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1、2024年中考英语书面表达命题预测作文预测03图画作文图画作文一般提供一幅或者多幅图画,要求考生根据题目要求进行写作。图画作文主要考查考生的观察能力和理解能力,首先它要求考生抓住图画所传递的信息,然后根据自己掌握的信息进行发挥、创作。此类题型的体裁比较广泛,可以是记叙文,要求将图画中的信息完整地表述出来,也可以是说明文,根据图画内容从时间、过程、步骤等方面加以解释,说明,还可以是议论文,描绘图画中的一些现象,得出结论,提出解决问题的方法。单图写作图组写作对比图写作根据以下图片的内容写一则故事,并发挥想象力构思故事的结局。注意:词数80词左右,已给出部分不计入总词数。It was Saturda

2、yTomms father asked Tommy to go fishing with him so that he could teach Tommy how to do itBut after they got on a boat,_Inthe end_【答案】It was SaturdayTomms father asked Tommy to go fishing with him so that he could teach Tommy how to do itBut after they got on a boat,his father paid full attention to

3、 fishing and didnt even talk to TommyFew minutes later, Tommy became bored and he got an interesting idea to play a joke on his fatherHe swam in the water and put a piece of paper on the fishing lineHe pulled the fishing line before he got back on the boatThe father thought that he must have caught

4、a fish and pulled up the fishing lineHowever, when Tommys father got the fishing line out of the water, he was surprised to find thatit was just a piece of paperIt said, “We dont want to come todayYours, Fish”In the end he father understood what his son had done and laughed1,准确捕捉图片信息。(1)确定主题。考生须通过分析


6、段与段之间的衔接。检查是否有遗漏的要点、是否有错误的语法结构或短语、是否有拼错的单词等。(1)上周, 你校各班开展了“以快乐之姿展青春风采”的主题班会活动,你班同学就“如何做一名快乐的中学生”进行了热烈讨论,下图是讨论的结果,请你根据图片所示向学校英文报社投稿介绍你班的讨论结果。HOWThe true happinessdevelop some _ have a clear _ balance the study and rest注意:1请先在表格中填写图示中空格(一空一词);2须全面反映图文信息;3文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;4词数: 80-100词。_(2)尊老敬老是中华民族的传统美德

7、。东东的爸爸妈妈把乡下的爷爷接到了城里一起生活。假如你是东东,请结合图片提示,发挥你的想象,用英文写一篇80词左右的日记。文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。_(3)根据图片内容描述Mike的学习情况_(4)下面四幅图讲述讲述爷孙俩骑驴的故事,请根据图画内容写一篇英语短文,开头已给出。80字以上。开头不计字数。并阐述自己的观点。One day, an old man and his little grandson rode a donkey to the market_(5)下面几幅图是你在上星期六所经历的事,还记得吗?请用英语叙表述出来。_(6)世界在发展,生活在变化,社会的进步让我们的生活越越好

8、。请通过以下4组图片,从信息来源、购物方式、居住环境、联系方式等方面,以“How life changes!”为题写一篇短文。要求:1词数80100;2请先简要介绍表格中的4组图片,再根据生活实际列举12个方面,做适当发挥;3文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;4字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。How life changes!_(7)1看图写话,简述故事情节。2联系我们的生活实际,谈谈感悟(即在生活中,不同的情景下我们应该如何与人交流。不少于两点)。3行文连贯,可适当发挥。100词左右。 (参考词汇:羽毛球 badminton羽毛球毽子shuttlecock)_(8)环境正遭到越来

9、越严重的破坏,日益恶化的环境也会给人类的生存带来不好的影响,所以我们应当竭尽全力来保护我们的地球。请根据下列图片提示,描述我们应该如何保护地球。不少于80词。_(9)某英文报“健康生活”栏目正在讨论有关健康食品、体育锻炼与少年儿童肥胖的问题。下面六幅图画是李明一年中的变化,请以李明为例子,根据其具体情况写一篇英语短文报道,投给报社,参与该问题的讨论。参考词语:obesity肥胖n; regular有规律的; diet饮食n写作要求:1内容必须包括图中所给的信息,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;2语篇完整,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;3文中不得出现涉及考生真实信息的人名,地名或校名,否则不予给分;4

10、词数不少于80个,短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;5请将短文写在答题卡上,写在本试题卷上无效。2023年2024年A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among childrenLi Ming used to _(10)假设你是李辉。你校英语报“Protect the Environment”专栏面向全校学生征集主题海报及宣传稿,需要用英语向大家宣讲环保的意义及作为中学生怎样保护环境。请你根据以下海报提示,以Save the Earth: Lets Do Our Part!为题,用英语给专栏写一篇稿

