人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit1 You and Me 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编(含答案)

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人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit1 You and Me 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编(含答案)_第1页
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人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit1 You and Me 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编(含答案)_第2页
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人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit1 You and Me 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编(含答案)_第3页
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人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit1 You and Me 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编(含答案)_第4页
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1、人教版(2024)七年级上册英语 Unit 1 You and Me 语法知识点复习提纲与学情评估测试卷汇编Unit 1 You and Me 语法知识点复习提纲一、单词1.名词:grade(年级;等级)、classmate(同班同学)、mistake(错误;失误)、country(国家,复数为 countries)、band(乐队)、pot(锅)、tofu(豆腐)、parrot(鹦鹉)、guitar(吉他)、tennis(网球)、information(信息;消息)、hobby(业余爱好,复数为 hobbies)2.动词:would(想,用于礼貌地邀请或向某人提供某物;将会)3.副词:eve

2、n(甚至;连;愈加)4.形容词:full(完整的;满的)、same(相同的)5.感叹词:hey(嘿;喂)6.兼类词:each(每个;各自,形容词/代词)、other(另外的人或物,代词;另外的;其他的,形容词)、twin(双胞胎之一,名词;双胞胎之一的,形容词)、both(两个;两个都,形容词/代词)、post(帖子;邮政,名词;邮寄;发布,动词)二、语法1.一般现在时中 be 动词的用法:(1)be 动词的形式:在一般现在时中,be 动词有 am、is、are 三种形式。(2)be 动词的用法:- am 用于第一人称单数 I 之后,如 I am a student.(我是一名学生。)- is

3、 用于 she、he、it、可数名词单数或不可数名词之后,如 She is my good friend.(她是我的好朋友)- are 用于 we、you、they、可数名词复数或表示复数意义的单词及短语之后,如 Helen and Cindy are in China.(海伦和辛迪在中国。)- 特别提醒:you are = youre,he is = hes,are not = arent,I am = Im,is not = isnt。但在肯定省略回答中(如 yes, it is.)以及 am 和 not 的情况下(如 I am not a student.),be 动词一般不缩写。(3)

4、含有 be 动词的一般现在时的句式及结构:- 肯定句:主语 + be + 其他,如 He is my brother.(他是我的哥哥。)- 否定句:主语 + be + not + 其他,如 He is not my brother.(他不是我的哥哥。)- 一般疑问句:Be + 主语 + 其他?如 Is he your brother?(他是你的哥哥吗?)- 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + be + 主语(+ 其他)?如 What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)2.人称代词及形容词性物主代词:(1)人称代词和形容词性物主代词的对应关系:- 第一人称单数:I - my- 第二人称:you

5、 - your- 第三人称单数:he - his,she - her,it - its- 第一人称复数:we - our- 第二人称复数:you - your- 第三人称复数:they - their(2)形容词性物主代词的用法:- 作定语,修饰名词,如 It is my cup.(这是我的杯子。)- 与形容词一起修饰名词时,顺序为“形容词性物主代词 + 形容词 + 名词”,如 My new bag is here.(我的新书包在这儿。)- 若名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰,其前不能再用冠词或者指示代词,如 This is her pen.(这是她的钢笔。)- 形容词性物主代词与其所指代的词在人

6、称和数上应保持一致,如 This is my sister. Her name is Alice.(这是我的姐姐。她的名字叫爱丽丝。)三、时态本单元主要涉及一般现在时。(一)一般现在时中实义动词的用法:1.当主语是第三人称单数(he / she / it 或单个人名、地名、事物名称等)时,实义动词要在词尾加 -s 或 -es。例如:He likes music. (like 加 -s);She watches TV every day. (watch 加 -es)。- 大多数动词在词尾加 -s,如:work - works。- 以 s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾的动词加 -es,如:pass -

7、 passes;fix - fixes;teach - teaches;wash - washes;go - goes。- 以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的动词,把 y 变为 i 再加 -es,如:study - studies;fly - flies。2.当主语不是第三人称单数(I / we / you / they 或复数名词)时,实义动词用原形。例如:I play football. They like apples.3.否定句: - 主语(非第三人称单数) + dont + 动词原形 + 其他. 例如:I dont know.- 主语(第三人称单数) + doesnt + 动词原形 + 其

