【冀教版】英语四年级下《Lesson 8 First,Second,Third》课件(3)

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【冀教版】英语四年级下《Lesson 8 First,Second,Third》课件(3)_第1页
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1、看图片,想一想,四季所包括的月份都是什么呢?,spring:,summer:,fall:,winter:,March, April, May,June, July, August,September, October, November,December, January, February,Lesson 8 First , Second , Third,1. Numbers,This is a race.,Li Ming is the first. The girl is the second. The boy in red is the third.,race- 比赛,1. Who is

2、the first? A. Li Ming B. the boy C. the girl 2. Who is the second? A. Li Ming B. the boy C. the girl 3. Who is the last (third)? A. Li Ming B. the boy C. the girl,看图选出正确的答案。,second,first,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,基数词 (个数)序数词(顺序) one first two second three t

3、hird four fourth five fifth six sixth seven seventh eight eighth nine ninth ten tenth eleven eleventh twelve twelfth,基变序,有规律,词尾加上th。 一、二、三特殊记, 词尾各是t,d,d. 八去t, 九去e;ve要用f替; 然后再加th. 遇到数字几十几;请把个位基变序; 如果遇到整十数,y用成ie来代替,然后再加th。,练习,写出下列单词的序数词 two_ five_ eight _ nine_ three_ twelve_ twenty_ twenty-one_,secon

4、d,ninth,fifth,third,twenty-first,twentieth,twelfth,eighth,sun,在西方的传说中,上帝第一天创造了太阳,所以把Sunday 这一天作为一星期的第一天。 Sunday这一天英国人在教堂里做礼拜的日子.,Sunday,is the first day of the week.,Monday,Tues day,Wednesday,Thurs day,is the fourth,is the second,is the third,is the fifth,is the sixth,Friday,Saturday,is the seventh,

5、Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thurs day,Friday,Saturday,first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,Match and say,Lets say the monthsof the year.,January is the first month.,January February March April May June,first fourth sixth second third,fifth,July August September October November December,eighth ninth tenth seventh twelfth eleventh,看图片写出正确的日期。,It is,June the first,It is,October the first,It is,May the first,It is,September the tenth,


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