11、件。要求:1包括提示中所有的写作要点;2条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;3稿件中不能出现真实的人名和地名等信息;4词数:80左右。题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。(不用抄写在答题卡书面表达作答区域。)Save the Earth: Lets Do Our Part!The earth is the only home for everyone on itIts crying for our help now_(11)请仔细观察下列图片,展开合理想象,以图中小女孩的身份写一篇日记。要求1词数801002字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。Saturday, June 3rd_参考

12、答案(1)Last week, each class in our school held a class meeting with the theme of “Showing Youth style with Happy posture”My classmates had a heated discussion on “How to be a happy middle school student”The following is the result of the discussionOur classmates agree that true happiness is satisfact

13、ionIn other words, to be satisfied with what we haveSecondly, we should develop some hobbiesIn addition to learning, we have poetry and distanceSo we should use our leisure time to do something we likeAt the same time, we need to have a clear goalWe need to know what we are going to do today, what w

14、e are going to do next and what we are going to do lastFinally, we have to balance the relationship between study and rest【详解】总体分析题材:本文是一篇看图作文;时态:时态为“一般现在时”;提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏主要信息,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。写作步骤第一步,表明写作意图。借用主题班会活动来引出“如何做一名快乐的中学生”的话题;第二步,具体阐述写作内容。说明“兴趣爱好、个人计划、劳逸结合”几点建议的具体情况;第三步,书写结语。表达做一名快乐中学生

15、的重要性。亮点词汇In addition to此外be satisfied with对满意At the same time同时高分句型We need to know what we are going to do today, what we are going to do next and what we are going to do last(宾语从句)(2)Today, Grandpa came to my houseWe had a big dinner together After dinner, Grandpa told interesting stories to my bro

16、ther and meWe drank tea and played chess togetherWe had a good time At about 9:00 in the evening, my mother told us it was time for bedIn order to help Grandpa sleep well, Mom decided to let him sleep in my room, and made me sleep with my brother Looking after Grandpa is our dutyThe better Grandpa l

17、ives, the happier we are(3)Mike is not hard-workingHe often watches TV at night and goes to bed lateThen he gets up late so he is often late for schoolHe talks with others in class and doesnt listen to the teachersSo he doesnt know much about his lessonsHe doesnt do his homework carefullyHe usually

18、gets bad grades and his father is always angry with him Well, Mike should study harder to catch up with others(4)One day, an old man and his little grandson rode a donkey to the marketOn their way, a young man said, “ You two ride the donkeyIt will die!” So the grandson rode the donkey aloneThen an

19、old man saw them“You are old and you should ride instead,” he said to the grandfatherSo the grandfather got onLater, a farmer said, “The young child should be taken care of” Finally, the grandfather and the grandson didnt know what to do, so they carried the donkey with a stickThis story showsthat t

20、he not strong-minded people willcause trouble(5)Last Saturday we had no lessonsMy friends and I decided to help the farmers pick the applesThey were very busyLi Hong and I climbed up a big apple treeThere were a lot of apples on itAfter a short time we picked a lot of applesXiao Zhuan couldnt get th

21、e apples because they were too highLi Lei carried a ladder for herSoon we picked many baskets of apples and the trucks arrivedWe all got down and helped to carry the apples onto the trucksThese trucks would carry the apples to the cities and change back much money for the farmersThe farmers had a ha

22、rvest time!【详解】这是一篇图画作文,要求介绍自己在上星期六所经历的事。动笔前先要认真看图,围绕要点组织材料,然后用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。根据材料可知本文主要是应用第一人称,一般过去时态,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。3植树节期间学校英语节将举行以“protecting trees”为主题的英语演讲比赛。请根据以下两幅图,结合某些地方、某些人的做法谈谈你的观点。(6)How life changes!In the past, people read newspapers

23、, listened to the radio and watched TVBut now they use mobile phones and computersThey used to go to the shop to buy thingsBut now they buy things on the internetIn the past, people lived in the old and dirty housesBut now, they live in the new and clean housesIn the past, they communicated with the

24、ir friends by posting letters and postcardsBut now, email, WeChat and QQ are used widelyPeople used to go to work on foot or by bus, but now most people drive to work【详解】1题干解读:题目要求根据图片展示内容,写出人们的生活变化,改善的不同方面,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。2写作指导:写作时要紧扣主题,本文应该用第三人称来介绍内容;时态采用一般过去时和一般现在时相结合;在介绍内容时,力求语言准确,内容完整

