【新教材】冀教版(2024)七年级上册英语期末复习:Unit 5-8+期末共5套测试卷汇编(含答案)

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【新教材】冀教版(2024)七年级上册英语期末复习:Unit 5-8+期末共5套测试卷汇编(含答案)_第1页
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【新教材】冀教版(2024)七年级上册英语期末复习:Unit 5-8+期末共5套测试卷汇编(含答案)_第2页
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【新教材】冀教版(2024)七年级上册英语期末复习:Unit 5-8+期末共5套测试卷汇编(含答案)_第3页
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【新教材】冀教版(2024)七年级上册英语期末复习:Unit 5-8+期末共5套测试卷汇编(含答案)_第4页
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【新教材】冀教版(2024)七年级上册英语期末复习:Unit 5-8+期末共5套测试卷汇编(含答案)_第5页
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1、【新教材】冀教版(2024)七年级上册英语期末复习:Unit 5-8+期末共5套测试卷汇编 Unit 5单元测试卷满分:120分 限时:120分钟第一部分听力. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. skin B. stay C. scare2. A. fall off B. take off C. jump off3. A. 70 B. 17 C. 74. A. Tony has donuts for breakfast. B. Tony has carrots for breakfast. C. Tony doesnt have breakfast.

2、5. A. People can live without animals. B. Animals cant live without people. C. If there are no animals, people cant live. . 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)6. A. OK, I will. B. Sorry, I wont. C. Yes, I do. 7. A. I have pets. B. I like donuts. C. A dog. 8. A. Good idea. B. Not at all. C. Really? Thats

3、right. 9. A. Thank you. B. The same to you. C. Not at all. 10. A. Yes, they do. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, they are. . 听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)11. What animal does Sam like best?12. What pet would Sams mother like to have?13. Where does the man come from?A. London. B. New York.C. Beijing. 14. How

4、 many rooms do they want to book(预订)?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 15. When will the man go to Shanghai?A. On August 26th. B. On August 27th. C. On August 28th. 16. Whats Jenny doing now?A. Shes doing her homework. B. Shes watching TV. C. Shes on the way to the park. 17. What does Jack think of the TV s

5、hows?A. Theyre interesting. B. Theyre boring. C. Theyre relaxing. 18. When are they going to the zoo?A. At 8 a. m. B. At 2 p. m. C. At 3 p. m. . 听短文和问题,选择正确答案(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)19. What dont people regard(看待)their pets as?A. Their friends.B. Their classmates. C. Their babies. 20. How much does the spe

6、akers neighbour(邻居)spend on animal food a month?A. 200 yuan. B. 300 yuan. C. 100 yuan. 21. Whats the speakers opinion on raising pets?A. Its a waste(浪费)of money. B. Its very interesting. C. Its a kind of hobby. 22. Where are the monkeys in the zoo from?A. Australia. B. China. C. Canada. 23. What ani

7、mals can play with balls for children?A. Elephants. B. Giraffes. C. Pandas. 24. What do the lovely dogs want to do for you?A. To play a game. B. To sing songs. C. To speak to you. 25. How much will Miss Green have to pay if she goes to the zoo with her three students?A. 6 yuan. B. 9 yuan. C. 15 yuan

8、. . 听短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)第二部分语言运用. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Many young children like going to the zoo. There are all kinds_31_ animals in the zoo. The children can see the zookeepers give them _32_ to eat. The animals _33_ have to find food by themselves(它们自己). They just walk, sleep and _34_ all day.

9、 So many of _35_ think that the animals there are _36_ and happy. _37_ many of them are sad. _38_? Theyre not free!Animals like elephants and giraffes _39_ live freely and happily in forests(森林) or on grasslands(草原). Like _40_, they can run, play with their children and look for food. But now they h

10、ave to live in _41_ rooms in the zoo. Their life in the zoo _42_ be boring, so it is important for animals to live _43_. Now many people think animals must_44_ back to forests and grasslands. We must be friendly to them. Do remember that the zoo is a great _45_ for children, not for animals. 31. A.

