu Xiaomeng?She is a helpful girl, and .Page 11,51.Ask the Ss to wr

31、ite about themselves.2.Show the writing sentence patterns to the Ss, and then ask them to fill in the blanks.Step 4Post-task【后续任务】Page 11,61.Ask the Ss to introduce themselves to the class.2.Show the beginning of the self-introduction to the Ss.Hello everyone. My name is .3.Choose some Ss to introdu

32、ce themselves in the front of the classroom.Step 5Summary【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students self-assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.I can find out Zhu Xiaomengs basic information from the passage.I can introduce myself to the class;I can talk about the importance of mak

33、ing a self-introduction.Step 6Homework【家庭作业】1.Review the words and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students book.Teaching reflection【教学反思】In this period, the teaching key point is making self-introduction. We should make full use of the passage on page 9. Then summarize the way to introduce yourself

34、 to the class.第四课时Hold a partyTeaching Objects【教学目标】1. Figure out what to do before holding a party.2. Make a plan and share it using simple future tense.Teaching Aids【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps【教学步骤】Step 1Lead in【情景导入】Ask the Ss to answer the following questions.1.Do

35、 you like parties? 2.What kind of parties have you been to before?3.Can you tell us about a memorable party youve attended?Step 2Pre-task【准备任务】Page 12,11.Ask the Ss to work in pairs to discuss the question: What things should be considered to prepare a party?2.Let some students state their answers.3

36、.Summary the key elements to prepare a party.Page 12, 2 Assign corresponding tasks to each student.Step 3While-task【过程任务】Page 13,3 Let the Ss have a party game: Make a “wishing tree”.First, ask the Ss to think about their wishes. Second, let them make a leaf.Third, ask the Ss to write down their wis

37、hes on the leaf and add them to the “wishing tree”.Step 4Post-task【后续任务】Page 13,4 Ask the Ss to make a plan for their wishes and share it with the class.Step 5Summary【课堂小结】 Ask the Ss to use the students self-assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.I can figure out what to do

38、before holding a party.I can know how to have a party.Step 6Homework【家庭作业】1Review the words, phrases and sentences.2Do the exercises in students book.Teaching reflection【教学反思】In this period, the teaching key point is to ask the students to hold a party. We should encourage students to think what should be prepared for a party.第 11 页 共 11 页


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