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1、人教版(2024)七年级上册英语全册各单元语法知识点讲义汇编Starter Unit 1Hello!1.会念会写单词表中的单词。2.会用以下用语打招呼(Greetings)。1) Good morning! 早上(上午)好!2) Good afternoon! 下午好!3) Good evening! 晚上好!4) Hi! 你好!5) Hello! 你好!6) How are you? 你好吗?7) Im fine,thanks/ thank you. 我很好。8) I am well/great. 我很好。9) Thank you. 谢谢你。10) Thanks. 谢谢你。11) And y

2、ou? 你呢?12) Im fine, too. 我也很好。13) Im well, too. 我也很好。14) -Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。-Nice to meet you, too. 我也是。3.会念并会在四线格上写26个英文字母。Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh,Ii, Gg, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz4. 会用英文写中文名字。如:Teng Fei5.会查英文字典。6.掌握几个字母组合的含义:PLA 中国人民解放军CD光盘VR 虚拟现实

3、PRC中华人民共和国UN联合国7.掌握26个英文字母发音中的元音音标:【e】Aa, h, j, k,【i:】 b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v, z【e】f, l, m, n,s, x, z【a】i, y【】o【j】q, u, w【】r8.掌握几个短语:my name我的名字your name你的名字spell your name拼写你的名字call me.叫我.Section A A部分Conversation 1 对话19. 句型:How do you greet people? 你怎样和人打招呼?How do you start a conversation?你怎样开始一个对

4、话?Class is over.下课了。My name is.我的名字是Whats your name?你叫什么?How do you spell your name你怎样拼写你的名字?May I have your name?我可以知道你的名字吗?Thats the bell.铃响了。Lets go to class.让我们去上课吧。Its time for class.是该上课的时间了。Starter Unit 2Keep tidy!1. 会念会写单词表中的单词。2.会念会写几个音标:【e】 【i:】 【a】 【】 【j】3.会用下边的对话说话。1)-What do you have in

5、 your schoolbage? 你的书包里有什么?- I have a book. 有一本书。2)- What colour is/are.?.是什么颜色?-Its /Theyre.是.3)- What colour is/are it/they? 它/它们是什么颜色?-Its /Theyre.它/它们是.4)-Thank you.谢谢你。-Youre welcome.不用谢。5)-Where is/are it/they?它/它们在哪?-It/They is/are.它/它们在.6)-Is it a ruler?它是一把尺子吗?-Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.是的,它

6、是。不,它不是。7)-Are they books?它们是书吗?-Yes, they are. /No, they arent.是的,它们是。不,它们不是。4.短语:a pair of new glasses一幅新眼镜a pair of shoes一双鞋need to keep your roomtidy需要让你的房间保持干净keep your room tidy保持你的房间干净5.句子:1)I cant find my new cap.我找不到我的新帽子了。2)Here it is.它在这。3)You need to keep your room tidy.你需要保持你的房间干净4)Do y

7、ou see them?你看见它们了吗?5)I dont see them.我没有看见它们。6)Wait a minute. 等一会。7) Where do you put your things?你把你的东西放哪了?6. 会用a, an。当单词的第一个音标是元辅音音标的时候,前边用a;当单词的第一个音标是元音音标的时候,前边用an。如:a book,a pen,a cup,a ruler,an apple/ orange/ egg/ elephant/ eraser/ hour/ old man,an English girl,an “e”/ “f”/ “h”/ “I”/ “l”/ “m”

8、/“n” /“o”/ “s”/ “x”,7.方位介词in, on, under用来描述物体的位置。如:in the desk 在桌子兜里on the sofa 在沙发上under the bed 在床下8.了解缩写:whats = what istheyre = they arenames = name isIm = I amhes = he isshes = she is9. 句子结构谓语是be的句子结构1. 肯定句:主语 + be + 其它。如:1) My name is Gina.2) She is my sister. 3) My mother is a worker.4) This