11、in B. of C. by D. for32. A. food B. fruit C. milk D. drink33. A. doesnt B. dont C. isnt D. arent34. A. swim B. fly C. live D. play35. A. them B. they C. us D. we36. A. beautiful B. lucky C. dangerous D. lazy37. A. So B. And C. But D. Or38. A. Why B. Where C. What D. Because39. A. sometimes B. even C

12、. never D. usually40. A. elephants B. giraffes C. tigers D. animals41. A. big B. good C. short D. small42. A. must B. should C. mustnt D. cant43. A. best B. quickly C. outside D. really44. A. arrive B. ride C. come D. go45. A. zoo B. place C. pool D. bridge. 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)On Sunday, my sist

13、er and I go to the zoo. We go there 46. _ foot. This is our 47. _(two) time to the zoo. We go down Bridge Street 48. _ then turn left. Then we can see the zoo. It is next to 49. _ museum. In the zoo, some 50. _(monkey)are playing in the trees. They look very 51. _(fun). Some tigers are running on th

14、e grass. Some pandas are 52. _(eat)the bamboo. I like pandas very much. I think they are 53. _(love). But my sister doesnt like the zoo. She 54. _(think)these animals in the zoo feel lonely. She says they miss 55. _(they)homes in nature. Do you think so?第三部分阅读. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AJessica is wri

15、ting a story. Here are four main characters (主要角色) in her story. PhilipHes a lion. Hes from America. Hes smart and hes good at running. He likes taking trips and he has many dreams. He always works hard for them. BruceHes an elephant. He lives in a village in Thailand. Hes friendly and he always hel

16、ps his friends. He can play ball games and hes good at playing soccer. DoraShes a giraffe. Shes from South Africa. Shes quiet and a little shy. She likes music very much and she can dance very well. MinminHes a panda from China. Hes smart and funny. He likes eating. When he meets problems, he always

17、 eats a strawberry. That can help him get a good idea. Hes good at doing kung fu. 56. Who can play ball games?A. Dora. B. Philip. C. Bruce. D. Minmin. 57. What can help Minmin get an idea when he meets problems?A. Taking a trip. B. Doing kung fu. C. Speaking to friends. D. Eating a strawberry. 58. W

18、hich is TRUE?A. Bruce likes eating. B. Dora is good at dancing. C. Philip is a smart elephant. D. Minmin has many dreams. BIn our city there is a big zoo. There are a lot of different animals in it. There are some scary tigers and lions. They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day. There

19、are also two big elephants and a baby one. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much grass and bananas. In the zoo, we can see different kinds of bears, like black bears and sun bears (马来熊). They are all slow and clumsy (笨拙的). They stand on their back legs and lift their front legs to

20、ask for foods. They like cakes very much. Do you like pandas? Theres only one in the zoo. Her name is Lingling. She is very cute. She likes eating bamboo a lot. She is shy. Shes very interesting and lovely. 59. How many elephants are there in the zoo?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 60. How do the

21、 bears ask for food?A. They cry aloud to ask for food. B. They sit on other bears to ask for food. C. They stand on the ground with their two legs to ask for food. D. They stand on their back legs and lift their front legs to ask for food. 61. What is Lingling like?A. She is clumsy. B. She is shy. C

22、. She is kind. D. She is friendly. CWhy do people keep fish?A lot of people love to keep fish as pets because fish have beautiful shapes(形状)and colors. It is a great joy to watch them swim in the tank (鱼缸). What do fish need?Fish need a big tank, and you must put enough (充足的) water in it. There are

23、many ways to keep water clean. First, you can put in some water plants. They can help make water clean. Then a few snails in the tank are a good idea. Snails move slowly with a “house” on their backs. They are great cleaners. Finally, we must change the water in time. How to feed fish?There are many

24、 kinds of fish food that you can get in pet shops. Most are ready for all kinds of fish. You should give your fish food once (一次) a day only. Remember, dont give them too much. Just give them as much as they can eat in about fifteen minutes. This will keep them healthy. 62. Why do lots of people enj

25、oy keeping fish?A. Because its easy to keep fish. B. Because its fun to watch fish swim. C. Because fish are peoples friends. D. Because fish can help clean the water. 63. How many ways can help us keep the water in the tank clean?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 64. What does the underlined word

26、 “snails” in the passage refer to?65. Which of the following is TRUE?A. We can give fish any food to eat. B. We need to feed fish many times every day. C. We cant put snails in the tank. D. We cant give fish too much fish food. DAlmost all animals need to sleep, but some have special ways. The albat

27、ross (信天翁) is one of the largest flying birds. Albatrosses fly in the sky for months without getting to the ground. They can fly about 22,000 kilometers around the Earth in 46 days! They sometimes even sleep when they are flying. A flamingo (火烈鸟) can sleep when standing on one leg. The standing leg

28、can stay in the water. The other leg stays close to its body. Its head lies on(位于)its back(后背). Horses often sleep when standing up. If a horse lies down, it needs a long time to get up. A standing horse can escape more quickly when it sees dangerous things. And horses only need about three hours of

29、 sleep a day. Giraffes sleep the shortest time. They sleep about 30 minutes a day, and 5 minutes at a time. They put their heads on their bodies or on the ground. What an interesting way of sleeping!66. In one day, an albatross can fly _. A. about 22,000 kilometers B. about 11,000 kilometersC. about