8、他. 例如:He doesnt like fish.4.一般疑问句:- Do + 主语(非第三人称单数) + 动词原形 + 其他? 例如:Do you like tea?- Does + 主语(第三人称单数) + 动词原形 + 其他? 例如:Does she come from China?5.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + do / does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? 例如:What do you do? Where does he live?(二)一般现在时和一般过去时主要区别:1.时间概念:- 一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态,以及普遍真理、客观事实等,通常与“always

9、(总是),often(经常),sometimes(有时),usually(通常),every day/week/month/year(每天/每周/每月/每年)”等时间状语连用。- 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,通常与“yesterday(昨天),last week/month/year(上周/上个月/去年),ago(以前),in + 过去的年份”等时间状语连用。2.动词形式:- 一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式(通常在词尾加 -s 或 -es);主语是非第三人称单数时,动词用原形。- 一般过去时中,动词要用过去式,规则动词的过去式通常在词尾加

10、-ed,不规则动词有各自独特的过去式形式。3.句式结构:- 一般现在时的否定句:主语(非第三人称单数) + dont + 动词原形 + 其他;主语(第三人称单数) + doesnt + 动词原形 + 其他。- 一般过去时的否定句:主语 + didnt + 动词原形 + 其他。- 一般现在时的一般疑问句:Do + 主语(非第三人称单数) + 动词原形 + 其他?Does + 主语(第三人称单数) + 动词原形 + 其他?- 一般过去时的一般疑问句:Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?4.表达侧重点:- 一般现在时强调习惯性、经常性或永久性的动作或状态。- 一般过去时强调过去特定时间内发生的

11、动作或存在的状态,与现在没有直接联系。例如:- I often play football. (一般现在时,表示经常踢足球的习惯)- I played football yesterday. (一般过去时,强调昨天踢足球这个过去的动作)5.一般过去时的一般疑问句通常由“Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?”构成。 例如:Did you go to the park yesterday? (你昨天去公园了吗?)Did he play basketball last week? (他上周打篮球了吗?)Did they have a party? (他们举办聚会了吗?)(三)一般过去时的特殊疑

12、问句常见的有以下几种:1.询问做什么:What did + 主语 + do + 过去时间? 例如:What did you do last night? (你昨晚做什么了?)2.询问地点:Where did + 主语 + go + 过去时间? 例如:Where did she go yesterday? (她昨天去哪儿了?)3.询问时间:When did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? 例如:When did they arrive? (他们什么时候到达的?)4.询问方式:How did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? 例如:How did you come here? (你怎么来这儿

13、的?)5.询问原因:Why did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? 例如:Why did he leave early? (他为什么早早离开了?)这些特殊疑问词还可以根据具体语境和表达需要进行灵活运用。四、句型1.How do you spell your name?(你的名字如何拼写?)2.How old are you?(你多大了?)3.Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)4.What class are you in?(你在几班?)5.Meimei is in Class 1, Grade 7.(梅梅在七年级一班。)6.Im 12 years old.(我 12 岁

14、了。)7.Whats your last name?(你姓什么?)8.Were in the same class.(我们在同一个班里。)9.Mrs Smith, this is my new friend.(史密斯先生,这是我的新朋友。)10.Whos your class teacher?(谁是你的班主任?)11.How old is he / she?(他/她几岁了?)12.Now she lives in Chengdu with her parents.(现在她和她的父母住在成都。)13.My favourite sport is tennis.(我最喜欢的运动是网球。)14.I o

15、ften play it with my friends after school.(放学后我经常和我的朋友们一起打它(排球)。)15.Would you like to be my friend?(你想要成为我的朋友吗?)人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Unit 1学情评估测试卷时间:100分钟 满分:90分一、语言知识运用(共35分)I.从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分) ( )1.He is an English student. name is Tom.A.His B.Her C.My( )2 Whats your _name?Its Tom.A.last B.fi

16、rst C.full( )3 Good morning! My name_Jack.Good morning! I Gina.A.is; is B.am; is C,is; am( )4 Is she Diana?_. Shes Tina.A.Yes, she is B.No, he isnt C.No, she isnt( )5.My English teachers name is Sally Green.We often call(称呼) her _.A.Mr.Green B.Mrs.Sally C.Mrs.Green( )6 Hello, Jenny. Nice to meet you

17、! .A.Good morning! B.How old are you? C.Nice to meet you,too.( )7Are you Frank? .A.No, I am B.Yes, Im not C.Yes, I am( )8_is your WeChat(微信) number, Lily?Its ws937526.A.Who B.How C.What( )9Hi, what is_name?_name is Alex.A.your; My B.you; I C.you; My( )10Hello! My name is Tony. .A.Fine, thank you B.H

