2024-2025学年六年级英语上册Unit1《The king’s new clothes》常考易错题练习(译林版)

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2024-2025学年六年级英语上册Unit1《The king’s new clothes》常考易错题练习(译林版)_第1页
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2024-2025学年六年级英语上册Unit1《The king’s new clothes》常考易错题练习(译林版)_第2页
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2024-2025学年六年级英语上册Unit1《The king’s new clothes》常考易错题练习(译林版)_第3页
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2024-2025学年六年级英语上册Unit1《The king’s new clothes》常考易错题练习(译林版)_第4页
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2024-2025学年六年级英语上册Unit1《The king’s new clothes》常考易错题练习(译林版)_第5页
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1、2024-2025学年六年级英语上册常考易错题Unit1The kings new clothes一、根据首字母提示及句意补全单词。1 He got new clothes He w_ happy2 I often v_ my grandparents on Sunday3 The 1_ boy looked at the king and laughed4 The girl w_ a new skirt today5 The boy is very c_ He knows a lot6 Dont s_ in the hospital Be quiet, please7 One day, we

2、 can m_ the mountains away8June 1st is a holiday for c_9 My grandpa often t_ me stories when I was a little boy10Billy is the n_ to s_ a sentence二、根据中文提示完成句子。1Lily looks so nice_ (穿着红色连衣裙)2The little boy_ (指着)the king and laughed3Therewere_(许多人) in the street yesterday4At last,Yu Gong and his family

3、 _ the two mountains _(移走)5Each student _ (说一句话)6When I was a little boy,my mother often _ (给我讲故事)7He is not good at MathsPlease_ (不要嘲笑他)8Iook!Bobby is_ (正在努力地想)9_ (很久以前),there was an old house10Mike_ (步行穿过)the city in his new clothes last night三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1 The king isnt_(wear)anyclothes2 They l

4、ooked at the king and_ (shout),3 The king_ (like) the magic clothes at that time4 They_(visit) their teacher two days ago5Wehaveto_ (start) thegame again6The oldwoman_(walk) through the park every morning7 Long longago,the old man_ (tell)the boythis story8 The boy_(have) to_ (do)hishomeworkfirstyest

5、erday9 He_ (get)awonderfulpresent fromhis grandfatherlastChristmas Day10 Its_ (Helen) turn四、单项选择。()1 The boy_ go swimming,buthe_ do his homework firstA wanted; have toBwants; has toCwanted to; had to( )2 Look at_ clothesA the kingB kingsCthe kings( )3 The king walked through the city_his new clothes

6、AwearB put on Cin( )4What_beautifulclothes! AaB anC/( )5Mike is_He is very happyA cryingB laughingCshouting( )6 Where _ you two days ago? I_in BeijingAwas;wasBwas; wereCwere;was( )7 The little boy pointed_ the foolish king and laughedA inB atCon ( )8 The boy_ at his dog and shouted, Sit down! A poin

7、tsB pointingCpointed()9 Longlongago,anoldmanandalittleboy_ in the houseAliveB livingClived()10 There_ a lot ofpeople inthe streetAisBwasCwere五、按要求完成下列各题。1 My uncle lives in a big city(改为一般过去时)Myuncle_ in abigcity2The teacher showed us his new shoes(同义句转换)The teacher_ his newshoes_ _3 There was some

8、orange juice in the glass(改为否定句There_ _ orangejuiceintheglass4The man was foolish(改为一般疑问句)1_the man_?5 There were some people in the street(改为否定句)There_ people inthe street6 Every day he walks by the house(用last Sunday改写句子)_ _He_ bythehouse7 I was ill yesterday(改为一般疑问句)_ _ illyesterday?8 Jack made a

9、 toy car for his brother yesterday(对画线部分提间)_ _Jack _ yesterday?9 The little boy is pointing at the bird now(用just now改写)Thelittleboy_ at the bird _ _10 There were many children in the class room(改为单数句)There _ a_in the classroom六、完形填空。Long long 1,_there 2_ a king He loved horses One day, he 3_ an art