30、 480 kilometers D. about 46 kilometers67. What does a flamingo look like when its sleeping?68. The underlined word “escape” means “_” in Paragraph 4. A. run away B. eat upC. get up D. stay away69. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Giraffes sleep only 5 minutes every day. B. Horses lie down when they

31、 are sleeping. C. Albatrosses can sleep when they are flying. D. Flamingos have a shorter sleep than giraffes. 70. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Animals special sleeping ways B. Animals different sleeping timeC. Animals favorite sleeping places D. Animals difficult sleeping problems. 阅读表

32、达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)I am good at studying animals. Its my hobby. Im an animal doctor. People call me Polly. You must be interested in elephants. Do you see elephants with your own eyes in real life? If not, I will tell you something about elephants. Elephants are very big and strong. They are bigger

33、than any other animal on land. They are usually gray. They have long trunks (象鼻) and ivory (象牙). They can lift(举起)heavy things with their trunks. They have poor eyesight (视力), but very good hearing. Elephants are very friendly to each other and to their neighbours(邻居). Usually they live in groups. T

34、hey seldom live alone. Young elephants do not leave the groups until (直到)they are about 12 years old. What do elephants feed on? Elephants eat roots, grass and fruit. An adult elephant can eat up to 200 kilos of food every day. These hungry animals do not sleep much, and they often travel very long

35、to look for food. Now, there are very few elephants in the world. The number of elephants is becoming smaller and smaller because they have less and less land to live on and people kill them for their ivory. I hope you can protect the forest and tell people not to hunt elephants. 71、72题完成句子;7375题简略回

36、答问题。71. Elephants are _ on land. 72. Elephants food is_. 73. How do elephants usually live?_74. Why is the number of elephants getting smaller and smaller?_75. What do you think of elephants? Why?_第四部分情景交际. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)A: Hi, Emily! What are you going to do this Sunday?B: Nothing much. Wha

37、ts up?A: A baby panda was born in the zoo. Im going to have a look. 76. _?B: Sure, Id love to. 77. _?A: Because they are a symbol of China and they are cute. B: Well, I become(开始变得)interested in them. 78. _?A: Pandas mainly live in the southwest of China. B: 79. _?A: They eat bamboo and fruit. B: Oh

38、, I see. Are they endangered?A: No. Thanks to the government(政府) and workers efforts(努力), pandas are not endangered now. B: 80. _! Thank you for telling me so much. A: Youre welcome. 第五部分写作. 书面表达(满分15分)81. 每年的10月4日为世界动物日,动物是人类的朋友。请根据以下提示写一篇不少于70词的短文介绍你最喜欢的动物,可适当拓展。提示: (1)Say something about your fav

39、ourite animal. (2)Why should we protect the animal?(3)How can we protect the animal?_参考答案听力部分听力材料:. 听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息1. We should stay away from tigers. 2. I see a cat jump off the sofa. 3. That kind of bird can flap its wings up to 70 times a second. 4. Tony eats carrots for breakfast instead of don

40、uts. 5. People cant live without animals. . 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语6. Zoe, dont talk with Danny any more. 7. What pet would you like to have?8. Why not go to see the pandas?9. Happy Spring Festival!10. Are the elephants sleeping?. 听对话和问题, 选择正确答案请听第一组对话, 回答第11题。W: What is your favourite animal, Sam?M: I like t

41、igers best. They are the symbol of strength and courage. Question No. 11: What animal does Sam like best?请听第二组对话,回答第12题。W: What pet would you like to have, Sam?M: Well, my mother says she wants a cat but I would like a dog. Question No. 12: What pet would Sams mother like to have?请听第三组对话, 回答第13至15题。

42、W: Friendship Hotel. Can I help you?M: This is James speaking. My friend and I want to book a room in your hotel. W: Where are you from?M: London. W: How long are you going to stay?M: For three days, from August 26th to 28th. Then I will go to Shanghai. W: What kind of room do you want to book?M: A

43、double room. W: Okay. M: Well, if possible, Id like a room with a good view. W: Well see to that. M: Thank you. Goodbye. W: Goodbye. Question No. 13: Where does the man come from?Question No. 14: How many rooms do they want to book?Question No. 15: When will the man go to Shanghai?请听第四组对话, 回答第16至18题

44、。M: Hello, Jenny. What are you doing now?W: Hello, Jack. Im doing my homework. M: Jenny, I hear the mother panda has a new baby in the zoo. Its very cute. Can we go and watch them?W: Sorry, I cant. I have no time in the morning. M: What a pity! But I have nothing to do now. W: Why not watch TV at home? M: The TV shows are boring.


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