18、i, Im Gina C.Hello! Hes CarlII.从方框中选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)(5分)A.Whats your telephone number,please?B.And Susan is my first name.C.Nice to meet you,too.D.Whats your name,please?E.Thank you very much.F.How are you?Ding Ting: Hello!Miss Brown: Hello, Im Susan Brown. Im your new English teacher. 11 Din

19、g Ting: My name is Ding Ting, Miss Susan.Miss Brown: Oh, no. Brown is my last name. 12 Ding Ting: Im very sorry, Miss Brown. So Ting is my last name.Miss Brown:Well, our names are different(不同的). Ting is your first name.Ding Ting: Oh,I see. Ding is my last name.Miss Brown: Yes, you are right. Nice t

20、o meet you.Ding Ting: 13 Miss Brown: My telephone number is 326-8746 14 Ding Ting: Its 239-6785. 15 Miss Brown:You are welcome.11. 12. 13. 14. 15. III. 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、通顺、正确,每空词数不限。(5分)AGood morning!B:16. ! How are you?A: Fine,thank you. How are you?B: Im fine, too.A:Whats this in English?B:17.

21、.A: Is it your schoolbag?B: 18. . Its my brothers schoolbag.A: 19. .B:His name is Mike.A:20. ?B:His telephone number is 745-6577.IV.根据短文内容,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(5分)Good morning! I 21 a boy. Im Frank. Look! This is a key. Its a nice key. What color is it? Its 22 yellow. And whats this 23 English? 24

22、 a cap.Thats 25 ruler.The ruler is blue. Blue is my favourite colour. I can spell“ruler”, R-U-L-E-R.( )21.A.be B.am C.is( )22.A.a B.an C.( )23.A.to B.of C.in( )24.A.Its B.That C.This( )25.A.your B.you C.myV. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。(10分)A.nine B.his C.names D.are E.in F.afternoonG.class H.says I

23、.the J.your K.him L.toTom and Fred 26 students. Tom is nine. And Fred is 27 , too. They are in the same 28 . They have a fight(打架) in class. And 29 teacher says,“Come here at 4:30 p.m.and write 30 names 100 times(次).”In the 31 , all the other students go home(回家), but Tom and Fred are 32 the school

24、with the teacher. They write their 33 . The teacher looks at Fred and 34 ,“Why are you crying(哭), Fred?” Because 35 name is Tommy, but my name is very long(长). My name is Frederick Hollingsworth ,Fred says.26._ 27._28._ 29._ 30._31_ 32._ 33._34._ 35._二、阅读理解(共40分)VI.根据所给材料,完成下列各题。(共40分)A刘菲最近在网上认识了几个朋

25、友,我们一起来看一下吧。Chinese name: Lin PengEnglish name: PeterPlace: Tianjin, ChinaFavourite number: 6Phone number: 4432-7271Chinese name: Zhang LimeiEnglish name: LindaPlace: Beijing, ChinaFavourite number: 7Phone number: 7273-4435English name: Jenny MillerChinese name: Feng ZhenPlace: London, EnglandFavour

26、ite number: 7Phone number: 9876-2235根据表格内容,选择正确答案。(5分)( )36.Lin Pengs phone number is _.A.3302-9347 B.9876-2235 C.7273-4435 D.4432-7271( )37._is Zhang Limeis English name.A.Liu Fei B.Lin Peng C.Linda D.Jenny( )38.Jennys last name is_.A.Jenny B.Miller C.Lin D.Zhang( )39.Linda is in_.A. Beijing, China

27、 B. Tianjin, China C.Taiyuan, China D.London, England( )40._is Jenny and Lindas favourite number.A.Five B.Six C.Seven D.EightBHello, boys and girls!I am Jerry Wilson.Jerry is my first name and Wilson is my last name. I live in London with my family. It is a rainy city(城市) and it is very big.We like

28、it. I like playing ping-pong. It is good for me. I play it with my dad. He is good at it.I love Chinese very much. But its too difficult(困难的) for me. I want to have a Chinese friend. He or she can help me with my Chinese. I can also help him or her with his or her English. Are you from China? Do you

29、 want to be my friend? Please write to me.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)( )41.What is Jerrys last name?A.Davis. B.Green. C.Wilson. D.Johnson.( )42.For Jerry, London is a _city.A.warm and welcome B.big and warm C.cool and beautiful D.rainy and big( )43.Jerry plays ping-pong with _.A.his father B.his cousin C.his