9、is a book.5) Her telephone number is 1234567.6) The key is on the desk.7) It is blue.8) His family name is Zhang.9) My first name is Mary.2.否定句:主语 + be + not + 其它。如:1) My name isnt Gina.2) She isnt my sister.3) My mother isnt a worker.4) This isnt a book.5) Her telephone number isnt 1234567.6) The k

10、eys arent on the desk.7) They arent blue.8) His family name isnt Zhang.9) My first name isnt Mary.3.一般疑问句:be + 主语 + 其它?如:1) Is your name Gina?2) Is she my sister?3) Is your mother a worker?4) Are these books?5) Is her telephone number 1234567?6) Are the keys on the desk?7) Is it blue?8) Is his famil

11、y name Zhang?9) Is your first name Mary?4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 + 其它?如:就以下句子中的划线部分提问:1) My name isGina.What is your name?2)Sheis my sister.Who is your sister?3) My mother isa worker.What is your mother?4) These arebooks.What are these?5) Her telephone number is1234567.What is her telephone number?6) T

12、he keys areon the desk.Where are the keys?7) It isblue.What color is it?8) His family name isZhang.What is his family name?9) My first name isMary.What is your first name?10)s 名词所有格人名后加s表示某某的。如:Li Huas 李华的my fathers room我爸爸的房间11)单复数单数:is,it, a book, a pair of shoes复数:are, they, books12)am, is, are用法

13、am、is、are是英语中常用的be动词,用于描述主语的状态或特征。以下是它们的具体用法:am用于第一人称单数主语(I)之后,构成现在时态的陈述句、疑问句和否定句。例如:I am a student.(我是一个学生。)is用于第三人称单数主语(he, she, it)之后,以及单数名词之后。例如:He is reading a book.(他正在读书。)She is a teacher.(她是一名老师。)The book is interesting.(这本书很有趣。)are用于第二人称单数和复数主语(you, we, they)以及复数名词之后。例如:You are my best frie

14、nd.(你是我的最好的朋友。)We are in the same class.(我们在同一个班级.)Starter Unit 3Welcome!1. 会念会写单词表中的单词。2.掌握a, e, i, o, u在闭音节和开音节中的读音。在闭音节中,a, e, i, o, u分别发 【】 【e】 【】 【】 【】在开音节中,a, e, i, o, u分别发它们本来的音【e】 【 i:】 【a】 【】 【j】3.掌握以下短语:on the farm在农场里in the yard在院子里apple trees苹果树let me count让我数数look here看这look there看那look

15、 at the tree看那棵树black and white黑白4.掌握句型:1) - Whats this/that?这/那是什么?- Its a/an. . 它是一个.。2) -What are these/those?这些/那些是什么?- Theyre .它们是.3) -How many . can you see ?你能看到多少.?- I can see.我能看到.5.句子:1)What is fun in a yard?院子里有什么好玩的?2)What plant does Peter see in the yard?彼得在院子里看到了什么植物?3)How many apple t

16、rees do Fu Xings grandparents have?付星的祖父母有多少棵苹果树?4)How many of them do you have?你有多少的它们?5)What animal does Helen see in the yard?海伦在院子里看到了什么动物?重点词的用法1.need 用法1)need to do需要做某事。如:I need to go fishing. 我需要去钓鱼。I dont need to go fishing. 我不需要去钓鱼。2)need,情态动词,后边直接加动词原形。如:I need go fishing. 我需要去钓鱼。I neednt

17、 go fishing. 我不需要去钓鱼。2.and用法and 是一个连词,连接两个单词、短语或句子。如:1)my dictionary and my radio 我的字典和收音机2) on the bed and in the desk 在床上和在桌子兜里3) My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk. 我的铅笔盒在我的书包里,我的书包在桌子下。4) My pens and pencils are on the desk. And my white model plane is in the boo

18、kcase.我的钢笔和铅笔在桌子上。我的白色的飞机模型在书架上。语法句子的种类英语句子按照用途可分为以下四类:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。一、陈述句包括肯定结构和否定结构。如:They like to go shopping.他们喜欢去购物。They dont like to go shopping.他们不喜欢去购物。二、疑问句包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、附加疑问句等。1、一般疑问句一般疑问句是在句子中用提问的方式提供一些信息,要求对方用yes或no回答的疑问句。如:1)- Is this your pencil?- Yes, it is.2)- Do you like sal