25、,保证行文连贯,条理清晰。(7)In our daily life, we should behave politelyHere is an example for youOne Sunday, two boys were playing badminton in their neighborhood while Xiao Ming was playing nearbySuddenly, Xiao Ming got a hit by the shuttlecock from the two boysHe was so angry that he was going to punish them

26、But the two boys went to say sorry to him at onceSo Xiao Ming said “It doesnt matter” happily to forgive them and gave the shuttlecock back to themThe story tells us it might seem more difficult to speak politely in our everyday lifeIt is important to learn how to use the right language in different

27、 situationsThis will help us communicate better with others and we will live a happier life【详解】1题干解读:该题目属于图画作文。它是借助于图画进行写作的一种文体,它要求作者将画面直观的内容或图片包含的信息转换成传神表意的文字形式,属于说明文性质。题目要求主题要明确,即能概括画面所反映的中心议题;图文要一致,即要包括画面中所反映的主要内容,可适当发挥;要联系生活实际,谈谈自己的感悟(不少于两点)。2写作指导:图画作文,可分五步。第一步:认真看图,确立主题。第二步:围绕主题,提炼要点。第三步:合理想象,补

28、出要点。第四步:确定时态,译出要点。第五步:连句成篇,过度自然。写作时,要尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。同时注意要求的字数,不要太多也不要太少。(8)【答案】One possible version:Our living environment is getting worse and worseThe bad environment will make a bad influence on us, tooIn order to have a better life, we should protect the earth from now

29、onWhat should we do to protect it? First, we should plant more trees and flowersThat will make our air cleaner and fresherSecond, we should save water and keep the water clean so that we can drink safelyThird, we should turn off the lights when we leave the roomFourth, riding to school or work inste

30、ad of driving a car is a better choice for usI hope everyone can make an effort to protect the earth【详解】总体分析题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为看图作文;时态:时态为“一般现在时”;提示:写作要点图片已经给出,考生应注意不要遗漏“图片包含的信息”,适当拓展,并突出写作重点。写作步骤第一步,表明写作意图。简要介绍“环境遭到严重的破坏,对人类的生存带来不好的影响”引出重点介绍的内容;第二步,具体阐述写作内容,我们应该做什么保护环境,重点介绍细节方法;第三步,书写结语,表达“希望每人都能为保护地球做出努

31、力”的希望。亮点词汇make a bad influence对有坏的影响in order to为了instead of而不是make an effort做出努力高分句型 In order to have a better life, we should protect the earth from now on(so that引导目的状语从句) we should save water and keep the water clean so that we can drink safely(so that引导目的状语从句)(9)A healthy diet and regular exerci

32、se may help to prevent obesity among children Li Ming used to be a healthy boy, but a year ago, he liked to eat a lot of junk food and snacksBesides, he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and did little exerciseAs a result, he put on so much weight that he found it difficult to clim

33、b the stairsWhat a terrible thing! Li Ming felt upset, so he decided to change the unhealthy life styleHe began to take up a balanced and healthy diet, kept on having more fruit and vegetablesHe also took part in different sports activities such as swimming, skating, running and playing basketballSe

34、veral months later, Li Ming became as fit as beforeLuckily, Li Ming became as healthy as before at lastHealthy diet and regular exercise helped him a lotIf you are facing the same obesity problem, come on and have a try【详解】1题干解读:这是一篇看图作文。要求根据所给的六幅图画,以李明为例子,根据其具体情况从健康饮食、体育锻炼与肥胖三方面写一篇英语短文谈谈李明一年中的变化。注意

35、要点齐全,可适当发挥。2写作指导:写作之前,先根据图片所提供的信息,列出写作提纲;文章采用第三人称,一般过去时来行文,对比一年来的生活变化,短文开头已给出,注意上下文衔接过渡自然,保证语句通顺,语篇完整,逻辑合理,条理清晰,无单词和语法上的错误。(10)Save the Earth: Lets Do Our Part!The earth is the only home for everyone on itIts crying for our help nowAs middle school students, we have the power to make a difference an

36、d help save the earth!To protect the earth, we can start by saving water, planting more trees, and reducing pollutionWe can also save animals and recycle whenever possibleWe can also choose to ride a bike instead of driving a car to help stop pollution, and make sure to always throw trash in the proper binsBy doing our part, we can make a positive impact on the


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