30、 sister D.his grandfather( )44._is difficult for Jerry.A.Chinese B.English C.Math D.P.E.( )45.Jerry wants to _to help him with his Chinese.A.listen to Chinese teachers B.have a Chinese friendC.write many Chinese words D.read Chinese storybooksCHi, Im a Chinese boy. My name is Wang Jian. My first nam

31、e is Jian. My last name is Wang. My English name is Frank. I like black.This is my cap. Its black. My telephone number is 236-1254. Alice is my friend. She is English. Now she is in China. We(我们)are in PEP Middle School. Her last name is Green. Alice is her first name. Her Chinese name is Li Jing. H

32、er telephone number is 326- 4563.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。(5分)( )46.Li Jing is an English girl.( )47.Wang Jian and Li Jing are in PEP Middle School.( )48.Green is her first name.( )49.Wang Jians telephone number is 326-4563.( )50.The cap is black.DHi, everyone! Im Nezha. Im from Chentangguan, China. 5

33、1 He is tall and brave(勇敢的).Lady Yin is my mother. She has long black hair. She is kind and clever. Its not easy for her to give birth to(生) me. 52 And I love her, too. 53 They are also my good friends. Their names are Jinzha and Muzha. I have a big and happy family.I am cool. You and your parents a

34、ll like me. My teacher gives me an armillary sash(混天绫). 54 He also gives me the wind fire wheels(风火轮).They can help me fly, and they are red, too. 55 But now many people in other(其他的) countries like me, too. Why do so many people like me? Because Im the master of my own fate(我命由我不由天).根据短文内容,将下面方框内的选

35、项还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺,每个选项只能用一次,其中有一个选项是多余的。(5分)A.It is red and beautiful.B.Oh,I have two brothers.C.I am a Chinese boy.D.My mom loves me so much.E.My father Li Jing is a general(将军).F.My father loves me so much.51. 52. 53. 54. 55. E 56 Im a boy. My full names Richard Smith. Richard is my first name.

36、 Smith is my last name. 57 My telephone number is 284-5796. 58 This is my friend,Tom. Tom is his first name. His family name is Bush. His telephone number is 457-8923. 59 Look at this girl. She is my friend, too. Her name is Sue Read. Her telephone number is 789-1258. 60 My questions(问题)are: Whats h

37、er first name? And whats her last name?(a)根据短文内容,从方框中选出每段的主旨大意,其中有一个选项是多余的。(5分)A.His family name is Bush.B.My telephone number.C.Im Richard Smith.D.His first name is Bush.E.Sue Read is my friend, too.F.My questions.56. 57. 58. 59. 60. (b)根据短文内容,补全下面的表格,每空填一词。(5分)Full NameFirst nameLast namePhone num

38、berRichard SmithRichardSmith 61 62 Tom 63 457-8923Sue Read 64 65 789-125861. 62. 63. 64. 65. FFirst name: TonyFamily name: WhiteTelephone: 287-0837(home) 398-6160(school)WeChat(微信)number: 18956725432根据表格内容,回答下列问题。(10分)66.Tony is a (boy男孩/girl 女孩).67.Whats Tonys last name? 68.Whats Tonys WeChat numbe

39、r? 69.Tony is at home(在家). Whats his telephone number? 70. Tony is at school. Whats his telephone number? 三、写作 ( 1 5分 )IX. 根据要求,完成写作。(15分)71.假如你是Tony,请根据下面图表提供的信息,写一篇英语短文介绍自己和你的朋友Bob。First name:TonyLast name:WhitePhone number:372-5273School:PEP Middle SchoolFirst name:BobLast name:SmithPhone number:

40、951-2766School:PEP Middle School提示:1.短文应包括上表中的全部内容(可适当发挥),条理清楚,行文连贯;2.词数不少于50。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)My name is Tony White. 参考答案Unit 1I.1-5 ABCCC 6-10 CCCABII.11-15 DBCAE III.16.Good morning 17. Its a schoolbag18. NO, it isnt19. Whats your brothers/his name20.Whats your brothers/his telephone/phone numberIV.21 - 25 BCCACV.26-30 DAGIJ 31-35 FECHBVI.36-40 DCBAC41-45CDAAB46-50 TTFFT51-55.EDBAC 56-60 CBAEF61. 284-5796 62. Tom Bush 63. Bush 64. Sue 65. Read 66. boy67. Tonys last name is white.white.68. 18956725432.69. His telephone number is 287-0837.287-0837. 70. His telephone nu


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