19、ad?- Yes, I do.2、特殊疑问句特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开始的以寻求信息为目的的疑问句。常见的特殊疑问句包括what (什么)who(谁),where(在哪里)when,(何时),why,(为什么) how,(如何)等。如:1、- Whats your name?- My names Allen.2、- Who are they?- They are my grandparents.3、- Where are my books?- They are on the chair.4、- When is your birthday?- Its on May 1.5、- Why do yo

20、u like English?- Because its interesting.6、- How old are you?- Im thirteen.7、- How much are they?- They are seven dollars.三、祈使句祈使句的结构与陈述句一样,但是主语you常常省略,谓语动词用原形。祈使句的否定结构用dont加动词原形,句末用句号或感叹号。如:Lets go shopping.Dont go shopping.2开音节和闭音节1、闭音节指的是以一个或几个辅音音素结尾的音节,中间只有一个元音音素。闭音节含有一个元音字母,并以辅音字母(除r、w外)结尾的重读音节

21、。闭音节中,元音字母后面有辅音字母,因此元音是短元音。例如:be, he, make, like。2、开音节是语音学中的一个概念,分为绝对开音节和相对开音节两种类型。1)绝对开音节是指一个元音字母后面没有辅音字母的重读音节,例如:no, baby, student, secret, she, he, we, zebra。2)相对开音节是指一个元音字母后面有一个辅音字母(除r外)再加一个不发音的字母e构成的重读音节,例如:name, these, bike, home, excuse, like。3)开音节的特点是元音字母在单词中发其在字母表中的音,即它本身的读音。在开音节中,元音字母是开放的,

22、没有辅音进行关闭,因此元音是长元音。相对开音节中,元音字母后有一个辅音字母(除r外)与一个不发音的字母e,这也是开音节,元音字母同样发它本身的音。3、开音节和闭音节的主要区别在于元音的发音长度和后续的辅音情况。开音节的元音发长音,而闭音节的元音发短音。这种区别对于英语单词的发音规则和拼写规则非常重要。区分that, those, this, these单复数1)This is a book.这是一本书。2)These are books.这些是书。3)That is a my sister.那是我的姐姐。4)Those are my sisters.那些是我的姐姐。Unit 1 You and

23、 me!重点短语:1.make friends交朋友2. get to know认识了解3. each other相互4. help each other相互帮助,5. get to know each other相互知道6. full name全名7. last name姓8. first name man9. class teacher班主任10. a lot很非常11. play the guitar弹吉他12. play tennis打网球13. make a mistake出错,犯错误14. Grade one一年级15. Class one一班16. would like to想1

24、7. be from= come from来自18. 12 yearsold12岁19. our English teacher 我们英语老师重点词的用法:1. have用法拥有。(某人拥有某物或某人)如:She has a book.她有一本书。Does he have a book?他有一本书吗?2. let用法1)let sb. do (do代替动词原形)让某人做某事。如:She lets me watch TV.她让我看电视。2)Lets do. 让我们做某事吧。如:Lets go.让我们走吧。3. go用法go to Beijing 去北京go home 回家go there 去那g

25、o to bed 上床睡觉go to school 去上学go shopping 去购物go fishing 去钓鱼go swimming 去游泳go skating 去滑冰4. get用法1) get sb. sth. = get sth. for sb.给某人带来某物。如:get me a book = get a book for me 给我带来一本书2)得到。如get a desk 得到一张桌子5. play用法1) 参加(比赛或运动)+ 体育项目play basketball 打篮球play volleyball 打排球play tennis 打网球,play ping-pong 打

26、乒乓球play soccer 踢足球play sports 做运动2) 演奏+ the +乐器play the piano 弹钢琴play the guitar 弹吉他3)玩耍play sth. with sb. 和某人一起玩。如:She plays soccer with me.她和我踢足球。play with sb. 和某人玩play with sth. 玩play with snow 玩雪人6.会用his, her, your, my, he, you, she, I。如:his book 他的书her key 她的钥匙your name 你的名字my friend我的朋友She is