10、ist to draw 4 _a beautiful horse The artist said, All right, but you must waitSo the king waited and waitedAt last,after a year he 5_ not wait any longerHe went tosee the artistQuickly the artist brought out a piece of paper and a brushIn five minuteshe 6_ drawing a very beautiful horseThe king was

11、7_ You can draw a horsewell in five minutes,but you kept me waiting for a yearWhy?Come 8 _me,please,said the artistThey went to the artists workroomThey saw piles and piles ofpaperIn every piece of paper there 9_ a picture of a horseIt 10_ me more thana year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in fiv

12、e minutes,the artist said( )1AagoBgoCbefore( )2AliveBlivesClived( )3AasksBaskedCasking( )4AhisBhimChe( )5AwasBcanCcould( )6AfinishedBfinishCfinish to( )7AsadBangryChappy()8AinBofCwith( )9AwasBhasCis( )10AtakeBtookCtakes七、阅读理解。(一)Long long ago, there was a king He was very old and he had no children

13、So he wanted to select an inheriton(继承人) in the countryOne day, the king asked his ministers(大臣) ) to give all the children in the country some flower seeds and told them The child who can plant the most beautiful flowerswill be the Inheritor A child named David planted the seeds and looked after th

14、emcarefully But day after day, no flowers came out from the basin He was verydisappointedIt was time to show the lowers The children from all over the country came withtheir beautiful lowers The king walked past the children When he saw the beautiful flowers, he was very unhappy Suddenly, he saw a c

15、hild carrying an empty basin He wasvery glad and asked the boy Why do you carry an empty basin? The boy cried and toldhim the truthThe king laughed You are an honest boy You will be the inheritor In fact, theseeds had been boiled阅读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。( )1 The old king wanted an inheritor( )2 The chi

16、ld who planted the most beautiful flowers became the inheritor at last( )3 There were no flowers in Davids basin( )4 The seeds from the king could grow flowers( ) 5 David would be the inheritor(二)One day, a little red hen found some wheat(小麦)She wanted to plant wheat Then she planted by herself Some

17、 months later, the wheat grew tallShe wanted to cut the wheatShe asked the duck, the dog, the cat and the pig to help her But no one helped her She did it by herself Then she took the wheat to the mill(磨坊)Soon she got home with the flour(面粉)and made some bread When the bread was done, the other anim

18、als wanted to eat But thelittleredhenateitbyherself阅读短文,按要求完成下列各题。任务一:根据故事内容,给下列图片排序。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )任务二:阅读短文根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1The little red henplanted somewheatbyherself( ) 2The dog,the cat and the pig helped the little red hen cut the wheat( )3Finally,the littlered hen ate the bread with

19、otheranimals八、发挥你的想象,用过去时编写一个小故事。要求:1条理清晰,行文连贯。不少于5句话。2开头已给出。Longlongago,therewasahouseintheforest _ _参考答案一、1was 2visit 3little 4wears 5clever 6shout 7move 8children 9told 10next say二、1 in a red dress 2 pointed at 3 a lot of people 4 movedaway 5 says one sentence 6 told me stories 7 dont laugh at hi

20、m 8 thinking hard 9 Long long ago 10walked through三、1 wearing 2 shouted33 liked 4 visited 5 start 6 walks 7 told 8 had do 9 got 10 Helens四、1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 C 9 C 10 C五、1 lived 2 showed to us 3 wasnt any4 Was foolish 5 werent any 6 LastSunday walked 7 Wereyou 8What did do 9pointed just now 10 Waschild六、1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 B七、(一)1T 2F 3T 4F 5T(二)任务一:34152任务二:1T 2F 3F八、范文参考:Longlongago,therewasahouseintheforestTherewasalovelymonkeyin the house It liked bananas very much A little boy liked the monkey verymuchHemadeanewT-shirt foritTheywereveryhappy


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