27、Grace.她是格丽斯。Is he Jack?他是杰克吗?Im fine.我很好。Are you Helen?你是海伦吗?7.理解first name和last name,并区分中英名字的结构。first name 名last name = family name 姓英国名字的结构:名+姓。如:Jenny Green珍妮.格林Jackie Chan成龙Jay Chou周杰伦Bruce Lee李小龙8. 能用who提问对方是谁并回答。1) -Whos he?他是谁?- Hes my brother.他是我的哥哥。2) -Whore they?他们是谁?- Theyre my brothers.他

28、们是我的哥哥们。9.认识缩写形式:thats = that is 那是whos = who is 是谁whore = who are 是谁theyre = they are 他们是10. same用法形容词,同样的,一般在前边要加上the。如:in the same school 在同一个学校11. like用法1)like to do 喜欢做某事。如:I like to watch TV.我喜欢看电视。2)like doing喜欢做某事。(常用于爱好。)如:I like playing soccer.我喜欢踢足球。12. how many 多少后加可数名词复数。如:How many stud

29、ents are there in our classroom? 在我们的教室里有多少个学生?13. 表示双的单词trousers, shoes, gloves, shorts, socks, glasses 这些表示双的单词一般加s, 并且不同的修饰词,单复数也不同。如:my shoes, the shoes, these shoes, two pairs of shoes 看作复数。a pair of shoes,this pair of shoes that pair of shoes看作单数。这些短语不论是单数还是复数,一律用they或者them代替。如:This pair of sh

30、oes is mine. They are black. 这双鞋是我的。他们是黑色的。this pair of shoes 看作单数,但是用they代替。14. make用法1)制作,制造,如:make a model plane制作一个飞机模型make a meal做一顿饭make a cake做一个蛋糕make tea沏茶make dumplings包饺子2)使,让make sb. do让某人做某事如:make me cry 让我哭3)make sb./ sth. + adj. 使某人或某物怎么样。如:make me bored 使我无聊make me happy使我高兴15help用法1

31、)v.帮助help sb. (to) do帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事如:She often helps me (to) learn English.她经常帮我学英语。She often helps me with my English.她经常帮我学英语。2)n.帮助with ones help在某人的帮助下with the help of sb./ sth.在某人或某物的帮助下16. both意思是都,范围是两个。如:Both of the two boys study hard.两个男孩都学习努力。Both Li Lei and Li Hua go t

32、o school by bike.李雷和李华都骑自行车上学。17. each用法意思是每一个,范围是两个或两个以上。如:On each side of the road there are some nice trees.在路的每一边都有一些美丽的树。Each student in our class has a new dictionary.我们班每个人有一本字典。18. other 用法1)另外的,其它的 adj. 如:the other students 其他的学生any other student 任何一个其他的学生on the other side of the road在路的另一边

33、2)other 另外的人(物)others其他人,如:help others ,the others 其他人,如:the others = the other studentsSome students are running. The others are jumping.一些学生正在跑,另一些正在跳。19.be from come from 来自如:They are from England. They come from England.他们来自英格兰。He comes from the USA. He is from the USA.他来自美国。句子:1、How old is he?他

34、多大了?2、Where are you from?你从哪来?3、Where do you come from?你从哪来?4、May I have your name?我可以知道你的名字吗?5、What/Which class are you in?你在哪个班?6、Whos your class teacher?你的班主任是谁?7、Im sorry.我很抱歉。/对不起。句型:1)Are you Peter?Yes,I am./No,Im not.你是皮特吗?是的,我是。/不,我不是。2)Are Meimei and Peter in the same class?Yes,they are./No

35、,they arent.梅梅和皮特在同一个班吗?是的,他们是。/不,他们不是。3)Where is Mr Smith from?Hes from the US.史密斯先生来自什么地方?他来自美国。4)What class are you in?Im in Class1,Grade 7.你在哪个班?我在七年级一班。5)Whos your class teacher?Its Ms Gao.谁是你的班主任?高老师。6)掌握介绍他人的句型:1)This is my family.这是我的家庭。2)That is my brother.那是我的哥哥。3)Those are my sisters.那些是我

36、的姐姐。4)These are her parents.这些是她的父母。5)She is my sister.她是我的姐姐。6)He is my grandfather.他是我的爷爷。谓语是实义动词的句子结构1. 肯定句:主语 + 实义动词 + 其它。当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语用动词的第三人称单数;当主语是复数或第一二人称时,谓语用原形。如:1) I have a book.2) She has a book.3) I have 5 children.4) She likes the red coat.5) Tom likes salad and broccoli.6) She has

37、some books.7) I watch sports on TV.8) I play ping-pong with my classmates.2.否定句:主语 + dont/ doesnt + 动词原形 + 其它。当主语是第三人称单数时,用doesnt; 当主语是复数或第一二人称时,用dont。如:1) I dont have a book.2) She doesnt have a book.3) I dont have 5 children.4) She doesnt like the red coat.5) Tom doesnt like salad or broccoli.6) S

38、he doesnt have any books.7) I dont watch sports on TV.8) I dont play ping-pong with my classmates.3.一般疑问句:Do/ Does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它?如:1) Do you have a book?2) Does she have a book?3) Do you have 5 children?4) Does she like the red coat?5) Does Tom like salad or broccoli?6) Does she have two books?7)

39、 Do you watch sports on TV?8) Do you play ping-pong with your classmates?4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 + 其它?如:就以下句子中的划线部分提问:1) I have a book.What do you have?2) She has a book.What does she have?3) I have 5 children.What do you have?4) She likes the red coat.What does she like?5) Tom likes salad and broccol

40、i.What does Tom like?6) She has some books.What does she have?7) I watch sports on TV.Where do you watch sports?8) I play ping-pong with my classmates.Who do you play ping-pong with?3泛指先看以下几个句子:1) I likebananas.2) She likessalad.3) My sister likes vegetablesalad.4)A deskhas four legs.其中bananas、salad

41、、a desk就是泛指。可数名词复数、或单数、或不可数名词原形来表示一类物或人时,就是泛指。泛指前边不加the, some,many, much, a lot of, my, three等等修饰词。再如:5)Motherslovechildren. 妈妈爱孩子。6)Blackboardsare black. 黑板是黑色的。7)Ice creamis not healthyfood. 冰淇淋不是健康的食物。8)Studentsshould study hard. 学生们应该努力学习。4名词单复数一、识别可数名词和不可数名词。1. 可数名词有单复数形式,通常可以用many, a lot of, l

42、ots of, some, any 等来修饰。2. 不可数名词不能数,没有单复数形式,通常可用much, a lot of, lots of, some, any等来修饰。3. 本单元的可数名词有:hamburgers, eggs, oranges(桔子), bananas, apples, pears, carrots, vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries, chicken(小鸡)4. 本单元的不可数名词有:milk, bread, rice, orange(橘子汁), chicken(鸡肉)5. 既是可数名词又是不可数名词:Food, fruit, ice

43、-cream, salad6. 3-6单元的其它可数名词有:pencils, books, boxes, school-bags, dictionaries, thanks teachers, baseballs, watches, computers, games, cards, notebooks, rings, libraries, beds, sofas, chairs,desks,rooms, hats, radios,clocks,tapes, players, models, planes, balls, bats, succors, sports, classes, class

44、mates, birthdays, dinners, weeks, vegetables, stars, habits, questions二、可数名词的复数变化规则。1)在多数可数名词后直接加s。如:deskdesks, mother mothers。2)以s, x, sh, ch 结尾的,加es。如:box-boxes, watch-watches。3)以辅音字母加y结尾的,先把y变成i, 再加es。如:baby-babies, family-families。4)以f或fe结尾的,先把f或fe变成v,再加es。如:wife-wives, shelf-shelves, leaves, knives, wolves, thieves, halves, scarves/scarfs。(有些以f结尾的,直接加s。如:roof-roofs。)5)初中阶段有三个以o结尾的词tomato, potat


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